Module 7 Ethical Management Paradigm
Module 7 Ethical Management Paradigm
Module 7 Ethical Management Paradigm
Enduring Understanding
Essential Questions
1. Why is decision making essential to the success of
the organization?
2. In your school, do some teachers seem to have
more degrees of autonomy in making decisions than others? If so, explain
Essential Learning
What’s the every decision you’re making each day? Should I get up and
go to work? Or should I just hit the snooze button and just go back to sleep?
We make thousands of decisions every day some are easy and some are
complex. But the best thing is through decision making we choose the best
choices that will never leave in regret one day.
According to Oxford Dictionary, decision making is the action or
process of making important decisions. While in Merriam Webster Dictionary,
decision making is the act or process of deciding something especially with a
group of people.
Just like both dictionaries have defined, decision making is making the
best choices for the benefit and growth of the organization that we all belong. It
is not a simple decision making because just like what Adam White said, the
choices we make today have important implications so better think
carefully the choices that we’ll make. Decision making has been always
recognized to be the heart of every organization. An organization becomes
successful if there is a good decision making. A good decision making that
achieve its goals and must supply all the needs of the organization to be
solved and satisfied. It is also a major responsibility of all administrators, but
until decisions are converted into action they are just only a good intentions. In
these module we’ll discuss about the two types of Decision making- Rational
Decision Making and Participative Decision Making.
The analysis of the situation may begin with the “yes” or “no” method following
these questions:
1. Does the problem possess a quality requirement?
2. Does the leader have sufficient information to make a
good decision?
3. Is the problem structured?
4. Is it necessary for others to accept the decision in order
for it to be implemented?
5. If the leader makes the decision alone, how certain is
that others will accept it?
6. Do others share organizational goals that will be attained
by solving this problem?
7. Are the preferred solutions to the problem likely to create
conflict among others in the group?
Participative decision making is wherein two powers are involved which are
the power and influence of the leader and the power and influence of the other
members of the organization. In choosing this type of decision making it aims
to arrive at better decisions and enhance the growth and development of
organization’s participants (like improved communication skills, improved
motivation, improved sharing of ideas and goals and better-developed
group-process skills or the rapport) In this type, the followers are welcome to
ask questions and offer a tentative solutions or decision to the subject unlike
before that only the administrator are allowed.
This model originally created by Victor Vroom and Philip Yetton in 1973
and later modified by Arthur Jago (1988). In their latest version it focusses on
the participation of every member in the group in decision making rather than
the administrator who only decide.
• The leader makes the decision using whatever information is
• The leader secure all the information that he/she gets from the
members then make the decision. In this process, the leader may
or may not tell the problem is.
• The leader will tell the problem to the relevant members in a
one-to-one basis to hear each of their suggestions, then decide.
• The leader will open the problem at the meeting and hear all the
ideas and suggestions of each members, then decide.
• The leader shares the problem with the group then facilitates to
reach consensus on a group decision. He/she may share or give
information but does not try to “sell” his own idea to manipulate
the decisions of other members.
The Hoy-Tarter Model: A Simplified Model of Shared Decision Making
administrators can keep in their heads and easily apply when the situation is
appropriate. Wherein the research on participating the teachers in decision
making has generally supported the desirability of empowering teachers in the
process, but according to that research that participation is not always
advantageous, that is, the effective of the teachers depend on the problem
and situation.
Assessment Tasks
A. Written Test
Directions: Read the questions carefully and encircle
the best answer.
3. In this model, the strategy starts in identifying the problems first until the
decision is implemented and evaluated.
a. The Classical Model c. The Incremental
b. The Administrative Model d. The
4. Arrange the cycle in the Decision-Making Process in order.
I. Establish Criteria for a satisfactory Solution
II. Initiate the Plan of Action
III. Recognize and define the Problem or issue
IV. Develop a Plan or Strategy of Action
V. Analyze the difficulties
a. I, II, III, IV, V c. I, III, IV, V, II
b. III, II, IV, I. V d. IV, V, I, II, III
6. In this decision making, two powers are involved which are the power
and influence of the leader and the power and influence of the other
members of the organization.
a. Rational Decision Making c. The Classical Model
b. Participative Decision Making d. The Vroom Model
8. What style is this when the leader will open the problem at the meeting and
hear all the ideas and suggestions of each members, then decide.
