EP-18 Union Brochure On Reservation
EP-18 Union Brochure On Reservation
EP-18 Union Brochure On Reservation
(Circular No.EP-21-2014-04)
3. The Brochure on Reservation for Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Other
Backward Classes updated up to the year 2013 contains two parts. Part-I of the brochure is
self contained and practically covers all aspects of the reservation in central services.
However, relevant O.M’s in Part-II should be referred to before taking decisions. A copy of
Department of Personnel and Training, Office Memorandum No.A36011/1/2013-Estt(Res)
dated 23.01.2014 is enclosed.
4. All administrative authorities are required to follow the instructions as contained in the
Encl: As above.
(R.K. Chaturvedi)
General Manager(P&IR)
Subject: Brochure on reservation for Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Other Backward
Classes in services
* * **
The brochure on reservation for Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Other
Backward Classes in services was last updated by Department of Personnel & Training in the
year 2011. In this connection this Department's 0.M No. No.A36011/1/2011-Estt(Res) dated
17/11/2011 refers.
2. A few instructions have since been issued on the subject. An updated brochure has now
been prepared by the Reservation Division which includes all orders and instructions issued up
to the year 2013. The brochure has been posted on the DoPT's website at "persmin.nic.in "
under `OMs & Orders'--o Establishment Reservation --43rochure on Reservation for SCs. STs
and OBCs in Services. In this revised brochure, the relevant orders/instructions have been
mentioned at the end of the concerned para/topic in each of the chapter. Further, the
orders/instructions, referred in the brochure have also been hyperlinked to enable the reader to
refer to them quickly.
3. As in the earlier brochure, this brochure also contains two parts. Part one of the
brochures is self-contained and practically covers all aspects of the reservation hi central
services. However, relevant 0.M's in para (2) should be referred to before taking decisions.
4. All Ministries/ Departments are requested to bring these instructions to the notice of all
their Attached/Subordinate Offices as also the Public Sector Undertakings and Statutory
Bodies, etc at the earliest.
(Sandeerp Mukhert )
Under Secretary to the Government of India
1. All Ministries/Departments of the Govt. of India
2. Ministry of Railways (Railway Board), Rail Bhavan, New Delhi
3. Supreme Court of India/Election Commission/ Lok Sabha Secretariat/Rajya Sabha
Secretariat/Cabinet Secretariat/Central Vigilance Commission/President's
Secretariat/Prime Minister's Office/ Planning Commission.
4. National Commission of Scheduled Castes/ National Commission of Scheduled Tribes
5. Union Public Service Commission, Dholpur House, Shahjahan Road, New Delhi
6. Staff Selection Commission, CGO Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi
BROCHURE on Reservation for SC, ST & Other Backward Classes In Services
1 Introduction
2 Scope of Reservation
3 Relaxations and Concessions
4 Determination of Reservation Quota
5 Reservation Registers and Roster Registers
6 Filling up of Reserved Vacancies
7 De-reservation
Verification of the claim of Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes
and Other Backward Classes
9 Monitoring and Institutional Safeguard
10 Miscellaneous
1.1 Objective of providing reservations to the Scheduled Castes(SCs), Scheduled Tribes (STs)
and Other Backward Classes (OBCs) in services is not only to give jobs to some persons belonging
to these communities. It basically aims at empowering them and ensuring their participation in the
decision making process of the State. Justice B.P. Jeevan Reddy, while delivering the majority
judgement in the matter of Indra Sawhney & Ors Vs. UOI & Ors, observed that public employment
gives a certain status and power, besides the means of livelihood. The Constitution has, therefore,
taken special care to declare equality of opportunity in the matter of public employment. Keeping
the broader concept of equality in view, Clauses (4) and (4A) of Article 16 of the Constitution
declare that nothing in the said Article shall prevent the State from making any provision for
reservation of appointments or posts in favour of backward class of citizens which in the opinion of
the State is not adequately represented in the services under the State. Article 16 of the Constitution
and also Article 335 which have direct bearing on reservation in services are reproduced below:
16 (1) There shall be equality of opportunity for all citizens in matters relating to employment or
appointment to any office under the State.
(2) No citizen shall, on grounds only of religion, race, caste, sex, descent, place of birth,
residence or any of them, be ineligible for, or discriminated against in respect of, any
employment or office under the State.
(3) Nothing in this article shall prevent Parliament from making any law prescribing, in
regard to a class or classes of employment or appointment to an office under the Government
of, or any local or other authority within, a State or Union territory, any requirement as to
residence within that State or Union territory prior to such employment or appointment.
(4) Nothing in this article shall prevent the State from making any provision for the
reservation of appointments or posts in favor of any backward class of citizens which in the
opinion of the State, is not adequately represented in the services under the state.
(4A) Nothing in this article shall prevent the State from making any provision for reservation
in matters of promotion, with consequential seniority, to any class or classes of posts in the
services under the State in favor of the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes which, in the
opinion of the State, are not adequately represented in the services under the State.
(4B) Nothing in this article shall prevent the State from considering any unfilled vacancies
of a year which are reserved for being filled up in that year in accordance with any provision for
reservation made under clause (4) or clause (4A) as a separate class of vacancies to be filled up
in any succeeding year or years and such class of vacancies shall not be considered together
with the vacancies of the year in which they are being filled up for determining the ceiling of
fifty per cent reservation on total number of vacancies of that year.
(5) Nothing in this article shall affect the operation of any law which provides that the
incumbent of an office in connection with the affairs of any religious or denominational
institution or any member of the governing body thereof shall be a person professing a
particular religion or belonging to a particular denomination.
335. The claims of the member of the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes shall be
taken into consideration, consistently, with the maintenance of efficiency of administration in
the making of appointments to services and posts in connection with the affairs of the Union
or of a State.
Provided that nothing in this article shall prevent in making of any provision in
favor of the members of the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes for relaxation in
qualifying marks in any examination or lowering the standards of evaluation, for reservation in
matters of promotion to any class or classes of services or posts in connection with the affairs
of the Union or of a State.
1.2 Besides, Article 46 provides that the State shall promote with special care the
educational and economic interests of the weaker sections of the people, and, in particular, the
Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes, and shall protect them from social injustice and all forms of
1.3 Articles 341 and 342 of the Constitution which define as to who would be Scheduled Castes
and Scheduled Tribes with respect to any State or Union Territory are quoted below:
341. (1) The President may with respect to any State or Union territory, and where it is a State
after consultation with the Governor thereof, by public notification, specify the castes, races or
tribes or parts of or groups within castes, races or tribes which shall for the purposes of this
Constitution be deemed to be Scheduled Castes in relation to that State or Union territory, as
the case may be.
(2) Parliament may by law include in or exclude from the list of Scheduled Castes specified
in a notification issued under clause (1) any caste, race or tribe or part of or group within any
caste, race or tribe, but save as aforesaid a notification issued under the said clause shall not be
varied by any subsequent notification.
342(1) The President may with respect to any State or Union Territory, and where it is a
State after consultation with the Governor thereof, by public notification, specify the tribes or
tribal communities or parts of or groups within tribes or tribal communities which shall for the
purpose of this Constitution be deemed to be Scheduled Tribes in relation to that State or
Union Territory, as the case may be.
(2) Parliament may by law include in or exclude from the list of Scheduled Castes
specified in a notification issued under clause (I) any caste, race or tribe or part or group
within any caste, race or tribe, but save as aforesaid a notification issued under the said clause
shall not be varied by any subsequent notification.
1.4 The Constitution does not define Other Backward Classes. However, in pursuance of the
judgment of Supreme Court in Indira Sawhney’s case, the Government enacted the National
Commission for Backward Classes (NCBC) Act in April, 1993. As per Section 2 of the NCBC Act,
“Backward classes” means such backward classes of citizens, other than the Scheduled Castes and
Scheduled Tribes, as may be specified by the Central Government in the lists. For the above
purpose, Section 2 also defines “lists” as lists prepared by the Central Government for providing
reservation in appointments to backward classes of citizens, which, in its opinion are not adequately
represented in services, under the Government of India and any local or other authority. The
Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment has notified the lists of Castes / Communities which
are treated as Other Backward Classes.
1.5 It may be noted that the Constitution imposes inter-state area restrictions so that the people
belonging to the specific community residing in a specific area, which has been assessed to qualify
for the Scheduled Castes or Scheduled Tribes status, only benefit from the facilities provided for
them. Similar restrictions are applicable to the OBCs also. Since the people belonging to the same
caste but living in different States / Union Territories may not necessarily suffer from the same
disabilities, it is possible that two persons belonging to the same caste but residing in different
States/ U.Ts may not both be treated to belong to SC/ST/OBC. Thus the residence of a person in a
particular locality assumes a special significance. This residence has not to be understood in the
literal or ordinary sense of the word. On the other hand it connotes the permanent residence of a
person on the date of the notification of the Presidential Order scheduling his caste/tribe in relation
to that locality.
1.6 The Constitution (Scheduled Castes) Order, 1950 (as amended from time to time) states that
no person professing a religion different from Hindu or Sikh or Buddhist religion can be deemed to
be a member of a Scheduled Caste. There is, however, no religious bar for being treated as
Scheduled Tribe or Other Backward Class.
Resolution of 13-9-50, provided 5 per cent reservation for STs apart from the percentage fixed for
SCs already in force. The 1951 Census showed that the percentage of SCs in the total population
was 15.05 per cent and that of ST 6.31 per cent. The percentages were not revised at the time as a
comprehensive bill revising the lists of SCs and STs was under consideration. The other reason for
not revising the percentage was that reservation had already been provided for SCs in posts filled
otherwise than by open competition to the extent of 16.66 per cent and instructions had also been
issued for following a regional and local percentage for Class III and Class IV posts attracting
candidates from a locality or a region. The 1961 Census revealed that the SC and ST population in
proportion to the Indian population stood at 14.64 per cent and 6.80 per cent respectively.
Accordingly, the percentage of reservation for SCs and STs was increased from 12 ½ and 5 per cent
to 15 per cent and 7 ½ per cent respectively on 25-3-70. The 1971 Census did not warrant any such
review. The actual impact of 1981 Census figures on all India percentages could not be known
because the Census of 1981 could not be carried out in the State of Assam. The Government in
1993 introduced reservation for Other Backward Classes in direct recruitment broadly at the rate of
27%. After introduction of reservation for OBCs, total reservation for SCs, STs and OBCs comes to
49.5% in case of direct recruitment on all India basis by open competition and 50% in case of
otherwise than by open competition. As per various judgments of the Supreme Court, total
reservation for these communities cannot exceed the limit of 50%.
1.8 Reservation has been extended to different modes of promotion in stages. In 1957,
reservation was provided for SC & ST in departmental competitive examinations. Reservation in
promotion by selection in Group C and Group D was provided in 1963 and in the same year
reservation in departmental competitive examination was limited to Class III and Class IV only. The
position was slightly changed in 1968 when reservation in limited departmental examination to
Class II, III and IV and promotion by selection 'to Class III and IV was subjected to a condition that
element of direct recruitment should not exceed 50 per cent. Reservation in promotion by 'seniority
subject to fitness’, came in force in 1972 subject to the condition that the element of direct
recruitment does not exceed 50 per cent. In 1974, reservation in promotion by selection from Group
C to Group B, within Group B and from Group B to the lowest rung of Group A was introduced
subject to the condition that the element of direct recruitment, if any, does not exceed 50 per cent.
The limitation of the direct recruitment not exceeding 50 per cent was raised to 66 3% per cent in
1976 and to 75% in 1989.
1.9 Reservation till 1.7.1997 was computed on the basis of number of vacancies filled. The
Supreme Court in the case of R.K. Sabharwal Vs. State of Punjab held that the reservation should
be determined on the basis of number of posts in the cadre and not on the basis of vacancies.
Accordingly post based reservation was introduced w.e.f. 2.7.1997. The basic principle of post
based reservation is that the number of posts filled by reservation by any category in a cadre should
be equal to the quota prescribed for that category. Prior to introduction of post based reservation,
there was a provision of exchange of reservation between SCs and STs. After implementation of
the post based reservation such exchange is no more permissible.
1.10 Prior to 1975, scientific' and technical posts required for conducting research or for
organizing, guiding and directing research were exempted from the purview of orders relating to
reservation for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes. In 1975 however, the above orders were
modified and it was decided that the scheme of reservations for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled
Tribes should also cover appointments made to scientific and technical posts up to and including
the lowest grade of Class I in the respective services wherever they were exempt from the
purview of the scheme of reservations. The amended orders were however not made applicable
to Department of Space, Department of Electronics, and in regard to recruitment of trainees to
the training school of the Department of Atomic Energy. In the case of these latter departments,
the orders in force prior to 1975 continue to apply.
1.11 Various relaxations and concessions are given to SC/ST candidates like relaxation in upper
age limit, exemption from payment of examination/application fees, relaxation in qualification of
experience at the discretion of the UPSC/competent authority, relaxations in standard of suitability
etc. Some relaxations like in upper age limit are also available to OBCs.
Institutional Safeguards
1.12 Each Ministry / Department is required to nominate officers of the rank of Deputy Secretary
or above to work as Liaison Officer who take care of implementation of instructions relating to
special representation of SCs/STs/OBCs in their respective Ministries and attached and subordinate
offices. The system of nominating Liaison Officers has also been extended to the offices under the
Heads of Departments. Ministries/Departments have been asked in 1969 to set up a small Cell
within each Ministry/Department under the direct control of Liaison Officer to assist him to
discharge his duties effectively.
1.13 The Constitution provides for the National Commission for Scheduled Castes and the
National Commission for Scheduled Tribes which have wide ranging powers and functions in
regard to matters pertaining to Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes respectively. The
Government has also set up the National Commission for Other Backward Classes. Besides,
there is a Committee of Parliament on the Welfare of Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes. The
Committee inter-alia examines the position regarding representation of Scheduled Castes/Scheduled
Tribes in the services under the various Ministries and other Government organizations and makes
suitable recommendations for bringing about improvement therein or removing bottlenecks detected
by it during the course of a study.
Impact of Reservation
1.14 Representation of SCs/ STs has increased in all the Groups viz. A, B, C and D during last six
decades. At the dawn of independence representation of SCs/STs in services was very little.
As per available information, representation of SCs in Groups A, B, C and D as on 1.1.1965 was
1.64%, 2.82%, 8.88% and 17.75% respectively which has increased to 12.5%, 14.9%, 15.7% and
19.6% respectively as on 1.1.2008. Likewise while representation of STs as on 1.1.1965 in Group
A, B, C and D was 0.27%, 0.34%, 1.14% & 3.39% respectively, it has increased to 4.9%, 5.7%,
7.0% and 6.9% respectively as on 1.1.2008. Total representation of SCs and STs as on 1.1.1965 was
13.17% and 2.25% respectively, which has increased to 17.51% and 6.82% respectively on
1.1.2008. Group-wise and total representation (in percentage) of SCs/STs in different years is given
in the following table:
1965 1.64 0.27 2.82 0.34 8.88 1.14 17.75 3.39 13.17 2.25
1970 2.36 0.4 3.84 0.37 9.27 1.47 18.09 3.59 13.09 2.4
1975 3.43 0.62 4.98 0.59 10.71 2.27 18.64 3.99 13.84 2.94
1980 4.95 1.06 8.54 1.29 13.44 3.16 19.46 5.38 15.67 3.99
1985 7.3 1.73 10.03 1.57 14.87 4.2 20.8 5.70 16.83 4.66
1990 8.64 2.58 11.29 2.39 15.19 4.83 21.48 6.73 16.97 5.33
1995 10.15 2.89 12.67 2.68 16.15 5.69 21.26 6.48 17.43 5.78
2001 11.42 3.58 12.82 3.7 16.25 6.46 17.89 6.81 16.41 6.36
2002 11.09 3.97 14.08 4.18 16.12 5.93 20.07 7.13 16.98 6.11
2003 11.93 4.18 14.32 4.32 16.29 6.54 17.98 6.96 16.52 6.46
2004 12.2 4.1 14.5 4.6 16.9 6.7 18.4 6.7 17.05 6.54
2005 11.8 4.3 13.7 4.5 16.4 6.5 18.3 6.9 16.62 6.42
2006 12.9 3.9 15.0 5.7 16.4 6.9 18.6 7.1 16.75 6.75
2008 12.5 4.9 14.9 5.7 15.7 7.0 19.6 6.9 17.51 6.82
2.1 There shall be a reservation of 15 per cent for the members of the Scheduled Castes,
7.5 per cent for the members of the Scheduled Tribes and 27 per cent for the members of the Other
Backward Classes in the matter of appointment by direct recruitment to civil posts and civil services
on all India basis by open competition.[36011/33/1981-Estt.(SCT) 5/10/1981]
2.2 There shall be a reservation of 16.66 per cent for the members of the Scheduled Castes, 7.5
per cent for the members of the Scheduled Tribes and 25.84 per cent for the members of the Other
Backward Classes in the matter of appointment by direct recruitment to civil posts and civil services
on all India basis otherwise than by open competition.
