MBA Management Project (BS4D03-V1) Chidi

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BS4D03-V1 Management Project

University of South Wales

MBA-Masters in Business Administration
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BS4D03-V1 Management Project

November 2020

In recent years, giant strides have been made in technology and these

technological advancements has been widely utilized by a lot of organizations for the

soul purpose of improving productivity and output, unlike in decades past where

most things where done in the analogue way that was time consuming and energy

sapping, today, modern technology has made things easier and time saving.

The use of mobile apps in gaining popularity at an enormous rate, nowadays

it appears that an app exists for virtually everything ranging from food, groceries,

Management Project (BS4D03-V1)

clothing, taxi ride bookings, rents etc. in other to benefit richly from these

opportunities, SMEs actually need to take up and utilize this business changing
technologies. In commerce their exist different kinds of relationship the first is the

business to customer relationship (B2C) which simply involves selling directly to a

customer by a business entity while a business to business transaction (B2B) is the

type of transactions between business, like wholesalers and retailer, manufacturers

and wholesalers. In all this kind of relationships, apps have proven to be very

essential in improving the business relationship and making things easier. Putting

Company X into perspective especially considering the fact that they sell food

products to caterers, one can see that Ahmad Qammar
the company will benefit greatly from a

business to business relationship, thus putting in a place a mobile app for this

purpose will be highly beneficial.

This study is basically is a scoping study that seems to provide solution to the

mobile app which is to be used in enhancing the business to business relationship

between Company X and it customers (the catering trade). As a consultant, this

study will be of benefit to company X in determining how exactly, they will go about
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in developing the app, it will also aid the company in taking some strategic decisions

as well as serve as an eye opener towards issues that must be looked into before

making such commitments. This paper will dwell strongly on past experiences by

other companies, it will also capture the methods that will be used as well as the

techniques especially the ones that have been used by professionals in similar

industries. This study cannot be complete if the financial resources that will be

required to carry out this project is not captures, also the appropriate techniques that

will be used to access the functionality of the mobile software must be discussed.

Furthermore discussions will be done on the appropriate conditions that will ensure

maximum functionality of the software, additionally, Gantt chart will be utilized in

determining what task will be conducted as well as the advantages of the selected


Key words: B2B

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1.0 Introduction - - - - 5
1.1 Study Objectives - - - - 6
1.2 Methodology - - - - 8

2.0 Supporting Evidences - - - - 9
2.1 Objective 1: Functional Requirements - - - - 9
2.1.1 Market and Stakeholder Analysis - - - - 10
A. Market Analysis - - - - 10
B. Stakeholder Analysis - - - - 12
2.1.2 Software Benchmark Testing - - - - 13
2.1.3 Security Requirements Analysis - - - - 14
2.2 2 Objectives : the Structural Requirements
- - 15
2.2.1 System Environmental Analysis (ESA) - - - - 15
2.2.2 Personnel Analysis - - - - 16
2.2.3 Risk Identification and Analysis - - - - 17
2.3 Objective 3: Resource Requirements - - - - 19
2.3.1 Project Time Planning - - - - 19
2.3.2 Life Cycle Cost Analysis - - - - 20

3.0 Study Grantt Chart - - - - 22

4.0 Contributions - - - - 24
4.1 Functional Requirements - - - - 24
4.1.1 Market and Stakeholder Analysis - - - - 24
4.1.2 Software Evaluation - - - - 26
4.1.3 Security Requirement Analysis - - - - 27
4.2 Structural Requirements - - - - 27
4.2.1 System Environmental Analysis - - - - 27
4.2.2 Personal Analysis - - - - 28
4.2.3 Risk Identification and Analysis - - - - 29
4.3 Resource Requirements - - - - 30
4.3.1 Project Time Planning - - - - 31
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4.3.2 Life-Cycle Cost Analysis - - - - 31

5.0 Conclusion - - - - 33
References - - - - 34
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Technology has succeeded in making the lives of mankind letter and it is still

doing that at a very fast pace, the faces of business are determined now by

advances made in technology, this growth is majorly orchestrated by mobile apps

which have found relevance in nearly all sectors ranging from food, clothing etc.

Arenas, D et al. (2009). M-channel or better called Mobile commerce is an online

platform used in the sale and purchase of products and services as well as

information through smart phones, iPad, Pc etc. (Lardon et al. 2016). Internet usage

in general and smart phone in particular has increased at an alarming rate

worldwide. The use of mobile apps while shopping has made it far more convenient

and time saving (Holsinger, et al. 2012) , Since people always have access to their

phones. Though people have access to different ICT devices like personal computer

(PC), laptops, iPad and predominantly Phones, these mobile apps usually installed

on the phones are very easy to access Babbie, E. (1999). The statistics for the use

of smartphones has grown exponentially with an estimated 44.81% of the world

population making use of it in 2020 (, that is about

3.5billion people while about 61.2% which represents 4.78billion people use smart

and feature phones. These statistics is too huge to be ignored especially for any

business that has a stake in this world of highly interconnected digital economy. In

2015 Alin discovered in his study that people spend more time on phone software’s

making it an excellent business hob for business to invest on especially SMEs. Chris

et al. (2003). Discovered that most successful business are taking advantage of the

gains of mobile software to achieve the objectives of business to business

relationship for customer satisfaction. Due to the flexility of SMEs as an enterprise,

