Bhadawari Introduction

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India is the major mega-biodiversity centres privileged in having a rich diversity of buffalo breeds,
spread throughout the country. Each buffalo breed/population has its own special
characters/features which make it efficient in its natural habitat. Various attempts have been made
to document all these breeds and populations to know their distribution, population size, unique
features and performance. Of the 10 recognized buffalo breeds viz Murrah. Nili Ravi, Bhadawari,
Mehsana, Surti, Jaffarabadi Pandharpuri, Marathwara. Nagpur and Toda, Bhadawari is one
important breed that is well known for its high milk fat percentage Alhough no distinct information is
available about the origin and distribution of Bhadawan breed, but it is a pride animal of Bhaduria
clan of erstwhile Bhadawar state of pre-independence India. The term Bhadaware was probably
coined from the word Bhadawar, which is the home tract of this breed

Geographic Distribution
Bhadawari buffaloes are mostly spreadout in the ravines of Yamuna Chambal and Utangan rivers in
Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh On the basis of the population distribution, the breeding tract of
Bhaddawari buttalos may be divided into a major and a munor tract. The major breeding tract is the
Etawah district of Uttar Pradesh and the minor tract is the Agra district of Lattar Pradesh and
adjoming Bhuid and Mürena districts of Madhya Pradesh These buffaloes are found in Blah tehsal of
Agra Chakamagan and Barlipara blocks of Etawah Ambah and Porsa tehsils of Morena and
Mahangan tehut of bhind districts.

As per 1977 census, total Bhadawari population in India, was around 160,000 with 70,000 breedable
females. There was alarming decline in the population from 1977 to 1991. particularly in Uttar
Pradesh as 1991 survey conducted by State Animal Husbandry Department reported only 29000
animals (just 0.54% of total buffalo population of the state). whereas buffalo population of India
showed overall increase by 24.39% and that of Uttar Pradesh by 30.9%. Two surveys conducted in
1993 and 1995 in 97 villages of breeding tract in Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh, revealed seven
villages not having any Bhadawari

buffalo. Total population in 34 villages of Etawah district was 1195, in 46 villages of Agra district it
was 696 whereas in 10 villages of Morena district of M.P. not a single Bhadawari buffalo could be
traced. As per Pundir et al. (1997) total estimated Bhadawari buffaloes in its breeding tract was 37,
706. During recent survey under NATP- Mission Mode project (2004) in the 97 villages of the 2 blocks
of Etawah district, only 983 animals were actually available, while 390 animals

were found in 144 villages of 3 blocks of Agra district. In the survey conducted, it was observed that
6 villages of Etawah district and 4 villages of Agra district did not have any Bhadawani buffaloes. The
Bhadawari population in most of the villages ranged from 1 to 3 animals per household. Maximum
number of buffaloes (45) were found in Rajpur village in Etawah district, whereas, maximum number
of 17 buffaloes in Agra district were found in Kachora Ghat village. A recent report from IGFRI, Jhansi
also indicates total Bhadawari population in the country between 10,000 and 15,000 animals with an
average of 2-3 animals per village in the breeding tract

Breed Descriptor of Bhadawari :

19.80% I General Description 274.10% 1. Name of the breed: Bhadawan d. Housed in Pacca e. Open
houses 1. Closed type houses 8. Mating method : 25.90% 2. Background for such name : Bhadawar
Estate 3. Since when the breed is known: Since long time Natural service :92.40% Artificial
insemination 4.10% 4. Communities responsible for developing the breed: Hindu Muslim OBC
(Yadav), SC (Nut) Both A. I. And N.S. : 3.50% II Physical Characteristics 1. Colour Skin Copper-84 80%
Grayish Black-8.60% Black-6.60% 5. Native environment a. Soil description :Alluvial soil b. Average
temperature range: 38 C c. Mean minimum temperature: 25 C d. Mean maximum temperature: 488
C e. Mean relative humidity :Maximum-80% Minimum-32% 1. Annual rainfall Ranged from 575 to
750 mm g. Peak rain : 750 mm h. Duration of rain in months July to September Muzzle Black-79 20%
Brown-18.80% White-2.00% Eyelid Black-48.70% Brown-31.50% Copper-19.80% Above hock-12 30%
At hock-41.00 Below hock-46 70% Tail length: 6. Feed and fodder a Dry feeds: Wheat stras (Bhoosa)
Cades of Bajra Maize and Jawor b. Green fodder: Barseem Lucerne. Bagra Maize Jawar Taramine
Hooves Black-56.30% Gray-43.70% 2. Horns 7. Housing Colour Buck-199.50% は Brown 0:50% a
During night only b. Day and night c Housed in Kuchha 11:05 Size 21.95-105 cm

