Charaka Uttarardha Question Paper
Charaka Uttarardha Question Paper
Charaka Uttarardha Question Paper
Guidance :
Dr. Shrikanth P H, M.D ( Ayu ), Professor and HOD
Dr. Likhita D N, M.D ( Ayu), Assistant Professor
Dr. Archana Suresh Shukla, M.D ( Ayu ), Assistant Professor
1. A. Abhayaamalakeeya Rasaayana
Write Nidana, Samprapti, Bhedha of Jwara and Explain Vishama 15 Mar 2018
Jwara Chikithsa Sutra in detail
4. Rakthapitta Chikithsa
5. Gulma Chikithsa
Write the types of Gulma with its Chikithsa Sutra. Explain Lashuna 11 Jun 2013
Ksheera paaka
7. Kushta Chikithsa
Explain Nidana, Samprapti, of Kushta and Describe Kshudra kushta 11 Jul 2015
8. Rajayakshma Chikithsa
Explain Nidana, Samprapti, Lakshana of Grahani and Discuss about its 15 Sep 2016
Describe Nidana, Samprapti of Pandu Roga. Write the treatment of 15 Jul 2016
Pandu Roga
Write Hetu, Samprapthi, Bheda, Lakshana and Chikithsa of Shwasa 15 Oct 2015
Describe the Samprapthi and Lakshanas of Urusthambha. Explain the 11 Mar 2017
treatment of Urusthambha.
Write the Hetu, Samprapti, Bheda, Lakshana, and Chikithsa of Vata Shonitha 15 May 2016
1. Madana Kalpa
Explain Guna and Karmas of Vamana and Virechana Dravya 5 Sep 2016
What is the best fruit for Vamana and Why ? 2 Jul 2015
Write and Explain any five formulations of Madana phala 5 Mar 2017
Enlist the preparation of Madana phala. Explain Kashaya Yoga 5 Jun 2013
2. Jimutaka Kalpa
4. Dhamargava Kalpa
5. Vatsaka Kalpa
Write the synonyms of Kutaja and enumerate its kalpa 5 Mar 2017
6. Kritavedhana Kalpa
8. Chaturangula Kalpa
9. Tilvaka Kalpa
1. Kalpana Siddhi
What is Basthi ? Describe Niruha Basthi Kalpana, Matra, Prayoga 15 Sep 2016
Vidhi, and Discuss its benefits
Enlist the indications, and contraindication of Virechana. Specify the 15 Jul 2016
features of smayak yoga of virechana
Explain Panchakarmoparant karma ( pashchat karma ) and write its 11 Jun 2013
Write the contraindications of vamana. Specify the features of Ayoga 15 Mar 2017
– Samyak Yoga – Atiyoga of Vamana
Write Vamana Vidhi, Samyak Lakshana and Explain Vamana Vyapat 15 Sep 2017
with its management
What are Vamana Virechana Vyapat ? Explain Jeevadana with 5 Jul 2015
Describe Vamana Vidhi. Discuss its vyapath and Chikithsa 15 Mar 2017
Explain in detail Vamana Virechana vyapath and its management 15 Oct 2015
Explain in detail Niruha basthi vyapath and Its Chikithsa 15 Mar 2018
9. Trimarmeeya Siddhi
Write the features of Hridayamarma and List the features of Hridaya 5 Jul 2016
marma Abhigata