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they can largely benefit from M-commerce, especially because they have limited

resources in terms of finance and HR (Zhao, et. Al.2016). This limited resources

simply implies that not much money is available for spending in marketing,

advertising, thus M-commerce can help such a company reach more people around

the world Bagozi, R.P. (2009). Company X as an SME who is interested in B2B

mobile application has engaged a consultant to conduct a scoping study to

determine what factors will be relevant to the success of it business, a study by Dan

in 2017 x-rays some of the advantages of adopting this application which includes:

allowing the company standout in the phase of tight competition, brand

development, creating value to prospecting customers, increasing the viability of the

business, enhancing customer loyalty, creating easy access to customers as well as

utilizing scarce resources in reaching out to as many customers as possible. It is

pertinent that suitable requirements should be identified and outlined in a

chronological order firstly prior to implementation (Olga 2018). A careful analysis of

different non-functional prerequisite is needed after the prior identification before the

development and integration of the software into the business. In summary the aims

of this study is ensure that the management of company X is satisfied to carry out

investigations into the prerequisites without losing focus on the goal of the project,

make adequate recommendations to the suitable methods and techniques that will

provide supporting evidences so as to impact positively in future studies suitable for

the investigation of these prerequisites.

1.1 Objectives of This Study

It has been identified that development of a business to business software is

what company X requires to improve its business relationship with its customers, so
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the objective of this paper would simply entail identifying the necessary requirements

needed in the development of such a software and as a scoping study that it is, the

methodologies to be used will be highly interconnected. The objectives of this study

are three and they are as follows:

Figuring- out the functional prerequisites needed in developing a mobile

software that is customized for business to business interaction having food supply

industry as focus. It is also worthy of note that critical analysis like stake holder

analysis, security analysis, software benchmarking must be conducted in other to

guarantee a suitable mobile software.

The structural capability and structure of company X is of key importance as

such one of the objectives of this study will be to conduct a risk identification

analysis, a system environmental analysis and personnel analysis, these various

analyses will aid in identifying the structural prerequisite for the safe programming

and execution of the software.

The cost of every project viz-a-viz the importance and the capacity of the

financier of the project is a key item to be considered in this study. The cost analysis,

the resources prerequisite which company X needs to appropriate for the project will

be determined in this study all for the purpose of programing, execution and

operation of the proposed mobile app software.

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1.2 Methodology

A common saying in Africa goes that the quality of a soup is dependent on the

variants of ingredients used in preparing it, similarly, the quality and usefulness of

the B2B software app will greatly depend on the quality of method or technique used

in setting it up. One of the key points to be considered in ensuring the adequate

growth of the business to business (B2B) relationship is whether partners or internal

data is available (Fahad, 2016). A better understanding of the various project

prerequisite can be achieved if we try to review some case studies and industry-

based studies without forgetting requirement engineering and elicitation which are

some of the components needed in developing applications (Dolly & Khanum, 2016).

In software development a key process called requirement engineering is always

employed which is a process of documenting, defining and maintaining requirements

in engineering design process Barone, M.J et al. (2000). The most important stage in

requirement engineering is requirements elicitation which is a means of researching

and discovering the basic requirements of a system from users, customers and other

key stakeholders, this practice is often referred to as requirement gathering, it entails

the use of questionnaires, interviewers, user observation, brainstorming, workshops,

use cases, role playing and prototyping Berkhout, F. et al. (2007). Considering how

critical this study is, we shall be using the requirement elicitation method. This study

will definitely provide justification and critical analysis on the methodologies that will

be used such that at the end a quality software that will be of benefit to company X

will emerge.
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Supporting evidence is so essential, it helps to collaborate the evidence

chosen, it helps prove a claim to be true. In this study, the supporting evidence, all

the methods chosen for the singular purpose of evaluating all the stipulated

prerequisite key in the implementation of B2B software inclusive of the context will

be discussed in this section. The fundamental methods such as an analysis of the

market, group discussions will be helpful in the process of information gathering, also

more established methods like brainstorming, prototyping and interviewing will not be

left out. According to Rafiq et al, 2019, it is the most appropriate thing to do, if from

time to time, due consultation is made with the owners of a project, this is to ensure

that changes that may arise in the prerequisite are properly captured, in other words

there must be an open communication channel with company X since we are aware

that prerequisite elicitation is simply a continuous process which could require

frequent alteration in the course or even before or after conclusion.

2.1 Objective 1: Functional Requirements

The 21st century has seen business evolve into more complex ventures

especially with the advent of new and more sophisticated technologies B0uman,

M.S. (2000). This dynamism is obviously a thriving ground for technology especially

mobile app technology that makes business easier to run as well as easier to reach

more people around the globe. Ali et al in 2013 opined that business not minding the

size need to develop software’s that will facilitate a cordial interaction with its

customers considering that these customers are always with their mobile phones.
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Philip T.A et al. in 2014 attempted to classify mobile software into two types, firstly

the entertainment focused and secondly the highly goal drive software’s. These two

classifications are obviously differentiated based on the functionalities and features

which are brain behind their development Clarke, R. (1999). The businesses of the

21st century are faced with the challenges of developing software’s that can add

value to their business. Today, the reason why most business to business

relationship (B2B) fail is because the software’s which are supposed to enhance the

B2B relationship lacks relevance, user focus and user friendliness, eventually the

resultant effect becomes counterproductive Sandle, (2005). In this study, some of

the important attributes that tends to add value to the mobile app as well as enhance

the B2B relationship will be evaluated. The study will also discuss the functional

prerequisite of the mobile app while providing advices as to what direction to take in

relation to its functions.

