8) VK1-Punch List - R5-OK

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VK1 Expressway Private Limited

Construction of Eight Lane of Vadodara Kim Expressway from Km 355.000 to Km 378.740 (Padra to Vadodara section
of Vadodara Mumbai Expressway) in the State of Gujarat under NHDP Phase - VI on Hybrid Annuity Mode (Phase IA-
Package I).

Punch List-A Summary

(To be completed within 90 days from the issuance of Provisional Completion Certificate)

S.No. Description of Item Unit Quantity Remarks

I. Rigid Pavement (PQC Portion)

1 Side Drain Km 2.152 Details are attached in the Annexure-1

2 Metal Beam Crash Barrier Km 7.805 Details are attached in the Annexure-2

3 Slope Protection Km 2.256 Details are attached in the Annexure-3

4 ROW Fencing Km 13.250 Details are attached in the Annexure-4

5 Lane Marking Km 16.232 Details are attached in the Annexure-5

6 Signages Km - Details are attached in the Annexure-6

7 Highway Lighting Km 7.252 Details are attached in the Annexure-7

8 Median Plantation Km 4.341 Details are attached in the Annexure-8

9 Avenue Plantation Nos 14254 Details are attached in the Annexure-9

10 ATMS Km - Details are attached in the Annexure-10

11 Noise Barrier Rm 4.069 Details are attached in the Annexure-11

12 Toe Drain Km 8.608 Details are attached in the Annexure-12

13 Rain Water Harvesting Nos 48 Details are attached in the Annexure-13

14 Median Drain Lm 611 Details are attached in the Annexure-14

15 Connecting Road Rm 1125 Details are attached in the Annexure-15

16 Road Studs Nos. 6637 Details are attached in the Annexure-16

17 Ravine Area Km. 1925 Details are attached in the Annexure-17

18 Cross Road Rm 1820 Details are attached in the Annexure-18

19 5Km, Km & Hecto Meter Nos. 222 Details are attached in the Annexure-19

II. Structure Portion

A Expansion Joint Fixing & finishing 12 Details are attached in the Annexure-A

B Wearing Coat over Deck Slab 12 Details are attached in the Annexure-B
No. Of
C Structure Drainage Spouts Structure 11 Details are attached in the Annexure-C

D Crash Barrier 5 Details are attached in the Annexure-D

E Box Culvert Finishing 11 Details are attached in the Annexure-E

III. Toll Management System (TMS) Details are attached in the Annexure-F (1 to 5)

Concessionairre's Representative Independent Engineer's Representative

IV. Schedule-I Testing Details are attached in the Annexure-G

Concessionairre's Representative Independent Engineer's Representative

Construction of Eight Lane of Vadodara Kim Expressway from Km 355.000 to Km 378.740 (Padra to Vadodara
section of Vadodara Mumbai Expressway) in the State of Gujarat under NHDP Phase - VI on Hybrid Annuity
Mode (Phase IA-Package I).

Sr. No. Side Length (M) Remarks
From To
1 355990 356139 LHS 149
2 356314 356350 LHS 36
3 359990 360030 LHS 40
4 361792 361850 LHS 58
5 367616 367678 LHS 62
6 370350 370541 LHS 191
7 370631 370680 LHS 49
8 371839 371944 LHS 105
9 372064 372150 LHS 86
10 373300 373448 LHS 148
11 373720 373834 LHS 114
12 373985 374218 LHS 233
13 374402 374563 LHS 161
14 374567 374620 LHS 53
15 378110 378180 LHS 70
16 378277 378595 LHS 318

17 355990 356031 RHS 41

18 356207 356350 RHS 143
19 360050 360134 RHS 84
20 360214 360279 RHS 65
21 360305 360334 RHS 29
22 365860 365903 RHS 43
23 367616 367678 RHS 62
24 371735 371944 RHS 209
25 372064 372150 RHS 86
26 373300 373448 RHS 148
27 373716 373842 RHS 125
28 373976 374050 RHS 74
29 374120 374255 RHS 135
30 374440 374563 RHS 123
31 374567 374900 RHS 333
32 376150 376260 RHS 110
33 376720 376807 RHS 87
34 376863 376900 RHS 37
35 377800 377897 RHS 97
36 378110 378163 RHS 53
37 378246 378273 RHS 27
38 378277 378595 RHS 318

Total Length 2152

Concessionairre's Representative Independent Engineer's Representative

Construction of Eight Lane of Vadodara Kim Expressway from Km 355.000 to Km 378.740 (Padra to Vadodara
section of Vadodara Mumbai Expressway) in the State of Gujarat under NHDP Phase - VI on Hybrid Annuity
Mode (Phase IA-Package I).
Sr. No. Side Length (M) Remarks
From To
1 356000 356139 LHS 139
2 356314 356380 LHS 66
3 359990 360046 LHS 56
4 360069 360134 LHS 65
5 360214 360334 LHS 120
6 361792 361850 LHS 58
7 371839 371944 LHS 105
8 372064 372217 LHS 153
9 373310 373448 LHS 138
10 376730 376807 LHS 77
11 376863 376940 LHS 77
12 377800 377897 LHS 97
13 378130 378180 LHS 50

14 356000 356181 LME 181

15 356288 356380 LME 92
16 359800 359849 LME 50
17 360000 360134 LME 134
18 360214 360406 LME 192
19 361609 361850 LME 241
20 371812 371944 LME 132
21 372064 372217 LME 153
22 373300 373501 LME 201
23 373950 374030 LME 80
24 376720 376807 LME 87
25 376863 376940 LME 77
26 377830 377897 LME 67
27 378120 378204 LME 84
28 378236 378350 LME 114
29 378520 378621 LME 101

30 356000 356031 RHS 31

31 356207 356380 RHS 173
32 360060 360134 RHS 74
33 360214 360279 RHS 65
34 360305 360334 RHS 29
35 361792 361850 RHS 58
36 371735 371944 RHS 209
37 372064 372217 RHS 153
38 373310 373460 RHS 150
39 376720 376807 RHS 87
40 376863 377000 RHS 137
41 377800 377897 RHS 97
42 378110 378163 RHS 53

43 356000 356058 RME 58

44 356165 356380 RME 215
45 359805 359849 RME 45
46 359990 360134 RME 144
47 360214 360406 RME 192
48 361609 361850 RME 241
49 371692 371944 RME 252
50 372064 372217 RME 153
51 373310 373489 RME 179
52 373944 374030 RME 86
53 376730 376807 RME 77
54 376863 376940 RME 77
55 377800 377897 RME 97
56 378130 378188 RME 58
57 378220 378350 RME 130
58 378520 378621 RME 101

0 1108 LHS 1108
Ramp 1
0 1108 RHS 1108
0 790 LHS 790
Ramp 2
0 790 RHS 790
0 1466 LHS 1466
Loop 1
0 1466 RHS 1466
0 870 LHS 870
Loop 2
0 870 RHS 870
0 880 LHS 880
Ramp 1
0 880 RHS 880
0 1040 LHS 1040
Ramp 2
0 1040 RHS 1040
Total Length 7805

Concessionairre's Representative Independent Engineer's Representative

Construction of Eight Lane of Vadodara Kim Expressway from Km 355.000 to Km 378.740 (Padra to
Vadodara section of Vadodara Mumbai Expressway) in the State of Gujarat under NHDP Phase - VI on
Hybrid Annuity Mode (Phase IA-Package I).
Sr. No. Side Length (M) Remarks
From To
1 356000 356139 LHS 139
2 356314 356370 LHS 56
3 360110 360134 LHS 24
4 360214 360334 LHS 120
5 361792 361840 LHS 48
6 370350 370541 LHS 191
7 370631 370660 LHS 29
8 371839 371944 LHS 105
9 372064 372170 LHS 106
10 373360 373448 LHS 88
11 373720 373834 LHS 114
12 373985 374218 LHS 233
13 374402 374640 LHS 238
14 376710 376807 LHS 97
15 376863 377000 LHS 137
16 377860 377897 LHS 37
17 378120 378180 LHS 60
18 378277 378595 LHS 318

17 356207 356360 RHS 153

18 360070 360134 RHS 64
19 361792 361850 RHS 58
20 370400 370541 RHS 141
21 370631 370660 RHS 29
22 371231 371418 RHS 187
23 371735 371944 RHS 209
24 372064 372200 RHS 136
25 373370 373448 RHS 78
26 373716 373842 RHS 125
27 373976 374255 RHS 279
28 374440 374640 RHS 200
29 376710 376807 RHS 97
30 376863 377000 RHS 137
31 377810 377897 RHS 87
32 378120 378163 RHS 43
33 378246 378595 RHS 349

Total Length 2256

Concessionairre's Representative Independent Engineer's Representative

Construction of Eight Lane of Vadodara Kim Expressway from Km 355.000 to Km 378.740 (Padra to
Vadodara section of Vadodara Mumbai Expressway) in the State of Gujarat under NHDP Phase - VI on
Hybrid Annuity Mode (Phase IA-Package I).

