TC Chapter-IV

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MODALITIES IN THE TREATMENT OF OFFENDERS IN THE PHILIPPINES the correctional system in the Like man countries, _ A Philippines has oth an institution-based and a community-based It also has separate treatment systems for youth on ard ‘adult offenders. The ‘custodial care of adult offenders is handled by the following: Bureat jement and Penology (BJMP) y pee the Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG) which isi er all district, city and municipal jails an ters. These jails house detainees awaiting judicial disposition of their case and offenders whose sentence range from one (1) day to three (3) years 2. The Provincial Governments, WI 1a and control over provincial jails. These jails house court detainees and prisoners whose prison terms range from six (6) months and one (1) day, to three (3) years. 3, The Bureau of Corrections (BUCOR) under the Department of Justice (DOJ), which has control over the national penitentiary and its penal farms, houses convicted offenders with prison sentences ranging from three (3) years and one (1) day, to life imprisonment. Youth offenders in the Philippines are treated differently. A outh offender is defined as a child over nine (9) years but below » panteen (18) years of age at the time of the commission of an ct epee. Under the country’s laws, these youth offenders are entitled Beeeperced sentence. Instead of serving their sentence, they rehal iedm regional youth rehabilitation centers, which are aro cee by the Department of Social Welfare and a CM et) rehabilitation centers for youth offenders, Training pal Training School for Boys and the other, Bich oe fr eis. Their stay in the center can be mtercrocess Fue depending on how they respond hich have supervision ere) teciment of adult offenders is partment of Justice (DOJ) through its Parole and Probation Administration and the Board of Pard i lons. Probation for adult offenders is available to those whose penalty of mprisonment does not exceed six (6) years. It is considered as a er of privilege and not of Tight. Hence, the adult offender has pply for probation before the court upon conviction. This is also for the parole system. THERAPEUTIC COMMUNITY MODALITY BY PAROLE AND PROBATION ADMINISTRATION (PPA) WHAT IS TC? The Therapeutic Community (TC) is an environment that helps people get help while helping others. It is a treatment environment: the interactions of its members are designed to be therapeutic within the context of the norms that require for each to play the dual role of client-therapist. At a given moment, one may be in a client role when receiving help or support from others because of a problem behavior or when experiencing distress. At another time, the same person assumes a therapist role when assisting or supporting another person in trouble. HOW DOES TC LOOK LIKE? ration of the community itself is the task of the vesicou tna under staff supervision. Work assignments, called ‘ob fund ons” are arranged in a hierarchy, according to seniority, individual progress and productivity. These include conducting Ih services, such as cooking, cleaning, kitchen service, all housess serving as apprentices and running all departments, onal a eetings and peer encounter groups. rates in a similar fashion to a functional family ! The Te el structure of older and younger members. Each with a hieral ‘a defined role and responsibilities for sustaining the member has ning of the TC. There are sets of rules and community proper fun members upon entry commit to live by and uphold. norms that HAT ARE THE SALIENT FEATURES OF TC? Wi The primary ‘therapist’ and teacher is the community 4 itself, consisting of peers and staff, who, as role models of successful personal change, serve as guides in the recovery process. e i adheres to precepts of right living: Truth/honesty; 5 Hae and now; Personal responsibility for destiny; Socia| responsibility (brother's keeper); Moral Code; Inner person is “good” but behavior can be “bad”, Change is the only certainty; Work ethics; Self-reliance; Psychological converges with philosophical (e.g. guilt kills) 3. It believes that TC is a place where: One can change - unfold; the group can foster change; individuals must take responsibility; structures must accommodate this; Act as if — go through the motion. There are 5 distinct categories of activity that help promote the change: Relational/Behavior Management Affective/Emotional/Psychological Cognitive/Intellectual Spiritual Psychomotor/Vocational-Survival Skills THERAPEUTIC COMMUNITY MODALITY PROGRA BY THE BUREAU OF JAIL MANAGEMENT AND PENOLOGY™ PHASES OF TREATMENT > ears, i phases of treatment is observed, it Panik Met iede or may not be followed as schi i Sana ner anne leduled due to the uniqueness of the B ientation P Once an inmate i i “Si of examinati ‘S Committed to jail, he undergoes a series lon to determine his physical, social and psychological status. Upon his commitment, a resident is placed on orientation at the Reception and Diagnostic room/ Orientation ig acquainted with the TC program: een The rules and norms of the community TC concepts, written and unwritten philosophy The staff and the members of the community The tools of the house Job functions and TC hierarchy He is then assigned a static group and a big brother who will provide him with support and will walk him through the orientation phase. At this phase, the resident is handled gently and is expected to commit mistakes in the process of learning the program. Sanctions on negative behavior are usually light with emphasis on teaching. hase El mi orientation on the different TC concepts and ols, the norms and rules of the community and the staff members, e resident is now ready to undergo the treatment proper. He community starting as a crew member of rtment until he gradually ascends in the lierarchy. He must be knowledgeable on the following: * Proper use of the different tools to address personal issues and concerns and shape behavior e Managing own feelings and learning how to express self iatel . a to follow the rules and norms ofthe commngaity Maximize participation in activities that are appropriate to . ue resident's need for growth jag how to trust the environment by disclosing self to oe unity and develop insight in the process evan positive coping skills to deal with difficult life After propet Developing jituations i i * hancing educational and vocational skills to make him nl productive ee eee eel « Improve social skills and recognize the importance of other people’s help in shaping behavior Phase Ill- Pre Re-ent Under regular circumstances, the resident is expected at this stage to have internalized the TC values and concept to start life afresh. However, in the jail setting where entry and release are