a. Autocratic Process c. Group Process
b. Consultative Process d. All of the above
9. What type of model is this when it tells about how important the participation
of every subordinate but it also has disadvantages.
a. The Vroom Model c. The Classical Model
b. The Hoy-Tarter Model d. None of the above
10. What decision structure is it when the administrator decides without the
consensus of everybody.
a. Group consensus c. Group majority
b. Group advisory d. Unilateral decision
B. Performance-Task
Directions: Pick an administrative issue or problem that occurred in
you school in the last year or two. Describe the case in some detail in short
bond paper, formal format. Then develop a solution strategy to deal with the
problem either using the models in Rational Decision Making or Participative
Decision Making. Be sure to do the following:
Standards Score
Provide all of the information needed 50%
Good decision making 30%
Follow the said format 10%
Used one of the models in decision 10%
Total 100%
Enduring Understanding
Essential Questions
1. How to be a responsible administrator?
2. How does the norm of the organization affects the
working environment?
Essential Learning
Administrative Responsibility:
Key to Administrative Conduct
This article contain the different responsibility and some obligation that an
administrator should know. This includes the grounds for disciplinary action
such as; Dishonesty, Misconduct, Incompetence, Receiving valuable things in
the course of official duties, Falsification of Document, Refusal to render
overtime service, and etc.
(You can read the whole article on
Here it ends our lesson 2, you may now proceed to the next page and answer
the following questions.
Assessment Tasks
A. Written Test
Directions: Read carefully the following statements and box the letter of
the correct answer.
B. Performance-Task
Directions: Create a play or short skit about the ethics of different
administrator. One member of the group shall explain how the behavior of the
administrator will affect his /her responsibility.
Creativity 15
Able to show the different ethics that administrator should and 35
should not poses
Able to explain clearly what are the consequence of being 40
unbecoming an administrator and the award of a disciplined
Cooperation of each member 10
Enduring Understanding
Essential Questions
1. What makes a good leader in an organization?
2. Why is leadership effectiveness essential to the
success of the organization?
Essential Learning
It refers to the national campaign for moral renewal which include the
objectives, strategies and cumulative experiences generated in the course of
implementing Presidential Proclamation No. 62 dated on September 30, 1992
that was signed by former President Fidel V. Ramos in response to the need to
strengthen the moral resource of the Filipino people rooted in Filipino culture,
values and ideals that are pro God, pro people, pro country and pro nature or
also known as the four pillar of moral recovery program.
It all started when former Senator Leticia Ramos Shahani filed a
resolution urging the senate to make an attempt in studying the strength and
weaknesses of the Filipino character and lay down the positive qualities for
nation building. A group of scholars from the University of the Philippines and
Ateneo de Manila recommend that to utilize the good qualities of the Filipinos
the weaknesses or negative qualities have to be removed or rectified.
According to the speech delivered by Shahani on the 15th Annual Scientific
Meeting in National Academy of Science and Technology the Moral Recovery
Program is a movement which aims to mobilize Filipinos for nation- building
through practical exercise of human values in the daily lives of the citizens,
and to awaken them to the power of these values in achieving the individual
and national goals. It also seeks to empower people through the sustained
application of human values and virtues to overcome their problems.
A Filipino nation that is God- centered, people- empowered, prosperous
national community living n Unity, Justice, Freedom, Love and Peace
governed by a visionary government that is democratic, responsive and
effective graft- free, transparent d self- corrective with a community of civil and
military servants who are professional, competent, discipline and trustworthy.
To arrest the moral decay of the Philippine society by recovering and
promoting positive Filipino values as a source of moral consensus, national
identity and pride.
SECTION 1. Definition of Terms. For the purposes of those Rules, the following
terms are defined:
b. The Moral Recovery Program (MRP) refers to the national campaign for
moral renewal which includes the objectives, strategies and cumulative
experiences generated in the course of implementing Presidential
Proclamation No. 62 dated 30 September 1992.
c. Integrity Circles are the basic operating units of MRP's structure and
promotional mechanism whereby government and civil society organizations
2. Executive director who directs and supervises the day to day operations of
the MRP Secretariat in accordance with the work program approved by the
National Program Director;
SEC. 4. Quarterly Reports. The MRP National Secretariat shall monitor the
establishment of the Integrity Circles and submit quarterly reports on their
activities and accomplishments to the Office of the President, through the
Office of the Executive Secretary, copy furnished the Head, Presidential
Management Staff.
