Hyperledger: Ruchita Nishad Patel Priyanshi Yash Kothari Harsh Mandaliya Nihar Raval

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Ruchita Nishad
Patel Priyanshi
Ya s h K o t h a r i
Harsh Mandaliya
Nihar Raval

 Hosted by The Linux Foundation in December 2015 and

backed by IBM, Intel as well as many other market leaders.
 It is an umbrella project that offers open source solutions
that can solve many requirements of an enterprise
Blockchain framework.
 It has 5 projects
1. HyperLedger Burrow
2. HyperLedger Fabric
3. HyperLedger Iroha
4. HyperLedger Sawtooth
5. HyperLedger Indy

 In July 2017, Fabric is the one that has reached version 1.0
faster than others.
 HyperLedger comes with below mentioned tools:

1) HyperLedger Cello
2) HyperLedger Composer
3) HyperLedger Explorer
4) HyperLedger Quilt
HyperLedger Fabric

While Ethereum has been running on production for past few years,
Hyperledger Fabric is still maturing. The July 2017 released version is
claimed to be production ready.

Architecture and features of Hyperledger Fabric

 Node
In Hyperledger the communication entities are known as nodes. A
node could be either a client node that submits a transaction and
broadcasts the same to the ordering service, a peer node that commits
the transaction or an orderer node that guarantees delivery and
transaction to be atomic.
 Channel
A group of nodes or peers can create a subset of the Hyperledger
BlockChain to have their own subnet that has its own smart contract,
security policies. Also the transactions authorised to that subnet is visible to
only subscribers of that network. One peer can subscribe to multiple
Channels if needed. This provision is especially beneficial in case a firm
wishes to do business with different parties with different smart contracts
or different rates etc.

Chain Code
Unlike Solidity in Ethereum the smart contracts in Hyperledger can be
written in Go or Java. Chaincode runs inside Docker container as its
sandbox. While in Ethereum the data structures were saved inside
Ethereum smart contract, Hyperledger uses RockDB storage and saves it in
key value pair form.
 Identity Management
There is an inbuilt membership service that enrols members and
handles roles, groups as well as digital signature of accounts

 Fabric Certificate Authority

The Fabric CA takes care of registration, issuance of e-
certificates, role assignment, renewals and revocation to the
various nodes before they can start communicating in the
network. We can also connect to existing LDAP or database for
the entire process.
Consensus Mechanism
Instead of the "Proof of work" model of regular Blockchain,
Hyperledger uses practical Byzantine Fault tolerance or PBPT
model. Consensus in Hyperledger Fabric is a complex
process that passes through many verification and policy
In HyperLedger each node or peer represents a client. The
peers conduct transactions on behalf of the respective client.

 A Channel is created in the Hyperledger Fabric network

and it's up and running.
 Client X and Client Y are registered to the Hyperledger Fabric network to
the same channel with enrolment to the certification authority with right
 The business logic for the transactions are already implemented in
Chaincode and installed to network with an endorsement policy in place.
 The Client X wishes to sell some material to Client Y for some particular
amount of money, So Client X initiates the transaction
 Now the endorsing peers who could be X & Y or even some other peer as
per policy would verify the transaction for its content, whether it's already
applied before for double spending checks, authorization, signature etc
 If valid then the Chaincode smart contracts are invoked for further
 Finally the transaction is added to the ledger after passing through all tests
and broadcast to all peers of the new block added to BlockChain.
Hyperledger Fabric Composer
 If you are interested in blockchain applications, directly start with the
Composer. Hyperledger composer simplifies application development on
the top of the Hyperledger composer simplifies application development
on top of the Hyperledger Fabric blockchain infrastructure.