2.3 Except in Delhi, reservation for the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes in case of direct
recruitment to Group C and Group D posts normally attracting candidates from a locality or a region
is generally fixed on the basis of proportion of their population in the respective States/UTs.
Reservation for Other Backward Classes in such cases is fixed keeping in view the proportion of
their population in the respective States/UTs subject to a limit of 27% and total reservation for SCs,
STs and OBCs should not exceed 50%. Quantum of reservation fixed for SCs, STs and OBCs in
such cases is indicated below [36017/2/2004-Estt.(Res) dated 5/7/2005]:
09 Himachal Pradesh 25 4 20
10 Jammu & Kashmir 8 11 27
11 Jharkhand 12 26 12
12 Karnataka 16 7 27
13 Kerala 10 1 27
14 Madhya Pradesh 15 20 15
15 Maharashtra 10 9 27
16 Manipur 3 34 13
17 Meghalaya 1 44 5
18 Mizoram 0 45 5
19 Nagaland 0 45 0
20 Orissa 16 22 12
21 Punjab 29 0 21
22 Rajasthan 17 13 20
23 Sikkim 5 21 24
24 Tamil Nadu 19 1 27
25 Tripura 17 31 2
26 Uttaranchal 18 3 13
27 Uttar Pradesh 21 1 27
28 West Bengal 23 5 22
29 Andaman & Nicobar Islands 0 8 27
30 Chandigarh 18 0 27
31 Dadra & Nagar Haveli 2 43 5
32 Daman & Diu 3 9 27
33 Delhi 15 7.5 27
34 Lakshadweep 0 45 0
35 Pondicherry 16 0 27
2.4 Where recruitment is made for zones or circles or regions consisting of more than one State,
the percentages of reservation for SCs and STs is generally fixed on the basis of the proportion of
SCs and STs in the respective zones/circles/regions and reservation for OBCs is fixed keeping in
view their proportion in the population of the respective zones/circles/regions subject to a limit of
27% and total reservation for SCs, STs and OBCs should not exceed 50%.
Castes and Scheduled Tribes in these States as per Census 2001 is 38,857,269;
2,486,474, and 10,465,898 respectively. Thus, the proportion of Scheduled Castes
and Scheduled Tribes in the region is 6.39% and 26.93%. Estimated population of
Other Backward Classes in the region is more than 27% of the total population of the
region. Keeping all aspects in view, percentage of reservation for Scheduled Castes,
Scheduled Tribes and Other Backward Classes for the region may be fixed as 6%,
27% and 17% respectively.
Note 1: The expression 'by open competition' means all recruitments by Union Public Service
Commission (UPSC) whether through written examination or by interview or by both; and
recruitments made by other authorities including Staff Selection Commission or any other
appointing authority through written competitive examination or tests (but not by interview alone).
Any recruitment not made by the UPSC or not made through written competitive test held by any
other authority would mean direct recruitment otherwise than by open competition.
Note 2: In case of recruitment on local/regional/zonal/circle basis, SC/ST/OBC candidates not
belonging to the concerned locality/region/ State/ zone/ circle shall also be eligible to get the benefit
of reservation.
2.5 The members of the Other Backward Classes who fall in creamy layer shall not get the
benefit of reservation. Criterion for determining creamy layer status amongst Other Backward
Classes is given in the Annexure to this Chapter.
2.6 Reservation to the members of the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes shall be
provided in the matter of promotion when promotion is made:
(a) through Limited Departmental Competitive Examination in Group B, Group C and
Group D posts;
(b) by selection from Group B post to a Group A post or in Group B, Group C and Group D
posts; and
(c) by non-selection in Group A, Group B, Group C and Group D posts.
2.7 Reservation in all the above cases shall be given at the rate of 15 per cent for the Scheduled
Castes and 7.5 per cent for the Scheduled Tribes. However, reservation in promotion is not given in
the grades in which the element of direct recruitment, if any, exceeds 75 per cent [36012/17/88-
Estt.(SCT) dated 25/4/1989].
2.8 Reservation for Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Other Backward Classes apply to
appointments made to "scientific and technical" posts up to and including the lowest grade of Group
A in the respective services.
2.9 Such ‘scientific and technical’ posts which satisfy all the following conditions can be
exempted from the purview of the reservation orders by the Ministries/Departments:
(i) The posts should be in grades above the lowest grade in Group A of the service
(ii) They should be classified as 'scientific or technical' in terms of Cabinet Secretariat
(Department of Cabinet Affairs) [O.M. No. 85/11/CF-61(1) dated 28-12-1961]
according to which scientific and technical posts for which qualification in the natural
sciences or exact sciences or applied sciences or in technology are prescribed and the
incumbents of which have to use that knowledge in the discharge of their duties.
(iii) The posts should be 'for conducting research' or 'for organizing, guiding and directing
2.10 Orders of the Minister concerned should be obtained before exempting any posts satisfying
the above conditions from the purview of the scheme of reservation.
2.11 In the case of scientific and technical posts required for research up to and inclusive of
lowest grade of Group A of a service which are not exempt from the purview of reservation orders,
reservation should be provided for Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Other Backward Classes
as per the scheme of reservations, except that:
(i) reserved vacancies in such posts need be advertised only once and not twice;
(ii) In the event of non-availability of candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes,
Scheduled Tribes and Other Backward Classes, vacancies in such posts may be de-
reserved by the administrative Ministry/Department concerned. However, the
National Commission for Scheduled Castes or the National Commission for
Scheduled Tribes or the National Commission for Backward Classes, as the case may
be, and the Department of Personnel and Training should be informed about the de-
reservation together with the details and reasons necessitating de-reservation.
2.12 The industrial establishments of the Government of India and the posts and grades in such
establishments, whether these have been classified as group A, B, C and D or not, are covered by the
scheme of reservation for Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Other Backward Classes.
[O.M.No.8/7/1974-Estt.(SCT) dated 22/08/1975]
2.14 While it may not be practical to apply the reservation orders in toto in respect of daily rated
staff, it should be ensured that persons belonging to the Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and
Other Backward Classes are recruited in such manner as their overall representation does not go
below the prescribed percentage of reservation for the Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and
Other Backward Classes respectively. [O.M.No.36011/18/81-Estt.(SCT) dated 16/07/1981]
2.15 Appointment of casual workers against regular posts will be a case of direct recruitment.
Hence all statutory requirements relating to filling up of posts by direct recruitment should be
followed while regularizing the services of casual workers. General orders relating to reservation
for persons belonging to SCs, STs and OBCs will be applicable in cases relating to regularization of
casual workers. Vacancies meant for these categories of persons should be filled up by casual
workers of respective reserved categories and the balance, if any, may be filled up by outsiders
belonging to these categories, who are not casual workers. Casual workers, who do not belong to the
2.16 As a matter of basic approach, ad-hoc promotions should be avoided.. However, if ad-hoc
promotions are to be made in exceptional circumstances, such as during pendency of court cases,
protracted seniority disputes, non-framing of recruitment rules, unforeseen delay in direct
recruitment or convening of DPCs for reasons beyond the control of the appointing authority etc.,
following guidelines may be followed on every occasion when ad-hoc promotions are resorted to so
as to ensure that the claims of eligible officers belonging to Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes
are also duly considered:
(i) In cases where reservation orders for SCs and STs are applicable, the number of
vacancies falling to the share of SCs and STs would be the same if the vacancies
were to be filled on regular basis.
(ii) Since ad-hoc promotions are made on the basis of non-selection, all the Scheduled
Caste/Scheduled Tribe candidates covered in the relevant seniority list within the
total number of such vacancies against which ad-hoc promotions are to be made,
should be considered in the order of their general seniority as per the gradation list,
on the principle of seniority-cum-fitness and if they are not adjudged unfit, they
should all be promoted on ad-hoc basis.
(iii) If the number of SC/ST candidates found fit within the range of actual vacancies is
less than the number of vacancies identified as falling to their share if the vacancies
were filled on a regular basis, additional SC/ST candidates to the extent required
should be located by going down the seniority list, provided they are eligible and
found fit for such ad-hoc appointment.
(iv) All ad-hoc appointees have to be replaced by regular incumbents at the earliest
opportunity. When regular promotions are made subsequently, reversion of the ad-
hoc appointees should take place strictly in the reverse order of seniority, the junior-
most candidate being reverted first. No special concessions are to be given to SC/ST
candidates at the time of such reversion.
(v) There is no need for maintaining any separate formal register or roster register for ad-
hoc promotions. The concept of de-reservation, carrying forward of reservation etc.
will also not be applicable in the case of ad-hoc appointments. However, a simple
register called Ad-hoc Promotions Register may be maintained for different
categories of posts for which ad-hoc appointments are made to facilitate a record
being kept of the ad-hoc appointments and for ensuring reversion in the proper order
on regular promotions being made to the posts in question.
[No. 36011/14/83-Estt.(SCT) dated 30-4-1983 and O.M. No.36011/13/83-Estt.(SCT) dated
2.17 In cases where only one vacancy occurs in the initial recruitment year and it, according to the
scheme of reservation, is reserved for Scheduled Castes or Scheduled Tribes or OBCs, it should be
treated as unreserved and filled accordingly and the reservation should be carried forward to
subsequent recruitment year. In the subsequent recruitment year, even if there is only one vacancy, it
should be treated as “reserved” against the carried forward reservation from the initial recruitment
year, and a Scheduled Caste/ Scheduled Tribe/OBC candidate, if available, should be appointed in
that vacancy, although it may happen to be the only vacancy in that recruitment year. This provision
applies to direct recruitment as well as promotion. When the vacancy is treated as reserved, it shall
be filled up as per the procedure prescribed for filling up of reserved vacancies.[ 36011/39/81-
Estt.(SCT) dated 30/11/1981]
2.18 Instructions contained in this Compendium relate to reservation for Scheduled Castes,
Scheduled Tribes and Other Backward Classes in posts/services under the Government of India.
The Public Sector Undertakings, Statutory and Semi-Government Bodies, Autonomous
Bodies/Institutions including Municipal Corporations, Cooperative Institutions, Universities etc.
under the control of the Government, may make reservation for Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes
and Other Backward Classes in their services on the lines of the reservations in services under
Government. The Department of Public Enterprises, Ministry of Heavy Industries and Public
Enterprises may arrange for issue of suitable directives to the various public sector undertakings,
through the administrative Ministries concerned for making reservations for Scheduled Castes,
Scheduled Tribes and Other Backward Classes in their services. The Ministries/Departments should
take suitable action to provide for reservations for Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Other
Backward Classes in the services of the autonomous bodies/institutions which are receiving grants-
in-aid from the Government of India by making suitable provision in the relevant statutes or in the
Articles of Association of the respective bodies.[O.M.No.39/40/74(SCT)(I) dated 30/09/1974 ]
2.20 A clause providing for reservations in the services under the voluntary agencies should be
included in the terms and conditions under which such voluntary agencies /organizations etc. are
given grants-in-aid by Government, somewhat on the following lines:
2.21 While sanctioning grants-in-aid to various voluntary agencies the progress made by such
agencies in employing Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribe and Other Backward Class candidates in
their services should be kept in view by the administrative Ministries/Departments. The voluntary
agencies etc. should be informed that the progress in respect to the employment by them of
Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and OBCs in the services under them would be taken into
account by Government while sanctioning future grants-in-aid to them.[O.M.No.27/12/73-
Estt.SCT) dated 7/10/1974]
Non-Applicability of Reservation
(ii) Work-charged posts which are required for emergencies like flood relief work,
accident restoration and relief etc. [36021/9/76-Estt.(SCT) 10/2/1977]
(iii) Promotions by selection method from a Group ‘A’ post to another Group ‘A’ post.[
36028/21/7/2003-Estt.(SCT) dated 29/01/2004]
(iv) Appointments to Scientific and Technical posts which are above the lowest rung of
Group ‘A’.[O.M.No.36012/27/1994-Estt(SCT) dated 13/05/1994
Annexure to Chapter- 2
A. Agricultural holdings Son(s) and daughter(s) of persons belonging to a
(ii) Mango, citrus, apply Deemed as agricultural holding and hence criteria at A
plantations etc. above under this Category will apply.
C. Vacant land and / or buildings in Criteria specified in Category VI below will apply.
urban areas or urban agglomerations
Explanation: Building may be used for residential,
industrial or commercial purpose and the like two or
more such purposes.
VI. INCOME / WEALTH TEST Son(s) and daughter(s) of
(a) Persons having gross annual income of Rs.6
lakh or above or possessing wealth above the
exemption limit as prescribed in the Wealth
Tax Act for a period of three consecutive
(b) Persons in Categories I, II, III and V A who
are not disentitled to the benefit of
reservation but have income from other
sources of wealth which will bring them
within the income / wealth criteria mentioned
in (a) above.
(i) Income from salaries or agricultural
land shall not be clubbed;
(ii) The income criteria in terms of
rupee will be modified taking into
account the change in its value
every three years. If the situation,
however, so demands, the
interregnum may be less.
Explanation: Wherever the expression “permanent incapacitation” occurs in this statement, it shall
mean incapacitation which results in putting an officer out of service.
Note1: Sons and daughters of:
(a) parents either of whom or both of whom are directly recruited Class I/Group A officers
and such parent(s) dies/die or suffers/suffer permanent incapacitation while in service;
(b) parents both of whom are directly recruited Class II/Group B officers and one of them
dies or suffers permanent incapacitation while in service; and
(c) parents both of whom are directly recruited Class II/Group B officers and both of them
die or suffer permanent incapacitation while in service, even though either of them has
had the benefit of employment in any International Organization like UN, IMF, World
Bank, etc. for a period of not less than 5 years before their death or permanent
shall not be treated to be falling in creamy layer. But if the parent(s) dies/die or suffers/suffer
permanent incapacitation in such cases after retirement from service, his/their sons and daughters
would be treated to be falling in creamy layer and would not get the benefit of reservation.
Note 2: Sons and daughters of parents who are included in the creamy layer on the basis of service
status of their parents shall continue to be treated in creamy layer even if their parents have retired or
have died after retirement.
Note 3: Sons and daughters of parents of whom only the husband is a directly recruited Class
II/Group B officer who gets into Class I/Group A at the age of 40 or earlier are treated to be in
creamy layer. If the father is directly recruited Class III/Group C or Class IV/Group D employee
and he gets into Class I/Group A at the age of 40 or earlier, his sons and daughters shall not be
treated to be falling in creamy layer.
Note 4: The creamy layer status of a candidate is determined on the basis of the status of his parents
and not on the basis of his own status or income or on the basis of status or income of his/her
spouse. Therefore, while determining the creamy layer status of a person the status or the income of
the candidate himself or of his/her spouse shall not be taken into account.
Note 5: The creamy layer status of sons and daughters of persons employed in organizations where
equivalence or comparability of posts vis-à-vis posts in Government has not been evaluated is
determined as follows:
“Income of the parents from the salaries and from the other sources [other than
salaries and agricultural land] is determined separately. If either the income of
the parents from the salaries or the income of the parents from other sources
[other than salaries and agricultural land] exceeds the limit of Rs.6 lakh per
annum for a period of three consecutive years, the sons and daughters of such
persons shall be treated to fall in creamy layer. But the sons and daughters of
parents whose income from salaries is less than Rs. 6 lakh per annum and
income from other sources is also less than Rs.6 lakh per annum will not be
treated as falling in creamy layer even if the sum of the income from salaries and
the income from the other sources is more than Rs.6 lakh per annum for a period
of three consecutive years. It may be noted that income from agricultural land is
not taken into account while applying the Test.”
