BIS Registration Letter
BIS Registration Letter
BIS Registration Letter
Dear Sir,
1.With reference to your Application, we are pleased to inform you that it has been decided to grant you licence as per details given below :
2. The licence is being granted for your unit located at the address and for the brand and models mentioned at serial no 1 above.
3. The number assigned to this Licence is R-59000140 which has been made operative from 13-05-2019 and is valid upto 12-05-2021 The Licence
Number should invariably be referred to in your future correspondence.
4. The rights and privileges under the licence shall not be exercised by any other factory / organization at any other location. This licence is not
transferable. In the event of shifting of the manufacturing machinery from the registered premises to some other place use of the licence Number shall
be stopped and BIS shall be informed.
5. The licensee shall comply with the provisions of the Act, rules and regulations framed thereunder and as amended from time to time.
6. The licensee shall follow the guidelines for the use of Standard Mark and labeling requirements as per Annex-I.
7. The licensee shall not use the licence in any manner which contravenes the provisions of Act, rules and regulations framed thereunder and as amended
from time to time.
8. Upon expiry of validity, stoppage or suspension or cancellation of licence, you shall discontinue forthwith the self declaration of conformity to the
relevant Indian Standard(s) and withdraw all promotional and advertising matter which contains any reference thereto.
9. For renewal of licence, the licensee shall have to apply to BIS three months in advance before expiration of the licence and application form for
renewal is available on BIS website.
10. The licence is not transferable. Kindly acknowledge receipt of this letter.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
(Sundeep Kumar)
Sc. C
Telfax : +91-11-23230856
E-mail: [email protected]********&encid=MjAxOS0xMDgx=&encvintype=Uw==&codedpast=******** 1/4