Sr. No. Side Length (M) Remarks
From To
1 358190 358195 LHS 5
2 358445 358450 LHS 5
3 358690 358950 LHS 260
4 359050 359470 LHS 420
5 359630 359635 LHS 5
6 359800 360050 LHS 250
7 361900 362258 LHS 358
8 362530 362670 LHS 140
9 362750 362820 LHS 70
10 363520 363700 LHS 180
11 364850 364855 LHS 5
12 364930 364932 LHS 2
13 365310 365315 LHS 5
14 365360 365365 LHS 5
15 365600 365903 LHS 303
16 366016 366080 LHS 64
17 366240 366300 LHS 60
18 367100 367105 LHS 5
19 367200 367202 LHS 2
20 367280 367285 LHS 5
21 367640 367645 LHS 5
22 367840 367930 LHS 90
23 368050 369350 LHS 1300
24 369380 370540 LHS 1160
25 370630 371000 LHS 370
26 371000 371410 LHS 410
27 371800 371940 LHS 140
28 372060 372300 LHS 240
29 373200 373500 LHS 300
30 373755 373863 LHS 108
31 373950 374245 LHS 295
32 374380 375200 LHS 820
33 375250 375255 LHS 5
34 375270 375280 LHS 10
35 375300 375305 LHS 5
36 375420 375430 LHS 10
37 375517 375557 LHS 40
38 375570 375655 LHS 85
39 375680 375685 LHS 5
40 375700 375705 LHS 5
41 375720 375900 LHS 180
42 375952 376095 LHS 143
43 376250 376800 LHS 550
44 376865 377200 LHS 335
45 377300 377890 LHS 590
46 378240 378300 LHS 60
47 378400 378405 LHS 5
48 378480 378620 LHS 140

49 355990 356058 RHS 68

50 356390 356395 RHS 5
51 356460 356465 RHS 5
52 356950 356955 RHS 5

Concessionairre's Representative Independent Engineer's Representative

Sr. No. Side Length (M) Remarks
From To
53 357810 357815 RHS 5
54 358500 358505 RHS 5
55 358620 358625 RHS 5
56 358750 358755 RHS 5
57 359370 359450 RHS 80
58 359720 359725 RHS 5
59 359900 359905 RHS 5
60 359930 359935 RHS 5
61 360213 360405 RHS 192
62 362880 362886 RHS 6
63 363060 363245 RHS 185
64 363375 363380 RHS 5
65 364880 364885 RHS 5
66 364950 364955 RHS 5
67 365230 365235 RHS 5
68 365250 365252 RHS 2
69 365320 365325 RHS 5
70 365350 365355 RHS 5
71 366016 366280 RHS 264
72 366910 366950 RHS 40
73 367002 367189 RHS 187
74 367850 367940 RHS 90
75 368280 368285 RHS 5
76 368340 368400 RHS 60
77 368490 368540 RHS 50
78 368570 369970 RHS 1400
79 370015 370265 RHS 250
80 370630 370690 RHS 60
81 371000 371380 RHS 380
82 371586.4 371700 RHS 114
83 371810 371950 RHS 140
84 372280 372360 RHS 80
85 372785 372835 RHS 50
86 373000 373080 RHS 80
87 373200 373500 RHS 300
88 373690 373860 RHS 170
89 373950 374245 RHS 295
90 374380 374928 RHS 548
91 375170 375220 RHS 50
92 375570 375600 RHS 30
93 375700 375850 RHS 150
94 376050 376135 RHS 85
95 376160 376800 RHS 640
96 376870 376945 RHS 75
97 377140 377170 RHS 30
98 377450 377910 RHS 460
99 378000 378082 RHS 82
100 378400 378405 RHS 5
101 378480 378620 RHS 140

102 Ramp 1 1043

103 Ramp 2 102
104 Loop 1 1466
105 Loop 2 480
106 Ramp 1 880
107 Ramp 2 1040

Total Length 13250

Concessionairre's Representative Independent Engineer's Representative

Construction of Eight Lane of Vadodara Kim Expressway from Km 355.000 to Km 378.740 (Padra
to Vadodara section of Vadodara Mumbai Expressway) in the State of Gujarat under NHDP Phase
- VI on Hybrid Annuity Mode (Phase IA-Package I).

Sr. No. Side Length (M) Remarks
From To
1 355950 356568 LHS 618
2 359600 361241 LHS 1641
3 361381 362000 LHS 619
4 363700 363920 LHS 220
5 364510 364670 LHS 160
6 365780 366190 LHS 410
7 367160 367300 LHS 140
8 367570 368190 LHS 620
9 369910 370030 LHS 120
10 370330 370760 LHS 430
11 371000 371410 LHS 410
12 371706 372170 LHS 464
13 373200 374020 LHS 820
14 374210 374650 LHS 440
15 375460 377911 LHS 2451
16 377990 378740 LHS 750

17 355950 356568.2 RHS 618

18 359600 361241 RHS 1641
19 361381 362000 RHS 619
20 363700 363920 RHS 220
21 364500 364670 RHS 170
22 365850 366040 RHS 190
23 367160 367270 RHS 110
24 367960 368200 RHS 240
25 369910 370040 RHS 130
26 370320 370760 RHS 440
27 370990 371380 RHS 390
28 371586 372190 RHS 604
29 373200 374050 RHS 850
30 374220 374630 RHS 410
31 375450 377911 RHS 2461
32 377990 378740 RHS 750

Ramp 1 0 1108 LHS 1108
Ramp 2 0 790 LHS 790
Loop 1 0 1466 LHS 1466
Loop 2 0 870 LHS 870
Ramp 1 0 880 LHS 880
Ramp 2 0 1040 LHS 1040

Concessionairre's Representative Independent Engineer's Representative

Total Length 16232

Concessionairre's Representative Independent Engineer's Representative

Construction of Eight Lane of Vadodara Kim Expressway from Km 355.000 to Km 378.740 (Padra to Vadodara section of Vadodara Mumbai Expressway) in the State of
Gujarat under NHDP Phase - VI on Hybrid Annuity Mode (Phase IA-Package I).

Sr. No. Sign Board Type of Sign No.s Remarks

1 Two Way Hazard Marker Cautionary 10

2 Overhead Cable Cautionary/Warning Signs 9

3 Left Hand Curve Cautionary/Warning Signs 6

4 Right Hand Curve Cautionary/Warning Signs 1

5 Merging Traffic Ahead (From Left) Cautionary/Warning Signs 6

6 Pedestrian Crossing Informatory Signs 6

7 Keep Headway Distance Informatory Signs 2

8 Emergency Number Informatory Signs 3

9 ADS-2 Stack Informatory Signs 5

10 Flag Type Sign Informatory Signs 7

11 ADS_River name Informatory Signs 2

12 Overhead Gantry(4-lane) Informatory Signs 4

13 Overhead Gantry(3-lane) Informatory Signs 1

14 Reassuarance Sign, 8000 x 4500 Informatory Signs 2

15 Interchange advance guide sign- Cantilever Informatory Signs 3

16 Overhead Cantilever -ADS Informatory Signs 1

17 Exit Gore - Cantilever Informatory Signs 5

18 Compulsory Ahead + U-Turn Prohibited Mandatory sign 8

19 Speed Limit Mandatory/Regulatory Signs 13

20 Keep Left + Right Hazard Marker Mandatory/Regulatory Signs 4

21 Pass Either Way + Two Way Hazard Marker Mandatory/Regulatory Signs 23

22 STOP Sign Mandatory/Regulatory Signs 32

23 Overtaking Prohibited Mandatory/Regulatory Signs 3

24 Height Limit Mandatory/Regulatory Signs 52

25 No Standing No Stopping Mandatory/Regulatory Signs 3

26 Give Way Mandatory/Regulatory Signs 2

27 Keep Left + Right Hazard Marker Mandatory/Regulatory Signs 4

28 Pass Either Way + Two Way Hazard Marker Mandatory/Regulatory Signs 24

29 Toll rate- Sticker type Toll Plaza 47

30 Toll gate 2km - Cantilever Toll Plaza 0

31 Toll gate 1km - Cantilever Toll Plaza 0

32 Toll gate 500m - Cantilever Toll Plaza 0

33 Toll gate Toll Plaza 6

Concessionairre's Representative Independent Engineer's Representative

34 Toll rate + Toll gate Toll Plaza 4

35 Signs for Exempt Vehicles (Hindi) Toll Plaza 2

36 Signs for Exempt Dignitory Vehicles (Hindi) Toll Plaza 2

37 Signs for Exempt Vehicles (English) Toll Plaza 1

38 Signs for Exempt Dignitory Vehicles (English) Toll Plaza 0

39 Canopy Signs Toll Plaza 7

40 Exempt Vehicles - Loop & Ramps Toll Plaza 2

41 Exempt Dignitaries - Loop & Ramps Toll Plaza 3

42 User fee Placed on approaching side face of booth 19

Toll Plaza

43 Chevron Sings Warning Sign 259

Total No.s 593

Concessionairre's Representative Independent Engineer's Representative

Construction of Eight Lane of Vadodara Kim Expressway from Km 355.000 to Km 378.740 (Padra to Vadodara section of Vadodara Mumbai
Expressway) in the State of Gujarat under NHDP Phase - VI on Hybrid Annuity Mode (Phase IA-Package I).