Note 6: While applying the Income/Wealth Test to determine creamy layer status of any candidate
as given in Category-VI, income from the salaries and income from the agricultural land shall not be
taken into account. It means that if income from salaries of the parents of any candidate is more
than Rs. 6 lakh per annum, income from agricultural land is more than Rs.6 lakh per annum, but
income from sources other than salaries and agriculture is less than Rs. 6 lakh per annum, the
candidate shall not be treated to be falling in creamy layer on the basis of Income/Wealth Test
provided his parent(s) do not possess wealth above the exemption limit as prescribed in the Wealth
Tax Act for a period of three consecutive years.
3.1 There is no reservation in case of promotion by ‘selection’ from a Group A post to another
Group A post. But when promotion by ‘selection’ is made from a Group A post to a Group A post
carrying Grade pay of Rs.8700/- or less, the Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe Officers, who are
senior enough in the zone of consideration for promotion so as to be within the number of vacancies
for which the select list has to be drawn up, would be included in that list provided they are not
considered unfit for promotion. Their position in the select list would, however, be same as assigned
to them by the Departmental Promotion Committee on the basis of their record of service.[O.M No.
36028/8/2009-Estt(Res) dt.7.6.2013]
Note: Fitness of the SC/ST officers in such cases would be assessed keeping in view the duties and
responsibilities attached to the post and not on the basis of benchmark, if any, prescribed for
promotion to the post.
3.2 Reservations do not apply to posts filled by deputation or absorption, but whenever a
Ministry/Department/Attached Office/Subordinate Office etc. propose to depute, in public interest,
officers serving under them to a post in or under another Ministry/Department etc., the Scheduled
Caste/Scheduled Tribe employees serving under them, who are eligible to be sent on deputation
should also be considered along with other eligible employees for such deputation. The
Ministries/Departments under whose control the posts to be filled by deputation or absorption arise,
should also, while selecting persons for such post(s), duly consider the cases of eligible Scheduled
Caste and Scheduled Tribe employees whose names have been forwarded, for appointment on
deputation or absorption to those posts. Where the number of posts to be filled on deputation or
absorption by any employing Ministry or Office is fairly substantial, the employing Ministry/Head
of Office concerned should endeavor to see that a fair proportion of such posts is filled by
employees belonging to Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes, subject of course, to availability from
3.3 The maximum age-limit prescribed for direct recruitment to a service or post shall be
increased by 5 years in the case of candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes
and by 3 years in the case of candidates belonging to OBCs.[MHA No.15/1/55-SCT dt.30.4.1955,
OM No. 43013/2/95-Estt(SCT), dt. 25.1.1995]
3.4 Where an upper age-limit not exceeding 50 years is prescribed for promotion to a
service/post, it shall be relaxed by 5 years in the case of candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes
and Scheduled Tribes. This, however, would not apply to posts which have arduous field duties or
are meant for operational safety and to posts in para-Military Organizations. [O.M No. 21/9/70-
Estt(SCT), dt.8.12.1971]
Concession in Fee
3.5 The candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes will not be required to
pay any fees for admission to any recruitment examination/selection.[O.M No. 36011/3/84-
Estt(SCT) dt. 1.7.1985]
3.6 Where some period of experience is prescribed as an essential qualification for direct
recruitment to a post, and where, in the opinion of the Ministry/Department concerned, the
relaxation of the experience qualification will not be inconsistent with efficiency, a provision should
be inserted under the ‘Essential Qualification’ in the relevant Recruitment Rules as at (a) or (b)
below to enable the Union Public Service Commission/competent authority to relax the ‘experience'
(a) Where the post is filled by direct recruitment through the Union Public Service
Commission, the provision to be inserted will be:
(b) Where the post is filled by direct recruitment otherwise than through the
Union Public Service Commission, the provision to be inserted will be:
3.9 In addition to the concession referred to above, in cases where the requisite number of
Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe/Other Backward Class candidates fulfilling even the relaxed
standards admissible in their cases are not available to fill the vacancies reserved for them in non-
technical and quasi-technical Group C and D services/posts required to be filled by direct
recruitment otherwise than by written examination, the selecting authorities should, to the extent of
the vacancies reserved for Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribe/Other Backward Class, select for
appointment the best among the Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe/Other Backward Class candidates
who fulfill the minimum educational qualifications laid down in the notice for recruitment of
advertisement. In order to bring such candidates to the minimum standard necessary for the posts
and for the maintenance of efficiency of administration, they should be given in-service training.
The in-service training will be provided by the appointing authorities within their own offices. Such
candidates will, on their appointment, be placed on probation and the rules/orders regarding
probation will apply to them.
3.10 Ministries /Departments should instruct all authorities under them to prepare a list of non-
technical and quasi-technical posts in Group C and D to which the provisions given above apply.
While notifying vacancies in such posts or advertising them, it should be indicated that the posts are
non-technical in Group C and D. (O.M.No 24/7/67(I)-Estt.(SCT) dated 24/9/1968)
3.13 In promotions made on the basis of seniority subject to fitness in which there is reservation
for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes and where a qualifying examination is held to determine
the fitness of candidates for such promotion, suitable relaxation in the qualifying standard in such
examination should be made in the case of Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe candidates. Similar
relaxation of standard should be made in favor of Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe candidates in
such departmental qualifying examinations for promotions also, where promotion is made by
selection and merit is determined by qualifying examination out of the qualified candidates. The
extent of relaxation in above cases should be decided on each occasion whenever such an
examination is held taking into account all relevant factors including (i) the number of vacancies
reserved, (ii) the performance of Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe candidates as well as general
candidates in that examination, (iii) the minimum standard of fitness for appointment to the post,
and also (iv) the overall strength of the cadre and that of the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes
in that cadre.[DP&AR O.M No. 36021/10/76-Estt(SCT), 21.1.1977]
4.1 Number of posts reserved for Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Other Backward
Classes in a cadre having more than 13 posts shall be determined by multiplying the cadre strength
by the percentage of reservation prescribed for respective categories. While doing so, fractions, if
any, shall be ignored.
4.2 If the number of posts in a cadre is 2 or more than 2 but less than 14, reservation is provided
as per L-shaped rosters prescribed vide Department of Personnel & Training OM No. 36012/2/96-
Estt(Res) dated 02.07.1997. These L-shaped rosters are nothing but 14- Point rosters given below.
Thus in cadres with 2 posts but less than 14 posts, reservation shall be provided by rotation on the
basis of following 14-point rosters:
5. UR UR
6. UR UR
7. SC SC
9. UR UR
10. UR UR
11. UR UR
13. UR UR
14. ST ST
Note 2: Where the recruitment is made vacancy based, it is possible that at any given point of time
share of direct recruitment may increase and share of promotion may correspondingly decrease or
vice-versa. In such cases cadre strength for direct recruitment and cadre strength for promotion may
change from year to year. Consequently, number of reserved posts in direct recruitment quota and
number of reserved posts in promotion quota would change from year to year. Likewise, if there is
any increase or decrease in the cadre strength for any other reason, the number of reserved posts
shall increase or decrease accordingly.
Note 3: Excess or shortfall of reservation, which may arise due to change in cadre strength, shall be
adjusted/made up in subsequent recruitments.
4.3 While filling up of vacancies in a year, efforts shall be made to make up the shortfall of
reservation for all the three categories, namely, SCs, STs and OBCs subject, however, to the
condition that total number of vacancies reserved for SCs, STs and OBCs is not more than 50% of
the vacancies of the year.
4.4 The ceiling of 50% reservation on filling of reserved vacancies would apply only to the
vacancies which arise in the current year and the backlog reserved vacancies of SCs, STs and OBCs
in case of direct recruitment and backlog reserved vacancies of SCs and STs in case of promotion of
earlier years, would be treated as a separate and distinct group, and would not be considered together
with the reserved vacancies of the year in which they are filled for determining the ceiling of 50%
reservation on total number of vacancies of that year.
Note 1: Shortfall of reservation of a particular reserved category in a cadre means the difference
between the 'total number of reserved posts for that category in the cadre’ and ‘the number of
persons of that category appointed by reservation and holding the posts in the cadre’.
Note 2 : Backlog reserved vacancies of a category are those vacancies which were earmarked
reserved for that category in an earlier recruitment year but remained unfilled in the previous
recruitment attempt on account of non availability of suitable candidates belonging to that category
and are still lying unfilled.
4.5 Given below is an illustration which would clarify the method of earmarking reservation for
SCs, STs, and OBCs.
(i) There is a cadre having a total number of 1000 posts which are filled by direct
recruitment on all India basis by open competition. The number of SC, ST and
OBC employees appointed by reservation in the cadre should ideally be 150, 75
and 270 respectively when all the posts are filled.
(ii) Suppose all the 1000 posts stood filled in the year 2006 but the number of SC,
ST and OBC employees appointed by reservation was 130, 75 and 100
respectively. There was, thus, a shortfall of 20 SCs and 170 OBCs in the cadre in
that year, though all the posts were filled.
(iii) (a) Suppose 200 vacancies occurred in the cadre in the recruitment year 2007,
of which 20 were vacated by SCs, 10 by STs and rest by unreserved category
candidates. After vacation of these posts, shortfall of SCs, STs and OBCs in the
cadre became 40, 10 and 170 respectively. Though there was a big shortfall of
SCs, STs and OBCs in the cadre, only 100 of these vacancies could be earmarked
reserved because all the 200 vacancies were current vacancies and limit of 50%
on reservation in a year would apply on these vacancies.
(b) Shortfall of SCs and OBCs was more than 15% and 27% respectively of the
current vacancies. Therefore, 15% of the current vacancies were straightway
earmarked reserved for SCs and 27% for OBCs i.e. 30 vacancies were earmarked
reserved for SCs and 54 for the OBCs. Shortfall of STs was 10 which is less
than 7.5% of total vacancies. Therefore, only 10 vacancies were earmarked
reserved for STs. Applying the above principle, 94 vacancies were earmarked
(iv) Suppose 200 vacancies occurred in the recruitment year 2008 of which 20 were
vacated by SCs, 10 by STs and 20 by OBCs. At this stage shortfall of SCs, STs
and OBCs was 40, 15 and 140 respectively. Total vacancies in the year were
200+12+5+8=225, of which 200 were current vacancies and 25 backlog
vacancies. While earmarking reservation, 25 backlog reserved vacancies of SCs,
STs and OBCs will be treated as a separate and distinct group and will be kept
reserved-12 for SCs, 5 for STs and 8 for OBCs. Of the 200 current vacancies, not
more than 100 can be earmarked reserved. By applying the same principles as in
the year 2007, out of 200 current vacancies, 28 were earmarked reserved for SCs,
10 for STs and 62 for OBCs. Thus the number of vacancies reserved for SCs,
STs and OBCs in the recruitment year 2008, including the backlog reserved
vacancies, were 40, 15 and 70 respectively. If only 35 SCs, 12 STs and 50 OBCs
become available to fill up the reserved vacancies, 5 vacancies of SCs, 3
vacancies of STs and 20 vacancies of OBCs will be kept vacant and will be
treated as backlog reserved vacancies for the subsequent recruitment year.
4.6 In case of cadres where reservation is given by rotation, number of reserved vacancies will
be determined as per roster points. It would have to be kept in view that not more than 50 per cent
of current vacancies of a year are reserved and total reservation in the cadre does not exceed the
limit of 50%. If at any stage, filling up of a vacancy results into more than 50% reservation in the
cadre, reservation shall be skipped.
5.1 In case of cadres having more than 13 posts, all appointing authorities should maintain
reservation registers in the format given in Annexure-I.
5.2 Reservation roster registers will be maintained in format given in the Annexure-II for cadres
having less than 14 posts.
5.3 Following principles shall be followed for preparation and maintenance of reservation
registers and reservation roster registers:
(a) Separate registers/ roster registers shall be maintained for appointments made by
direct recruitment and promotion. In case of promotion, separate registers / roster
registers shall be maintained for each mode of promotion viz. limited competitive
examination, selection, non-selection, etc.
(b) A common register / roster register shall be maintained for permanent appointments
and temporary appointments likely to become permanent or to continue indefinitely.
(c) A separate register / roster register shall be maintained for purely temporary
appointments of 45 days or more but which have no chance whatever of becoming
permanent or continuing indefinitely.
(d) Immediately after an appointment is made, the particulars of the person appointed
shall be entered in the register / roster register in the appropriate columns and the
entry signed by the appointing authority or by an officer authorized to do so.
(e) No gap shall be left in completing the register / roster register.
(f) The register / roster register shall be maintained in the form of a running account year
after year. For example if recruitment in a year stops at point 6, recruitment in the
following year shall begin from point 7.
(g) If reservation register becomes unwieldy or difficult to manage, a fresh register may
be started by applying the method of initial preparation of registers.
(h) In case of cadres where reservation is given by rotation, fresh cycle of roster shall be
started after completion of all the points in the roster.
(i) Since reservation does not apply to deputation/absorption, where the recruitment
rules prescribe a percentage of posts to be filled by these methods, such posts shall be
excluded for determining reservations.
(j) After every recruitment year, an account shall be noted in the reservation register
indicating representation of Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes/Other Backward
Classes and details of backlog reserved vacancies etc.
Note: Reservation registers / roster registers are only an aid to ensure that Scheduled Castes,
Scheduled Tribes and Other Backward Classes get quota reserved for them. These registers/roster
registers do not determine seniority.
Grouping of Posts
5.4 In the case of posts filled by direct recruitment, small cadres may be grouped with posts in
the same group for the purpose of reservation orders taking into account the status, salary and
qualifications prescribed for the posts in question.
5.5 The posts of Sweepers should not be grouped for the purpose of reservation, with other
categories of Group D posts, even though the number of posts of Sweepers may not be large in an
office /establishment.
5.6 Proposals for grouping of posts should be referred to the Department of Personnel &
Training for prior approval together with full particulars of the posts proposed to be grouped
together in the following respect:
(i) Designation and number of each post.
(ii) Group to which the posts belong i.e. Group A, Group B, Group C or Group D.
(iii) Scale of pay of each post.
(iii) Method of recruitment for each post as provided in the recruitment rules.
(iv) Minimum qualifications prescribed for direct recruitment to each post.
5.7 While reservations would be made according to the groups as provided above, the total
reservation in any of the posts/services so grouped should not exceed 50 per cent of the vacancies to
be filled in it i.e. in the particular post/service, in a recruitment year. The total reservation for SCs,
STs and OBCs in any post or service should also not exceed 50 percent of the total number of posts
in the particular post/service.
5.8 In order to prepare the reservation register initially, names of all the candidates holding the
post as on the date of starting the reservation register may be entered in the register starting with the
earliest appointee who was in the cadre as on the date of start of register. If an appointee in the
cadre is a Scheduled Caste candidate, SC may be entered in column 4 of the register against his
name. If that candidate was appointed by reservation, SC may be written in column 5 also but if he
was appointed on his own merit, UR will be written in column 5. If the next appointee is a general
category candidate, general shall be written in column 4 against his name and UR in column 5, and
so on till all the appointments are adjusted. After making entries as indicated above, details about
the number of SC, ST and OBC candidates appointed by reservation, backlog reserved vacancies, if
any, may be indicated in ‘Remarks’ column.
5.9 After initial preparation of the register, the names of persons appointed thereafter may be
added by filling up the columns as stated above.
5.10 Roster registers shall be maintained for cadres with 2 to 13 posts. For preparing roster,
names of all the incumbents in the cadre as on 2.7.1997 may be entered in the register starting from
the earliest appointee. If an appointee in the cadre is a Scheduled Caste candidate, SC may be
entered in column 5 of the register against his name. If that candidate was appointed by reservation,
SC may be written in column 6 also but if he was appointed on his own merit, UR will be written in
column 6. If the next appointee is a general category candidate, general shall be written in column 5
against his name and UR in column 6, and so on till all appointments are adjusted. In doing so, a
general category candidate may appear on a reserved point and an SC/ST/OBC candidate may
appear against an unreserved point. If name of an SC/ST/OBC candidate appointed by reservation is
entered against a general point, entries may be made in remarks column against that point and also
against nearest point reserved for SCs/STs/OBCs, as the case may be, to the effect that such a
candidate is to be treated to have been adjusted against the relevant reserved point. Likewise,
entries will be made in remarks column for candidates who are appointed as general category
candidates but whose names appear against reserved points. Similar adjustments will be made in
respect of SC candidates appearing against a point reserved for STs or OBCs and so on. After all the
14 points are consumed, fresh cycle of the roster may be started. As many roster points may be
treated to have been consumed on the date of start of the roster register as many employees occupy
the roster points as on the date of start of the register. From that point onward, vacancies may be
filled as per roster points subject to adjustment of reserved category candidates appointed by
reservation and general category candidates as explained above.
