Robin Sharma
Robin Sharma
Robin Sharma
ABSTRACT: Robin Sharma is a Canadian writer and a litigation lawyer. Sharma is popular
for his one of his writings Monk Who Sold his Ferrari. Robin Sharma works deal with the
Self-Mastery, Self-Leadership and enhancing the personality of an individual. He gives
enormous techniques to enhance the Self-Mastery in his book Monk Who Sold His Ferrari.
His works inspires the common ordinary people, entrepreneurs and fire fighters to make
changes in life. His quotations motivate young people to make personal change in life. The
techniques presented in the book Monk and leadership wisdom enriches the individual to
enhance positive thoughts in the mind. Monk who sold his Ferrari attempts different skills
like self-awareness, interpersonal relationships and self-discipline. Sharma teaches powerful
and practical lessons in his book Monk Who Sold his Ferrari. In the work of Robin Sharma
Leadership wisdom author focuses on how to develop trust and commitment in the
organizations. The author presents eight rituals which make the professionals to mend trust,
commitment and spirit in the organization. The Greatness Guide is the powerful and practical
handbook that will inspire you, Passionate, provocative, and full of big ideas that will
challenge and transform.The present study focuses to study the thematic concern in the works
of Robin Sharma.
Robin Sharma was born in Canada in 1965. His father was Shiva Sharma was an author. His
mother shashi Sharma helps in writing the inspiring book Monk who sold his Ferrari. His
wife Alka who supported in writing the book “Monk Who Sold His Ferrar”. Hewas raised in
a family of traditional Indian values. Robin Sharma traditional family background reflects in
his works and speeches. When coming to his career, he started his career as a litigation
lawyer, but he quit away from his legal career at the age of twenty five due to dissatisfaction
with his life, and started writing books on self-improvement. He has given many seminars
and motivates the people. Robin Sharma has excelled as a respected and prominent author,
Robin Sharma notable works: Leader Who Had No Title‟The Saint, the Surfer, and the CEO,
The Greatness Guide, Leadership wisdom.
The present paper deals with the themes in the works of Robin Sharma. The main thematic
aspect in his major works namely 'The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari,Leadership wisdom and
The Greatness Guide. Robin Sharma writes practical themes, in which gives fun to the reader.
His books encourage the readers to take risks and set goals in life. He concentrates on Indian
Philosophy because he believes that human beings need to learn from each other. Sharma
incorporated both western and eastern spirituality techniques. Awards: Golden Gavel award
by Toastmasters International in 2011, World’s Top Leadership Professionals for 2016.
The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari is a fictional story. The main protagonist of the story is
Julian Mantle a famous lawyer who collapsed in the court room. Theauthor provides the back
ground of Julian Mantle how he felt stress in professional life quits away from his job and
leaves all the possessions in the life. Though he has everything in his life but he is not happy
of the pressure in his work. Julian Mantle personal life is not happy. One day he suddenly
collapsed in the court room. John who is a friend and colleague of Julian mantle narrates the
story. John knows Julian seventeen years back. He is a brilliant and handsome and fearless
with dreams though he came from a rich family he himself continues his own race of not
depending on his parents. As a lawyer he always takes the challenging cases and thinks how
the judge questions him and how he has to answer thequestions. Due to huge stress he
appears as seventy though he was fifty. His face completely wrinkles with stress and out
balance of life style.
He lost the purpose of life, every day he feels that he had lost passion towards work the
thought makes him feel meaningless. The massive heart stroke brought him to the earth he
has made a decision that he wants to give up his family and his profession and want to find
answers in the mystical land of India. He sold all his property mansions and even a Ferrari
and started to travel to Indiafor a meaningful life.