 As per the website, "Hyperledger Composer is a set of collaboration tools

for building blockchain business networks that make it simple and fast for
business owners and developers to create smart contracts and blockchain
applications to solve business problems. Built with Javascript, leveraging
modern tools including node.js, npm, CLI and Popular editors, Composer
offers business-centric abstractions as well as sample apps with easy to
test devops processes to create robust blockchain solutions that drive
alignment across business requirements with technical development“. It's
still in incubation though.
 Composure's intent is to accelerate development and reduce time to
market, by making it easier to integrate your blockchain applications with
the existing business systems. You can use Composer to rapidly develop
use cases and deploy a blockchain solution in weeks rather than months.
Composer allows you to model your business network and integrate
existing systems and data with your blockchain applications.
 In order to start you can go to Hyperledger Fabric Composer's Playground
that provides an user interface for the configuration, deployment and
testing of a business network.
HyperLedger Sawtooth Lake
Type: DLT, Status: Production
 Speaking of Hyperledger most BlockChain developers assume it's only
Hyperledger fabric by IBM. But in fact Hyprledger is the umbrella project
under which many others are still running in incubation. Sawtooth are
another open source project contributed by Intel under Hyperledger
umbrella that can greatly disrupt the Manufacturing and Supply Chain
industry in coming days. Sawtooth also known as "Sawtooth Lake" comes
with special feature of Traceability that makes it Best-of-Breed Supply
Chain Solution. Sawtooth's seafood case study are well explained how the
physical and digital world is merged by attaching 1OT sensors to the
fishes captured from the sea all throughout its transportation journey till
the plate in a restaurant where it's served.
 Two of the major features that sets Sawtooth separate are: Proof of
elapsed Time and transaction families.
Consensus Mechanism Proof of elapsed Time (PoET)
PoET is the consensus algorithm that is designed to create a fair
consensus model, which mainly focuses on efficiency. It revolves around
distributing leader election across the largest possible amount of
network participants. Moreover, the cost of controlling this process
should be proportional to the value gained from it. This means people
need to invest time - and possibly money - if they feel they can steer the
ecosystem in a particular direction. Last but not least, all participants
need to verify the leader was selected in a legitimate manner.
Transaction Families
This special feature provides the infrastructure for tracking physical
objects in a real-world Supply chain on the Sawtooth Ledger. The data
model and transaction language are implemented in a transaction family.
The Supply Chain Transaction Processor(SCTP) provides a mechanism for
storing records of asset ownership. SCTP tracks records, which correlate
to real world items that have agents as Owner and a custodian. The two
different agents; owner and custodian can exchange roles. Custodian
could be a warehouse, inventory or transport service. The supplychain
REST API implements a domain specific API for clients to query
SupplyChain Ledger state.
Use Case: Order Management in Supply Chain Domain
A typical use case that Hyperledger Sawtooth can address could be an order
Management System.
1. Online Store : Customer visits retailer's online store channel
2. Shopping Cart : Retailer notified when customer places item(s) in cart
3. Inventory : Shopping cart updates inventory levels with projected sales
4. Payment : Customer makes payment. Accounting system updated.
5. Shipping : Shipping labels generated & order sent to fulfillment center

The advantages of using a tracing system as Hyperledger has many benefits as

 On-time delivery
 Order accuracy
 Visibility of inventory
 Shortened Time-to-process delivery
More Use Cases for HyperLedger Sawtooth Lake
 Inventory/Warehouse Management
 Food Processing
 Diamond Certification
 Bond asset settlement
 International remittance
 Insurance claim processing
 Healthcare traction
 Internet of Things (I0T)
HyperLedger Sawtooth : Proof of Concept
 Marketplace Navigator is a browser-based GUI designed to be used
with the Sawtooth Lake Marketplace transaction family. It allows
users to easily register Participants, create and exchange Assets and
Holdings, and even view the current state of the blockchain.

 India's largest bank SBI is soon to implement BlockChain technology

in its financial processes such as KYC (Know your customer) and
others using Sawtooth BlockChain platform. PokitDok is a cloud-
based APl platform designed to make healthcare transactions
currently building healthcare traction with HyperLedger Sawtooth.

 HyperLedger Sawtooth on January 2018 has released its production

version in market.
HyperLedger Indy
Type: DLT, Status: Incubation

 Hyperledger Indy is an open source project for supporting

independent identity on BlockChain and distributed ledgers. Indy
provides tools, libraries, and reusable components for providing
digital identities.

 Indv has got loads of contributions from Sovrin which is a public

utility for identity Built on top of this codebase. As per Sovrin "Sovrin
developed the Indy code base as part of its mission to build a global
public utility for self-sovereign identity. Sovrin Foundation
contributed the code to Hyperledger under the Hyperledger Indy
brand to expand the developer community and allow greater
HyperLedger Burrow
Type: BlockChain, Status: Incubation

Sponsored by Intel and Linux foundation Hyperledger Burrow is a

permissioned Ethereum smart-contract blockchain based on Monax
platform. It executes Ethereum smart contract code on a permissioned
virtual machine. Burrow provides transaction finality and high
transaction throughput on a proof-of-stake PBFT based consensus
engine. It's open source and licensed under Apache 2 licensing.
Thank You !!

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