SC/ST/OBC Candidates Appointed on Merit
5.11 SC, ST and OBC candidates in case of direct recruitment and SC and ST candidates in case
of promotion, appointed on their own merit and not owing to reservation should not be shown
against reserved quota. They will be adjusted against unreserved quota.
5.12 If an unreserved vacancy arises in a cadre and there is any SC/ST candidate within the
normal zone of consideration in the feeder grade, such SC/ST candidate cannot be denied promotion
on the plea that the post is not reserved. Such a candidate will be considered for promotion along
with other candidates treating him as if he belongs to general category. In case he is selected, he
will be appointed to the post and will be adjusted against the unreserved point.
5.13 Only such SC/ST/OBC candidates who are selected on the same standard as applied to
general candidates shall be treated as own merit candidates. If any SC/ST/OBC candidate is
selected by getting any relaxation in experience qualification, number of permitted chances in
written examination, zone of consideration etc., he/she shall be counted against reserved vacancies.
Such a candidate cannot be considered for appointment against an unreserved vacancy.
5.14 SC/ST candidates appointed on their own merit (by direct recruitment or promotion) and
adjusted against unreserved points will retain their status of SC/ST and will be eligible to get benefit
of reservation in future/further promotions, if any.
5.15 50% limit on reservation will be computed by excluding such reserved category candidates
who are appointed/ promoted on their own merit.
Annexure-I to Chapter- 5
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Annexure-II to Chapter- 5
Direct Recruitment
6.1 When direct recruitment is to be made for reserved as well as unreserved vacancies on any
one occasion, a single advertisement should be issued specifying clearly therein the vacancies
reserved for Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and OBCs. ( O.M.No.36012/6/88-Estt.(SCT),
SRD dated 6.9.1999)
6.2 While notifying the vacancies to the local or the regional employment exchange, a single
requisition should be sent to the Employment Exchange for such reserved and unreserved vacancies.
The number of vacancies reserved for Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and OBCs out of the total
vacancies notified should be clearly indicated in the requisition to the employment Exchange. The
following certificate should also, be given in the requisition:
6.3 If sufficient number of Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe candidates are not available or are
not sponsored by the Employment Exchange for the reserved vacancies, the appointing authority
should also intimate the reserved vacancies to the Director of Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes
Welfare in the State/Union Territory concerned.
6.4 The vacancies should also be brought to the notice of the Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe
Organizations recognized by this Department for the purpose of notifying to them the vacancies. It
may, however, be made clear to such organizations that their function is limited to advising the
Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe candidates about the recruitment proposed and that it will not be
for them to recommend or press the names of any individuals. The candidates should apply to the
appointing authority either direct or through the Employment Exchange, as the case may be.
6.5 Where sufficient number of candidates belonging to SC/ST/OBC are not available to fill up
the vacancies reserved for them in direct recruitment, the vacancies should not be filled by
candidates not belonging to these communities. In other words, there is a ban on de-reservation of
vacancies reserved for SCs, STs and OBCs in direct recruitment.
6.6 If sufficient number of suitable SC/ST/OBC candidates are not available to fill up vacancies
reserved for them in the first attempt of recruitment, a second attempt should be made for recruiting
suitable candidates belonging to the concerned category in the same recruitment year or as early as
possible before the next recruitment year to fill up these vacancies. If the required number of
SC/ST/OBC candidates are not even then available, the vacancies which could not be filled up shall
remain unfilled until the next recruitment year. These vacancies will be treated as “backlog
6.7 In the subsequent recruitment year when recruitment is made for the vacancies of that year
(called the current vacancies), the backlog vacancies of SCs, STs and OBCs will also be announced
for recruitment. While doing so, it may be kept in view that the vacancies of the particular
recruitment year i.e. the current vacancies will be treated as one group and backlog vacancies of
SCs, STs and OBCs as a separate and distinct group. Of the vacancies in the first group, not more
than 50% of the vacancies shall be reserved. Vacancies in the second group i.e. all the backlog
vacancies reserved for SCs, STs and OBCs will be filled up by the candidates belonging to category
concerned without any restriction whatsoever as they belong to distinct group of backlog vacancies
of SCs, STs and OBCs.
6.8 Vacancies reserved for SCs/STs/OBCs which could not be filled up and are carried forward
as backlog vacancies and remain unfilled in the following recruitment year also, will be carried
forward as backlog vacancies for subsequent recruitment year(s) as long as these are not filled by
candidates of the category for which these are reserved.
6.9 In posts filled otherwise than through examination, normally six to seven candidates
belonging to the community for which the post is reserved may be called for interview for each
reserved vacancy, subject to availability of such candidates fulfilling the qualifications prescribed
for the post. Where the response from the Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe/Other Backward Class
candidates is exceptionally good, the recruiting authority may, having regard to the merits of each
case, call as many as 10 to 12 candidates of the respective category for each reserved vacancy for
the purpose of interview/selection.
6.10 In direct recruitment made otherwise than through examination and in direct recruitment made
though examination followed by an interview, the interview of Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe
candidates should be held on a day or sitting of the Selection Committee other than the day or sitting
on which general candidates are to be interviewed so that the Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe
candidates are not judged in comparison with general candidates and the interviewing
authority/Board is/are prominently aware of the need for judging the Scheduled Caste /Scheduled
Tribe candidates by relaxed standards.(O.M No.27/14/71-Estt.(SCT) dated 30/01/1973)
Promotion by Selection
6.11 In case of promotion by selection, selection against vacancies reserved for Scheduled Castes
and Scheduled Tribes should be made only from among those Scheduled Caste /Scheduled Tribe
officers who are within the normal zone of consideration. Where adequate number of SC/ST
candidates are not available within the normal field of choice, it may be extended to 5 times the
number of vacancies and the SC/ST candidates (and not any other candidates) coming within the
extended field of choice should also be considered against the vacancies reserved for them. The
following instructions will apply to the filling of vacancies reserved for Scheduled Castes and
Scheduled Tribes in such promotions:
(i) Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe officers who are within the normal zone of
consideration shall be considered for promotion alongwith others and adjudged on
the same basis as others and those Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe officers
amongst them who are selected on that basis may be included in the general select
list. If some of the SC/ST candidates so selected have been selected on their own
merit in all respect and are so placed in the select list that their names fall within the
number of unreserved vacancies, such candidates shall be adjusted against unreserved
(ii) If number of candidates from Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes other than the
candidates selected on their own merit who are adjusted against unreserved vacancies
is less than the number of vacancies reserved for them, the difference should be made
up by selecting candidates of these communities who are in the zone of consideration
irrespective of merit but who are considered fit for promotion.
(iii) If the number of SC/ST candidates found fit for promotion against reserved vacancies
is still less than the number of vacancies reserved for them, the difference should be
made up by selecting candidates of these communities who are in the extended zone
of consideration irrespective of merit but who are considered fit for promotion.
(iv) A select list should then be prepared in which the names of all the selected officers,
general as well as those belonging to Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes, are
arranged in the order of merit and seniority according to the general principles for
promotion to selection posts. However, such of the SC/ST candidates who are in the
extended field and get selected should en block be placed in the end by maintaining
their inter se position in accordance with their gradation by the DPC. This select list
should, thereafter, be followed for making promotions in vacancies as and when they
arise during the year.
Promotion by Non-Selection
6.12 In case of promotion by non-selection, all Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe candidates
covered in the relevant seniority list within the total number of such vacancies against which the
promotions are to be made, shall be considered in the order of their general seniority, and if they are
not judged unfit, they shall be promoted. If the number of Scheduled Caste / Scheduled Tribe
candidates found fit within the range of actual vacancies is less than the number of vacancies
reserved for them, additional Scheduled Caste / Scheduled Tribe candidates to the extent required
shall be located by going down the seniority list, provided they are eligible and found fit for
Note 1: In order to ensure proper implementation of reservation of vacancies for Scheduled Castes
and Scheduled Tribes in promotion, number of vacancies should be assessed as accurately as
possible. Purely short term vacancies should not be taken into account for this purpose; nor should
any addition be made to cover unforeseen vacancies. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure that
the number of vacancies is not reduced. All clear vacancies arising due to death, retirement,
resignation and long term promotion of incumbents from one post/grade to a higher post/ grade
should be taken into account while fixing the number of vacancies and the number of reserved
vacancies for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes.
Note 2: Since appointment to Selection Grade also constitutes promotion, the appropriate orders
relating to reservation/concessions for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes in promotions, would
apply to the appointment to the Selection Grade also.
6.14 If sufficient number of SC/ST candidates fit for promotion against reserved vacancies is not
available and such vacancies can also not be de-reserved for reasons like non-availability of
candidates of other categories to fill up the posts etc., the vacancies shall not be filled and will
remain unfilled and will be treated as “backlog vacancies”.
( O.M.No.36020/2/2007-Estt.(Res) dated 7/12/2009)
6.15 In the subsequent recruitment year when recruitment is made for the vacancies of that year
(called the current vacancies), the backlog vacancies of SCs and STs will also be filled up, keeping
the current vacancies and the backlog vacancies of SCs and STs as two distinct groups. Of the
current vacancies, not more than 50% of the vacancies shall be reserved. However, all the backlog
vacancies reserved for SCs and STs will be filled up by candidates belonging to the concerned
category without any restriction whatsoever as they belong to distinct group of backlog vacancies.
recruitment quota and filled by recruitment of candidates belonging to SC or ST, as the case may be,
in accordance with the provisions relating to direct recruitment contained in the Recruitment Rules.
In the subsequent year(s) when reserved vacancies in the direct recruitment quota become available
they may be diverted to the promotion quota to make up for the vacancies diverted earlier and
filled from SC/ST candidates in the feeder cadre who might by then become eligible for promotion.
This involves relaxation of the Recruitment Rules. The Ministries/Departments may themselves
exercise the power of relaxation subject to approval of UPSC, wherever necessary.
6.18 In regard to promotions by selection from Group A post to a Group A post which carries an
ultimate salary of Rs. 18,300 (pre-revised) or less, cases where the Scheduled Caste / Scheduled
Tribe candidates available within the number of vacancies for which the select list is drawn are not
selected, should be submitted to the Minister / Minister of State / Deputy Minister concerned, as the
case may be.
6.19 According to the instruction contained in the Ministry of Home Affairs Office
Memorandum No.39/3/59-Estt.(A) dated the 31st August, 1960, the findings of the Department
Promotion Committee in respect of a person under suspension or against whom vigilance enquiries
are pending are kept in sealed cover and a vacancy is kept reserved for him and is filled only on
officiating basis till the finalization of the departmental proceedings. If the officer is completely
exonerated and the charges leveled against him are proved to be wholly unjustified then he is
promoted to the vacancy which had been filled on an officiating basis and which was reserved for
him. In such cases, the junior most officer officiating in the grade i.e. the officer occupying the
lowest position in the panel is reverted. Where such reversion becomes necessary, the reversions
should be made in such a manner that the total number of SC/ST candidates in the cadre appointed
by reservation is not reduced below the reservation prescribed for them.
7.1 A vacancy reserved for SCs or STs or OBCs cannot be filled by a candidate other than an SC
or ST or OBC candidate, as the case may be. However, a reserved vacancy may be declared
unreserved by following the procedure of de-reservation as given below whereafter it can be filled
as an unreserved vacancy.
7.3 The administrative Ministry shall consult the National Commission for Scheduled Castes
in respect of vacancy reserved for SCs , the National Commission for Scheduled Tribes in respect of
vacancy reserved for STs and the National Commission for Backward Classes in respect of vacancy
reserved for OBCs. After obtaining the comments of the concerned Commission, the administrative
Ministry/Department shall place the proposal alongwith the Commission’s comments before a
Committee comprising of the Secretaries in the Department of Personnel and Training, the Ministry
of Social Justice and Empowerment, and the Ministry/Department under which the recruitment is to
be made for consideration and recommendation. The recommendation of the Committee shall be
placed before the Minister in charge of the Department of Personnel and Training for taking a final
decision. If de-reservation of the vacancy is approved, it can be filled as an unreserved vacancy.
In case of promotion, if sufficient number of SC/ST candidates fit for promotion against
reserved vacancies are not available, such vacancies may be de-reserved and filled by the candidates
of other communities. The power to accord approval to de-reservation of the reserved vacancies in
such cases is delegated to the administrative Ministries and Departments subject to the following
(i) no candidate belonging to the category for which the vacancy is reserved is
available within the zone of consideration or extended zone of consideration or
eligible for promotion in the feeder cadre(s) specified in the relevant service /
recruitment rules / orders;
(ii) the proposal for de-reservation has been seen and concurred in by the Liaison
Officer of the Ministry / Department;
(iii) the proposal for de-reservation is agreed to at a level not lower than that of Joint
Secretary to the Government of India, in the administrative Ministry / Department
(proper)concerned; and
(iv) in the event of disagreement between the appointing authority and the Liaison
Officer, the advice of the Department of Personnel & Training is obtained.
7.5 Before taking a decision to de-reserve a vacancy under the delegated powers, the administrative
Ministry / Department shall prepare a proposal in the proforma given in the Annexure-I and send
one copy thereof each to the Department of Personnel & Training and the National Commission for
Scheduled Castes in respect of vacancies reserved for SCs and to the National Commission for
Scheduled Tribes in respect of vacancies reserved for STs. After sending the proposal, the
Ministry / Department shall wait for a period of atleast two weeks for the comments of the
Department of Personnel & Training and the concerned National Commission. If no comments are
received from the Department of Personnel & Training or the concerned Commission within two
weeks, the administrative Ministry / Department may presume that the DOPT or the concerned
National Commission, as the case may be, do not have any comments to offer and may take a
decision regarding de-reservation of the vacancy. In case the Ministry / Department receives
comments from the DOPT or the concerned Commission within two weeks, the comments so
received shall be considered while taking a decision in the matter.
7.6 While sending the copy of the proposal to the Commissions / Department of Personnel &
Training, it should be ensured that the proposal / proforma duly filled in is signed by an officer of
the rank of Under Secretary or above in the administrative Ministry / Department.
7.7 The Attached / Subordinate Offices etc. should not send the proposal direct to the Department
of Personnel and Training or to the concerned National Commission. They should send the proposal
to the administrative Ministry/ Department who will examine the proposal and send it to the
Department of Personnel and Training and to the concerned National Commission.
Annexure to Chapter-7
8. If promotion is by non-selection
(a) Whether the SC/ST candidates who
are eligible for promotion including
those holding lower positions in the
general seniority list were considered
for promotion
(b) Total number of SC/ST candidates in SCs……………………...STs………….
the feeder grade
(c) No. of eligible SC/ST candidates in SCs……………………...STs………….
the feeder grade
(d) Number of SC/ST candidates SCs……………………...STs………….
considered fit for promotion
(e) Number of SC/ST candidates SCs……………………...STs…………
considered not fit for promotion
(f) If sufficient number of SC/ST SCs……………………...STs………….
candidates are not eligible for
promotion on the crucial date, the
date on which the senior most
SC/ST candidate in the grade will
become eligible for promotion
9. If promotion is by selection
(a) Size of the normal zone of
(b) Size of the extended zone of
consideration for SCs/STs (5 times
the total number of vacancies)
(c) Number of eligible SC/ST candidates in SCs…………………STs……………
the extended zone of consideration
(d) Number of SC/ST candidates found fit SCs…………………STs……………
for promotion
(e) Number of SC/ST candidates SCs…………………STs………
considered not fit for promotion
(f) If sufficient number of SC/ST
candidates are not eligible for SCs…………………STs………
promotion on the crucial date, the
date on which the senior–most SC/ST
candidate will become eligible for
promotion and his place in the
seniority list
It is certified
(1) that the proposal for de-reservation is agreed to at the level of Joint Secretary to the Government of India in
the administrative Ministry / Department.
(2) that the proposal has been seen and concurred in by the Liaison Officer of the Ministry / Department.
(3) that copies of this proposal are simultaneously being sent to the National Commission for
Scheduled Castes / National Commission for Scheduled Tribes and the Department of Personnel &
Tele. No………….