Highway Lighting
Chainage Balance
Locations /
Sr. No. Structures Length (M) Pole Location No.s for
From To erection
Flyover-356+188 356+065 356+180 115 on Crash Barrier 10
Flyover-356+548 356+530 356+570 40 on Crash Barrier 4
Urban Area-1 + 360+174 MJB 360+000 360+335 335 on Shoulder/Median CB 16
2 Urban Area-1 + 361+034 ROB 360+335 361+795 1460 On Crash Barrier 122
Urban Area - 1 + 362+350 MJB 361+795 362+500 107 on Shoulder/Median CB 5
3 Flyover-371+720 371+586 371+731 145 On Crash Barrier 12
Flyover-378+740 140 on Median Crash Barrier 12
4 378+600 378+740
Carriageway-378+740 100 on Median Crash Barrier 10
Ramp-1 00+000 00+250 250 On Shoulder/Crash barrier 10
Ramp-1 00+250 00+650 400 On Shoulder 4
Ramp-1 00+650 01+108 458 On Shoulder 15
5 Ramp-2 00+000 00+400 400 On Shoulder/Crash barrier 16
Ramp-2 00+400 00+790 390 On Shoulder 13
Loop-1 00+000 00+230 230 On Shoulder 8
Loop-1 00+780 01+467 687 On Shoulder 21
Loop-2 00+710 00+870 75 On Shoulder 7
6 Ramp-1 00+000 00+880 880 on Shoulder 31
Ramp-2 00+000 01+041 1041 on Shoulder 37
Total 7252 353

Concessionairre's Representative Independent Engineer's Representative

Construction of Eight Lane of Vadodara Kim Expressway from Km 355.000 to Km 378.740 (Padra
to Vadodara section of Vadodara Mumbai Expressway) in the State of Gujarat under NHDP
Phase - VI on Hybrid Annuity Mode (Phase IA-Package I).

Median Plantation
Sr. No. Length Nos. Remarks
From To
1 355782 356181 399 797
2 356288 356531 244 487
3 359728 359793 65 131
4 359863 360406 543 1086
5 361609 361870 261 522
6 364450 364539 89 177
7 367160 367209 49 97
8 367650 367775 125 250
9 367900 367929 29 58
10 367996 368050 54 108
11 369100 369140 40 80
12 369970 370000 30 61
13 370340 370554 214 427
14 370566 370700 134 267
15 371450 371682 232 464
16 372060 372150 90 180
17 373292 373500 208 415
18 373688 373800 112 224
19 374380 374640 260 521
20 376736 376779 43 86
21 376891 376980 89 178
22 377220 377481 261 522
23 377499 377897 399 797
24 378236 378610 374 747
Total 4341 8682

Concessionairre's Representative Independent Engineer's Representative

Construction of Eight Lane of Vadodara Kim Expressway from Km 355.000 to Km 378.740 (Padra to
Vadodara section of Vadodara Mumbai Expressway) in the State of Gujarat under NHDP Phase - VI
on Hybrid Annuity Mode (Phase IA-Package I).

Avenue Plantation
Sr. No. No.s(Row-I,II&III) Reasons/ Remarks
From To
1 355+000 356+000 706

2 356+000 357+000 530

3 357+000 358+000 276

4 358+000 359+000 518

5 359+000 360+000 810

6 360+000 361+000 374

7 361+000 362+000 526

8 362+000 363+000 704

9 363+000 364+000 554

10 364+000 365+000 650

11 365+000 366+000 647

12 366+000 367+000 480

13 367+000 368+000 680

14 368+000 369+000 462

15 369+000 370+000 498

16 370+000 371+000 566

17 371+000 372+000 725

18 372+000 373+000 645

19 373+000 374+000 411

20 374+000 375+000 544

21 375+000 376+000 860

22 376+000 377+000 860

23 377+000 378+000 797

24 378+000 378+740 431

Total 14254

Concessionairre's Representative Independent Engineer's Representative

Construction of Eight Lane of Vadodara Kim Expressway from Km 355.000 to Km 378.740 (Padra to Vadodara section of Vadodara Mumbai Expressway) in the
State of Gujarat under NHDP Phase - VI on Hybrid Annuity Mode (Phase IA-Package I).

Srl. No. Equipment Chainage Remark
1 Traffic Monitoring Camera System Equipment (TMCS) - 24
1.1 TMCS#1 355+000 Median
1.2 TMCS#2 356+000 Median
1.3 TMCS#3 357+000 Median
1.4 TMCS#4 358+020 Median
1.5 TMCS#5 359+000 Median
1.6 TMCS#6 360+000 Median
1.7 TMCS#7 361+000 Median (ROB - Special foundation arrangement required)
1.8 TMCS#8 362+000 Median
1.9 TMCS#9 362+870 Median (Emergency Median Opening @ 362+970)
1.10 TMCS#10 364+000 Median
1.11 TMCS#11 365+000 Median
1.12 TMCS#12 366+150 Median (Emergency Median Opening @ 366+300)
1.13 TMCS#13 367+030 Median (VUP @ 367+000)
1.14 TMCS#14 368+100 Median (Flyover Ends @ 368+050)
1.15 TMCS#15 369+000 Median
1.16 TMCS#16 370+030 Median (VUP @ 370+000)
1.17 TMCS#17 371+000 Median
1.18 TMCS#18 372+100 Median (Minor Bridge @ 372+000)
1.19 TMCS#19 373+000 Median
1.20 TMCS#20 374+000 Median
1.21 TMCS#21 375+000 Median
1.22 TMCS#22 376+000 Median (Toll Plaza @ 376+200)
1.23 TMCS#23 377+000 Median
1.24 TMCS#24 378+000 Median
2 Video Incident Detection System Equipment (VIDS) - 8
2.1 VIDS#1 370+700 Median (Emergency Median Opening @ 370+750)
2.2 VIDS#2 373+700 LHS
2.3 VIDS#3 373+800 RHS
2.4 VIDS#4 374+400 LHS
2.5 VIDS#5 374+600 RHS
2.6 VIDS#6 375+900 Median (Toll Plaza Median Opening)
2.7 VIDS#7 378+200 RHS
2.8 VIDS#8 378+300 LHS
3 Variable Message Sign (VMS) Systems - 4
3.1 VMS#1 368+900 RHS
3.2 VMS#2 372+950 LHS
3.3 VMS#3 375+000 RHS
3.4 VMS#4 377+300 LHS
3.5 Portable VMS with Trolley (2000mm x 1000mm) 376+200 At Maintenance Office
Vehicle Speed Detection System Equipment (VSDS) (LHS + RHS)
4 Vehicle Speed Detection System Equipment (VSDS) (LHS + RHS) - 4
4.1 VSDS#1 364+400 RHS
4.2 VSDS#2 364+400 LHS
4.3 VSDS#3 371+500 RHS
4.4 VSDS#4 371+500 LHS
5 Emergency Call Box (ECB) - 12 Pair
5.1 ECB#1 356+000 LHS + RHS : Master & Slave
5.2 ECB#2 358+020 LHS + RHS : Master & Slave
5.3 ECB#3 360+000 LHS + RHS : Master & Slave
5.4 ECB#4 362+000 LHS + RHS : Master & Slave
5.5 ECB#5 364+000 LHS + RHS : Master & Slave
5.6 ECB#6 366+150 LHS + RHS : Master & Slave
5.7 ECB#7 368+100 LHS + RHS : Master & Slave
5.8 ECB#8 370+030 LHS + RHS : Master & Slave
5.9 ECB#9 372+100 LHS + RHS : Master & Slave
5.10 ECB#10 374+000 LHS + RHS : Master & Slave

Concessionairre's Representative Independent Engineer's Representative

5.11 ECB#11 378+000 LHS + RHS : Master & Slave
6 Fibre cable-OFC - 23740 Meter Routed through RHS Edge of Median
Note :- ATMS functional only when complete continuity of the Fibre cable establish. For the complete continuity of the Fibre Cable hindrance free land on
31.12.2021 also required to made available .This may not be completed with in 90 Days from the date of issuance of Provisional Certificate.