2.1.1 Market and Stakeholders Analysis

A. Market Analysis

Conducting a market survey analysis is very important especially in

determining the purpose of developing a software which is tantamount to the

successful implementation of the B2B application, this generally positions you to

make a better decision (sadler, 2005). For one to make a decision especially on the

design and functionality of a software which are positioned towards a targeted

audience, it is pertinent that the researcher obtains a detailed knowledge of the

target audience as well as some of the attribute and characteristics of the consumers

Colgate, M. et al. (2000). Software developers as a matter of necessity must have a

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firm grip of the market needs to be able to develop a special marketing plan and


The place of a market research in ascertaining what customers’ needs cannot

be over emphasized, the integration channel of software into the market is not an

exception Day, G.S. (1994). According to Robertson in 2005, one of the major

reasons for reported failure in software development is the inability of the software

developers to integrate what customers really need especially at the development

phase, this generally leads to very low acceptance of the product and subsequent

death of the product in the long run. Therefore, top on the priority list of any software

developer is to carry out a robust analysis of the product with respect to the concerns

of the target audience, that way the report of the analysis can be properly

incorporated into the developmental phase of the application Donaldson, T. et al.

(1995). There are a number of factors or items that should be considered when

developing such application, these factors are some of the common factors been

considered by customers, one of it is the affordability of such application which is a

major factor considering a lot of intending users are poor, secondly is the willingness

of customers to make use of such application, by extrapolation how useful or

resourceful is it to customers especially in solving their problems, thirdly what kind of

hardware or operating system does the software require Fang, E. et al. (2008). Other

factors include the amount of transaction which the software can accommodate,

areas that require access restrictions or granted, also a way of prospecting new

clients for the purpose of screening them especially for people that are qualified from

the unqualified person Finne, T. (1996). These and other factors will be addressed in

this study. The other issues to be addressed are a comparative analysis of several
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similar software’s and the cutting edge this software has over others which will be of

benefit to company X.

B. Stake holder Analysis:

In 2018, Eversole opined that business operates in social environments, this

social environment comes with its own complexities and as such can be impacted by

many social factors that emanates mainly from requirement elicitation. A large part of

these market evaluations concentrates mainly on the stakeholder analysis which

incidentally happens to be one of the most important processes of prerequisite

elicitation Ford, N. et al. (1998). Stake holder analysis can be defined as a process

of conducting an assessment of a system and the potential changes to it as they

relate to relevant and interested parties, these parties are the stakeholders. stake

holders can be referred to as persons /organizations/collection of persons who can

have a solid impact on a business and vice versa, also, we can say that

organizations, groups and individual who influences or are impacted indirectly or

directly by the invention of a software can be referred to as stakeholder in software

engineering French, S. et al (2005). This stakeholder analysis is a tool that is utilized

in identifying the possible stakeholders and figuring out what they need and expect

especially from the software undergoing development, this guarantees effective

collaboration Ghani, J.A (2005).

To effectively develop a strategy that can be utilized in the management of

stakeholders or their engagements, one has to begin the stake holder analysis by

first identifying possible stakeholders, some of the attributes they possess and the

levels of influence they can exact. It is advisable that clients that possess sound

knowledge of the proceedings both externally and internally should be considered in

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the projection due to their vast knowledge and technical know-how, so as to

guarantee the right result by these stakeholders in the identification process, the

phase of the study focuses more on both the external and internal users, developers,

legislators as well as the decision makers not forgetting to take into account the life

cycle of the software which are the base line stakeholders (sharp et al 1999). It is

very key to communicate with stakeholders via organizing a structured meeting with

them or holding individual discussions with them, this is important because it helps in

being reassured of their total commitment and to be sure that their needs are

completely known from beginning Gundlach, G.T. (2007). It is very important to set

priorities of stakeholders that clearly show objectives, contributions and order of

importance despite the fact that these stakeholders have different levels of inputs as

regards to the development of the mobile application Handelman, J.M et al (2010).

2.1.2 Software Benchmarking Testing

One of the parts involved in the life cycle of software development is

benchmark testing. This involves both database administrates (DBAs) and

developers who would help elucidate the current performance and initiates changes

that will in turn improve performance index Hermann, B.G (2006). The benchmark

coding is usually done so efficiently alongside fine tuning the available database so

as to allow the users to have a feel of the performance improvements. According to

Gonzalez, R. (2010), benchmarking software exercise should be executed by

business during the process of developing a mobile app and joining the e-commerce

world due o the singular fact that smartphones just like other pervasive devices also

suffer from shortages of resources Jasch, C. (2000). Benchmarking is more of a

competitive evaluation that involves consulting with software application developers

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to discover some of the interactive features that are captivating, best practices in that

sector, as well as standard operations in the business Jones, T.M. (1995). It is

sacrosanct to perform benchmark testing on the same environmental parameters

under same conditions so as to enable a level playing ground for results comparism.

