A Short Introduction To Linear Mixed Models

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A short introduction to Linear Mixed Models

Xiang Ao
October 5, 2007

1 Linear Mixed Models

1.1 Random Intercept Model
Let’s start with an example. Students learn in classes; classes are taught within
school; schools are administered within school districts. A typical multilevel
model (or mixed model; or sometimes called hierarchical models) would assign
students to level 1, class level 2, school level 3 and district level 4. Ignoring the
clustering structure of your data set will result in biased or inconsistent estima-
tion of the coefficients and often downward-biased standard error estimation.
Let’s first consider a two-level situation: students at level 1 and schools at
level 2. Suppose our model for students’ test scores is:

yij = αj + rij

rij ∼ N (0, σ 2 )
Here i is student; j is school index. We express a student’s score in terms of
the sum of an intercept for school (αj ) and a random error rij associated with
student i at school j.
Now school level intercepts can be expressed as the sum of an overall mean
µ and random deviations from that mean (uj ):

αj = µ + uj

uj ∼ N (0, σu2 ).
Putting the two equations together we have a multilevel model:

yij = µ + uj + rij

rij ∼ N (0, σ 2 )
uj ∼ N (0, σu2 ).

We can see that without the extra term uj in the model, we basically have
a simple mean model; or say we have a linear regression model with only a
constant term as the regressor. By introducing ui into the model, we are able
to take account of the school effect in this case. That is, we model not only
the grand mean, but also the mean within school. Also, we have the benefit of
decomposing the total variance into two components: σ 2 and σu2 . This way we
can explain how much of the variation comes from variation between schools
and how much comes from variation within schools (between students). To
be able to do these, we sacrifice by making an extra distribution assumption
uj ∼ N (0, σu2 ).
Let’s consider another example. Suppose we have patent prior art data. We
have the proportion of prior art by examiners as the dependent variables. We
have three levels: patent applicants, examiners, and technology. These three
levels are crossed; they are not nested as students, schools, districts. Our model
would be:

yij = µ + uj + vk + wl + rijkl
rijkl ∼ N (0, σ 2 )
uj ∼ N (0, σu2 ),
vk ∼ N (0, σv2 ),
wl ∼ N (0, σw ).

1.2 Random Intercept and Random Slopes Model

We discussed about about the random intercept models; that is models which
only allows the intercept to vary across groups. Now let’s introduce the model
with slopes varying across groups (levels).
Suppose we have predictors like student’s family income in our test scores
yij = αj + βj xij + rij
rij ∼ N (0, σ 2 )

αj = µ + uj
βj = η + vj
uj σ σuv
∼ N (0, u )
vj σuv σv2
In this model, we allow both the intercept and slopes of predictors vary
across groups (levels). We make the assumption that the random components

of the intercept and slopes are jointly distributed as multivariate normal. σu2
is the variance of level 2 residuals uj from predicting level 1 intercept, σv2 is
the variance of level 2 residuals vj from predicting level 1 slope. σuv is the
covariance between uj and vj .

1.3 Variance Decomposition: ANOVA vs Mixed Models

Let’s consider a simple model of intercept-only two-level model. One-way ANOVA
and mixed model can be represented by the same model:

yij = µ + uj + rij
The difference in these two methods is: ANOVA is basically putting in group
(level) dummies in the regression and mixed model is putting group-varying
components into the error term.
ANOVA calculates the intraclass correlation by calculating between-group
mean square error and within-group mean square error. Intraclass correlation is
ratio of between-group variance and total variance (the sum of between-group
variance and within-group variance). A linear mixed model treat ui as part of
the variance of the model; then it estimates the variance-covariance matrix.
For a model with only one group variable, the difference between variance
decomposition by ANOVA and mixed model may not be huge. However, for a
model with multiple group variables, such as

yij = µ + uj + vk + wl + rijkl .
If the three group variables are not orthogonal, then the variance decompo-
sition by ANOVA depends on the order they are put in the model, while in a
mixed model, the order is totally irrelevant.