Concessionairre's Representative Independent Engineer's Representative

Construction of Eight Lane of Vadodara Kim Expressway from Km 355.000 to Km 378.740
(Padra to Vadodara section of Vadodara Mumbai Expressway) in the State of Gujarat under
NHDP Phase - VI on Hybrid Annuity Mode (Phase IA-Package I).

Sr. No. Side Length (M) Remarks
From To
1 356120 356225 LHS 105
2 356530 356570 LHS 40
3 360000 360334 LHS 334
4 360334 360598.651 LHS 265
5 361241 361416 LHS 175
6 361512 361792 LHS 280
7 361792 362257 LHS 465
8 362261 362296 LHS 35
9 362406.53452056 362500 LHS 93
10 367960 368040 LHS 80
11 371640 371760 LHS 120

12 356120 356225 RHS 105

13 356530 356570 RHS 40
14 360000 360334 RHS 334
15 360334 360407 RHS 73
16 360494 360634 RHS 140
17 360870 361067 RHS 198
18 361241 361381 RHS 140
19 361512 361792 RHS 280
20 361792 361917 RHS 125
21 362020 362253 RHS 233
22 362257 362288 RHS 31
23 362398 362500 RHS 102
24 363730 363768 RHS 38
25 363855 363895 RHS 40
26 367960 368040 RHS 80
27 371640 371760 RHS 120

Total Length 4069

Concessionairre's Representative Independent Engineer's Representative

Construction of Eight Lane of Vadodara Kim Expressway from Km 355.000 to Km 378.740 (Padra
to Vadodara section of Vadodara Mumbai Expressway) in the State of Gujarat under NHDP Phase
- VI on Hybrid Annuity Mode (Phase IA-Package I).

Sr. No. Side Length (M) Remarks
From To
1 355200 355230 LHS 30
2 355725 355765 LHS 40
3 356000 356180 LHS 180
4 357990 358040 LHS 50
5 358680 359470 LHS 790
6 359700 359760 LHS 60
7 359800 359850 LHS 50
8 359860 360134 LHS 274
9 360213 360405 LHS 192
10 361608 361950 LHS 342
11 362065 362125 LHS 60
12 362550 362680 LHS 130
13 363180 363300 LHS 120
14 363900 364100 LHS 200
15 365120 365180 LHS 60
16 365770 365810 LHS 40
17 366520 366600 LHS 80
18 367002 367100 LHS 98
19 367230 367290 LHS 60
20 368000 368070 LHS 70
21 368330 368960 LHS 630
22 369110 369250 LHS 140
23 369420 369750 LHS 330
24 369900 370000 LHS 100
25 370020 370540 LHS 520
26 370940 371000 LHS 60
27 371210 371410 LHS 200
28 371810 371940 LHS 130
29 372065 372390 LHS 325
30 372550 372600 LHS 50
31 372900 373080 LHS 180
32 373200 373500 LHS 300
33 373690 373860 LHS 170
34 373950 374245 LHS 295
35 374380 374700 LHS 320
36 374960 375010 LHS 50
37 375190 375300 LHS 110
38 375520 375550 LHS 30
39 375570 376800 LHS 1230

Concessionairre's Representative Independent Engineer's Representative

Sr. No. Side Length (M) Remarks
From To
40 376870 377000 LHS 130
41 377180 377480 LHS 300
42 377500 377890 LHS 390
43 378100 378200 LHS 100
44 378240 378620 LHS 380

45 356170 356360 RHS 190

46 358360 358390 RHS 30
47 359390 359430 RHS 40
48 359800 359850 RHS 50
49 360040 360130 RHS 90
50 360210 360400 RHS 190
51 361600 361860 RHS 260
52 362040 362250 RHS 210
53 362400 362670 RHS 270
54 363260 363320 RHS 60
55 365000 365180 RHS 180
56 365770 365900 RHS 130
57 366400 366760 RHS 360
58 367000 367140 RHS 140
59 367310 367350 RHS 40
60 368080 368150 RHS 70
61 368500 368600 RHS 100
62 368800 369000 RHS 200
63 369120 369250 RHS 130
64 369500 370000 RHS 500
65 370350 370540 RHS 190
66 370700 370780 RHS 80
67 370820 371380 RHS 560
68 371690 371940 RHS 250
69 372970 373080 RHS 110
70 373200 373480 RHS 280
71 373680 373870 RHS 190
72 373950 374280 RHS 330
73 374420 374670 RHS 250
74 375500 375560 RHS 60
75 375585 376300 RHS 715
76 376740 376800 RHS 60
77 376870 377515 RHS 645
78 377550 377890 RHS 340
79 378060 378180 RHS 120
80 378220 378620 RHS 400

Total Length 8608

Concessionairre's Representative Independent Engineer's Representative

Construction of Eight Lane of Vadodara Kim Expressway from Km 355.000 to Km 378.740 (Padra
to Vadodara section of Vadodara Mumbai Expressway) in the State of Gujarat under NHDP Phase
- VI on Hybrid Annuity Mode (Phase IA-Package I).

Rain water Harvesting
Sr. No. Chainage Side Sr. No. Chainage Side
1 356570 LHS 26 356570 RHS
2 359100 LHS 27 359430 RHS
3 359390 LHS 28 360100 RHS
4 360230 LHS 29 360300 RHS
5 362630 LHS 30 362200 RHS
6 364770 LHS 31 362400 RHS
7 366275 LHS 32 362650 RHS
8 366705 LHS 33 364765 RHS
9 367250 LHS 34 365275 RHS
10 367865 LHS 35 367100 RHS
11 367875 LHS 36 367375 RHS
12 368315 LHS 37 367385 RHS
13 369040 LHS 38 367865 RHS
14 369140 LHS 39 367875 RHS
15 369210 LHS 40 368315 RHS
16 371660 LHS 41 369085 RHS
17 372450 LHS 42 369110 RHS
18 373190 LHS 43 373920 RHS
19 373880 LHS 44 373690 RHS
20 374050 LHS 45 373480 RHS
21 377460 LHS 46 377350 RHS
22 377820 LHS 47 378125 RHS
23 378125 LHS 48 378400 RHS
24 378400 LHS
25 378580 LHS

Concessionairre's Representative Independent Engineer's Representative

Construction of Eight Lane of Vadodara Kim Expressway from Km 355.000 to Km 378.740
(Padra to Vadodara section of Vadodara Mumbai Expressway) in the State of Gujarat
under NHDP Phase - VI on Hybrid Annuity Mode (Phase IA-Package I).



Sr. No. Side Length (M) Remarks
From To

1 360030 360400 BHS 300

2 362230 362430 BHS 58

3 376567 376620 BHS 53

4 377790 377990 BHS 200

Total Length 611

Concessionairre's Representative Independent Engineer's Representative

Construction of Eight Lane of Vadodara Kim Expressway from Km 355.000 to Km 378.740 (Padra to Vadodara
section of Vadodara Mumbai Expressway) in the State of Gujarat under NHDP Phase - VI on Hybrid Annuity
Mode (Phase IA-Package I).



Sr. No. Side Length (M) Reasons/ Remarks
From To

1 355000 355050 LHS 50

2 355700 355825 LHS 125 WMM Layer 1 Completed

3 365000 365250 LHS 250

4 0 700 700
GSB Completed

Total Length 1125

Concessionairre's Representative Independent Engineer's Representative

Construction of Eight Lane of Vadodara Kim Expressway from Km 355.000 to Km 378.740 (Padra to
Vadodara section of Vadodara Mumbai Expressway) in the State of Gujarat under NHDP Phase - VI on
Hybrid Annuity Mode (Phase IA-Package I).