Some of the characteristics of benchmark include: the test should be repeatable, at

every given time the environmental conditions should be the same for all the tests,

apart from the active application no other application required for testing purpose

should be active, lastly the components of the hard and software should be in

tandem with the production environments specification Kaplan, P.O. (2005).

2.1.3 Security Requirement Analysis

According to lent in 2018, the importance of security in the development of

software cannot be over emphasized because without the preservations of the

sanctity of the owners and the customers, people will not patronize it no matter how

useful that software is, just like a functionality requirement, a software security

requirement should be vague or unattainable. Though it is very difficult for a

company to try to protect information on an external device that is not known to it like

people’s android phones, pcs etc in other to fight some of these drawbacks and

prevent loss of data, the company should maintain its information visibility but limit

the visibility of individual information Keefe, L.M. (2004). In this study we shall be

presenting some security prerequisite like offline data allocation, file system

protection, authentication and authorization, network options, hardware and

resources. We shall be making use of the common vulnerability scoring system

(CVSS) to capture the major attributes of vulnerabilities and threats as it relates to

mobile software, position items that require correction as priority, suggest processes
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for managing vulnerabilities and also based on the advice of some application

experts define the security of these vulnerabilities (Joen, R.L et al) 2018.

2.2 Objectives 2: Structural Requirements

In this section, we shall be looking at the structural requirements of the

organization clients, the intention is to be able to meet the criteria required in the

development and management of a mobile B2B software especially in the

contemporary environment coupled with all its associated complexities, also focus

will be on the other abilities available for risk control or self-deviation with the

assistance of external stakeholders as well as the identification of the InfoTech skills

required for the business employees.

2.2.1 System Environmental Analysis (ESA)

Environmental system analysis is basically a systematic and system-based

approach for describing human actions impacting on the natural environment just to

support decisions and actions aimed at perceived current or future environmental

problems Kogdenko, V.G. (2011). Research has shown that the business to

business software industry has in recent times experienced a very huge growth, this

growth has obviously led to very stiff competition Lund, M.S. (2003). Businesses

have evolved in getting consumers engaged through their mobile devices through

the development of new software’s. These customers are able to download these

software’s on their phones, get enjoy the best user experience and remain loyal to

the brand so long as competitors don’t come up with similar software’s that are better

Lusch, R.F. et al. (2006).

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Software benchmarking helps to ensure that functional prerequisite that

satisfies stakeholders goals have their priorities reviewed in the matrix of

stakeholders, the environmental scan of the system will help us explore the ease

with which these prerequisites are developed and implemented within the

information technology system environment of the business of company X Madden,

T.J et al. (2006). A number of professionals have duly recommended the elicitation

process especially due to the growing needs for an integration of new business to

business software into the existing system environment. Usually, intentional hitches

or constrains are created, then these constrains are examined to see whether they

can be managed by customers, this is done to be double sure that when the final

products is released, such hitches when they arise can be resolved. This is the

system environment that constitutes part of the operational enterprise. A consultant

is always handy to engage various stakeholders to help make determination on the

particular requirement. We shall get to see in this study a comparism of the systems

and interfaces, also an exploration of the necessities before a new software is

developed. A look at the existing infotech services and supporting procedures that

should be considered in the development of business 2 business (B2B) software. We

had earlier itemized interview as one of the parts of requirement elicitation, sequel to

that an interview session will be conducted with software developers and leaders in

the IT industry just to get a comprehensive system information from providers

outside the company that is if the administration of information technology is being

managed outside the company.

2.2.2 Personnel Analysis

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The method utilized by organizations for a long time in evaluating and

analyzing personnel activities has remained a formal tool Maignan, I. et al. (2004).

There exist different methods of analyzing the potentials of personnel’s in an

organization which also helps determine the cost associated with managing these

guys. In other words, personnel analysis can be summarily seen as evaluation of

competence Martins, C.G. (2010). In this case personal analysis will be used to

determine if the clients firm has the required manpower to implement the project with

reference to the functional requirements identified which needs to be integrated,

implemented in the system environment. According to consulting in 2018, the client

firm is expected to possess the needed personnel that have the required technical

knowhow and skills to execute the development and implementation of mobile B2B

software. One vital way to build capacity amongst the work force is to provide the

requisite training especially for the software developers and other employees in

general Moberg, A. (2006). One sure way to understand the specific needs of the

work force to carry out comparism of the task and roles within the company Neto, B.

(2007). Personnel analysis is suitable for job candidates and for carrier development

purposes. Besides the job-related task, the main area to be evaluated are

communication, information sharing and presentation skills of the candidate. In

general cases, psychological evaluation is used to complement the result. Internally

sourced information such as organogram and potential job descriptions, database of

employees should form the basis of consideration for company Xs organizational

capacities since fresh responsibilities can emerge on the project that will certainly

impose additional roles Neuman, S.P. (2003).

2.2.3 Risk Identification and Analysis

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The process of project risk management can reasonably enhance project

complexity through strategic insight Okhotnikov, A.V. et al. (2010). In project risk

management, the process of modeling the risks may not be performed sufficiently

and exactly, due to the fact that the data and information available are usually

inexact, vague, unprecise and uncertain by nature. In the course of a project, certain

risk may occur that will affect a project either positively or negatively. These risks

may lead to uncertainties or deviation from goal of the project. To forestall future

problems in a project, there is a need to identify potential risks early enough because

these risks can manifest at any stage in the course of the project and the factors

responsible for such risks could originate externally or internally Pallottino, S. et al.