8.1 Any person who claims to belong to a Scheduled Caste or a Scheduled Tribe or Other
Backward Class will have to produce a certificate to the Appointing Authority/Selection
Committee/Board etc. in support of his claim so as to make him eligible for reservation and various
relaxations and concessions.
8.2 The Caste/Tribe/Community certificate issued by the following authorities in the prescribed
form for SCs/STs and for OBCs will only be accepted as proof in support of a candidate’s claim as
belonging to the Scheduled Caste or the Scheduled Tribe or the Other Backward Class as given in
Annexure-I and Annexure-II
8.3 The appointing authorities should verify the caste status of a Scheduled Caste/ Scheduled
Tribe / Other Backward Class candidate at the time of initial appointment and of an SC/ST officer at
the time of promotion against reserved vacancy also. For this purpose, the caste and the community
to which an SC/ST/OBC person belongs, his place of residence and the name of the State, should be
pasted on the top of his service book, personal file or any other relevant document to facilitate such
verification. It may be noted that a Scheduled Caste person, whose caste has been de-scheduled
after his initial appointment as a Scheduled Caste, is no longer entitled to enjoy the benefit of
reservation in promotions. The verification of caste-status at every important up-turn of employee’s
career is necessary so that the benefit of reservation and other scheme of concessions etc. should go
only to the rightful claimants and not those who become disentitled to them. (OM No.
36011/3/2005-Estt.(Res) dated 09.09.2005).
8.4 The Appointing Authorities should, in the offer of appointment to the candidates claiming to
belong to Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes/Other Backward Classes include a clause as follows:
8.5 An appointing authority may, if it considers necessary for any reason, verify the claim of a
candidate through the District Magistrate of the place where the candidate and/or his family
ordinarily resides. If after appointment in any particular case, the verification reveals that the
candidate’s claim was false his services may be terminated in accordance with the relevant
rules/orders (OM No. 36011/3/2005-Estt.(Res) dated 09.09.2005).
8.6 As no person professing a religion different from the Hinduism or Sikhism or Budhism can
be deemed to be a member of Scheduled Castes, the appointing authorities should stipulate in the
letter of appointment issued to Scheduled Caste candidates that they should inform about the
change, if any, of their religion to their appointing/administrative authority immediately after such a
change. The serving scheduled Caste employees should be instructed to intimate change, if any, in
their religion immediately to their appointing/administrative authorities (OM No. 13/3/71-
Estt.(SCT) dated 10.09.1971)
Annexure-I to Chapter-8
of ___________________________.
Signature _______________________
Designation ______________________
Note: The term “Ordinarily resides” used here will have the same meaning as in Section 20
of the Representation of the Peoples Act, 1950.
Annexure-II to Chapter-8
District Magistrate,
Deputy Commissioner etc.
* as amended from time to time.
NOTE: The term “Ordinarily ” used here will have the same meaning as in Section 20 of the
Representation of the Peoples Act, 1950.
Annual Returns
9.1 Soon after the first of January of every year, each Appointing Authority shall send to its
administrative Ministry/Department:-
(i) SC/ST/OBC Report-I in the performa given in Annexure-I showing the total
number of Government servants and the number of SCs, STs and OBCs amongst
them as on the 1st January of the year and the number of appointments made during
the preceding calendar year along with the number of SCs, STs and OBCs amongst
them; and
9.2 On receipt of the above reports, the administrative Ministry/Department shall consolidate the
information received from all Appointing Authorities under it and shall send to the Department of
Personnel and Training by the 31st March of each year:
9.4 While furnishing the figures of representation of SCs, STs and OBCs in Report-I,
information in respect of the posts of “sweepers/safaikaramcharies” should not be included as such
inclusion results in inflating the figures of representation of SCs in group D posts. In the report,
information in respect of group D posts (excluding sweepers) and group D posts (sweepers) should
be given separately.
9.5 The reports relate to persons and not to posts. Therefore, the posts vacant etc. should not be
taken into account while furnishing the reports. A person on deputation should be included in the
establishment of the borrowing Ministry/Department/Office and not in the parent office. Figures in
respect of Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Other Backward Classes should include persons
appointed by reservation as well as appointed on their own merit. The persons permanent in one
grade but officiating or holding temporary appointment in the higher grades should be shown in the
figures relating to the class of service in which the higher grade concerned is included.
9.6 Each Ministry/Department should include in its Annual Report a note about the activities of
the Reservation Cell set up within the Ministry/Department under the control of the Liaison Officer
and the steps taken by the Ministry/Department to implement the provisions about reservation for
SCs, STs, OBCs and PWDs. The statistics relating to representation of Scheduled Castes, Scheduled
Tribes, Other Backward Classes and Persons with Disabilities should also be incorporated in the
Annual Report. This should include the information contained in SC/ST/OBC Report-I, SC/ST/OBC
Report-II, and reports prescribed in respect of persons with disabilities which each
Ministry/Department is required to furnish to the Department of Personnel and Training in a
consolidated form every year. Besides the consolidated information in respect of the
Ministry/Department as a whole including all the attached and subordinate offices, it would be
useful to incorporate information in respect of each organization/establishment under the Ministry/
Department in the Annual Report. Similar information in respect of statutory and semi-Government
bodies and in respect of public sector undertakings under the control of the Ministry/Department
may also be usefully included in the Annual Report.
Liaison Officers
9.7 In each Ministry/Department the Deputy Secretary in charge of administration or any other
officer at least of the rank of Deputy Secretary will act as a Liaison Officer in respect of matters
relating to the representation of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes in all establishments and
services under the administrative control of the Ministry/Department. A separate Liaison Officer
should be appointed for Other Backward Classes. The Liaison Officers will be specially responsible
(i) Ensuring due compliance by the subordinate appointing authorities with the orders
and instructions pertaining to the reservation of vacancies in favour of Scheduled
Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Other Backward Classes and other benefits admissible
to them.
(ii) Ensuring timely submission of SC/ST/OBC Reports I and II by each appointing
authority under the Ministry/Department to the Ministry/Department and ensuring
scrutiny and consolidation of the above reports in respect of all establishments and
services in and under the control of the Ministry/Department and sending the
consolidated reports in the prescribed proformae to the Department of Personnel &
(iii) Acquainting himself( Liaison Officer for SCs and STs) well in time about the dates
of various DPCs, which will be held in future. He will have with him a ready list of
officers of various levels belonging to SC/ST of a few sister Departments/ Ministries
so that whenever requirement arises, an SC/ST officer of appropriate level consistent
with the level of the other members of the DPC and the level of appointment for
which a DPC is proposed to be convened, can always be associated as a member.
Such a list may be prepared by the Liaison Officer by informally consulting the
administrative wing of other Ministries/Departments.
(iv) Ensuring that while making a reference to the Department of Personnel and Training
and to the National Commission for Scheduled Castes/the National Commission for
Scheduled Tribes for de-reservation of reserved vacancies, full details in support of
the proposal for de-reservation are given.
(v) Ensuring the extension of necessary assistance to the National Commission for
Scheduled Castes and the National Commission for Scheduled Tribes in the
investigation of complaints received by the Commission, in regard to service matters
and in the collection of information for his annual report.
(vi) Conducting annual inspection of the reservation registers/roster registers maintained
in the Ministry/Department/Offices under the control of the Ministry/Department
with a view to ensuring proper implementation of the reservation orders.
(vii) Acting as Liaison Officer between the Ministry/Department and the Department of
Personnel & Training for supply of other information, answering questions and
queries and clearing doubts in regard to matters covered by the reservation orders.
9.8 Each Ministry/Department should set up a Reservation Cell within the Ministry/Department
under the direct control of the Liaison Officers. The functions of the Cell will mainly be to assist the
Liaison Officers to discharge their duties effectively.
9.9 In offices under the control of each Head of Department also, the Liaison Officers will be
nominated for work relating to representation of Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Other
Backward Classes in such offices. The duties of Liaison Officers for offices under such Heads of
Departments will be similar to those mentioned above in respect of offices under their charge.
9.10 Cases of negligence or lapses in the matter of following the reservation and other orders
relating to Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Other Backward Classes coming to light through
the inspections carried out by the Liaison Officers or otherwise, should be reported/submitted by
him to the Secretary/Additional Secretary to the Government in the respective Ministry/Department
or to the Head of the Department in respect of offices under the Head of Department, as the case
may be. The concerned Secretary/Additional Secretary/Head of the Department shall pass necessary
orders on such reports to ensure strict compliance of the reservation orders by the appointing
authority concerned.( No.43011/153/2010-Estt.(Res.) dated 04/01/2013)
9.12 In regard to the question whether the Commissions can call for the original records and files
in specific cases where complaints have been made to them and whether Scheduled Caste and
Scheduled Tribe Government servants can write to the concerned Commission direct bringing their
grievances to the notice of the Commission, it is stated that:
(a) Files relating to the appointment of candidates belonging to the Scheduled Castes and
Scheduled Tribes against the reserved quota should, on demand, be made available to
the National Commission for Scheduled Castes or the National Commission for
Scheduled Tribes, as the case be;
(b) In all other cases, comprehensive notes explaining the position may be furnished to
the Commission;
(c) Should the Commission have any reservations or doubts in regard to the explanations
given, the matter may be referred to the Secretary(Personnel), who will go through
the original records and answer the queries by the Commission, where possible he
will also send the record with the reply; and
(d) Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe Government employees may write to the
National Commission for Scheduled Castes or the National Commission for
Scheduled Tribes, as the case may be, direct on matters relating to appointments
against the reserved quota. It is not necessary for the Scheduled Caste and Scheduled
Tribe Government employees to seek prior permission of the concerned
administrative Ministry/Department for sending their representations to the
concerned Commission.
Note: The expression “reserved quota” will include matters relating to confirmation, promotion,
grant of other concessions allowed to Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe employees by the
Department of Personnel and Training from time to time.
9.13 Ministries/Departments and particularly, the Liaison Officers should ensure the extension of
necessary assistance to the National Commissions for investigation of complaints received by the
latter in service matters. The Communications received from the Commissions calling for facts,
comments, etc. in respect of representations on service matters made by individuals should be
replied to expeditiously.
9.14 Ministries/Departments should extend necessary assistance required by the Commissions for
conducting special studies of the registers/ rosters maintained and of implementation of other orders
regarding reservation of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes by any appointing authority under
their administrative control. The follow-up action on the reports/ recommendations made by the
Commission after such studies, should be completed and action taken reported to the concerned
Commission’s office within six months. Where for any reasons, it is not possible for any Ministry
to adhere to this time scheduled, the reasons therefore should be communicated to the Commission
before the expiry of six months indicating the details of the action already taken and also the
probable time that would be further needed by them to send their final replies/reports.
9.15 The Supreme Court in the matter of the All Indian Overseas Bank Scheduled Castes and
Scheduled Tribes Employees Welfare Association and Others Vs. Union of India and Others (Civil
Appeal No.13700 of 1996) has held that the National Commission for the Scheduled Castes and
Scheduled Tribes has no power of granting injunction, whether temporary or permanent. The Court
also held that the powers of the Commission in terms of Article 338(8) of the Constitution were all
the procedural powers of a Civil Court for the purpose of investigating and inquiring into the matters
and that too for that limited purpose only. In view of the judgment of the Supreme Court, the
National Commission for the Scheduled Castes and the National Commission for the Scheduled
Tribes have no powers to direct withholding of the operation of any orders issued by the
Government. The Ministries/Departments etc. may keep in view the judgment of the Supreme Court
while dealing with the directions given by the National Commission for the Scheduled Castes or the
National Commission for the Scheduled Tribes. (O.M. No.36036/2/97-Estt.(Res) dated the 1st
January, 1998)
Annexure-I to Chapter-9
Representation of
SCs/STs/OBCs Number of appointments made during the preceding calendar year
(As on 1st January)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Group A
Group B
Group C
Group D
Group D
ANNEXURE-II to Chapter-9
Pay Scale Representation of SCs/STs/OBCs Number of appointments made during the preceding calendar year
(As on 1 January)
number SCs STs OBCs Total SCs STs OBCs Total SCs STs Total SCs STs
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
PB 3 + GP
PB 3 + GP
PB 3 + GP
PB 4 + GP
PB 4 + GP
PB 4 + GP
10.1 The following steps should be taken for training of Group A Officers belonging to Scheduled
Castes and Scheduled Tribes:
(i) More intensive training should be arranged for directly recruited Group A officers
belonging to Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes by the Heads of the Training
Institutions, wherever necessary, along with other officers. [DoPT’s OM No.1/9/69-
Estt. (SCT) dated 15.11.1971].
(iii) In drawing up such training programmes, adequate margin should be provided to take
in as many Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe officers as are sponsored by the
Ministries. It would be useful to earmark 25 per cent of the seats for officers of
Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes, wherever possible. In case this becomes
difficult in any particular programme, then such officers could be covered in the next
course or a special programme may be arranged for them. It would also be useful if
officers of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes were included in the various
training programmes abroad. It would enable them to broaden their outlook and also
build up specialized knowledge. It is also likely to boost up the morale of the officers
of these communities. [DP&AR’s OM No.1/1/73-Estt.(Res.) dated 10.12.73 and
DP&AR’s OM No.36022/13/76-Estt.(SCT) dated 14.9.1976 and DP&AR’s OM
No.36013/18/77-Est.(SCT) dated 4.9.78].
(iv) Superiors of Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe Officers should be asked to take
special care regarding on the job training of these officers, identify areas where
special training is considered necessary and take appropriate steps for such training in
consultation with the Department’s Training Coordinator and the Training Division
of the Department of Personnel & Training. [M/o Home Affairs OM No.27/2/70-
Estt.(SCT) dated 21.4.70].
(v) Cases of Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe Officers should be considered
sympathetically and they should be given preference while nominating officers for
training or deputing them for attending seminars/conferences, symposia etc. While
nominating officers for training programmes run by the various Departments and
Training Institution or for training programmes abroad or for training, seminars and
conferences, it should be indicated as to which of the officers nominated belong to
Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes, so that their cases may be duly considered
by the appropriate authorities at the time of selection. [DP&AR’s OM No.16/4/74-
Estt.(SCT) dated 18.4.1974].
improved intake of Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe candidates against reserved vacancies.
[M/o Home Affair’ letter No.21/3/70-Estt.(B) dated 31.3.70].
Prevention of Discrimination
10.5 It has been pointed out on many occasions that the Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe
Officers, after appointment, are subjected to harassment and discrimination on grounds of their
social origin. It has been pointed out that SC/ST officers are some times transferred to far-off places
and also placed at insignificant positions. It has also been stated that these officers are not accepted
at their places of postings by the concerned superior officers in some cases. In this connection, it is
emphasized that Government servants should desist from any act of discrimination against members
of SC/ST communities on grounds of their social origin. Senior officers, including the Liaison
Officers of the Ministry/Department, should keep a close watch to ensure that such incidents do not
occur at all. However, if any such incident comes to the notice of the authorities, action should be
taken against the erring officials promptly. [OM No.36026/3/85-Estt.(SCT) dated 24th June,
“Savings: Nothing in these rules shall affect reservations, relaxation of age-limit and other
concessions required to be provided for Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Other Backward
Classes, Persons with Disabilities and other special categories of persons in accordance with the
orders issued by the Central Government from time to time in this regard.” [ DoPT’s OM No.
8/12/71-Estt. (SCT) dated 21st September, 1971].
10.7 The provisions in recruitment rules and regulations for examinations for relaxation in
standards in favour of Scheduled Castes/Tribes may be worded as follows:
“Candidates belonging to any of the Scheduled Castes or the Scheduled Tribes or the
Other Backward Classes or the Persons with Disabilities may, to the extent the number
of vacancies reserved for the Scheduled Castes, the Scheduled Tribes, the Other
Backward Classes and the Persons with Disabilities cannot be filled on the basis of the
general standard, be recommended by the Commission by a relaxed standard to make
up the deficiency in the reserved quota, subject to the fitness of these candidates for
selection to the post/service irrespective of their ranks in the order of merit at the
examination.” [OM No.8/12/71-Estt.(Res.) dated 19th October, 1971 and M/o
Home Affairs’ OM No.1/1/70-Estt.(SCT) dated 25.7.1970].
Note: If the recruitment is not made through the UPSC, the reference to the Commission in the
above provision may be modified to refer to the competent authority.