SEC. 6. Need for Agencies to Support the Integrity Circles. All agencies are
required to provide the necessary support to the formation and maintenance of
the agencies' Integrity Circle's and its efforts to initiate changes, transformation
and to recognize and develop role models at all levels and sections and to
render periodic report of the same to the National MRP Secretariat.
DONE in the City of Manila, this 11th day of July in the year on Our Lord,
Nineteen Hundred and Ninety-Six.
Pamathalaan Overview
“A patriot must always be ready to defend his country against his government.”
–Edward Abbey
Assessment Tasks
A. Written Test
Directions: Fill in the blanks.
1. “Pamamahala kasama si Bathala” or governance with God is called
2. The pamathalaan program started during the administration of
______________ in 1992-1998 is an example of this movement
towards sacred governance.
3. The forefather of all Jews, Christians and Muslims, ___________ did
not have any scripture to rely on. So, he used direct tacit means to
listen to God. He listened very well, even if he could not at first believe
what he heard.
4. According to anthropologist-cyberneticist Gregory Bateson, “the major
problems in the world are the result of the difference between the way
______ works and the way man thinks”.
5. Glocality (from “______” and “locality”), a new word that has gained
among civil society sectors, and among professionals who frequently
move around the world.
6. We got the highest percentage of our knowledge without planning,
technology, money, etc. In fact, we got it ____________.
7. According to Japanese folklore, there are three kinds of power
symbolized by the sword, the _______ and the mirror,
8. In Senge’s language, “________” is the art and practice of consciously
entering a creative process and space where innovation can take place.
9. The type of leader who can provide social bridges for groups with
disparate interests to talk and work together, cognitive bridges are
called _______.
10. An important trend that leads to the governance of God is called
B. Performance-Task
Directions: Make a role play on each side of the classroom showing
four practices used by different leaders on sacred government. (by group)
Standards Score
able to show four kinds of practices in 50%
sacred government
able to show the significance of 30%
having a good leader
creativity 10%
teamwork 10%
Total 100%
Enduring Understanding
Essential Questions
1. What are the seven habits to be an effective
2. How to be an effective person?
Essential Learning
“Excellence is not a skill, it's an attitude.” –Ralph
4. Lose-Lose: Both people lose. When two Win-Lose people get together --
that is, when two determined, stubborn, ego-invested individuals interact --
the result will be Lose-Lose.
5. Win: People with the Win mentality don’t necessarily want someone else
to lose -- that’s irrelevant. What matters is that they get what they want.
6. Win-Win or No Deal: If you can’t reach an agreement that is mutually
beneficial, there is no deal.
• Catalyze creativity and find a solution that will be better for everyone by
looking for a third alternative
There are four dimensions of our nature, and each must be exercised regularly,
and in balanced ways:
Here ends the lesson on…if everything is understood, you may now answer
the activities given on the next pages. If not, kindly review.
Assessment Tasks
A. Written Test
Directions: Choose the best answer in the box below. Write it before the
________ 1. maturity continuum that starts life as an infant
________ 2. dealing with understanding, seeking to learn and listen.
________ 3. dealing with initiatives as human being who are responsible for
our own lives
________ 4. defined as the intersection of knowledge, skill, and desire
________ 5. capacity to act, the strength and potency to accomplish
________ 6. dealing with values and vision if we are aware of examining our
paths in life, value correct principle, and real principles in life in order to make
a statement which we see the worlds using circle of influence
________ 7. dealing with a total philosophy of human interaction.
________ 8. dealing with all the other habits and makes each one possible by
preserving and enhancing greatest asset.
________ 9. dealing with time management that puts problem first,
day-by-day, moment-by-moment
________ 10. dealing with creating new alternatives and open new
B. Performance-Task
Directions: Using an interactive game, show one of those seven habits
on how to become an effective people. (by group)
Standards Score
able to apply all the habits on how to 50%
be an effective people
able to show the significance of 30%
having a good habit/practices
creativity 10%
teamwork 10%
Total 100%