Initially he met a person called yogi Krishna he needs to learn how to build richer and fuller
life. But yogi Krishna advised Julian to meet monks who are living in the Himalayas they can
make to improve the quality of life. They teach number of principles and timeless techniques
to liberate the mind, body and soul. While he is travelling to sages of sivana he says that
“Life is about choices ones destiny unfolds according to the choices”. Life is full of
adventures one has to see how to win in the life and must face the challenges that come in
every walk of life. As Vivekananda emphasizes choices that are determines the path “You
have to grow from the inside out. None can teach you, none can make you spiritual. There is
no other teacher but your own soul.” ― SwamiVivekananda.It takes almost seven days to
Julian to reach the place. He was attracted by the place and its beauties. He promised to a
person who showed the place of sages of sivana that he will transform the principles of the
sages to the people who are in need. Yogi Raman is the eldest person in the sages of sivana.
Julian was fascinated to study under the sages of sivana and he sits in front of Yogi Raman as
an enthusiastic person he filled his mind to find the meaning for life. He told some ancient
techniques to control the mind to erase the worry in the mind. Yogi Raman teaches seven
virtues for life which brings peace and joy to human life. Julian transfers his knowledge taken
by sivana to john who is the friend of Julian.
‘The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari,’ is one of the most empowering books of all time.The
book primarily teaches how to build a life that guarantees long-lasting happiness, and
fulfilment. It enlightens you that focusing on building your inner life are more important than
building your outer life.
Time is very precious commodity one should focus on priorities in life. The most meaningful
things should not be sacrificed for the least meaningful things. Julian says how to simply the
life and he says about The ancient rule. This ancient rule is similar to the 80/20 concept that
says our 20% activities give 80% of the result. Furthermore, 80% of our activities only give
20% of the result. Accordingly, we have to focus on which 20% of our activities that give
80% result in our life. He says that live your day as if it was the last day
Imagine discovering a map that leads you directly to a treasure chest.That’s how exciting it
would be when you discover your life’s purpose. So here are action steps from the Sages of
Sivana to ensure your goal is as attainable as you believe it to be:
Do the things you fear, because you’re building the foundation of success and leadership
within yourself. Leading yourself first gives others the vote of confidence that you’re capable
of leading them too.The lesson from the monk is that success on the outside begins within.
When you identify the things that are holding you back, you should face them. So act with
the integrity and be guided by your heart.
You don’t need too many material possessions for you to enjoy life. In the book, talks about
Julian Mantle, a successful lawyer who sold his material possessions when he discovered that
he could enjoy life by meditating on the beauty of the little things of life such as a spider’s
web and flowers. For achieving the success we don’t care about the little things that provide
us happiness. People just focus on big achievement, not small. If person can’t enjoy on little
things, he will also not enjoy when he achieve the big.
We’re all the more tempted and distracted today by the noises our devices make and the
people we interact with on a daily basis. It takes courage to nurture self-discipline because
it’s not easy. But once you give yourself the power to be more than your environment, you’ll
ultimately win and unshackle yourself from a mental prison.
To build self-control and will power one should practice self-discipline. An abundance of will
power and self-discipline makes the individual to face the mental curves in life. The
technique to implement Live with discipline is vow of silence makes to be in condition and
enhance the will power. When willpower and self-discipline are strong, you have the option
to choose your reactions, and the option to change negative habits.
The quality of your life is determined by the quality of your thoughts. Ironically, under the
grand laws of nature, our mind can only hold one thought at a time. By making negative
thoughts your focus, you’ll embody it, or worst, manifest it. This mentality will only hinder
your personal growth. Mastering your mind means seeing setbacks as opportunities. By
envisioning your dreams, you give your mind the power to cultivate it and make it a reality.
So occupy your mind with uplifting thoughts.
According to Robin Sharma one should cultivate the mind with focus and meditate to remove
the negative thoughts from the mind. It helps the individual to not to think of past events and
financial problems. The techniques given by Yogi Raman to concentrate the mind is “The
secret of the Lake, the sages look into the water and envision the dreams into reality”. The
sages spend their days in silence observing the lake to enhance the will power. Deepak
chopra mentions that Silence is the voice of the eternal presence that undergirds everything.
When the person learns to anchor silence, it will begin moving with its rhythm. Follow its
leading, and life becomes a flow.