not within the jail control, residents may not have reached this phase of treatment before they even leave the jail facility. Regardless of the resident's length of stay, he is expected to undergo this phase prior to release into society. At this phase, the resident is expected to have proven his ability to take on more responsibility hence needs lesser supervision. He is considered a role model in the TC community. He should focus on the following learning: ¢ Rebuilding of social and family ties * Going up the ladder of hierarchy by showing leadership * Realization of his full potential to be a productive member of society ¢ Mapping out of plans Phase IV- Re-entry He may start planning for job hun relationships. In the jail setting, the residents will Stay insi, per until their cases are resolved or they have aay pote need to be remanded to the Bureau of Corrections, The resident must focus on the following: e Transition to life outside of jail. « Creating a new lifestyle applying the tools and concept of TC. I ———— . Learning positive coping skills to deal with day-to-day situations. . Re-establishing and strengthening family ties and support group. » Reintegration into the mainstream of society. « Developing realistic and attainable goals in life. Aftercare is an outpatient program that requires clients to report twice a week to an outreach center. They are required to d group sessions to ensure their adjustment to life outside jail to reduce recidivism. For clients released from jail, they are referred to the Parole and Probation Administration and Local Government Units for follow up and aftercare. The clients are focused on the following: « Maintaining positive behavior and prevent recidivism * Strengthening coping mechanism * Maintaining relationships and support mechanism e Sustaining interest in job or vocation to maintain livelihood ¢ Integration into society STANDARD PARAMETERS FOR JAIL TCMP A. Physical Environment: e The internal and external environment is comfortable, clean and welcoming. 5 : . TC Philosophy and unwritten philosophies are visibly posted around the facility. J Hierarchical structure and daily activities are displayed. js adequate space to hold activities a q Wecific meetings that require privacy. neo n and well-maintained kitche i i « Adciea Standards of BUMP. n that complies with the = Provision of recreation areas both indoors and outdoors, The dining area is equipped with enough tables and chairs to accommodate the inmates. Adequate sanitary toilets and bathrooms that provide privacy to users. Adequate space for sleeping and habitation that respects the individual's personal space. B. TCMP Staff: «The TCMP staff has undergone proper training on TCMP * Presence of a permanent TCMP staff to supervise the program and conduct the various activities * The TCMP staff will not be transferred to other jails until properly covered by another TC trained staff There is proper shift turn-over of TC trained staff on a daily basis * TCMP staff can be utilized to handle other tasks but puts priority to TCMP « Regular meetings are held by staff to discuss progress, issues and concerns about the program * Allthe jail staff are involved in the TCMP and are contributing members * The staff works as a team in delivering services to inmates + The staff serves as role models and treats inmates with respect and dignity * Incentives are given to TC! i ne commendations MP Set er a c.T eutic Environment -T! * The resi regpraiseeata treat each other with respect at all times ~ th real of age, religion, cultural diversity, etc. resi i s in depasng ors a culture of honesty and openness feedbacks ghts and feelings, providing and receiving Sarees fidentiality is respected and practiced residents are involved in decision making and planning CMP activities participants of TCMP are change agents in bringing out transformation among peers je residents comply with the cardinal and house rules { serve as “watchdogs” for their peers with the aim of orrecting erring members Absence or minimal incidence of jail violence/disturbance * The residents respect the hierarchy and chain of command. y Participants of the TCMP conducts “Morning Meeting”. Morning Meeting is a daily ritual that starts the day ina TC facility. It is attended by the whole community and lasts for an hour. It commences with the Opening Prayer, Singing of the Philippine National Anthem and the recitation of the TC Philosophy. Participants and facilitators recite the TC Philosophy as part of the morning meeting. Therapeutic Community Program by the Bureau of Corrections (BUCOR) The Therapeutic Community (TC) Program represents an effective, highly structured environment with defined boundaries, both moral and ethical. The primary goal is to foster personal growth. This is accomplished by re-shaping an individual’s behavior and attitudes through the inmates community working together to help themselves and each other, restoring self-confidence, and preparing them for their re-integration into their families and friends as productive members of the community. Patterned after Daytop TC, New York which is the base of Beaten Communlty movement in the world, the BuCor TC p pted as part i isti towards inmate rehabilita part of the Bureau's holistic approach tion. It is i z : limited to drug dependenine It is implemented primarily but not Th as an eee ees has been continuously proven worldwide ment and rehabilitation modality among drug in many prisons. abuse. The program modifies negative behavior and or attitudes while restoring self-confidence, and prepares inmates for their re- integration into their families and friends as productive members of the community. This behavioral modification program gradually re- shapes or re-structures the inmate within a family-like environment, wherein every member acts as his brother’s keeper. As TC family members go on with their daily activities, a strong sense of responsibility and concern for each other's welfare are developed. They are constantly being monitored for their progress and are regularly being evaluated by the TC-trained staff. The TC process allows for genuine introspection, cultivation of self- worth and positive rationalization that move the individual towards assuming a greater sense of personal and moral responsibility. The efforts of the Bureau of Corrections to rehabilitate Drug dependents under its care using the TC approach is in line with its Commitment to create a Drug-Free Prison. Worldwide developments in the treatment and rehabilitation of drug offenders using this in many prisons. ‘ au of Corrections helps persons Be of tee ‘productive citizen by offering various to be ms that provides skills and trainings. The TC progra prived of liberty livelihood prog’!

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