Road Studs
Sl Side Edge From To Length Nos of Studs Color

1 LHS Shoulder 355383 355588 205 11 Red

2 LHS Medain 355383 355588 205 11 Yellow
3 LHS Shoulder 355588 356749 1161 129 Red
4 LHS Medain 355588 356749 1161 129 Yellow
5 LHS Shoulder 359613 361806 2193 244 Red
6 LHS Medain 359613 361806 2193 244 Yellow
7 LHS Shoulder 361806 362078 272 15 Red
8 LHS Medain 361806 362078 272 15 Yellow
9 LHS Shoulder 362078 362572 494 55 Red
10 LHS Medain 362078 362572 494 55 Yellow
11 LHS Shoulder 362572 362876 304 17 Red
12 LHS Medain 362572 362876 304 17 Yellow
13 LHS Shoulder 363243 363529 286 16 Red
14 LHS Medain 363243 363529 286 16 Yellow
15 LHS Shoulder 363529 364071 542 60 Red
16 LHS Medain 363529 364071 542 60 Yellow
17 LHS Shoulder 364071 364417 346 19 Red
18 LHS Medain 364071 364417 346 19 Yellow
19 LHS Shoulder 364417 364830 413 46 Red
20 LHS Medain 364417 364830 413 46 Yellow
21 LHS Shoulder 364830 365138 308 17 Red
22 LHS Medain 364830 365138 308 17 Yellow
23 LHS Shoulder 365271 365722 451 25 Red
24 LHS Medain 365271 365722 451 25 Yellow
25 LHS Shoulder 365722 366200 478 53 Red
26 LHS Medain 365722 366200 478 53 Yellow
27 LHS Shoulder 366200 367125 925 51 Red
28 LHS Medain 366200 367125 925 51 Yellow
29 LHS Shoulder 367125 367393 268 30 Red
30 LHS Medain 367125 367393 268 30 Yellow
31 LHS Shoulder 367393 367878 485 27 Red
32 LHS Medain 367393 367878 485 27 Yellow
33 LHS Shoulder 367878 368235 357 40 Red
34 LHS Medain 367878 368235 357 40 Yellow
35 LHS Shoulder 368235 368959 724 40 Red
36 LHS Medain 368235 368959 724 40 Yellow
37 LHS Shoulder 369660 369821 161 9 Red
38 LHS Medain 369660 369821 161 9 Yellow
39 LHS Shoulder 369821 370192 371 41 Red
40 LHS Medain 369821 370192 371 41 Yellow
41 LHS Shoulder 370192 370354 162 9 Red
Sl Side Edge From To Length Nos of Studs Color

42 LHS Medain 370192 370354 162 9 Yellow

43 LHS Shoulder 370354 370767 413 46 Red
44 LHS Medain 370354 370767 413 46 Yellow
45 LHS Shoulder 370767 371510 743 41 Red
46 LHS Medain 370767 371510 743 41 Yellow
47 LHS Shoulder 371510 372255 745 83 Red
48 LHS Medain 371510 372255 745 83 Yellow
49 LHS Shoulder 372255 373340 1085 40 Red
50 LHS Medain 372255 373340 1085 40 Yellow
51 LHS Shoulder 373340 373910 570 63 Red
52 LHS MCW CW 373340 373980 640 71 Green
53 LHS Medain 373340 373980 640 71 Yellow
54 LHS Shoulder 373980 374400 420 47 Red
55 LHS MCW CW 374160 374432 272 30 Green
56 LHS Medain 373980 374596 616 68 Yellow
57 LHS Shoulder 374432 374504 72 8 Red
58 LHS Shoulder 374504 374902 398 22 Red
59 LHS Medain 374596 374902 306 17 Yellow
60 LHS Shoulder 375076 375385 309 17 Red
61 LHS Medain 375076 375385 309 17 Yellow
62 LHS Shoulder 375385 375755 370 41 Red
63 LHS Medain 375385 375755 370 41 Yellow
64 LHS Shoulder 375755 375900 145 8 Red
65 LHS Medain 375755 375900 145 8 Yellow
66 LHS Shoulder 376556 376640 84 5 Red
67 LHS Medain 376556 376640 84 5 Yellow
68 LHS Shoulder 376640 376862 222 25 Red
69 LHS Medain 376640 376862 222 25 Yellow
70 LHS Shoulder 376862 377312 450 25 Red
71 LHS Medain 376862 377312 450 25 Yellow
72 LHS Shoulder 377312 377680 368 41 Red
73 LHS Medain 377312 377680 368 41 Yellow
74 LHS Shoulder 377680 377740 60 3 Red
75 LHS Medain 377680 377740 60 3 Yellow
76 LHS Shoulder 377740 378250 510 57 Red
77 LHS Medain 377740 378082 342 38 Yellow
78 LHS MCW CW 378115 378412 297 33 Green
79 LHS Medain 378082 378426 344 19 Yellow
80 LHS Medain 378426 378800 374 42 Yellow
81 LHS Shoulder 378420 378800 380 42 Red

1 RHS Shoulder 355383 355588 205 11 Red

2 RHS Medain 355383 355588 205 11 Yellow
3 RHS Shoulder 355588 356753 1165 129 Red
4 RHS Medain 355588 356753 1165 129 Yellow
5 RHS Shoulder 359613 361806 2193 244 Red
Sl Side Edge From To Length Nos of Studs Color

6 RHS Medain 359613 361806 2193 244 Yellow

7 RHS Shoulder 361806 362078 272 15 Red
8 RHS Medain 361806 362078 272 15 Yellow
9 RHS Shoulder 362078 362572 494 55 Red
10 RHS Medain 362078 362572 494 55 Yellow
11 RHS Shoulder 362572 362885 313 17 Red
12 RHS Medain 362572 362885 313 17 Yellow
13 RHS Shoulder 363230 363673 443 25 Red
14 RHS Medain 363230 363673 443 25 Yellow
15 RHS Shoulder 363529 364069 540 60 Red
16 RHS Medain 363529 364069 540 60 Yellow
17 RHS Shoulder 364069 364374 305 17 Red
18 RHS Medain 364069 364374 305 17 Yellow
19 RHS Shoulder 364374 364827 453 50 Red
20 RHS Medain 364374 364827 453 50 Yellow
21 RHS Shoulder 364827 365134 307 17 Red
22 RHS Medain 364827 365134 307 17 Yellow
23 RHS Shoulder 365417 365722 305 17 Red
24 RHS Medain 365417 365722 305 17 Yellow
25 RHS Shoulder 365722 366200 478 53 Red
26 RHS Medain 365722 366200 478 53 Yellow
27 RHS Shoulder 366200 367009 809 45 Red
28 RHS Medain 366200 367009 809 45 Yellow
29 RHS Shoulder 367009 367393 384 43 Red
30 RHS Medain 367009 367393 384 43 Yellow
31 RHS Shoulder 367393 367871 478 27 Red
32 RHS Medain 367393 367871 478 27 Yellow
33 RHS Shoulder 367871 368246 375 42 Red
34 RHS Medain 367871 368246 375 42 Yellow
35 RHS Shoulder 368246 368905 659 37 Red
36 RHS Medain 368246 368905 659 37 Yellow
37 RHS Shoulder 369660 369818 158 9 Red
38 RHS Medain 369660 369818 158 9 Yellow
39 RHS Shoulder 369818 370188 370 41 Red
40 RHS Medain 369818 370188 370 41 Yellow
41 RHS Shoulder 370188 370349 161 9 Red
42 RHS Medain 370188 370349 161 9 Yellow
43 RHS Shoulder 370349 370732 383 43 Red
44 RHS Medain 370349 370732 383 43 Yellow
45 RHS Shoulder 370732 371412 680 38 Red
46 RHS Medain 370732 371412 680 38 Yellow
47 RHS Shoulder 371412 372255 843 94 Red
48 RHS Medain 371412 372255 843 94 Yellow
49 RHS Shoulder 372255 373340 1085 40 Red
50 RHS Medain 372255 373340 1085 40 Yellow
51 RHS Shoulder 373340 373910 570 63 Red
Sl Side Edge From To Length Nos of Studs Color

52 RHS MCW CW 373400 374000 600 67 Green

53 RHS Medain 373340 374580 1240 138 Yellow
54 RHS Shoulder 374010 374720 710 79 Red
55 RHS MCW CW 374180 374780 600 67 Green
56 RHS Medain 374580 374902 322 18 Yellow
57 RHS Shoulder 374780 374820 40 4 Red
58 RHS Shoulder 374820 374884 64 4 Red
59 RHS Shoulder 375082 375388 306 17 Red
60 RHS Medain 375078 375384 306 17 Yellow
61 RHS Shoulder 375388 375755 367 41 Red
62 RHS Medain 375384 375755 371 41 Yellow
63 RHS Shoulder 375755 375900 145 8 Red
64 RHS Medain 375755 375900 145 8 Yellow
65 RHS Shoulder 376556 376808 252 14 Red
66 RHS Medain 376556 376808 252 14 Yellow
67 RHS Shoulder 376808 377042 234 26 Red
68 RHS Medain 376808 377042 234 26 Yellow
69 RHS Shoulder 377042 377330 288 16 Red
70 RHS Medain 377042 377330 288 16 Yellow
71 RHS Shoulder 377330 377704 374 42 Red
72 RHS Medain 377330 377704 374 42 Yellow
73 RHS Shoulder 377704 377880 176 10 Red
74 RHS Medain 377704 377880 176 10 Yellow
75 RHS Shoulder 377880 378250 370 41 Red
76 RHS Medain 377880 378185 305 34 Yellow
77 RHS MCW CW 378100 378422 322 36 Green
78 RHS Shoulder 378430 378800 370 41 Red
79 RHS Medain 378185 378418 233 13 Yellow
80 RHS Medain 378418 378800 382 42 Yellow