Shape: Straight-50.30% Curved-49.70% Orientation: Lateral, downward Horn tips: Lateral pointing-
39.00% Inward pointing-27.90% Upward pointing-19.50% Downward pointing-12.60% Forward
pointing-0.50% Backward pointing-0.50% 3. Ears size : Large-18.70% Medium-41.30% Small 40.00%
Rear udder size :Large-13.10% Medium-13.00 % Small 73.90% Teat shape: Cylindrical -80.50%
Funnel-14.90 % Pear-4.60% Teat tip: Pointed-51.30% Round-41.60% Flat-7.10% Milk vein: Large-16
90% Medium-28.00% Small-55.10% Length: 21.16+0.38 cm Orientation Horizontal -56.90 %
Dropping-43.10% 4. Head Length: Poll 35.94+0.55 cm Prominent 86.70% Not prominent-13.30
Peculiar White marking Character: Head Forehead 5 Body Hump Large-610% Medium-16.80 Small-
78.10 III Performance 1. Body Measurements in Adult Females Body length 8 138.78+7.57 cm Height
at wither Chest girth 67 126.33+1 88 cm 2 185 02-350 cm Paunch girth 199 48+3.69 cm 2 Dairy
Performance (Average) Daily milk yield 390 kg Lactation length 271 days Fat SNE 9 70% Dewlap :
Large-4 60% Medium-18.30 Naval flap Small-77.105 Large-3 60% Medium-3 10% 9:20% Small-
93.30% 3. Reproduction Age at first ostrus: 4337+0.27 months

Production Performance
According to Pundir et al. (1997), first lactation total milk yield in Bhadawari was 780.0+25.4 Kg,
which is significantly influenced by lactation length. Milk yield was highest in the first period and
started declining in subsequent periods. First lactation milk yield of 300 days based on 215
observations was 711+ 28.2 Kg with period of calving having significant influence. Pooled total
lactation milk yield has been observed to be 781.31 +29.4 Kg for second lactation. Maximum milk
yield was in the second lactation and then it remained static up to parity 4 and then gradually
declined up to parity 7. As given in Table 1 a wide variation has been recorded in the milk yield of
farm and village animals. Pooled 300 days lactation yield for Bhadawari buffalo has been observed as
812+23.8 Kg, which is not influenced by the order of parity, period and season of calving. Report
from Bhadawari Farm at IGFRI, Jhansi indicated average lactation yield of 1067.95 Kg in a total herd
strength of 78 animals

Milk Composition
pundir et al (1996) recorded average fat percentage as 7.14 0-44 and SNF as 9.57+0.19 in farm and
village animals. (Table 1) Bhadawan buffaloes are known for producing milk with high tat percentage
Some animals have been recorded to have produced milk with as high as 13% fat Decrease in fat
percentage in the population is attributed to dilution of Bhadawan germ-plasm because of grading
up by Murrah buttalo to increase the milk yield Total solids percentage in Bhadawari buttalo milk is
reported to be 16.71% Bhadawari

Total solids percentage in Bhadawari buffalo milk is reported to be 16.71%. Bhadawari Farm at
IGFRI, Jhansi has recently reported average fat percentage of 7.52, total solids 17.98% and solids not
fat 10.05%.

Lactation Length
Lactation length in Bhadawari is reported to be 271.8+ 3.98 days varying from 139.4+ 37.29 days to
351.2 + 12.35 days for all lactations, Parity and period of calving significantly influence the lactation
length, whereas farm and season of calving has no influence on this trait. Average lactation length at
Bhadawari Farm of IGFRI, Jhansi is reported to be 296 days.

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