Agile Kanban Board
Agile Kanban Board
Agile Kanban Board
Type Who / Role [1] Feature or Activity Reason Priority Pts [2] Hrs [3] Details
😴 Backlog
The backlog is where you stick the to-dos Some ideas may not lead to deliverables, but time may need to
Research All Add ideas to the backlog Low 2
that you might work on later. be allocated to researching them.
Articles, White Papers, We use the Content type for writing blog posts, preparing
Content Medium 3
Documentation marketing materials, and support content.
😐 To Do 6.5 0.0
Customize Headings and Edit the Legend in the Type column as Look at the conditional formatting rules to see how the color-
Update Low 0.5
Card Types needed. coding works.
Decide how much we can The total estimated Pts cannot be higher
Task All 3
get done than X, based on past performance.
Take joy in accomplishment, Don't be Make sure that challenges are worth trying to overcome, so that
Update Test and Refine afraid to scrap what isn't working. you don't waste time on useless stuff.
😎 Done 5 0
Moving stuff to DONE deserves a high
Task All Congratulations High 5
five or fist bump.
Complete: 6
Time: 14
Who / Role Pts (Not Done) Pts (Done)
All 6 5
Name 1 0 0
Name 2 0 0
Name 3 0 0
Name 4 0 0
Name 5 0 0
Name 6 0 0
Name 7 0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
Sprint Record Book
Sprint Start Date Sprint Days Pts Planned Pts Done Velocity Most Notable Achievements
11/27/2017 8 48 24 3
HELP © 2017
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Show/Hide rows
You'll probably want to show/hide the rows in the Backlog. You can do that by just selecting the
rows, right-clicking on the row numbers, and selecting Hide Rows. Google Sheets will display
up/down arrows when rows are hidden, so to show them, click on the arrows.
Summary Worksheet
The Summary worksheet tab can be used for (1) editing the list of names or roles that show up in
the drop-down data validation lists and (2) summarizing the number of points currently assigned to
each person or role.
[1] This can be a person responsible for the task or the role for describing the user story.