Total (No.s) 6637

Construction of Eight Lane of Vadodara Kim Expressway from Km 355.000 to Km 378.740 (Padra to
Vadodara section of Vadodara Mumbai Expressway) in the State of Gujarat under NHDP Phase - VI on
Hybrid Annuity Mode (Phase IA-Package I).
Ravine Area Protection
Sr. No. Side Length (M) Remarks
From To
1 370350 370541 LHS 191
2 370631 370660 LHS 29
3 371839 371944 LHS 105
4 372064 372170 LHS 106
5 373360 373448 LHS 88
6 373720 373834 LHS 114
7 373985 374218 LHS 233
8 374402 374640 LHS 238
9 376710 376807 LHS 97
10 376863 377000 LHS 137
11 377860 377897 LHS 37
12 378120 378180 LHS 60
13 378277 378595 LHS 318

14 370400 370541 RHS 141

15 370631 370660 RHS 29
16 371231 371418 RHS 187
17 371735 371944 RHS 209
18 372064 372200 RHS 136
19 373370 373448 RHS 78
20 373716 373842 RHS 125
21 373976 374255 RHS 279
22 374440 374640 RHS 200
23 376710 376807 RHS 97
24 376863 377000 RHS 137
25 377810 377897 RHS 87
26 378120 378163 RHS 43
27 378246 378595 RHS 349

Total Length 1925

Construction of Eight Lane of Vadodara Kim Expressway from Km 355.000 to Km
378.740 (Padra to Vadodara section of Vadodara Mumbai Expressway) in the
State of Gujarat under NHDP Phase - VI on Hybrid Annuity Mode (Phase IA-
Package I).

Cross Roads
Sr. No. Chainage Side Length
1 355.775 - 100
2 357.333 - 100
3 357.984 - 100
4 358.351 - 100
5 358.959 - 100
6 359.534 - 100
7 359.856 - 100
8 362.090 - 100
9 362.680 - 100
10 363.266 - 100
11 364.255 - 100
12 365.165 - 100
13 366.996 - 100
14 367.590 - 100
15 369.128 - 100
16 370.005 - 100
17 375.570 - 120
18 377.509 - 100
Total Length 1820
Construction of Eight Lane of Vadodara Kim Expressway from Km 355.000 to Km 378.740 (Padra to Vadodara section of Vadodara
Mumbai Expressway) in the State of Gujarat under NHDP Phase - VI on Hybrid Annuity Mode (Phase IA-Package I).

5Th Km Km Stone Hecto Meter Stone
355000 NC NC
355100 NC NC
355200 NC NC
355300 NC NC
355400 NC NC
355500 NC NC
355600 NC NC
355700 NC NC
355800 NC NC
355900 NC NC
356000 NC NC
356100 NC NC
356200 NC NC
356300 NC NC
356400 NC NC
356500 NC NC
356600 NC NC
356700 NC NC
356800 NC NC
356900 NC NC
357000 NC NC
358000 NC NC
359000 NC NC
360000 NC NC
360100 NC NC
360200 NC NC
360300 NC NC
360400 NC NC
360500 NC NC
360600 NC NC
360700 NC NC
360800 NC NC
360900 NC NC
361000 NC NC
361100 NC NC
361200 NC NC
361300 NC NC
361400 NC NC
361500 NC NC
361600 NC NC
361700 NC NC
361800 NC NC
361900 NC NC
362000 NC NC
362100 NC NC
362200 NC NC
362300 NC NC
362400 NC NC
362500 NC NC
363000 NC NC
363800 NC NC
363900 NC NC
364000 NC NC
364500 NC NC
364600 NC NC
364700 NC NC
365000 NC NC
365800 NC NC
365900 NC NC
366000 NC NC
367000 NC NC
367200 NC NC
367800 NC NC
367900 NC NC
368000 NC NC
368100 NC NC
368200 NC NC
369000 NC NC
369900 NC NC
370000 NC NC
371000 NC NC
371300 NC NC
371400 NC NC
371500 NC NC
371600 NC NC
371700 NC NC
371800 NC NC
371900 NC NC
372000 NC NC
372100 NC NC
372200 NC NC
372300 NC NC
372400 NC NC
373000 NC NC
373100 NC NC
373200 NC NC
373300 NC NC
373400 NC NC
373500 NC NC
373600 NC NC
373700 NC NC
373800 NC NC
373900 NC NC
374000 NC NC
374100 NC NC
374300 NC NC
374400 NC NC
375000 NC NC
376000 NC NC
376200 NC NC
376800 NC NC
376900 NC NC
377000 NC NC
377800 NC NC
377900 NC NC
378000 NC NC
378100 NC NC
378200 NC NC
378300 NC NC
378600 NC NC
378700 NC NC

Total 4 4 20 20 87 87
*NC-Not Completed
Construction of Eight Lane of Vadodara Kim Expressway from Km 355.000 to Km
378.740 (Padra to Vadodara section of Vadodara Mumbai Expressway) in the
State of Gujarat under NHDP Phase - VI on Hybrid Annuity Mode (Phase IA-
Package I).

Expansion Joint

Sr. No. Chainage Structure Nos.

1 356+564 FO 4

2 359+810 MNB 2

3 360+174 MJB 2

4 361+034 ROB 23

5 371+720 FO 2

6 372+028 MNB 4

7 373+589 ROB 12

8 373+905 MNB 4

9 374+332 FO/IC 4

10 376+867 MNB 4

11 378+211 FO 4

12 378+740 FO/IC 6

Total in Nos. 71

Concessionairre's Representative Independent Engineer's Representative

Construction of Eight Lane of Vadodara Kim Expressway from Km 355.000 to
Km 378.740 (Padra to Vadodara section of Vadodara Mumbai Expressway) in
the State of Gujarat under NHDP Phase - VI on Hybrid Annuity Mode (Phase
IA-Package I).


Wearing Course on Deck

Sr. No. Chainage Structure

1 356+188 FO

2 356+564 FLY

3 359+810 MNB

4 360+174 MJB

5 361+034 ROB

6 371+720 FO

7 372+024 MNB

8 373+589 ROB

9 373+905 MNB

10 376+835 MNB

11 378+211 FO

12 378+740 FO/IC

Concessionairre's Representative Independent Engineer's Representative

Construction of Eight Lane of Vadodara Kim Expressway from Km 355.000
to Km 378.740 (Padra to Vadodara section of Vadodara Mumbai
Expressway) in the State of Gujarat under NHDP Phase - VI on Hybrid
Annuity Mode (Phase IA-Package I).


Drainage Spout

Sr. No. Chainage Structure

1 356+188 FO

2 356+564 FLY

3 359+810 MNB

4 361+034 ROB

5 371+720 FO

6 372+024 MNB

7 373+589 ROB

8 373+905 MNB

9 376+835 MNB

10 378+211 FO

11 378+740 FO/IC

Concessionairre's Representative Independent Engineer's Representative

Construction of Eight Lane of Vadodara Kim Expressway from Km 355.000 to Km 378.740 (Padra to
Vadodara section of Vadodara Mumbai Expressway) in the State of Gujarat under NHDP Phase - VI on
Hybrid Annuity Mode (Phase IA-Package I).

Crash barrier
Sr No. Chainage Structure Side Span Balance
1 361+034 ROB LHS P17B-P17C Median side Shoulder side
P31-P32 Median side Shoulder side
P32-P33 Median side Shoulder side
P33-A2 Median side Shoulder side
361+034 ROB RHS P15-P15A Median side Shoulder side
P15A-P16 Median side Shoulder side
P16-P17 Median side
P17-P17A Median side Shoulder side
P17A-P17B Median side Shoulder side
P17B-P17C Median side Shoulder side
P17C-P18 Median side Shoulder side
P31-P32 Median side Shoulder side
P32-P33 Median side Shoulder side
P33-A2 Median side Shoulder side
2 371+720 FO LHS A1-A2 Median side Shoulder side
RHS A1-A2 Median side Shoulder side
3 372+028 MNB LHS A1-P1 Median side Shoulder side
P1-P2 Median side Shoulder side
P2-A2 Median side Shoulder side
4 373+589 ROB LHS A1-P1 Median side Shoulder side
P1-P2 Median side Shoulder side
P2-P3 Median side Shoulder side
P3-P4 Median side Shoulder side
P4-A2 Median side Shoulder side
5 373+905 MNB LHS A1-P1 Median side Shoulder side
P1-A2 Median side Shoulder side
RHS A1-P1 Median side Shoulder side
P1-A2 Median side Shoulder side

Concessionairre's Representative Independent Engineer's Representative

Construction of Eight Lane of Vadodara Kim Expressway from Km 355.000 to Km 378.740 (Padra to
Vadodara section of Vadodara Mumbai Expressway) in the State of Gujarat under NHDP Phase - VI on
Hybrid Annuity Mode (Phase IA-Package I).


