Rosique - VRP Week 11 Unity and Fellowship
Rosique - VRP Week 11 Unity and Fellowship
Rosique - VRP Week 11 Unity and Fellowship
Department of Education
CAA Road Corner, Balikatan St., BF International Village, Las Piñas City
other's society. Evil men do the same. One experience and good manners in friendship.
sportsman is attracted toward another;
one business man, to another man
engaged in the same business. A member Prayer:
of an organization is drawn to other
members of it whether it be a political, Dear God, We pray for your protection as one
religious, business, social, or other form of nation under God.
organization. All this is fellowship. Heavenly Father, how I thank You that
the light of the glorious gospel of grace has
fellowship is the act of meeting shone into my heart. Thank You for the
with those who are converted illuminating power of Your Word that has lit
and who possess the same general up my pathway.
beliefs. It is the sharing of Help me day by day to walk in the light
knowledge and the trials of life of Your love, knowing that You are the light
among those who are called by of the world and in You there is no darkness
God. Such meetings amongst at all.
those who are like-minded are an Keep me walking in the light as You are in the
essential element in a Christian's light, so that I may be a reflection to all of
spiritual growth and Your goodness and grace, to all with whom I
development. come in contact. Help me to live in the light
of Your love so that I may enjoy sweet
The World English Dictionary states fellowship with my brothers and sisters in
that fellowship is the act of people Christ, knowing that the blood of Jesus Christ
sharing activities, goals, interests, our Lord cleanses us from all sin.
duties, trials, troubles and alike with Wash away all my sin Lord, and put Your
one another in a group. Strong's power within me I pray. Take me as I am and
Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible make me the person You would have me to
has six different possible be, and thank You that You are faithful and
interpretations of this word. just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us of
all unrighteousness.