10.8 Cases in which a doubt arises whether a person belongs to a Scheduled Caste or Other
Backward Class or whether a caste or community is a Scheduled Caste or included in Other
Backward Classes may be referred to the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, Shastri
Bhavan, New Delhi. If such a doubt arises about Scheduled Tribe status of a person or community,
reference may be made to the Ministry of Tribal Affairs, Shastri Bhavan, New Delhi. However, a
set of points which should be taken into account by the certificate issuing authorities are given
below. [M/o Home Affairs’ Circular letter No. 35/1/72-RV(SCTV) dated 2.5.75]
10.9 Where a person claims to belong to a Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribe or a Backward
community by birth, it should be verified :
(i) That the person and his parents actually belong to the community claimed;
(ii) That this community is included in the Presidential Orders specifying the Scheduled
Castes and Scheduled Tribes or included in the list of OBCs notified by the Ministry
of Social Justice and Empowerment, Government of India in relation to the
concerned State;
(iii) That the person belongs to that State and to the area within that State in respect of
which the community has been scheduled/notified.
(vi) If the person claims to be a Scheduled Caste, he should profess either the Hindu or
the Sikh or the Budhist religion.
Cases of Migration
10.10 (i) Where a person migrates from the portion of the state in respect of which his
community is scheduled/notified to another part of the same State in respect of which
his community is not scheduled/notified, he will continue to be deemed to be a
member of the Scheduled Caste or the Scheduled Tribe or the Other Backward Class,
as the case may be in relation to that State;
(ii) Where a person migrates from one state to another, he can claim to belong to a
Scheduled Caste or Scheduled Tribe or Other Backward Class only in relation to the
State to which he originally belonged and not in respect of the State in which he has
Claims through Marriage
10.11 No person who was not a member of Scheduled Caste or a Scheduled Tribe or Other
Backward Class by birth will be deemed to be a member of Scheduled Caste or Scheduled Tribe or
Other Backward Class merely because he or she had married a person belonging to a Scheduled
Caste or Scheduled Tribe or Other Backward Class. On the other hand a person who is a member of
a Scheduled Caste or a Scheduled Tribe or an OBC would continue to be a member of that
Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribe or OBC, as the case may be, even after his or her marriage with a
person who does not belong to a Scheduled Caste or a Scheduled Tribe or an Other Backward Class.
11.12 (i) Where a Scheduled Caste person gets converted to a religion other than
Hinduism or Sikhism or Buddhism and then reconverts himself back to Hinduism or
Sikhism or Buddhism, he will be deemed to have reverted to his original Scheduled
Caste, if he is accepted by the members of that particular caste as one among them.
(ii) In the case of a descendant of a Scheduled Caste convert, the mere fact of conversion
to Hinduism or Sikhism or Buddhism will not be sufficient to entitle him to be
regarded as a member of the Scheduled Caste to which his forefathers belonged. It
will have to be established that such a convert has been accepted by the members of
the caste claimed as one among themselves and has thus become a member of that
Cases of Adoption
11.13 Great care has to be exercised in dealing with cases where a person claims to be a member
of Scheduled Caste or Other Backward Class on the ground that he has been adopted by a Scheduled
Caste/OBC person. The validity of the adoption has to be clearly established before any caste
certificate can be given. It is for the party to prove his claim by cogent and reliable evidence:
(i) The requirements of valid adoption are given in sections 6 to 11 of the Hindu
Adoption Maintenance Act, 1956. The actual giving and taking of the child in
adoption is a mandatory requirement and thereafter the adopted child is deemed to be
the child of his or her adoptive father or mother for all purposes and the child severs
all ties with the family of his or her birth. Ordinarily, no child who has attained the
age of 15 years or who is married can be given in adoption unless there is a custom or
usage applicable to the parties.
(ii) In deciding whether an adoption is valid, the certificate issuing authority should
satisfy himself that all the requirements of law have been complied with. He should
also take into account the behaviour of the child after adoption whether he physically
lives with and is supported by his adoptive parents and receives no financial help
from his original parents. In case these conditions are not satisfied, the certificate
should be refused.
(iii) Where the case relates to an adoption of a married person or of a person of the age of
15 years and above, the certificate shall be required to be given by the District
Magistrate who shall after making due enquiries as to the validity of the adoption as
to whether such adoption is permitted by a custom or usage applicable to the parties,
make an endorsement to that effect on the certificate. Such custom or usage should
have been continuously and uniformly observed for a long time and obtained the
force of law among the Hindus of that particular area, or that community, group of
family provided that the custom or usage is certain and not unreasonable or opposed
to public policy and in the case of custom or usage in respect of a particular family
that the custom or usage has not been discontinued. In addition, it should be verified
that all other conditions for a valid adoption, including the physical transfer of the
adopted person to the family of the adoptive parents and that he has severed all ties
with the original parents are fulfilled.
(a) The nomenclature used for any job! post shall mean and include
nomenclature used for other comparable jobs / posts having
identical functions.
(b) The list of jobs / posts notified by the Ministry of Social Justice
& Empowerment is not exhaustive. The concerned Ministries /
Departments shall have the discretion to identify jobs / posts in
addition to the jobs / posts already identified by the Ministry of
Social Justice & Empowerment. However, no Ministry /
Department / Establishment shall exclude any identified job / post
from the purview of reservation at its own discretion.
(c) If a job/ post identified for persons with disabilities is shifted
from one group or grade to another group or grade due to change
in the pay-scale or otherwise, the job/ post shall remain
11. The Medical Board shall, after due examination, give a permanent
disability certificate in cases of such permanent disabilities where there are no
chances of variation in the degree of disability. The Medical Board shall
indicate the period of validity of the certificate, in cases where there are
chances of variation in the degree of disability. No refusal of disability
certificate shall be made unless an opportunity is given to the applicant of
being heard. On representation by the applicant, the Medical Board may
review its decision having regard to all the facts and circumstances of the case
and pass such orders in the matter as it thinks fit.
(b) Each register shall have cycles of 100 points and each cycle of 100
points shall be divided into three blocks, comprising the following points:
1st Block - point No.l to point No.33
2nd Block - point No. 34 to point No.66
3rd Block - point No.67 to point No. lOO
(d) All the vacancies in Group C posts falling in direct recruitment quota
arising in the establishment shall be entered in the relevant roster register. If
the post falling at point no. 1 is not identified for the disabled or the head of the
establishment considers it desirable not to fill it up by a disabled person or it is
not possible to fill up that post by the disabled for any other reason, one of the
vacancies falling at any of the points from 2 to 33 shall be treated as reserved
for the disabled and filled as such. Likewise a vacancy falling at any of the
points from 34 to 66 or from 67 to 100 shall be filled by the disabled. The
purpose of keeping points 1, 34 and 67 as reserved is to fill up the first
available suitable vacancy from 1 to 33, first available suitable vacancy from
34 to 66 and first available suitable vacancy from 67 to 100 by persons with
(g) If the number of vacancies in a year is such as to cover only one block or
two, discretion as to which category of the disabled should be accommodated
first shall vest in the head of the establishment, who shall decide on the basis of
the nature of the post, the level of representation of the specific disabled
category in the concerned grade/post etc.
(a) Reservation for each of the three categories of persons with disabilities
shall be made seP'.l!Jltely: But if the nature of vacancies in an establishment is
such that a person of a specific category of disability cannot be employed, the
vacancies may be interchanged among the three categories with the approval of
the Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment and reservation may be
determined and vacancies filled accordingly.
(b) If any vacancy reserved for any category of disability cannot be filled
due to non-availability of a suitable person with that disability or, for any other
sufficient reason, such vacancy shall not be filled and shall be carried forward
as a 'b~cklog reserved vacan~y' to the sUbseque~t 'recruitment year.
(c) In the subsequent recruitment year the 'backlog reserved vacancy' shall
be treated as r~serv~d for the category of disability for which it was kept
reserved in the initial year of recruit~nent. However, if a suitable person with
that disability is not available, it may be filled by interchange among the three
categories of disabilities. In case no suitable person with disability is available
for filling up the post in the subsequent year also, the employer may fill up the
vacancy by appointment of a person other than a person with disability. If the
vacancy is filled by a person with disability of the category for which it was
reserved or by a person of other category of disability by inter se exchange in
the subsequent recruitment year, it will be treated to have been filled by
reservation. But if the vacancy is filled by a person other than a person with
disability in the subsequent recruitment year, reservation shall be carried
forward for a further period upto two recruitment years whereafter the
reservation shall lapse. In these two subsequent years, if situation so arises, the
procedure for filling up the reserved vacancy shall be the same as followed in
the first subsequent recruitment year.
17. In order to ensure that cases of lapse of reservation are kept to the
minimum, any recruitment of the disabled candidates shall first be counted
against the additional quota brought forward from previous years, if any, in
their chronological order. If candidates are not available for all the vacancies,
the older carried forward reservation would be filled first and- the relatively
later carried forward reservation would be further carried forward.
20. Since the persons with disabilities have to be placed in the appropriate
category viz. SC/ST/OBCI General in the roster meant for reservation of
SCs/STs/OBCs, the application fonn for the post should require the candidates
applying under the quota reserved for persons with disabilities to indicate
whether they belong to SC/ST/OBC or General category.
(iv) not, the categories of disabilities viz blindness or low vision, hearing
impairment and locomotor disability or cerebral palsy, for which the
post is identified suitable alongwith functional classification and
physical requirements for performing the duties attached to the post
shall be indicated clearly.
(v) It shall also be indicated that persons suffering from not less than
40% of the relevant disability shall alone be eligible for the benefit
of reservation.
(iii) The following points may be kept in view while sending the reports to
the Department of Personnel & Training:-
(a) The reports sent to the DOPT should not include information in
respect of public sector undertakings, statutory, semi-
Government and autonomous bodies. Statutory, semi-
Government and autonomous bodies shall furnish consolidated
information in the prescribed proforma to the administrative
Ministry/Department concerned who may scrutinize, monitor
and maintain it at their own level. The Department of Public
Enterprises may collect similar information in respect of all
public sector undertakings.
(K.G. Verma)
Deputy Secretary to the Govt. of India
(i) B-Blind
(ii) PB-Pal1ially Blind
(i) D-Deaf
(ii) PD-Partially Deaf
Countersigned by the
Medical Superintendent / CMO/Head of
Hospital (with seal)
Year of Cycle Name of Post Whether identified Unreserved Name of the Whether the person Remarks, if any.
Recruitment No. suitable for Persons or person appointed appointed is
and with Disabilities Reserved and date of VHIHH/OH or None
Point suffering from * appointment **
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
* If identified reserved, write VH/HH/OH, as the case may be, otherwise write UR
** Write VH, HH, OH or None, as the case may be.
*** VH, HR, OH stand for visually handicapped, Hearing Handicapped and Ortbopaedically Handicapped.
PWD Report I
Total In Identified VH HH OH
1 2 3 4 5 6
Group A
Group C
Note: (i) VH stands for Visually Handicapped (persons suffering from blindness or
low vision)
(ii) HH stands for Hearing Handicapped (persons suffering from hearing impairment)
(iii)OH stands for Orthopaedically Handicapped (persons suffering from locomotor
disability or cerebral palsy)
(For the Year )
Identified Identified
Posts Posts
I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Group A
Group C
Group D
Note: (i) VH stands for Visually Handicapp~d (persons suffering from blindness or low vision)
(ii) HH stands for Hearing Handicapped (persons suffering from hearing impairment)
(iii) OH stands for Orthopaedically Handicapped (persons suffering from locomotor
disability or cerebral palsy)
(iv)There is no reservation for persons with disabilities in case of promotion to Group A and B posts. However, persons with disabilities can be
promoted to such posts, provided the concerned post is identified suitable for persons with disabilities.
No. '36034/3/2013-Estt.(Res.)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Personnel and Training
North Block, New Delhi
Dated the 25th February, 2014
Enclo.: As above.
(G. Srinivasan)
Deputy Secretary to the Government of India
Tele: 23093074
Copy to:7
irector (NIC), DOPT, with the request to upload the compendium on the
website of the Department with hyperlinking of Annexures to the compendium.
It has always been the endeavour of Government to care for the ex-
servicemen. Various relaxations have been provided in terms of reservation
of vacancies, relaxation of age, relaxation regarding educational
qualification, relaxation in standard, priority in appointment, etc. in respect
of certain percentage of vacancies in Central Government services being
filled up by them. In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to
Article 309 of the Constitution, the Ex-servicemen (Re-employment in
Central Civil Services and Posts) Rules, 1979 had been notified on 15
December, 1979 to regulate the recruitment of ex-servicemen as a measure
of their rehabilitation which was also amended from time to time. Various
Office Memoranda have also been issued to elucidate the matters of various
relaxations in favour of the ex-servicemen.
(V. NarayanasamY)
Page No.
1. Disclaimer 1
2. Definition of ex-servicemen 2
7. Intimation of vacancies 10
8. Priority in appointment 11
9. Relaxation of standard 12
Though all possible care has been taken to ensure accuracy and
consistency, in the event of a conflict between the compendium and
Government orders/instructions on the subject, the latter will prevail.
(ii) Any information given herein connot be cited in any dispute or litigation,
nor is it a substitute for a legal interpretation/ evidence. The user will be
solely responsible for any consequence of the decision taken on the
basis of information contained in this compendium.
The Ex-servicemen (Re-employment in Central Services and Posts) Rules, 1979, as amended
from time to time, defines an ex-servicemen as a person -
(i) who has served in any rank whether as combatant or non-combatant in a Regular
Army, Navy and Air Force of the Indian Union, and
(a) who either has been retired or relieved or discharged from such service
whether at his own request or being relieved by the employer after earning
his or her pension; or
(b) who has been relie ied from such service on medical grounds attributable to
military service or circumstances beyond his control and awarded medical or
other disability pension; or
(c) who has been released from such service as a result of reduction in
(ii) who has been released from such service after completing the specific period of
engagement, otherwise than at his own request, or by way of dismissal, or
discharge on account of misconduct or inefficiency and has been given a gratuity;
and includes personnel of the Territorial Army, namely, pension holders for
continuous embodied service or broken spells of qualifying service;
(iii) personnel of Army Postal Service who are part of Regular Army and retired from
the Army Postal Service without reversion to their parent service with pension,
or are released from the Army Postal service on medical grounds attributable to
or aggravated by military service or circumstances beyond their control and
awarded medical or other disability pension;
(iv) Personnel, who were on deputation in Army Postal Service for more than six
months prior to 14th April, 1987;
(v) Gallantry award winners of the Armed Forces including personnel of Territorial
(vi) Ex-recruits boarded out or relieved on medical ground and granted medical
disability pension.
Notification No.:
(vii) 39016/10/79-Estt(C) dated 15 Dec.,1979(Annexure-P.13-16)
(ii) 36034/5/85-Estt(SCT) dated 27th Oct., 1986 (Annexure-P.17-19)
(iii) 36034/5/85-Estt(SCT) dated 27th March, 1987 (Annexure-P.20-21)
(iv) 36034/1/2006-Estt (Res) dated 4 th October, 2012 (Annexure-P.22-25)
Office Memorandum No.:
(i) 36034/5/85-Estt (SCT) dated 14th April, 1987 (Annexure-P.26-28)
(ii) 1(9)/2010/D(Res-I) dated 20/21 July, 2011, 18 th March, 2013 and 10th April, 2013
(issued by Department of Ex-servicemen Welfare) (Annexure-P.29-32)
(iii) 12(1)2005/D (Res-1) dated the 1 st February, 2006 (issued by Department of Ex-
Servicemen Welfare) (Annexure-P.33)
3. Application of Ex-servicemen Rules
These rules shall apply to all the Central Civil Services and posts of Group C and
Group D and the posts upto the level of Assistant Commandant in all para-military
Para military forces mean the Border Security Force, Central Reserve Police Force,
Indo-Tibetan Border Police, Central Industrial Security Force, Secretariat Security Force,
Assam Rifles and Railway Protection Force.
Notification No.:
(i) 39016/10/79-Estt(C) dated 15 th Dec.,1979(Annexure-P.15-18)
(ii) 36034/1/2006-Estt (Res) dated 4 th October, 2012 (Annexure-P.24-27)
• 4. Reservation of vacancies
(I) Ten per cent of the vacancies in the posts upto of the level of the
Assistant Commandant in all para-military forces;
(ii) Ten per cent of the vacancies in Group C posts; and
(iii) Twenty per cent of the vacancies in Group D posts,
including permanent vacancies filled initially on a temporary basis and temporary
vacancies which are likely to be made permanent or are likely to continue for three
months and more, to be filled by direct recruitment in any year shall be reserved for
being filled by ex-servicemen.
