Understanding Ultrasonic Transducers: Transducer Characteristics
Understanding Ultrasonic Transducers: Transducer Characteristics
Understanding Ultrasonic Transducers: Transducer Characteristics
Transducer Characteristics
Ultrasonic transducers for non-destructive testing come in a wide variety of configurations in order to facilitate numerous inspection possibilities. Despite this, there are a small number of physical
characteristics which are commonly used to describe the performance of ultrasonic transducers and therefore identify them in inspection procedure and manufacturers documentation.
Signal Element Transducers Dual Element Transducers Angle Beam Transducers Immersion Transducers Delay Line Transducers
Single element transducers have one active element Dual element transducers have two active elements, one Angle beam transducers create a beam of ultrasound at a Immersion transducers are designed to operate submerged Delay line transducers transmit and receive sound waves with
which is used for both the transmission and reception is used for the transmission and one for the reception of specified angle to the normal inspection surface. Most angle in water. The water provides the coupling and delay between one element coupled to the surface, as with compression
of ultrasound. Single element transducers can generate ultrasound. Dual element transducers are typically contact beam transducers generate shear waves in the inspection the transducer and the test item. These transducers are transducers. The crystal is held off from the surface of the
compression or shear waves, normal or angled beams, be transducers and use an integral delay-line or shoe. They can material by refraction and mode conversion of a compression commonly used in automated inspection systems which scan test piece by a delay block. This permits inspection very close
contact or immersion and can have a variety of coupling/lens generate compression or shear waves, normal or angled wave, however some refracted longitudinal angle beams the transducer over the test object and handle the ultrasonic to the surface of the test piece.
configurations. These transducers can be used on thickness beams. These transducers can be used on thickness gauges, are possible. Angle beam shoes or wedges, onto which the inspection. These transducers can be flat faced (unfocused)
gauges, flaw detectors and phased array instruments. flaw detectors and phased array instruments. compression transducer is mounted are typically made of or have profiled faces which focus the ultrasound to a point
polymers such as acrylic or polystyrene. The shoe or wedge or a line (spherically or cylindrically focused).
can be integral to the transducer or detachable. It may be
profiled and damped to minimise internal reflections. Dual
element angle beam transducers are also common, bringing
the benefits of a dual elements to angle beam transducers.
Connector Case Top Connector Case Top Connector Case Top Unfocused Focused Connector Case Top
Electrical Accoustic Connection Accoustic Electrical Accoustic
Electrical Accoustic Damping Damping Damping
Connection Connection
Connection Damping Piezoelectric
Piezoelectric Piezoelectric Case Body
Case Body Piezoelectric
Case Body Crystal Crystal Case Body
Delay Line
Face Material Face Material Wedge
Axis peprendicular
to inspection surface
Shear Wave
θWedge Cut
Polymer Wedge
2.25 MHz 2.25 MHz 5 MHz 5 MHz 10 MHz
12.7 mm 25.4 mm 12.7 mm 25.4 mm 12.7 mm
Bandwidth and Damping and so the detection of defects within this region is more difficult. A flat-faced transducer will have a natural
focal zone that occurs at the end of the Near Field and beyond which the sound field becomes more easily
predictable in a region called the Far Field or Frauhofer Zone. In this zone the detection of defects is more
An ultrasonic transducer emits a pulse of ultrasonic energy which will contain a discrete number of pressure straightforward, however, as one moves further from the focal point the beam diverges and gets weaker.
cycles at the transducer’s nominal frequency. In practice this pulse contains cycles that start with a small The combination of frequency and aperture size determines the rate, or angle of beam divergence. Large
amplitude and grow to a large amplitude which then reduce to small amplitude at the end of the pulse. This aperture, low frequency probes have wide beams, but smaller angles of divergence, whereas, small aperture,
in fact means that the pulse contains a spread of frequencies of which the transducer’s nominal frequency high frequency probes have narrow beams with larger angles of divergence. The combination of probe
is the most prevalent. The shorter and sharper the pulse, the fewer cycles and the broader the spread of aperture and frequency therefore affects the ability of a probe to detect defects.
frequencies involved. The longer the pulse, the more cycles and the narrower the spread of frequencies
involved. The breadth of the frequency content is measured by the quantity called the bandwidth. The
bandwidth has a significant impact on the ability of a transducer to resolve defects and penetrate into the
material. The bandwidth is controlled by the application of acoustic damping to the sensor crystal. An N = Nearfield Length (mm)
undamped crystal will oscillate for a longer time generating a pulse with many cycles thus containing much c = Speed of sound (m/s) 0.51c D2f
acoustic energy and having a narrow bandwidth, good penetration but poor resolution. A highly damped f = Frequency (MHz) sinY6 = N=
D = Crystal Diameter (mm)
Df 4c
crystal will oscillate for a short time generating a pulse with few cycles thus containing less acoustic energy
and having a broad bandwidth, poor penetration but good resolution. Y6 = Divergence angle for -6dB Beam Edge (°)
Narrowband transducers:
• narrow frequency
Material Acoustic Properies
• longer ring down
• Common choice for Longitudinal Transverse Longitudinal Transverse Acoustic
flaw detection / sizing Density
Material Velocity Velocity Velocity Velocity Impedance
kg/m 3
in/μs in/μs m/s m/s MRayl
Air 0.013 - 331 - 0.121 0.00
Carbon Fibre Epoxy Resin 0.121 0.056 3070 1415 1760 5.40
Broadbandtransducers: Graphite Expoxy 0.117 0.077 2972 1956 1760 5.40
Fibreglass 0.131 0.072 3327 1829 1815 6.04
• broader frequency
Inconel 0.290 0.119 5820 3020 8500 49.47
• shorter ring down Iron (cast) 0.189 0.094 4800 2600 6917 33.20
• Commonly used for Mid Steel 0.232 0.128 5920 3230 7770 46.00
thickness gauging, Stainless Steel 0.226 0.122 6070 3100 4498 27.30
velocity measurement
and TOFD Titanium 0.239 0.122 6070 3100 4498 27.30
Typical Applications
Contact Dual Angle Delay Through Transmition
Forgings and Castings Wall Thickness Weld Testing Lamination / Thickness Plate Inspection
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