(2005). It is the responsibilities of managers to handle and manage this risk with all it

peculiarities. It is a known fact that absolutely eliminating risk is not possible rather a

conscientious approach to risk management is one vital step in each project

preparation, of key relevance is the identification, mapping and communication of

potential threats that could be encountered in the project, so while the company is

searching for results and lasting benefits of mobile software for the future, the client

can take a decision on the level of risks which the company can absorb and manage

Pineda-Henson, al. (2002). Usually, the process of identifying risk cab be

extrapolated from previously executed projects that are similar in nature. It is very

rarely successful to assign the risk identification process to contractor or individual

personnel of the project staff, when done may be seen a way to achieve the

appearance of risk identification without actually doing it Qu, R. et al. (2005). There

exist a number of methods used in identifying risks especially relying on

comprehensive data base of previously conducted projects, however it is often better

to have this knowledge buried in people’s minds so the team Has to do a lot of
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brainstorming to have access to it. In summary, the objective of risk identification is

not to eliminate risks from consideration rather it is to identify all possible risks and

put them into consideration in the project, Project management Institute, (2013).

2.3 Objective 3: Resource Requirements

Resource requirement here involves the following: time, personnel, space and

required equipment’s needed in the development of the mobile software Singh, R.

(2009). In this study, an examination of resources required to develop the B2B

mobile application implementation will be analyzed after looking deeply into the

diverse requirement for putting a structure in place for the project execution that

satisfies the stakeholder objectives. These requirements include all the facilities or

elements needed for the successful implementation of the project. The requirements

majorly needed for application development include software tools of various

updated version which the business can buy or rent, secondly is hardware

Ramaswami, S.N. et al. (2003). It is worthy of note that those resources must

essentially be made available throughout the entire project duration whether they are

storable or not except if they get exhausted due to constant usage even at that, they

must be replaced immediately Sen, S. (2006).

2.3.1 Project Time Planning

Time, they say is money. It is a very critical and major requirement as it has to

do with how long it will take to execute the project by company X. the mobile

application is so valuable to the company X as such the client firm must ensure that

the development of the software takes the minimum possible time. The software
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development companies is associated with a lot of complexities which involves a lot

of uncertainties, for these reason, the most important step in the process is time

planning which is one most important objectives of the stakeholder that must be

satisfied Sonesson, U. et al. (2000).

Project planning basically entails identifying, prioritizing and assigning tasks and

resources required to develop the structure for a successful project Sugiyama, H. et

al. (2005). literally speaking, a thorough project plan determines your team

members, the needed tools and materials that would be required, the process

necessary for efficient execution, the financial commitment captured in a budget, a

communication channel to constantly update team members and stakeholders, lastly

the time frame for the completion of the project Thoben, W. (2000). Al-naeem et al in

2005 opined that every project must have an estimated duration of activity which will

be useful in designing a diagram for the network and subsequently a Gantt chart

which is detailed.

2.3.2 Life Cycle Cost Analysis

Life cycle analysis (LCCA) is a method used in determining the total cost of

facility ownership Van, A.J. (2001). LCCA is particularly useful in the case of project

alternatives that fulfill the same performance requirement, though differ in terms of

initial cost and cost of operation. In summary, project life cycle cost analysis is a

process recommended in assessing the economic value of a project Vargo, S.L et al.

(2004). One other use of this method is to guide on decision makings bothering on

investments that saves cost over the duration of the project. The LCCA seems to be

the appropriate method to use in accessing the total financial outlay on the intended

project, this is addition to making available the analysis of initial expenditure.

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Though the development of software-based project comes with some hidden cost

that can only be seen when analysis is done, LCCA is also helpful to outline

expenses for the duration of the project Werther, W. B. et al. (2010). While the LCCA

evaluates the complete expenditure of the project right from its infancy to the end of

the project, other expenses which can be categorized under five group namely:

contingent external expenses indirect, intangible, direct including labor and material

expenses on individual activities is a product of the time planning process while the

expenses on individual activities is added up to the set total expenditure on the

project as enumerated by this method. In 2009 passenheim advised that during the

execution stage of a project, expenses should be revised just to avoid the risk that

could emanate from over reliance from the data from the LCCA instead of utilizing it

as a tool for orientation irrespective of the fact that the expenditure may experience

regular fluctuation Wollenberg, E. et al. (2000).

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A Gantt chart is basically a type of bar chart that elucidates the schedule of a

project, this chart was names after henry Gantt who designed it Zobel, T. et al.

(2002). The chart shows on the vertical axis, the task that is required that is required

to be performed and on the horizontal it shows the time intervals. The duration of

each activity is illustrated by the width of the horizontal bar. Using a Gantt chart, the

starts and finish dates of the terminal elements and summary elements of a project

can be properly illustrated Zopounidis, C. et al. (2002). In a Gantt chart, the terminal

and summary element constitute the work breakdown structure. Modern Gantt charts

go as far as showing the dependency or precedence network relationship between

activities Bhattacharya, C.B. et al. (2008). This study involves a project that is

understudies within a six months period. The Gantt chart ensures that unforeseen

events are workable and executed and provides contingency measures for issues

that were never anticipated. To begin, there would be an inaugural meeting for the

project to usher it in the start of the study, in this meeting the key stake holder would

be duly introduced and all the relevant information and people would be presented.