It is an old Japanese concept by which is ever ending improvement. If the individual has to
improve the outer world like finances, health and luxuries first the person must improve the
inner world. If can build positive nature and optimism in themselves their outer world will be
happier. Cultivating of good habits like healthy diet and balanced life-style brings mental
toughness and make the individual to live with courage. Kaizen means improvement,
continuous improvement involving everyone in the organization from top management, to
managers then to supervisors, and to workers. This philosophy assumes according Imai that
„‟our way of life – be it our working life, our social life or our home life – deserves to be
constantly improved‟
Working on factors such as discipline and optimism enables you to achieve whatever you
want. Besides this, building your inner world through the cultivation of faith, a strong spirit,
and self-mastery makes you unstoppable in your outer world. That being said, you must focus
on building a strong character because doing so will enable you to easily succeed in your
outer world. Always listen good things, watch good stuff, and spend your time with good
Expressing gratitude daily plants the seed within you that each day is sacred. The richer the
relationship you build around you, the more abundance comes your way. Giving more to life
and to your community is a paradigm-shifting perspective from the “self” mentality of
survival of the fittest.Practicing gratitude and dedicating time to the act of giving, can
help you find your purpose in the world.
When the individual tries to improve the lives of others in the process of elevating indirectly
it helps the individual lives. Cultivating the sacredness each day and tries to give to others
brings utmost satisfaction in life. The techniques given by Julian are “Give to Those Who
Ask, Cultivate Richer Relationship”. Swami Vivekananda emphasizes service is even higher
than compassion for in service one forgets oneself in the one being.
Every individual has to focus on priorities and goals in every aspect of life. Julian tells john
that sages won’t waste their time they really feel that their life had real purpose this is called
Dharma. To full fill the dharma one should take risk in their life which comes through self-
examination and soul searching. As yogananda parmahamsa says, the purpose of life is not to
know human love or produce children or to win men’s fickle acclaim, man’s sole worthwhile
aim is to find his self.
The art of goal setting doesn’t make sense to everyone and for good reason. When we write
our goals down and then constantly look at them, we subconsciously tell our brain to red flag
any thought that comes into our mind, which relates to one of our goals.Goals allow your
mind to place an importance indicator on every thought you have, from important to least
important.Goals are really just focusing your thoughts on the things you want and discarding
everything else — groundbreaking!
One should not think of past events which cannot change. The yogi believe that a truly and
joyful life is being in the present. Yogis know that past is the water under the bridge and
future is a distant sun on the horizon of the imagination. Yogis suggest to Julian never
sacrifice the happiness for the achievement. Save the journey and live each day as the last
We are all here for some special reason. Stop being a prisoner of your past. Become the
architect of your future.We live in a fast-paced world, where we all wear the busy badge.
However, it’s important to live like a child and embrace the joys of the moment.While you
have dreams and ambitions, celebrate the journey that will take you there. Love the tiny
successes and the failures along the way. Practice gratitude and stop putting off your
happiness for the sake of achievement.
In the extra ordinary book of Robin Sharma Leadership Wisdom Julian returns from the west
to help an old friend transform his company using the leadership rituals that he learned from
the ancient mystics with whom he lived. The beauty of Leadership philosophy is the best
leaders recognize that leadership is a craft not a gift. The author conveys his ideas simply and
profoundly and leaves a positive impression in the mind of readers. The two protagonists in
the story are peterFranklin the CEO of global view and Julian Mantle a former associate of
peter who guidespeter on to manage stress his company out of potential crises. In the initial
chapters peter worried about the future of global view. Julian returned from life journey of
self-discovery from himalays.The leadership wisdom in the book imparted as lesson to peter
by Julian in the form of 8 principals.Peter to gain the much needed leadership wisdom.