The Scheduled Castes, the Scheduled Tribes and the Other Backward Class candidates
selected against the vacancies reserved for ex-servicemen shall be adjusted against
vacancies reserved for Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Other Backward
Classes, respectively:
provided that if a Scheduled Caste or the Scheduled Tribe or the Other Backward
Class ex-serviceman is selected against the vacancy reserved for ex-servicemen and
vacancy reserved for the Scheduled Caste or the Scheduled Tribe or the Other Backward
Class, as the case may be, is not available to adjust such ex-servicemen, he shall be
adjusted in future against the next available vacancy reserved for the Scheduled Caste
or the Scheduled Tribe or the Other Backward Gass, as the case may be.
If there is an increase in the reservation for ex-servicemen the additional vacancies that
become available are to be utilised first for the appointment of disabled ex-servicemen
and if all such vacancies are not utilised, they shall then be made available to the other
In case of recruitment to the vacancy reserved for Ex-servicemen in the Central Para
Military Forces, the reserved vacancy remained unfilled due to non-availability of
eligible or qualified candidates, the same shall be filled by candidates from non ex-
servicemen category.
Notification No.:
(ix) 39016/10/79-Estt(C) dated 15 th Dec.,1979(Annexure-P.13-16)
(ii) 36034/1/2006-Estt (Res) dated 4 th October, 2012 (Annexure-P.22-25)
In case a number of posts reserved for ex-servicemen are not filled by candidates who
are ex-servicemen, the number of posts not so filled can be added to the number of
posts falling to the share of ex-servicemen in the next year. This of course is without
disturbing the general policy of reservation for other categories for whom reservation is
available and subject to the condition that upper ceiling of 50% for total reservation is
adhered to.
Office Memorandum No.:
(i) 36034/10/85-Estt (SCT) dated 12.3.87 (Annexure-P.35)
(ii) 36034/10/85-Estt (SCT) dated 20 th March, 1987 (Annexure-P.36-37)
S. Relaxation regarding age limit
For appointment to any vacancy in. Group A and Group B services or posts
filled by direct recruitment on the results of an All India Competitive Examination,
the ex-serviceman and Commissioned Officers including Emergency Commissioned
Officers or Short Service Commissioned Officers who have rendered at least five
years military services and have been released —
Notification No.:
(i)39016/10/79-Estt(C) dated 15.12.79 (Annexure-P.13-16)
(ii) 36034/1/2006-Estt (Res) dated 4.10.2012 (Annexure-P.22-25)
Office Memorandum No.:
(i) 36034/27/84-Estt(SCT) dated 2.5.85 (Annexure-P.40)
(ii) 36034/6/90-Estt(SCT) dated 2.4.92 (Anneuxre-P.41)
(iii) 36034/6/90-Estt (SCT) dated 10.10.94 (Anneuxre-P.42)
A candidate working in Armed Forces would become eligible for applying civil posts
only when he completes the prescribed period of Army Service within a year from
the last date for receiving application in connection with Special Recruitment/
Examination, etc. prescribed by the competent authority. The pro-forma of the
certificate to be submitted along with the application form is given O.M.
No.36034/2/91-Estt (Res) dated 3 rd April, 1991. Since the appointment of such a
candidate is subject to his submitting documentary evidence that he has been duly
released/retired/discharged from the Armed Forces and qualified as an Ex-
Servicemen, such a candidate shall be required to submit along with his application
an undertaking duly signed by him in the format as mentioned in O.M. 36034/2/91-
Estt(Res) dated 3rd April, 1991.
i. For appointment to any reserved vacancy in erstwhile Group 'D' posts, every
ex-serviceman who has put in not less than three years service in the Armed Forces
of the Union shall be exempt from the minimum educational qualification, if any,
prescribed in respect of such posts;
ii. For appointment to any reserved vacancy in Group C posts, the appointing
authority may at its discretion relax the minimum educational qualification where
such qualification prescribed is a pass in the middle school examination or any lower
examination in favour of ex-servicemen who have put in at least three years service
in the Armed Forces of the Union and who are otherwise considered fit and suitable
for appointment to such posts in view of their experience and other qualifications;
iii. For appointment to any reserved vacancy in Group C posts to be filled partly
by direct recruitment and partly by promotion or transfer, where the minimum
educational or technical qualification prescribed for appointment by direct
recruitment is higher than that prescribed for promotees or transferees, an ex-
serviceman shall be deemed to satisfy the prescribed educational or technical
qualification, if he:
Iv. For appointment to any reserved vacancy in Group C posts, a matriculate Ex-
serviceman (which includes an ex-serviceman who has obtained the Indian Army
Special Certificate of Education or the corresponding certificates in the Navy or the
Air Force), who has put in not less than 15 years of service in the Armed Forces of
the Union may be considered eligible for appointment to the posts for which the
essential educational qualification prescribed is graduation and where —
Notification No.:
(i) 39016/10/79-Estt(C) dated 15.12.79 (Annexure-P.13-16)
(ii)15012/8/82-Estt (D) dated 12.2.1986 (Annexure-1 3 .45-47).
'Armed Forces of the Union' means the naval, military and air forces of the Union.
Notification No.:
(039016/10/79-Estt(C) dated 15.12.79(Annexure-13.13-16)
• 7. Intimation of vacancies
Vacancies existing in Group C and Group D posts in various offices under each
Ministry/Department should be pooled at a central level (either zonal or divisional
or circle) for determining the vacancies which can be earmarked for the ex-
servicemen. Out of the vacancies so pooled the share of each category of
beneficiaries including the respective carried forward reservation should be
All the Ministries / Departments have to ensure that the reservation policy of the
Government as spelt out in the instructions issued by this Department from time to
time is implemented fully by them and the organisations under their control.
Office Memorandum No.:
(i) 36034/11/85-Estt(SCT) dated 12.9.86 (Annexure-P.48-55)
(ii) 36034/03/97-Estt.(Res) dated 26.3.98(Annexure-P.56)
• 8. Priority in Appointment
The list of categories to whom priorities have been allowed was circulated vide O.M.
No.14034/3/84-Estt(D) dated 31.7.1984. Under Priority I, recruits/officer cadets who are
boarded out on medical ground attributable to their military training have been included at
SI.No.6 vide O.M. No.14024/3/95-Estt(D) dated 4 th June, 1997.
Priority for the purpose of appointment to Group C and Group D posts under the Central
Government filled by direct recruitment has been provided for ex-servicemen disabled
either during the war or in peace time but their disability being attributable to military
service. Such persons will be accorded priority along with retrenched employees of the
Demobilised personnel of Armed Forces, Defence Personnel who are transferred to the
Reserve List and members of Defence Forces who on retrenchment or retirement join the
territorial army and members (upto 2) of each of the family of service personnel killed in
action are given priority in filling up direct recruitment vacancies through Employment
Exchange /DGE&T (Special Cell) along with certain other categories of persons.
All C and D posts when reported to Surplus Cell are to be simultaneously notified to Ex-
servicemen Cell of the DGE&T to enable the cell to nominate disabled ex-
servicemen/dependents if those killed against priority vacancies which cannot be filled by
nominations of the Surplus Cell. In case of the Ministry of Defence and its subordinate
offices, simultaneous notification of vacancies is to be made to the DGR and not the ex-
servicemen cell of DGE&T.
In the case of direct recruitment, if sufficient number of candidates belonging to the ex-
servicemen are not available on the basis of general standard to fill all the vacancies
reserved for them, candidates belonging to the category of ex-servicemen may be selected
under a relaxed standard of selection to make up the deficiency in the reserved quota
subject to the condition that such relaxation will not affect the level of performance by such
Office Memorandum No.:-
(i) 15012/8/82-Estt (D) dated 12.2.86 (Annexure-P.45-47)
The Liaison Officers appointed to look after the reservation matters of SC/ST would also be
the Liaison Officers for reservation matters relating to ex-servicemen also.
Office Memorandum No.:-
(i) 36035/8/92-Estt (SCT) dated 10.11.94(Annexure-P.80)
(ii) 36034/6/82-Estt (SCT) dated 22.6.82 (Annexure-P.81-84)
The ex-servicemen are exempted from payment of any examination or application fees.
Office Memorandum No.:-
(i) 39018/1/79-Estt (SCT) dated 20.9.79 (Annexure-P.85-86)
Office Memorandum No.:-
36034/6/82-Estt(SCT) dated 22.6.82 (Annexure-P.87-88)
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Ne. 36034/5/85 - Estt. (SCT)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances
ti Pensions
Dept1 of Personnel & Training
( 1 )
These rules may be called the Ex-servicemen
(Re-employment in Central Civil Services and
Posts) .Amendment Rules, 1987.
- 20-
(b) after serving for a continuous period of sir.
months after attestation, otherwise than at
his own request oi by way of dismissal of
discharge on account of mis-conduct or
inefficiency or has been transferred to the
reserve pending such release
-2 -
Extraordinary, Part II, Section 3, Sub section (i)
[To be published in the Gazette of India ;
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
(2) They shall come into force from the date of their publication in
the Official Gazette.
(0) who has been released from such service as a result a"
reduction in establishment
- 22
writ nas been release° from sudiii seritioac atter dompieting the
sivecifis period of engagement otherwise than ai rue owr request
EA by way of dismissal. or discharge or account of misconduct or
inefficiency and has been giver a gratuity aric incluoet bersorine,
of the Territorial Army, namely pensior holders for tiondrittout
embodied service or broken spells of qualifying service
Or personnel of the Army Postal Service who are pan of Fteduiai
Army and retired from the Army Postal Service without reversion to
their parent service with pension, or are released from the Army
Postal service on medical grounds attributable to or aggravated uy
military service or circumstance beyond their control and awarded
medical or other disability pension;
"3 Application - These rules shall apply to all the Central Civil Services
and Posts and the posts upto the level of Assistant Commandant in all
paramilitary forces."
(3) in rule 4.-
"(2) The Scheduled Castes, the Scheduled Tribes and the Other
Backward Class candidates selected against the vacancies reserved
for ex-servicemen shall be adjusted against vacancies reserved for
Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Other Backward Classes.
:;f4fanoj Joshh
Joint Secretary to the Go‘farffmt:nt of India
- 23-
• 1 (9 )0..010 /Dip. e s..41
Government of iudia
Minkhry of Defence
(Pena. of Ex-Servicemen Vt c)
y 2011
New Delhi.. the 20 th Jul.
la.ub to Armv Postal Service
StIN act: Grant of EX-se?viceIDer
The undersigned is directed to refer to this Ministry's OM No.
:523/120.06/D (Res) dated 26.07.2006 on the above subject and to state that
as per Order dated 26.03.2010 passed by Bonble AFT Chandigarh in
\connection with TA. No. 110 of 2009' (arising out of CrWP No 15237/2009)
filed by 7C-105931 Ex-Sub Atma Singh & others Vs 1301 & others,
\personnel who Were on dertation in Army Postal Service for_More_th
6TSix) months prior to 14" April . 19817_ would_ also...be considered as Ex-
servicemen with all consequential benefits.
This is in supersession of the O.M. of even number dated
14.07 2011 issued in this regard. The said O.M. dated 14.07.201,1 may be
\treated as cancelled/withdrawn.
(t. 12(1)1(1051D (Res-1
Government of Indic
Ministry of Defence
Department of Ex-serviGCMCII Welfare
D (Res-1)
In this context, DOP&T has also stated that though the said notification i
effective from the date of its publication in the Official Gazette i.e. 10.10.2012, th
Ministry of Defence has already granted status of Ex-servicemen for all practicz
purposes to ex-recruits who are boarded out/released on medical grounds and grante
medical/disability pension vide OM dated 01.02.2006. Accordingly DOP&T
advised that Ministry of Defence may consider the issue of granting of B:
servicemen status to such ex-recruits who are boarded out/released on medic
grounds and granted medical/disability pension w.e.f. 01.02.2006 prior to t
Notification and issue instructions to the Zila Sainik Board to this effect.
The matter has been examined in the Department and, with the approval
the competent authority, it is reiterated that such recruits who were
outtreleastetti on medical grounds and granted medical/disability pension will
covered under the category of ex-servicemen for all practical purposes as per the (
dated 01,0:1.7006 . 01. 1r .700E.
a to grant ESIvi status to s
1C_SEIDGR. may accordingly take necessaryction
4. x-recruits and decisions of all c
cx-rettruits to avoid: funher hardships to the e -
: be complied with immediately. This will enable eli.c
case: in this re m ,d ma, in them
Esi\I r e. v it various facilities availabit.
• ICSB may issue specific instruction to all RSE3s/ZSLis to gran 'LH
status to such e);-recruits who were boarded out/re,lease;2 ,
or medical g ,
with effecl from 01,02.2006, This OM grantedmicl/sbypno
, ebsite of DeRfKSB for wide publicity, Compliance
uploaded on the official v,
may please be furnished.
This has the approval of the competent authority.
(Vineet Sainfl
Deputy Secretary ([<es-1]
1. DGR
2 Secretary, KSB.
3. PSA, NIG, MoD it is requested to upload the OM on the website of D/o ESW.
1(9)/2010/D (Res-1)
Government of India
Ministry of Defence
(Deptt. of Ex-Servicemen Welfare)
New Delhi, the 10 th April, 2013
1. Director General Resettlement 4C--
2.. Secretary, Kendriya Sainik Board
Addl. DG (Postal Services), Army HQrs, R.K.Puram, New Delhi.
3. Zonal Directors of Resettlement (though KSB)
Copy also for information to:-
32 -
Government of India
Ministry of Defence
(Dept. of Ex-servicemen Welfare)
2. The matter has been carefully examined while keeping in view the
following facts:-
after completion \of the training he gets the pay of a soldier with
arrears for the entire training period; and
and specified
Subject: Reservation available for Ex-servicemen in Groups 'I) ,
under the Central Government- Revised
categories of Group 'B' posts/services
procedure for Filling the vacancies
effecting the available
The. Government had been considering the method of
Supreme Court in Indira
reservation for Ex-servicemen in the light of the judgment of the
Sawhney case.
The Court has held that reservation for SC/ST/OBCs made under Article 16(41 of the
2. ander Article 16(1)
Constitution may be called vertical reservation and the reservation made
handicapped persons as horizontal
of the Constitution like the reservation for physically
reservation .,"in what is called
reservation. Horizontal reservations cut across vertical
interlocking reservation) and the persons selected against these reservations has to be placed
will be placed in that
in the appropriate category, that is so say, if he belongs to Sc category, he
similarly if he belongs to Dpen Competition (0C)
quota by making necessary adjustment and
necessary adjustment_ Even after
category, he will be placed in that category by making in favour of
for these horizontal reservations, the percentage of reservation
backward class ol citizens should remain the same.
the light of the above-said observation of the Supreme Court, it has been decided
3, In
that the percentage of reservation for Ex servicemen should remain the same as at present
reservation provided for them should he placed in the
An Ex-servicemen selected under the depending upon the category to
appropriate category, viz., SC/ST/OBC/General category
which he belongs. For example, an Ex-serviceman who is a SC will be counted against the SC
reservation point, an Ex-serviceman who is ST or OBC will he counted against ST/OBC
reservation point and the Ex-serviceman who belongs to General category will be slotted in
the General category vacancy point in the respective reservation roster.
All the Ministries/Department`.: are requested to bring the above instructions to the
notice of all the Pleads r.f the Departments and Appointing Authorities Livia ar their control for
necessary compliance. Necessary amendment to the Ex-servicemen (Re-empioyment in
Central Civil Services and Posts; Rules, 1979, is being issued separately.
• F. No. 36034/10/85-Estt.(SCT)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training
(i) the procedure for dereservation of reserved posts for ex-servicemen be done
strictly in accordance with the existing rules;
(ii) Directorate General Resettlement should be given 30 clear days for confirmation
regarding'non-availability of ex-servicemen for specific posts; and
(iii) the vacancies reserved for ex-servicemen be kept vacant and carried forward for
at least one year before these are dereserved and filled up by others.