To avoid abnormalities in the study, a regular consultation between the client and the

consultant will be done, also, based on the goals set as well client needs

satisfaction, the study will be divided into various sections. To meet up with every

objective of the study an appropriate technique and tools will be used for analysis,

the importance of which is not just to slow the possibilities of activities rather it also

slows their workability and order in which these activities will be executed Bjorklund,

A. E. (2002).
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Timeframe (6 months = 24 Weeks)

Nov- Jan-
Oct-18 18 Dec-18 19 Feb-19
Activity Description W
Dura W W W W W W W e W W
tion e e W W e W e e W e e e e e
in e e e e e e e e e e e k e e
wee k k e e k e k k e k k k k
ks k k k k 1 1 1 1 1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4
Kick Starting
Begin welcome meeting where stakeholders will be briefed
Revising the portfolio of the companyh 1
Functional Requirements identification 11                        
Proper Analysis of the market 5
A firm grip of customers attributes, choices and experience 2
Point out application systems that are already existing 1
Carrying out a critical market survey 1
A critical analysis and compilation of survey report 2
Analysis of key stakeholders 4
Proper identification of key project stakeholder 3
Round table discuss with key stakeholders 2
Point out and jot down the priorities of key stakeholder 2
Stakeholder matrix 1
Critical evaluation of Software 3
Accumulation of reliable data from selected sources 3
Proper systematic analysis of date inclusive of documenting 2
the well                            
Systematic analysis of the security requirments of the app 1
Identify the common threats of B2B system App 1
Stating the security apparatus that can be utilized 1
Laying bare the Structural Requirements
Proper analysis of the system environment 3
Round table discuss with major of key informants (KIIs) 1
Analysis and documentation of some key requirements 2
Critical Personnel Analysis 2
planning of the major project role 1
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Due consultation with chief executive to ascertain key 1

structural and necessary analysis of selected roles                            
Ascertaining the final proposition structurally 1
Major analysis of Risk 3
Pointing out key threats and risk in the project 2
Classifying the different risks and threats based on strength 1
Plans to combat risk, if it comes up 1
Proper resource requirement elucidation
Adequate planning of project timing for efficiency 3
Writing down the major activities that consume time 2
Apportioning time to the various identified activities 1
Setting a well articulated Gantt chart 1
Putting cost analysis into perspective 2
Estimating the various cost of different activities in the 2
An accurate addition of all the project cost 1
Producing the study report

generating the report draft 22

Round table discuss on the evaluation so far 3
Submitting the final report of the study 1
Chronological results presentation 1
adjustment of feedback and delivery of recommendations 1

Source: own figure



In this section we shall be taking a critical look at similar case studies from

previously executed projects especially those similar in nature, industry research,

this will enable us generate evidence on the workability of selected methods on the

study objectives.
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4.1 Functional Requirements

The function of a system or its component is what defines functional

requirement In software engineering and system, where the specification between

the output and input is what is described as function Bukhalkov, M.I. (2009).

Functional requirements majorly involve technical details, calculations, data

manipulations and processing, while behavioral requirements stand for all the cases

where the system uses the functional requirements captured in use cases Cannon,

J.P. et al. (2001). This study will be focused mainly on the firm, the stake holders as

well as the user prerequisite especially on recommendations and methods of

determining requirements made by previously conducted studies.

4.1.1 Market and Stakeholder Requirements

Market analysis is so vital due to the fact that it is one of the most important

tools utilized in decision making that helps managers in achieving objectives of the

business, these objectives include addition of value to the project and successful

project implementation. Kelly in 2016 opined that many software’s developed end up

becoming a failure in providing return on investment (ROI) due to the fact that a good

number of market prospects are not put into consideration by these developers in the

food industry. A well carried out market analysis is an essential approach which

confers value prior to the development of a mobile application so as to properly

determine the best attributes that enables prospective marketers and clients

adequately interact to create potentials Eesley, al. (2006). The market research

that will be conducted for this study will also put into consideration the information on

the end users of the software, the extent to which they are exposed to technology

inclusive of the extent to which they can manage software and satisfy their needs.
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According to apollo in 2018, when it relates to business to business sales, there is a

general recognition of the involvement of many stakeholders in the decision-making

process. In relation to this for it to be possible for the client to be able to identify

those stakeholders that are very likely to impact positively on the project, it is

pertinent to carry out a stakeholder analysis and subsequently manage their various

demands by communication and developing goals of the project. The advantage of

this process is that it helps facilitate their improvement constantly in addition to

helping to achieve a grip of stakeholder’s requirement Ferrell, O.C. et al. (2011). In a

bid to ensure that the expectation of stakeholders aligns with the objectives of the

project which will consequently lead to a successful project implementation. The

potential stakeholders that are identified will be approached with view to obtain their

input on the design of the mobile application. The use of stakeholder analysis and

market analysis will be used concurrently to map out available opportunities in the

market, also the successes of the mobile software clients, market requirements will

be enumerated and lastly a revelation of the possible threats to the business will be


4.1.2 Software evaluation

Access to the quality of your software or another person’s software is usually

a tricky balance between hard objectivity and very subjective (but very valid)

individual user experience Frazier, G.L et al. (2009). A software evaluation service

issued by the software sustainability institutes over many years helps one improve

his/her software, firstly, it can help access the general usability of the software and
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can assist in identifying technical or development issues coupled with barrier to

sustainability Frey, H.C. et al. (2004).