Box Culvert Misc. Items

Sr. No. Chainage Side Curtain wall Flexible apron Rigid Apron

1 371+420 BHS WIP WIP WIP

2 372+215 LHS WIP WIP WIP

3 372+923 LHS WIP WIP WIP

4 373+450 BHS WIP WIP WIP

5 375+151 BHS Completed WIP WIP

6 376+050 LHS WIP NA NA

7 376+534 LHS WIP WIP NA

8 377+100 LHS Completed NA WIP


9 377+548
RHS Completed WIP WIP

10 377+645 BHS WIP WIP WIP

11 377+825 RHS Completed WIP WIP

Concessionairre's Representative Independent Engineer's Representative

Construction of Eight Lane of Vadodara Kim Expressway from Km 355.000 to Km 378.740 (Padra to Vadodara section of Vadodara Mumbai Expressway) in the State of Gujarat under NHDP Phase - VI on Hybrid
Annuity Mode (Phase IA-Package I).
Toll Management System
Equipment Installation Task Plaza-1- Total No. of Lane
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
Cabling work
Cable pulling and laying for lanes 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Cable pulling and laying to plaza and in the control room 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
AVC Loop installation work
Loop Cutting 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Loop grove cleaning and loop filling 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Loop cable routing to nearest manhole and then to the booth 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0
Pole drilling and mouting work
Pole drilling 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Cabling and mounting of poles 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Lane Installation
Profiler Installation
Traffic Light
Violation Alarm & Light with stand
User Fare Display
Lane Incident and LPIC Camera
Barrier gate 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Over Head Lane Signal
Cable Termination on median 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
For median equipments
Toll Booth
Toll Lane Controller 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
AVC Controller
Toll Collector Terminal
Receipt Printer
Barcode Reader
Smart Card Reader
Intercom Slave Unit
CCTV Camera System
Manual booth Controller
Panic Alarm
Networking and related cabling work
Administration Building 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Server Rack Installation
Network Switch Installation
TMS Server
Intercom slave unit
Intercom Master Station
Smart Card Reader
16 Channel Toll Booth DVR for Plaza
CCTV/PTZ Camera for Plaza, POS, Cashup
CCTV Monitor (LCD TV)
Work Stations' installation
Laser Jet Printer
Cabling work in Plaza Building, Control room & POS
Software Installation 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Software Installation for lanes
software installation for server
Software installation for workstations
MSWIM Installation
Pit prepation and Frame Installation (8 Lanes) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Curing time 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Load cell and platform installation 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Loop cutting and cleaning 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Loop installation 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Fixing of Vehicle separator(VS) poles and cable laying in the poles 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Fixing and installation of VS brackets and sensors 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
All cable puling and laying to chamber and then to booths 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
All cables termination to Junction Box, Indicator and TLC/AVC controller 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Calibration of MSWIMs
All cable dressing and tagging 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Static Weigh bridge