1.4 General Linear Mixed Models

In general, a linear mixed model (LMM) is defined by

y = Xβ + Zγ + e
e ∼ N (0, R)
γ ∼ N (0, G)
, and e and γ are uncorrelated.
This model has two parts: Xβ is the fixed effect part, and Zγ is the random
effect part.
In this model, E(y) = Xβ and Var(y) = Var(Zγ) + Var(e) = ZGZ0 + R.
This means that in the linear mixed models, the unconditional mean is
determined by the fixed effect part only.
The other way to formulate this is:

y|γ ∼ N(Xβ + Zγ, R)
γ ∼ N (0, G)

2 Generalized Linear Mixed Models

Generalized Linear Mixed Models (GLMM) are used to model non-normal data
or normal data with correlations or heteroskadasticities. Generalized Linear
Models (GLM) deal with data with distributions that belong to exponential
family, such as Logit, Poisson. GLMM is an expansion of GLM to incorporate
normally distributed random effects.
We know GLM usually models the mean of the distribution: g(E[yi ])) = x0i β;
that is, some function g() of the mean of the distribution is a linear function of
xi ’s. This function g() is called link function. In the case of logit, it is the logit
function. In the case of Poisson model, it is the log function.
Now the difference between GLM and GLMM is that GLMM has an extra
term in it:
g(E[yi | γ])) = x0i β + z 0 γ
where γ is normally distributed with mean 0 and variance G.
In Linear Mixed Models, we have E[yi | γ] = E[yi ]. With a linear model,
E[yi | γ] = x0i β + z 0 E[γ] = x0i β since γ ∼ N (0, G). With a non-linear model like
E[yi | γ]) = g −1 (x0i β + z 0 γ),
where z 0 γ remains since g −1 is usually a non-linear function.
The other way to formulate this is by two steps:
First, the fixed and random effects are combined to form a linear predictor

η = Xβ + Zγ.
Second, if we have a linear mixed model, then we simply need to add in a
normally distributed error term:

y = η + e = Xβ + Zγ + e.
Equivalently, we have

y|γ ∼ N(Xβ + Zγ, R)

γ ∼ N (0, G)

Now if we don’t have y normally distributed, then we have to “link” the in-
dependent variable to the linear predictor η, therefore the name “link function”.

g(y) = η

We have

y|γ ∼ N(g−1 (η), R).

It says that the conditional distribution of y given η is a normal distribution,
with mean as a function of the linear combination of fixed and random effects.
For example, say we have a log link (for example, in a Poisson model we
have a log link), then

E[y] = E[exp(X0 β + Z0 γ)] = exp(X0 β) E[exp(Z0 γ)],

which means the unconditional expectation of y is not only a function of fixed
effects, but also random effects.

3 Estimate the models

In general, GLMM is estimated in the maximum likelihood framework,
L= fyi |γ (yi |γ)fγ (γ)dγ,

Basically, this says that we need to integrate out the random effect part
to get the unconditional likelihood function. Unfortunately usually we don’t
have an analytic solution for this, since random effects can be high-dimensional.
Three possible solutions are proposed:

• Penalized Quasi-Likelihood. SAS Glimmix uses this approach. This ap-

proach uses a second order approximation of the log density, based on
Taylor expansion. Essentially it determines the marginal log likelihood
as that of an approximate linear mixed models. This approach lacks of a
“true” log likelihood, but computationally feasible in many occasions.

• Integration by Gauss-Hermite Quadrature. This is essentially doing nu-

merical integration to estimate the true likelihood function. This approach
has the highest precision but often not feasible if there are many random
effects, since it’s very computationally intensive. SAS NLMIXED, Stata’s
xtnlmixed uses this approach.
• Laplace approximation. This approach is relatively fast, but not as accu-
rate. R’s lme4 package uses it currently for GLMM’s.

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