It is a known fact that benchmarking involves the comparism between the

performance of two application, one of the applications is usually from a rival

industry, this helps an application to be viewed in an objective way as well as a

realistic view of its potential, this obviously is one of the key stages in the

development of software Fukushima, J. et al. (2011). Some available studies

suggest the possibilities of appropriating a few functionalities in chosen sector while

differentiation of pirated software’s in the industry is easy. The identification of

characteristics that can make one’s company unique can be compared to enhancing

and appropriating the foundation laid down by the rivals. The info tech processes in

company X can greatly be improved by the use of benchmarking simply by

identifying key attributes and functions that are not frequently utilized. Mobile

software benchmark is so useful that it can be used to reveal functional prerequisites

that ordinarily would not be found using stakeholder or market analysis inclusive of

different functional prerequisites that are needed for implementation in a practical

scenario as such the most engaging attributes best industry practices that can result

to an increase in the installed and usage capacity will be made known by the

benchmarking exercise Hermann, p. et al. (2001).

4.1.3 Security Requirements Analysis

Security is key especially due to the fact that the security architecture for

developing corporate software are different in comparison to mobile software’s

Particularly in developing business applications as it relates to the software

development industry (Bedell, 2013), in determining the requirements. Philip in 2018

opined that careful consideration needs to be given to security prerequisites prior to

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undertaking the development of mobile software this is to ensure that attacks from

various risk factors can be identified, analyzed and managed, this has become

necessary following the exponential rise in the number of private data leaks through

mobile devices Homburg, C. et al. (2009).in 2002 Hummber, J.M was of the opinion

that To ensure the merits derived from the software is higher than the risks involved,

the recommendation to take care in elicitation of requirements was given by NIST

(2015), this elucidates the importance of security requirements for mobile devices.

undertaking a study of the requirements will in general bring about a reduction in the

risk and vulnerabilities of the software.

4.2 Structural Requirements

4.2.1 System Environmental Analysis

Its recommendation for system environmental analysis is based on its

capability on the evaluation of some of the elements that prompts the inculcation of

new technologies including possible issues relating to new system requirements

while examining it from the perspective of the innovation system Huselid, M.A. et al.

(2005). It’s a known fact that various Infotech environment require particular skill sets

to be able to minimize chances of failing, development of the software on a larger

scale and of a longer duration will be studied mainly and particularly it will assist us

in the conclusion of skill requirements of employees including potential threats.

The foundation of the drawback in application development in Nigeria according to

Egbokhare (2014) includes inculcating poor software engineering practices , politics

that exist in the company, bad social interaction and technical issues; according to

Walid (2017) A German basketball team, Paderborn had similar issues; such matters

arising can be prevented to a large extent if a critical analysis on the IT infrastructure

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of a client is done. System environmental analysis was found by Krikor (2010) to be

able to attain a conclusion on services and risk management requirements, in

summarizing about the IT firm in Greece that specifically provided various services to

financial institutions in Greece. Additionally, the basis to developing further and staff

analysis is constituted by the analysis of the system environments benefits to users.

4.2.2 Personnel Analysis

The difficult characteristic of this project that includes but not limited to the

process of developing, executing and maintaining the software mobile apps that aids

effective communication and interaction amongst customers, this helps give detailed

explanation of what is referred to as personnel analysis. In 2017, don opined that

what is absolutely required to ensure the proper functions will be properly executed

by the hosting environment include these steps which are three in number

encompasses the entire project, the required tools and needed processes, a large

variety of services are its composing parts. Going by the assertions of Dave and

David (2012) the designated persona that ensure all the reported are properly fixed

accordingly, as well remain steadfast until the implementations are done after the

evaluations must have been carried out especially new features are executed are

very qualified company employees who run designated tasks daily, these includes

developers, designers, testers, administrators, maintenance personnel and

managers; on a regular basis, backups are carried out as well as system updates

are constantly and very efficiently installed. In relation to this and in proper provision

of the adequate staff needed by company X, a proper scoping requirements

elicitation was postulated by Holuram in (2013) and from which its relevance was

gotten from established case studies.

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In 2001, Philip and his team where of the opinion that making available and

adequately distributing qualified and certified employees guarantees the beneficial

delivery of the critical process of setting up a software. This then makes it pertinent

that even if you intend to pick staff or workers from anywhere, the requirement of

properly training such staff becomes inevitable if and only if the best is to be

achieved from the services these personnel render.