3. In regard to Part (iii) of the recommendation No. 15.10 of the High Level Committee,
it has been decided that there will be no objection of the number of posts reserved for ex-
servicemen but not filled in any particular year is added to the number of posts falling to the share
of ex-servicemen in the next year. This, of course is without disturbing the general policy of
reservation for other categories for whom reservation is available and subject to the condition that
the upper ceiling of 50% for total reservation as prescribed in terms of Supreme Court Judgment, is
adhered to.
4. Ministry of Finance, etc., are, therefore, requested to bring the contents of this
Office Memorandum of the notice of all the Appointing Authorities under the administrative
control and ensure that there is no laxity on the part of authorities in implementing the above
Ne.36034110/85 - Eeit iSC.7)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnef, Pubtic Grievances
lfr Pensions
Department cif Personnel & Training
OF F iCE- MrEiviDEPtififTlt.fitir.
Subject: Recruitment on all India basis by open competition and otherwise than by
open competition — Clarification regarding.
" 5 (b) For appointment to any vacancy in Group A and Group B services
or posts filled by direct recruitment otherwise than on the results of
an Open All India Competitive Examination, ',the upper age limit
shall be relaxed by the length of military service increased by three
years in the case of ex-servicemen and commissioned officers
including Emergency Commissioned Officen or Short Service
Commissioned Officers.
ontd 2/-
clarify the meaning of the phrases "recruitment otherwise than on the results of an
Open All India Competitive Examination" and "posts filled by direct recruitment on
the results of an All India Competitive Examination" mentioned in the above
3. It is hereby clarified that instructions on the subject already exist that the
expression 'direct recruitment on the results of an All India Conipetitive
Examination' means 0) all recruitment. by UPSC whether through written
examination or by interview or both and; (ii) recruitment made by other authorities
including Staff Selection Commission or any other appointment authority through
written competitive examination or tests (but not by interview only). The expression
'direct recruitment otherwise than by open competition means' (i) any recruitment
not made by the UPSC or (ii) recruitment not made through written competitive tests
held by any other authority.
(Sharad Kr Srivastava)
Under Secretary to the Govt. of India
Telefax 2309 2110
1 All Ministries/Departments of the Govt. of India.
2. Railway Board.
3. Union Public Service Commission/Supreme Court of India/Election Commission/Lok
Sabha Secretariat/Rajya Sabha Secretariat/Cabinet Secretariat/Central Vigilance
Commission/President's SecretariatfPrime Minister's Office/Planning Commission.
4. Staff Selection Commission, CGO Complex, Lodi Road, New Delhi.
5. Office of the Comptroller & Auditor General of India, 10, Bahadur Shah Zailar Marg,
New Delhi.
6. All Officers and Sections in the Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and
Pensions and all attached/subordinate offices of this Ministry.
7. Information and f acilitation Centre, Dort, North Block, New 0. -:•.1161.
S. North Block, New Delhi (with the request to• upl , rt,d the 0.M. on the
official v..- cbsitc of this Ministry i.e. www .pcirsrt, in Jac iMs and
Orders>5, 1",stablinhincra (Rescirvation)>>Ex-servicemen).
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akTb. Dti -•
No,36034/U/90-esct(eCT )
G9vernment of India
Ministry of Personnel, P.G. and Pensions
(Deptt. of Pers. & Trainincj)
All Ministries/Departme nts
gins try oil Defence - 20 copies
pe(R) - 20 copies the National Council
ell steel side Members of
GCSAt17-1:.1:t Cf.leeie
eeteietre Ps:seer:el, P.G. n,2
Derisrtbent cl Perscrnme.:_, Tr:. in in
c- 2157peCt 1994,
Director (JC.A.)
1. 41.11 Ministries/Departments oftle Govt. of India.
2. Einistry of Defence - 20 copies.
3. DG(R), Ministry of sDefence, N.K. Purame Nee Delhi-20 fleapits
C. UPSC, Dholpur House, New Delhi, watt. their letter No._
1/11/91-S-1/ dated 10.12.92 (with 20 copies)
5. staff Selection Commission, New Delhi.
-4 2-
No. 36034/2/91-Estt.(SCT)
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training
North Block, New Delhi
Dated 3rd April, 1991
Subject: Form of Undertaking to furnished by Armed Forces personnel applying for Civil
Posts under Ex-Servicemen category
The undersigned is directed to refer to the explanation below Rule 2 (c) of the Ex-
Servicemen (Re-employment in Central Civil Services and Posts Rules, 1979 and the
Notification of Personnel and Training Department No. 36034/5/85-Estt.(SC), dated
27.10.1986, according to which officials, who are working in Armed Forces and would come
under Ex-Servicemen category after their retirement are permitted to apply for the re-
employment, a year before their completing the prescribed period. The matter of applying
uniform procedure for accepting the status of. Ex-Servicemen for such employees as are
working in Armed Forces Service and applying for civil posts on Re-employment basis, has
been under consideration in this Department for some time. It has now been decided that in
accordance with the above "clarification", a candidate working in Armed Forces would
become eligible for applying civil posts only when he completes the prescribed period of
Army Service within a year from the last date for receiving application in connection with
Special Recruitment/Examination, etc., prescribed by the Competent Authority.
2. The pro forma of the certificate to be submitted along with the application form is
given below. [Vide Appendix- 2]
[vide Appendix- 3]
No. 15012/6/62 - Estt (D)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances
and Pensions.
(Department of Personnol & Training)
3. the
For pur pose of implementing the
recommendation, if has been decided !hat the special
recruitment drive should be undertaken in major
Ministries and Public Undertakings in Inc: first instance
which could be extended to other Ministries and
Departments in stages Therefore, to start with, the
procedure mentioned in this Office Memorandum witt be
applied in the Ministry o: transport, °apartment at
Railways, Iviintstryo r .cM.,_nio_.,o..... :Department of
Posts and De:Jar:memo Taiecommunicaitons), Writs -try
of Defence ,'attached _ubordi. c office), and
Ministry oi FinL-.1:1C:C!
4. The Ministry at Home Attain; have intimated that the
para-military tomes already connuct special recruitment
drives such as not:ding of recruitment rallies at diltatent
places. and contacting the Raiya Sainik Boards:
Directorate Genera! Resettlement icr sponsoring names
for filing up the reserved vacancies.
3. Father's Name
4. Dales of -
(a) Bitth
(b) Enrolment •
(c) Retirement if:f1F,ctlarge
5. Resons to reinftsekiischaroo
6, Medktal Category
7. Award or Decoration
10. Permaiten1 addyss
12. CI tatifits:Itior,
(a) Indian
(al ;4101 iC
16. Details of pay/pension/gratuity
(Registration No.)
Date Address
'`..;ou nt e: c lone d
Dated helf, n :Oarch, 199(1
MEF10_4111 1-
Ministries/DepartmeNtsof the Government
All .tht
acthald% 01 ktii0h), New Delhi,
Priority Non-Priority
12 1 /2 127,
1. Reservation of SCs an:: STs
2. Backlog or increase or
decrease of vacancies in
accordance with Rule 4
(i.e., carried forward
vacancies for SC & ST
in the instant cases 21 ? 2t!,
3 Reserved for ex-servicemen 20
4. Un-reserved 15 35
Total 50 50
List of Categories to whom various Priorities have
been allowed for the purpose of employment through
Employment Exchange/D G E & T. (Special Cell)
-6 t
tA •
Resellfeint, Ministry of Defence will be
accepted as documentary evidence in
support of the claim of disabled Defence
Service personnel.
No. 14034/3/84 Estt (D)
Government of India
Ministry of Home Affairs
Department of Personnel & A.R
C a tego ry
PRIORITY - I Authority
3. Disabled ex servicemen
disabled during war
(3iGioup Central
Gf..ivcifilIllent employees
cu .molly qualified for
'C' posts
The undersigned is directed to say that the committee on problems of ex-servicemen had recommended that
recruits/dfliCer cadets who are boarded out on medical grounds attributable to their military training should be
accorded Priority I for the purpose of Employment.
2. The above recommendations have been examined in consultation with the Ministry of Labour (DGET), and
it has been decided to accept the same. Consequently, the list of categories to whom priorities have been allowed
circulated vide this.Departmentt s O.M. No. 14034/3/84-Estt.(D) dated 31.7.1984 stands modified tOt4 extent that
under Priority I, recruitsiofficericadeta who are boarded, out on medical ground attributable to their military training
will nowlbe includFrarid -s-hown at S.No.6.
3. • Ministry of Finance etc] are requested to bring the above decision to the notice of all concerned for necessary
411 Ministries/Departments of Govt. of India
CORY to:?
6. Ministry of Labour (DGET) Shram Shaldi Bhawan, New Delhi with reference to their D.O. Nn. DGET-U-
11011 /9/95-DEI(pt) dated 2..3.1997.
Ministry of .Defence, Depu. of Defence, South Bind:, New Delhf 11 (,) 0 with reference tr., CT;
USiD(Res)./94 dared 11th November 1994.
••••• •t"
• No.36035/8192 -Estt.(SCI
Government of India
Department of Personnel and Training
Dated 10.11.1994
Priority in ApPointment
All C & D posts when repot led to the Surplus Cell are
to be simultaneously notified to the Ex-servicemen Cell of
the DOE & T to enable cell to nominate disabled ex-
servicemen/dependants of those killed against priority
vacancies which cannot be filled by nominations of the
Surplus Cell. In case of the Defence Ministry and it;
subordinate offices, the simultaneous notification of
vacancies is to be made to the DGP, and not the ex
servicemen cell of 0GE
Similarly whilst sending requisitions to the
Employment Exchanges, the employing departments are
to dearly state wheier the vacancies are priority or nun
Subjer.i mecrneri
• ICTir. MC. /trine - czernd.t:or-,
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ice b-yond Lith ..h.intT
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m i n o r - i l i r s in Govct.iirnv111S ~ I Y I C . ( . i i t i ~ l13111>11(. :;1.1.101- ~ : t n l ~ l o y m c tI:;l l I i n l
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i n s t r u c t r r l 10 S ~ ~ I I ~ ~ I I I O I I S I \ ~1111, l ~ ~ ~ l l o \ v t~~:i ~j . ;~ ~ ( l r l i t ~ i - s : -
4. WiLh v i e w to nli~n11e)tinj:1111. I t - r n t l s i n ~ - c : c t - u ~ l m r n
o ll n i i n o r i l t c s ,
all thc t r ~ s ~ Ir l s i i l ~ m i l I-1;111
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submittecl by 30"' / \ p ~ - i l;rntl I I I ; I I 1 1 1 0011'S r l ~ ~ c n ~ l1)y
) c 3t ~I Octol>c:~-
every y c a r in Proforrn;~-i. 'l'ilc c - o n s a l t ~ l ; ~ ;~~ eI ~~IlI I I ; Ij ~ ~ c ) ~ i for
~ . ~l >~ c) ~~- i~ ~ c I
c n d i n g 31"' March sli:rll l,c s i t l ~ ~ n i l ~ cI ~I c~l301" Al,rtl v ; r r l i yr;ii- in
Prolor-ma-11. T h c film1 11<1il. ~ V : I I . I Y II.I)OI.I sII;III 111, I' o I- tli(, IJI-I.ICI(I ~ I ? ~ I I I ~ ;
yearly rcporl.
6. sir nil;^^ i r ~ s t t - u c ~ ~ oI ~
I I l :I .;V S I X Y , I 01' p~iI)iic,S ~ . [ . I ~ )<I ~. t i ~ v ~ - p ~: 1-t 1ic sI c s
financial i n s l i l u l i o n s , inclutli~i~; I I I I S ivill I i s ~ r ~ ( : cl l~ y
the Dcp;~l.tmcnf o l i l l i s .ulcI Mintslr!: 01'
respecl ivcly.
L -
By n a m e to S e c r e t a r i e s of All M i n i s t r i e s l D e p a r t m e n t s of
Governnlent of I n d i a .
Copy to:-
/'Staff Selection Commission, CGO Complex, New Delhi.
3 . Central Vigilance Comm~ssion,Salarkata Bhavan, INA, New Delhl.
Joint Secretary to the Government of India.
I , ) ~;9cj!.iJ,/c:(,
. j/z3-t;t L . ( c )
G o v z r r ~ m e n to f I n d i a
1 ~ 1 l n i s ' ; r y oi Pnrs01-1ne1, P u b i ~ ; J r ~ ? v a ~ - ~ c i S S
~ n dPens i o n s
( D e p a r t m e n t of P e r s o n n e l a n d i r i x i n i n g !
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- I C E ~~~\E~\!LIt!,~id3~Jr~
5. d e p a r t r n e ~t) o f P u b l l c E n t e r p r i s e 5 , I I.: i s - r c q u e s t v d
I'Jcw i ) e l h i 1 that similar
0 i n s . t r u c t i o n s may
6. l v l i n i s t r y of F;;;jncc, 4 bc i s s u e d i n
tdew i j e l h i . Y
(Banlcf ng a n d I l i a ursl-,ce d i v i s i o n ) , r e s p e c t ;,f p u b l i c
s cc.tcr under..
.I;a;<ingr; a;;:! f i n ~ ; i -
c i a 1 insl;itl~Lj.cns
i n c l u d i n g PuSl ic
s e c t o r Flanks and
corpurzticns .
7. A11 at-;.achedand s u t r o r d . n - ! l ? offices of t;-\i+
i i i i n i s t ~ yo f P e r s c l n n l ? l , F u b l i i Gri.:!vances and P z n s l o n s
8. ,'<I1L i r f i c ~ r s2nd ;ir?c;'iiol?:; of .i;Iic ~ullnirt r j ' 0f I
P ~ r : ; o n n e l , P u b l i c C i r i c v ~ n c r ! s anu, ' 1 i i n s i i ~ n ~ .
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.-..,a,L,zS ~ a ! * ~ t t d/ Y ~ C ~ ~ C ~ P S seiec!eci ~ac2ficies i seiecrsd I
i d!i:ing t r s daring dcring ihe 5urirg i 3Lring :he / during :he I daring
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;h- curing
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1 1 !he
pariaif ,..>t~d tne
! ufriod the
perlcd !
neiiod j
I peri~d
Food Corporation of India
Headquarters, Khadya Sadan
16-20, Barakhamba Lane
2. The above references have been circulated to all ED(Zone), Zonal Office
(North/South/East/West/NE) for necessary compliance vide Headquarters letter No.1-
5/2010-RPI dated 03.01.2012 with a copy endorsed to Establishment Policy Section of FCI
Headquarters for reconstitution of Selection Board for Direct Recruitment of Category-I & II
3. The matter has been examined and it has been decided that in supersession of all
previous guidelines, the consolidated guidelines regarding Constitution of Selection/
Promotion Committee for all posts in Category-I, II, III and IV will be issued.
4. Accordingly, the revised guidelines for constitution of Selection Committee for Direct
Recruitment/ Promotion Committee will be as under:-
4.1 The Members included in Committee for Category-I and II posts should be officers
who are at least one step above the posts in which promotion/confirmation is to be made.
Further, the composition of Selection Committees should be representative. It should be
mandatory to have one member belonging to SC/ST and one member belonging to minority
community in Selection Boards/Committees for making recruitment to 10 or more vacancies.
Where the number of vacancies against which selection is to be made is less than 10, efforts
should be made to have the Scheduled Caste/Tribes officer and a Minority community officer
included in such Committees/Boards. In respect of all Category I & II posts to be filled
through direct recruitment, two experts who have the required domain knowledge and can
assist in selecting quality candidates, are to be decided by the C&MD, FCI as members of
the Selection Committee.
Representatives of SC/ST and Minority Community of appropriate status to be
nominated by the Managing Director as per Para 4.1.
1. Representatives of SC/ST and Minority Community of appropriate status to be
nominated by Managing Director as per Para 4.1.
2. Two experts who have the required domain knowledge and can assist in selecting
quality candidates at the time of interview are to be decided by the C&MD, FCI.
Category II Posts
1. Representatives of SC/ST and Minority Community of appropriate status to be
nominated by Chairman of the Committee as per Para 4.1.
2. Two experts who have the required domain knowledge and can assist in selecting
quality candidates at the time of interview are to be decided by the C&MD, FCI.
Representatives of SC/ST and Minority Community of appropriate status to be
nominated by Chairman of the Committee as per Para 4.1.
Representatives of SC/ST and Minority Community of appropriate status to be
nominated by Chairman of the Committee as per Para 4.1.
5. All the concerned authorities are advised to strictly follow the instructions as above.
(R.K. Chaturvedi)
General Manager (P&IR)