According to Robin Sharma, the author of the book, to become a leader, it is important to
lead thyself before trying to lead others. The interpersonal relationship between Peter and his
employees also gets worse day after day. In short, Global View gets to collapse. Self-
discipline is the quality that he was referring to. These 8 Rituals of Leadership blend cutting
edge business knowledge with ancient wisdom and define the true nature of leadership. They
are easy to use and will have a powerful effect on the way people think about any
Link Pay Check to Purpose: Leader needs great followers. Leaders must show their
employees to have the best interests in mind. Many people have no idea about their talents
and potentiality in themselves. Leader job is to bring those talents for the benefit of the
people. Steve Jobs saystoday, leaders may be evaluated not only by how much is produced or
achieved, but by the quality of the team or organization and its members. Lawrence and
Nohria (2002) stated that organizations that fail to develop their workforces may not be
competitive in the future. As the cost of intellectual capital increases, it is critical to have a
supply of talented followers (Citrin, 2002). The old saying, “People are our most important
asset” has never been more true.
Leader should treat the people with courtesy and kindness. Leadership is not a title leaders
need more empathy towards their employees Practices that should be followed by leader is
promise-keeping, being consistently compassionate.As a leader, by means of empathy have
the possibility to better understand the subordinates, to intuit their thoughts and feelings, to
anticipate their behaviour and even to act on it accordingly.
Great leaders are great coaches. All visionary leaders have made it daily practice to reward
and recognize the employees. Keep rewarding the kind of behaviour that leaders want to
see.The best leaders are like the best coaches, give those around them permission to succeed
and know how to help them reach potential
To master change develop the discipline of managing the unexpected.There is joy in change
without change there is no progress Change is essential for human being survival. The
practices given by Julian are Leader should become massively competent. Inspire positive
attitudes to the opportunities change can presents. The Ritual of Personal Effectiveness: The
art of getting things done lies in knowing what things need to remain undone. If the priorities
get scheduled into the planner and the other people’s priorities will get scheduled into the
planner.(Lashway, 2002) emphasizes the need to focus on instructional priorities and made
acreating vision and setting the tone for the change.
Leadership begins with in the individual .One should see the world how the person leads the
lives in their personal lives. One should not settle for mediocrity rather than attaining
mastery. In the view point of swami Vivekanandawhat is the secret of leadership? He said,
this is what leadership is. One who sacrifices his ego, one who sacrifices his selfishness, one
who can sacrifice his prejudices, he alone can become a successful leader.
The task of visionary leader is to make the human being to think in a creative way. Leaders
allow the individual to make them fail in the task and allow them to think in a new way and
make their creativity shine.Visionary leadership is useful for organizations that are focused
on the future and possess an entrepreneurial spirit. “While every visionary leader manages
differently, many of these leaders share a few common characteristics”.
The purpose of life is life of purpose. Leadership greatness comes by beginning something
that does not end with the individual. Creating a successful present is important to build a
brilliant future
The Greatness Guide by Robin Sharma is powerful and extremely practical handbooks that
inspire to get to world class in both your personal and professional life. The Greatness
Guide contains a proven formula that will help you meet your highest potential and live an
extraordinary life.
Each one of us is called to greatness. We can have a significant impact on the world around
us—if we so choose. If you are looking to craft an extraordinary life, The Greatness Guide is
the powerful and practical handbook that will inspire you, Passionate, provocative, and full of
big ideas that will challenge and transform. The Greatness Guide is one of those rare books
that will release your potential and awaken your best self.
Make the leap today and learn what the best do to become even better. The Greatness
Guideshows you exactly how to experience remarkable results in business and in life. The
Greatness Guide help you to discover the personal practices of truly successful people, learn
powerful tools for achieving work-life balance, and get to your highest potential, fast.
Your days are your life in miniature. As you live your hours, so you create your years. As
you live your days, so your craft your life. What you do today is actually creating your future.
The words you speak, the thoughts you think, the food you eat and the actions you take are
defining your destiny – shaping who you are becoming and what your life will stand for.
Small choices lead to giant consequences – over time. There’s no such thing as an
unimportant day.
Focus on any area of skill with a relentless devotion to daily improvement and a passion for
excellence and within three to five years, you will be operating at a level of competence (and
insight) such that people call you a genius. Focus plus daily improvement plus time equals
genius. Understand that formula deeply and your life will never be the same.