4.2.3 Risk Identification and Analysis

According to Rahja in 1997, that a project may encounter delay issues and

maybe in completed within the scheduled timeframe or within the budgeted amount

and quality anticipated if the possible risks of the project are not identified prior to the

end. Ajay (2007) is of the opinion that presently, various risks materialize in diverse

forms and they are related to the project, specifically application development

projects such as new mobile business-to-business software. Identifying risks and its

analysis are highly significant in making a determination on whether the risks can be

managed by the client alone (Rajman, 2017), according to Ahmed (2017) who stated

that as the client is about to enter an industry with a lot of risks as a result of the

presence of numerous stakeholders in the business and the level of difficulty in

predicting potential risks that may crop up. Taylor (2006); Rajman (2017); Charlton

(2017) postulated that prior to commencing a project, professionals in the industry

must identify risks as well as conduct a comprehensive analysis. According to Taylor

(2006) carrying out these processes before commencement of the project makes it

possible to understand potential risks, allows for a documentation of their attributes

and also to outline possible activities to be executed to mitigate or eliminate such

risks. Failure of Projects was linked to an in consideration of some risk factors which
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resulted in risk management, this was discovered through a research conducted by

Pâmela and Caroline (2014) on numerous companies in the IT industry. A

comprehensive list risks associated with B2B and the potential solutions will be

provided using this approach so there can be a concrete evaluation of company X's

capabilities that requires to be built so the risk involved in the project can be

managed due to the fact the process of risk assessment particularly the stage where

risk is identified which plays a key role.

In addition, ensuring the inputs of all stakeholders are captured, understood

clearly and incorporated, making sure resources requirements are available, fast

feedback cycle and client's review including Adapting to project changes that are

important, ensuring a reduction in unexpected budget are some functions of risk

analysis including ensuring of time optimism and cost estimates. (Liz, 2018;

Haughey, 2015).

4.3 Resource Requirements

Usually time, resources, and quality are the three major types of non-

functional development impediments as captured by Payne & Watt (2018). In

practical terms, knowing the number of prerequisites of a specific application is

generally very useful and important. The importance of this number is in a variety of

ways which include for an estimation on the amount of resources expended on

developing or maintaining tasks, utilizing in other measures as a denominator and

using it for assessment of the degree of changes in prerequisites.

4.3.1 Project Time Planning

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Project time planning occupies a vital role In assessing the requirements of a

project and setting a deadline for its completion, in the light of this Tira and his team

in 2018 suggested that estimation of time inaccurately can lead to time pressure or

late delivering of the project which may adversely affect the project expenditure, as

such, effective planning of a project plays a vital role in its successful completion.

Additionally, it was discovered time planning inaccurately goes along with

requirements that are inadequate which leads to time impediments, this was

discovered by Verner, Evanco &Cerpa (2007) who researched success of software

projects and estimation of schedules. Consequently, a conscious analysis and

reasonable time estimation should be done to prevent a schedule that is defective

with the risks that goes with it. (Liz, 2018).

4.3.2 Life Cycle Cost Analysis

Selecting a very suitable framework to which is ideal and ensures the lowest

total expenses is consistent with function and quality (Fuller, 2016), the LCCA is

unarguably one of the most effective method used in assessing the total expenditure

on a project and cost alternatives, though it was explicitly captured by Passenheim

(2009) that expenses is the key prerequisites in the proper project implementation.

The implementation of this technique should commence at an IT product conception

stage since it has the potentials of being a strategic tool to managers for making

decisions, it is a detailed method (Andrea et al., 2017), it analyses the expenditure

on a project from its conception to completion. A pointer as to whether the company

can raise the resources needed to ensure a completion of the project is elucidated

by this technique.
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Some researchers have suggested especially on the low associated cost and

its popularity in comparison to other methods used in cost estimation; to be able to

determine success or failure or of contract negotiations and project implementation,

the cost estimation method's role was focused on by Tripathi and Rai (2016); the

ability of the LCCA to reveal hidden expenses and bring about a decline in

uncertainty according to Liming (1997) emphasizes its importance and

appropriateness. (Korpi and Ala-Risku, 2008, Jiran et al.2013, Tannu and Kumar,

2014; Fuller, 2016) Additionally, the need for businesses without an IT foundation to

use it was pushed by David & Anatoly (2006) due to a potential inexperience in

applications cost estimation

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A holistic approach was adopted in this study just to make it possible in

determining the requirements so that the client can make an informed decision on

his capital investment. Based on the client’s specific situation an adaptation has

been made, therefore the requirements that are acceptable by company X are in turn

adopted since the method utilized have been approved which are based on available

case studies and researches. We are aware that the business is a small and medium

enterprise (SME) as such in trying to arrive at the parameter that will decide all that

is required for company X to come up with a software that will aid a proper

interaction between its customers, then it becomes pertinent to rely on already

established case studies found in that sector as the chosen methods. The

commitment of the consultant towards establishing a frequent communication with

the leadership of company X is very assured especially in a situation of extra

adjustments or change in the management’s requirements, despite the frequent

motion of the client as captured in the Gantt chart.

This study is committed to display all the required financial, structural,

functional and non-financial resources required to create a software for the business

interaction (B2B). The clients have the soul prerogative to make decision on whether

to develop the software, decide to buy a software or altogether scrap the

implementation. Finally the deciding factor or element that will determine whether the

project should be continued or discontinued even in the face of all the risks and

threats stirring in the face of the management is the ability to raise the required funds

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A scoping study that helps determine the requirements or the project for app development requirment elicitation menthod which includes
  a. interviews
2. OBJECTIVES b. questionnairs
a. identifing the needed requirments to be utilized in the development of mobile B2B personal observation
b. identifying particulars as it concerns food industry c.brainstorming
c.a system environmental analysis, risk analysis will be conducted  
d. conduction of project time planning and life cycle cost analysis 5.CONTRIBUTION
  a. case study from previous executed projects
3. SUPPORTING EVIDENCE b.industry research
a. market analysis c.meeting clients requirement
b.consultation with project owners  
c. brainstorming  

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