LEGAL BASIS - Republic Act No. 6975,: Confidential
LEGAL BASIS - Republic Act No. 6975,: Confidential
LEGAL BASIS - Republic Act No. 6975,: Confidential
are assisted by the Directors of the The BJMP operates and maintains Regional
Directorates in the National Headquarters who Offices in each of the administrative regions of
carry the rank of at least Senior the country, headed by a Regional Director for
Superintendent. Jail Management and Penology, with the rank
of at least Senior Superintendent. The
The BJMP operates and maintains Regional Regional Director is assisted by an Assistant
Offices in each of the administrative regions of Regional Director for Administration, Assistant
the country, headed by a Regional Director for Regional Director for Operations, and Regional
Jail Management and Penology, with the rank Chief of Directorial Staff, who are all officers
of at least Senior Superintendent. The with the rank of at least Superintendent.
Regional Director is assisted by an Assistant
Regional Director for Administration, Assistant Provincial Jail Administrator's Office.
Regional Director for Operations, and Regional
Chief of Directorial Staff, who are all officers In every province, the BJMP operates and
with the rank of at least Superintendent. maintains a Provincial Jail Administrator’s
Office headed by a Provincial Administrator, to
The National Headquarters is the Command oversee the implementation of jail services of
and Staff Office of the BJMP, and is composed all district, city and municipal jails within its
of the Command Group, Directorates and territorial jurisdiction.
Management Support Staff , namely:
District Jail.
Command Group:
Within large cities or a group of clustered
Chief, BJMP municipalities, a District Jail headed by a
Deputy Chief for Administration of the Jail District Warden may be established.
Deputy Chief for Operation of the Jail Bureau City and Municipal Jails.
Chief of Directorial Staff
The BJMP operates and maintains City and
Directorates Municipal Jails, each headed by a City or
Municipal Warden, as the case may be.
Directorate for Personnel and Records
Management Our Core Values and Competence
Directorate for Intelligence
Directorate for Operations PRO.T.E.C.S.
Directorate for Comptrollership
Directorate for Logistics PRO - Professionalism
Directorate for Human Resource Development T - Teamwork
Directorate for Welfare and Development E - Efficiency / Competence
Directorate for Investigation and Prosecution C - Commitment
Directorate for Program Development S - Self-Discipline
Directorate for Information and
Communications Technology Management Core Competence
Directorate for Health Service
Continuous skills enhancement of personnel
Support Services Ability to establish linkages and Partnerships
Responsive Planning
Chaplaincy Service Office Timely decision-making
Legislative Liaison Office Expedient implementation
Finance Service Office
Headquarters Support Serivce Office MANDATESAND FUNCTIONS
Legal Service Office
Community Relations Service Office Mandates
National Executive Senior Jail Officer (NESJO)
Supply Accountable Office BJMP is mandated to direct, supervise and
Accounting Office control the administration and operation of all
Retirement and Separation Benefits district, city and municipal jails nationwide with
Administration Service Office pronged tasks of safekeeping and development
of PDL.
Regional Office.
and Development Officer (UWDO) facilitates Through the paralegal program, PDL are
the sale of the products in display centers or assisted in availing of the different early modes
livelihood caravans organized by the local of release. Regional and jail paralegal officers
government units and other service providers. conduct continuous informative
In addition, online or e-marketing of PDL seminars/orientations to PDL on their rights,
products is also run by the jail unit Welfare and modes of early release, and other
Development Office. paralegal/legal remedies which can be availed
of by them. Other paralegal services include
F. Behavioral Management/ Modification paralegal counseling and case follow-up in the
Program courts by the jail paralegal officers.
A. Services for Pregnant PDL PDL with substance use disorder or have
history of illegal drug use and who were
Pregnant PDL, by reason of their medical granted plea bargaining under A.M. No. 18-03-
condition, are given special attention by the jail 16 SC, are provided with drug counseling using
nurses to ensure compliance to pre-natal and the Katatagan Kontra Droga sa Komunidad
post-natal care, timely provision of other (KKDK) approach. The KKDK is a psycho-
pregnancy-related needs, and assistance for educational drug counseling program
the care of the newborn until the latter is developed consisting of twenty-four (24)
endorsed to the immediate family or accredited modules: eighteen (18) modules to be
child-caring agency. completed by the PDL in a small group setting
with fellow PDL and six (6) family modules to
B. Services for Senior Citizen PDL and PDL be participated by the PDL’s family. The drug
with Disabilities counseling runs for maximum duration of four
(4) months.
In addition to implementing measures to
protect the senior citizen PDL and PDL with BJMP HYMN
disabilities from discrimination and establishing
functional priority lanes for them, the primary
policy is to link them to the local Office of Allegiance towards men
Senior Citizen Affairs Office (OSCA) and
An endless devotion to share
Person with Disability Affairs Office (PDAO) for
the acquisition of their respective Identification Fair justice for unity and peace
Cards. The respective identification cards
The prize of humanity
issued by the local government unit are the
PDL’s access key to the different services for Move on to a greater height
senior citizens and persons with disabilities
To shelter the lawless and untamed
mandated by the Senior Citizen’s Act and
Magna Carta for Persons with Disabilities. Haven for miraculous changes
Coupled with trust and care.
C. Services for PDL with other Special
PDL who are members of the LGBT community
maybe segregated from the general population
in terms of housing to prevent potential
Onward BJMP
mistreatments towards them by reason of their
gender expression and other vulnerabilities. Carry on lawful men and women
Nevertheless, they receive the same programs
Soften the hardened, give love not hate
and services provided to the general population
and they are encouraged to participate fully in A hope for a brighter tomorrow
the socio-cultural activities of the jail.
Onward BJMP
Carry on with your noble cause
to change, to mold and transform men
To better citizens of the land
(Repeat Refrain till fade)
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