Interchange Toll Plaza Foundation completed and Installation of weigh bridge is balance
Construction of Eight Lane of Vadodara Kim Expressway from Km 355.000 to Km 378.740 (Padra to Vadodara section of Vadodara Mumbai Expressway) in the State of Gujarat under NHDP Phase - VI on Hybrid Annuity Mode
(Phase IA-Package I).
Project Execution- Installation Progress Tracking Report
Plaza-Loop -1 Remark
Equipment Installation Task
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Cabling work 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Cable pulling and laying for lanes 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Cable pulling and laying to plaza and in the control room 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
AVC Loop installation work 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Loop Cutting 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Loop grove cleaning and loop filling 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Loop cable routing to nearest manhole and then to the booth 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Pole drilling and mouting work 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Pole drilling 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Cabling and mounting of poles 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Lane Installation 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Profiler Installation 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Traffic Light 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Violation Alarm & Light with stand 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
User Fare Display 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Lane Incident and LPIC Camera 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Barrier gate 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Over Head Lane Signal 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Cable Termination on median 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
For median equipments 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Toll Booth 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Toll Lane Controller 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
AVC Controller 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Toll Collector Terminal 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Keyboard 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Receipt Printer 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Barcode Reader 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Smart Card Reader 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Intercom Slave Unit 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
CCTV Camera System 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Manual booth Controller 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Panic Alarm 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Lane UPS Installation 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Networking and related cabling work 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Administration Building 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
UPS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Server Rack Installation 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Network Switch Installation 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
TMS Server 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Intercom slave unit 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Intercom Master Station 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Smart Card Reader 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
16 Channel Toll Booth DVR for Plaza 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
CCTV/PTZ Camera for Plaza, POS, Cashup 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
CCTV Monitor (LCD TV) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Work Stations' installation 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Laser Jet Printer 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Cabling work in Plaza Building, Control room & POS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Software Installation 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Software Installation for lanes 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
software installation for server 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Software installation for workstations 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Construction of Eight Lane of Vadodara Kim Expressway from Km 355.000 to Km 378.740 (Padra to Vadodara section of Vadodara Mumbai Expressway) in the State of Gujarat under NHDP Phase - VI on Hybrid Annuity Mode (Phase IA-
Package I).
Project Execution- Installation Progress Tracking Report
Plaza-Loop -2 Remark
Equipment Installation Task
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Cabling work 0.038 0.038 0 0.038 0.038 0.038 0.038 0.038 0.038
Cable pulling and laying for lanes 0.038 0.038 0 0.038 0.038 0.038 0.038 0.038 0.038
Cable pulling and laying to plaza and in the control room 0.038 0.038 0 0.038 0.038 0.038 0.038 0.038 0.038
AVC Loop installation work 0.038 0.038 0 0.038 0.038 0.038 0.038 0.038 0.038
Loop Cutting 0.038 0.038 0 0.038 0.038 0.038 0.038 0.038 0.038
Loop grove cleaning and loop filling 0.038 0.038 0 0.038 0.038 0.038 0.038 0.038 0.038
Loop cable routing to nearest manhole and then to the booth 0.038 0.038 0 0.038 0.038 0.038 0.038 0.038 0.038
Pole drilling and mouting work 0.038 0.038 0 0.038 0.038 0.038 0.038 0.038 0.038
Pole drilling 0.038 0.038 0 0.038 0.038 0.038 0.038 0.038 0.038
Cabling and mounting of poles 0.038 0.038 0 0.038 0.038 0.038 0.038 0.038 0.038
Lane Installation 0.038 0.038 0 0.038 0.038 0.038 0.038 0.038 0.038
Profiler Installation 0.038 0.038 0 0.038 0.038 0.038 0.038 0.038 0.038
Traffic Light 0.038 0.038 0 0.038 0.038 0.038 0.038 0.038 0.038
Violation Alarm & Light with stand 0.038 0.038 0 0.038 0.038 0.038 0.038 0.038 0.038
User Fare Display 0.038 0.038 0 0.038 0.038 0.038 0.038 0.038 0.038
Lane Incident and LPIC Camera 0.038 0.038 0 0.038 0.038 0.038 0.038 0.038 0.038
Barrier gate 0.038 0.038 0 0.038 0.038 0.038 0.038 0.038 0.038
Over Head Lane Signal 0.038 0.038 0 0.038 0.038 0.038 0.038 0.038 0.038
Cable Termination on median 0.038 0.038 0 0.038 0.038 0.038 0.038 0.038 0.038
For median equipments 0.038 0.038 0 0.038 0.038 0.038 0.038 0.038 0.038
Toll Booth 0.038 0.038 0 0.038 0.038 0.038 0.038 0.038 0.038
Toll Lane Controller 0.038 0.038 0 0.038 0.038 0.038 0.038 0.038 0.038
AVC Controller 0.038 0.038 0 0.038 0.038 0.038 0.038 0.038 0.038
Toll Collector Terminal 0.038 0.038 0 0.038 0.038 0.038 0.038 0.038 0.038
Keyboard 0.038 0.038 0 0.038 0.038 0.038 0.038 0.038 0.038
Receipt Printer 0.038 0.038 0 0.038 0.038 0.038 0.038 0.038 0.038
Barcode Reader 0.038 0.038 0 0.038 0.038 0.038 0.038 0.038 0.038
Smart Card Reader 0.038 0.038 0 0.038 0.038 0.038 0.038 0.038 0.038
Intercom Slave Unit 0.038 0.038 0 0.038 0.038 0.038 0.038 0.038 0.038
CCTV Camera System 0.038 0.038 0 0.038 0.038 0.038 0.038 0.038 0.038
Manual booth Controller 0.038 0.038 0 0.038 0.038 0.038 0.038 0.038 0.038
Panic Alarm 0.038 0.038 0 0.038 0.038 0.038 0.038 0.038 0.038
Lane UPS Installation 0.038 0.038 0 0.038 0.038 0.038 0.038 0.038 0.038
Networking and related cabling work 0.038 0.038 0 0.038 0.038 0.038 0.038 0.038 0.038
Administration Building 0.038 0.038 0 0.038 0.038 0.038 0.038 0.038 0.038
UPS 0.038 0.038 0 0.038 0.038 0.038 0.038 0.038 0.038
Server Rack Installation 0.038 0.038 0 0.038 0.038 0.038 0.038 0.038 0.038
Network Switch Installation 0.038 0.038 0 0.038 0.038 0.038 0.038 0.038 0.038
TMS Server 0.038 0.038 0 0.038 0.038 0.038 0.038 0.038 0.038
Intercom slave unit 0.038 0.038 0 0.038 0.038 0.038 0.038 0.038 0.038
Intercom Master Station 0.039 0.039 0 0.039 0.039 0.039 0.039 0.039 0.039
Smart Card Reader 0.038 0.038 0 0.038 0.038 0.038 0.038 0.038 0.038
16 Channel Toll Booth DVR for Plaza 0.039 0.039 0 0.039 0.039 0.039 0.039 0.039 0.039
CCTV/PTZ Camera for Plaza, POS, Cashup 0.038 0.038 0 0.038 0.038 0.038 0.038 0.038 0.038
CCTV Monitor (LCD TV) 0.04 0.04 0 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04
Work Stations' installation 0.036 0.036 0 0.036 0.036 0.036 0.036 0.036 0.036
Laser Jet Printer 0.043 0.043 0 0.043 0.043 0.043 0.043 0.043 0.043
Cabling work in Plaza Building, Control room & POS 0.029 0.029 0 0.029 0.029 0.029 0.029 0.029 0.029
Software Installation 0.058 0.058 0 0.058 0.058 0.058 0.058 0.058 0.058
Software Installation for lanes 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
software installation for server 0.115 0.115 0 0.115 0.115 0.115 0.115 0.115 0.115
Software installation for workstations 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
MSWIM Installation 0.231 0.231 0 0.231 0.231 0.231 0.231 0.231 0.231
Pit prepation and Frame Installation (16 Lanes) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Curing time 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Load cell and platform installation 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Loop cutting and cleaning 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Loop installation 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Axle sensor frame installation 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Fixing of Vehicle separator(VS) poles and cable laying in the poles 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Fixing and installation of VS brackets and sensors 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
All cable puling and laying to chamber and then to booths 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Cable termination and installation of Axle sensors 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
All cables termination to Junction Box, Indicator and TLC/AVC controller 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Calibration of MSWIMs 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
All cable dressing and tagging 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Construction of Eight Lane of Vadodara Kim Expressway from Km 355.000 to Km 378.740 (Padra to Vadodara section of Vadodara Mumbai Expressway) in the State of Gujarat under NHDP Phase - VI on Hybrid Annuity Mode (Phase IA-
Package I).
Project Execution- Installation Progress Tracking Report
Plaza-Ramp-1 Remark
Equipment Installation Task
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Cabling work 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Cable pulling and laying for lanes 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Cable pulling and laying to plaza and in the control room 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
AVC Loop installation work 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Loop Cutting 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Loop grove cleaning and loop filling 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Loop cable routing to nearest manhole and then to the booth 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Pole drilling and mouting work 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Pole drilling 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Cabling and mounting of poles 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Lane Installation 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Profiler Installation 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Traffic Light 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Violation Alarm & Light with stand 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
User Fare Display 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Lane Incident and LPIC Camera 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Barrier gate 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Over Head Lane Signal 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Cable Termination on median 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
For median equipments 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Toll Booth 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Toll Lane Controller 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
AVC Controller 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Toll Collector Terminal 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Keyboard 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Receipt Printer 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Barcode Reader 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Smart Card Reader 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Intercom Slave Unit 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
CCTV Camera System 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Manual booth Controller 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Panic Alarm 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Lane UPS Installation 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Networking and related cabling work 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Administration Building 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
UPS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Server Rack Installation 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Network Switch Installation 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
TMS Server 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Intercom slave unit 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Intercom Master Station 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Smart Card Reader 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
16 Channel Toll Booth DVR for Plaza 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
CCTV/PTZ Camera for Plaza, POS, Cashup 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
CCTV Monitor (LCD TV) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Work Stations' installation 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Laser Jet Printer 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Cabling work in Plaza Building, Control room & POS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Software Installation 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Software Installation for lanes 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
software installation for server 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Software installation for workstations 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Construction of Eight Lane of Vadodara Kim Expressway from Km 355.000 to Km 378.740 (Padra to Vadodara section of Vadodara Mumbai Expressway) in the State of Gujarat under NHDP Phase - VI
on Hybrid Annuity Mode (Phase IA-Package I).
Project Execution- Installation Progress Tracking Report
Plaza-Ramp-2 Remark
Equipment Installation Task
1 2 3 4
Cabling work 0 0 0 0
Cable pulling and laying for lanes 0 0 0 0
Cable pulling and laying to plaza and in the control room 0 0 0 0
AVC Loop installation work 0 0 0 0
Loop Cutting 0 0 0 0
Loop grove cleaning and loop filling 0 0 0 0
Loop cable routing to nearest manhole and then to the booth 0 0 0 0
Pole drilling and mouting work 0 0 0 0
Pole drilling 0 0 0 0
Cabling and mounting of poles 0 0 0 0
Lane Installation 0 0 0 0
Profiler Installation 0 0 0 0
Traffic Light 0 0 0 0
Violation Alarm & Light with stand 0 0 0 0
User Fare Display 0 0 0 0
Lane Incident and LPIC Camera 0 0 0 0
Barrier gate 0 0 0 0
Over Head Lane Signal 0 0 0 0
Cable Termination on median 0 0 0 0
For median equipments 0 0 0 0
Toll Booth 0 0 0 0
Toll Lane Controller 0 0 0 0
AVC Controller 0 0 0 0
Toll Collector Terminal 0 0 0 0
Keyboard 0 0 0 0
Receipt Printer 0 0 0 0
Barcode Reader 0 0 0 0
Smart Card Reader 0 0 0 0
Intercom Slave Unit 0 0 0 0
CCTV Camera System 0 0 0 0
Manual booth Controller 0 0 0 0
Panic Alarm 0 0 0 0
Lane UPS Installation 0 0 0 0
Networking and related cabling work 0 0 0 0
Administration Building 0 0 0 0
UPS 0 0 0 0
Server Rack Installation 0 0 0 0
Network Switch Installation 0 0 0 0
TMS Server 0 0 0 0
Intercom slave unit 0 0 0 0
Intercom Master Station 0 0 0 0
Smart Card Reader 0 0 0 0
16 Channel Toll Booth DVR for Plaza 0 0 0 0
CCTV/PTZ Camera for Plaza, POS, Cashup 0 0 0 0
CCTV Monitor (LCD TV) 0 0 0 0
Work Stations' installation 0 0 0 0
Laser Jet Printer 0 0 0 0
Cabling work in Plaza Building, Control room & POS 0 0 0 0
Software Installation 0 0 0 0
Software Installation for lanes 0 0 0 0
software installation for server 0 0 0 0
Software installation for workstations 0 0 0 0
Construction of Eight lane Vadodara Kim Expressway from km 355.00 to km
378.740 Padra to Vadodara Section of Vadodara Mumbai Expressway in the State
of Gujarat under NHDP Phase-VI on Hybrid Annuity Mode (Phase IA-Package-I)

Annexure-G - Program of "Schedule-I" Tests

Sr. Clause
Name of Tests Remarks
No. No.

1 2.1 Visual and physical Tests

2 2.2 Test Drive

3 2.3 Riding quality Test

4 2.4 Pavement Composition Test

5 2.5 Cross-section Test

6 Structural test for bridges:

a Bridge Load Test

b Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity Test

c Rebound Hammer Test

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