Every time you say yes to something that is unimportant, you say no to something
that is important.
You can’t be all things to all people. The best among us get that. Know your priorities. Know
your goals. Know what needs to get done over the coming weeks, months and years for you
to feel that you played your best game as a human being. And then say no to everything else.
Sure some people around you might not be happy. But would you rather live your life
according to the approval of others or aligned with your truth and your dreams?
There’s a cure for aging that no one talks about. It’s called learning.
Too many people never pick up a book after they’ve finished school. Unbelievable. Too
many people spend more time watching TV than getting deep inside the minds of the greatest
people who have walked the planet. Too many people have closed their minds to new insights
and powerful thoughts. One idea discovered in one book could transform the way you
communicate with people. One idea found in one book could help you live longer or be
happier or drive your business to remarkable success. Never leave home without a book in
your hand.
There are actually seven elements that you want to raise to world – class level before you call
yourself rich.
Inner Wealth:
This includes a positive mindset, high self – respect, internal peace and a strong spiritual
Physical Wealth:
Your health is your wealth. What’s the point of getting to a great place in your career if you
get sick doing it? Why is the best businessperson in the hospital ward? Why be the richest
person in the graveyard?
Career Wealth:
Actualizing your highest potential by reaching for your best in your career is incredibly
important. Getting to greatness in your profession brings a feeling of satisfaction on a job
well done. It helps you make your mark, being world class in your work is so good for your
self – respect.
Economic Wealth:
Yes, money is important. Not the most important thing in life but very important. It
absolutely makes life easier and better: Money allows you to live in a nice home, take
beautiful vacations and provide well for those you love. And as Yvon Chouinard, the founder
of the outdoor gear company Patagonia has said: “The more I make, the more I can give
Adventure Wealth:
To be fulfilled, each of us needs mystery in our lives. Challenge is necessary for happiness.
The human brain craves novelty. And we are creative beings so we need to be creating
constantly if we hope to feel joy. Lots of adventure (ranging from meeting new people to
visiting new places) is an essential element of authentic wealth.
Impact Wealth:
Perhaps the deepest longing of the human heart is to live for something greater than itself.
Each of us craves to be significant. To make a difference, To know that the world has
somehow been better because we have walked the planet. Think of what Richard Bach once
wrote: “Here is the test to find whether your mission on earth is finished: If you’re alive, it
Getting into world – class physical condition is one of the smartest moves you can make.
Exercising will make you look better, feel strong and fill you with boundless energy. Staying
fit will even make you happier.
“Good health is a crown on the head of a well person that only a sick person can
To earn more you must learn more. The compensation you receive from your employer will
be determined by the value you add. The more you know, the more valuable you become. To
earn more, learn more. Out read your competition. Out – study them. Out – improve them.
Out – succeed them.
What you focus on grows. What you concentrate on is what you see more in your life. Think
about that line. Focus on financial mastery and you’ll see your economic life improve. Focus
on being more loving and your relationships will improve. Focus on your physical dimension
by exercising and following a superb diet and your health will improve. Focus. Focus. Focus.
Delete what needs to be eliminated from your life – you will feel lighter, happier and your
mind will experience more peace.
Robin Sharma has tried to present his themes to make the individual to think of life and set
goals. Sharma mainly focuses on self-awareness; he is able to bring new style new techniques
in his works.In recapitulating Robin Sharma thematic concerns as shown in his works The
Monk Who Sold his Ferrari, Leader ship Wisdom. Sharma gives his ideas through the
protagonist Julian Mantle how the individual remove their negative thoughtsand develop
positive thinking. In another bookLeadership Wisdom author shows how peter Franklin fails
in building interpersonal relationships with the colleagues. Julian Mantle helps peter to bring
the company as the top most company and he give different principles to become a visionary
leader.The Greatness Guide covers themes like wealth, happiness and balance in a
lighthearted and easily digestible format. Sharma draws from contemporary figures and
events as examples of his eloquently penned points.