Eden Net GSM Fo Guide
Eden Net GSM Fo Guide
Eden Net GSM Fo Guide
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GSM Frequency Optimization Guide DN09257997 1-1 Table of Contents
1 Summary of changes...................................................................................................................................... 5
2 Overview of GFO........................................................................................................................................... 10
2.1 GFO dependencies and interactions...................................................................................................... 10
2.1.1 Dependencies................................................................................................................................. 11 Dependencies for Nokia.........................................................................................................11 Dependencies for Huawei...................................................................................................... 12 Open IM format support......................................................................................................... 13
2.1.2 Interactions......................................................................................................................................14
4 GFO algorithm................................................................................................................................................20
9 Monitoring GFO............................................................................................................................................. 78
1 Summary of changes
Updated sections:
– Accessing GFO
– Configuring INI parameters
• GFO GUI parameters is updated with enhanced description for the fol-
lowing parameters:
Updated sections:
Updated content:
Updated sections:
Updated sections:
EdenNet 17 This is a new document that provides information on GSM Frequency Opti-
mization module.
2 Overview of GFO
The EdenNet GSM Frequency Optimization (GFO) module creates a frequency plan based on the in-
terference information. This information is collected from the measurements carried out by the mobile
stations in the GSM network.
Since frequency spectrum is a scarce resource, GSM networks must perform frequency optimization
to maintain acceptable levels of performance while using the available resource. Both signaling and
traffic channels must be allocated in the optimal frequency to reduce interference in the network.
• Planning frequencies for the entire set of target cells in the network.
• Re-farming frequencies across different GSM frequency bands
• Optimizing frequency plans in the target set of cells where new cells are deployed in the nearby
The GFO module supports the creation of a frequency plan for a given set of target cells by automati-
cally considering the impacted area of frequency changes.
Note: Nokia only supports the use of AC based integration for Nokia, Ericsson, and Huawei
vendors as direct CM integration is deprecated from EdenNet 21 release onwards for these
Vendor Technology
Nokia GSM
• Dependencies
• Interactions
2.1.1 Dependencies
The dependencies vary for each supported vendor. For more information, see
• The Measurement BCCH Allocation List (MBAL) of a given Base Station Controller (BSC) must
contain the Broadcast Control Channel (BCCH) frequencies of:
Based on the operator strategy and the network, you can use the BCCHs used in the entire net-
work to create an MBAL. However, before provisioning the MBAL in the network, you must enable
its usage in all the BTSs of the relevant BSCs by setting the Measurement BCCH Allocation List
parameter of corresponding BTS managed objects.
Additionally, you can reduce the number of neighbor cell BCCHs in the MBAL by ranking the
neighbor cells based on their handover performance (HO). Before enabling the usage of MBAL in
the network, you must provision a plan in the network that contains all the ranked neighbor cells.
Note: A backup plan must be created during MBAL plan provisioning so that once the
measurement cycle is completed original network configuration can be restored by re-
moving the MBALs.
• MBAL usage comes with limitations defined by European Telecommunications Standards Institute
(ETSI) or American National Standards Institute (ANSI).
• Operator has three GSM bands in use (PGSM, EGSM and GSM 1800)
• Operator has channel number 0 in use with some other channels from EGSM band
• If the ARFCNs of a band does in 112 consecutive channel numbers
• Before enabling the Frame Erasure Probability (FEP) measurement, Total FEP usage should be
enabled in the required BSCs.
The syntax of MML command is:
– check TOTAL_FEP_USAGE in BSC is to verify FEP usage:
– disable CF measurements is:
– disable DAC measurements is:
• You should use the NetAct Administration of Measurements application to measure the total FEP
for the target BSCs and the impacted BSCs. Measurement interval must be set to 15 minutes as
the BSC changes its frequency once in every is minutes.
• Once the FEP measurement is completed, you must restore the original network configuration
manually by provisioning the backup plan. The backup plan is created during the provisioning of
MBAL in the network.
The vendor agnostic IM data is required to in the .csv format and it must contain the following fields:
Note: The fields need not necessarily follow the order as listed below.
• Fields marked with (*) are not mandatory. They can be empty.
• ARFCN stands for Absolute Radio Frequency Channel Number.
• NCC stands for Network Color Code.
• BCC stands for Base Station Color Code.
You can generate a vendor agnostic IM file by using the IM converters for Huawei available in the Sup-
port portal. Support portal can be accessed at https://customer.nokia.com/.
A group of CSV files can be packaged in a ZIP file and the ZIP file must be placed in a folder in the
shared path of the task server of EdenNet. If multiple task servers are used, then the files must be
places in all the task servers. The path of the folder must be provided in the Interference Matrix config-
uration (INI) file.
For example: A folder can be created under the below shared path:
The VSON user must have permission to read the CSV or ZIP files.
• Interfered Cell (Cell Global Identifier (CGI) format Mobile Country Code (MCC)-Mobile Network
Code (MNC)-Location Area Code (LAC)-Cell Identifier (CI))
• Interfering Cell (CGI format MCC-MNC-LAC-CI or EXT bcch:bcc:ncc for external cell)
• Co-channel CIP (in %)
• Adjacent Channel CIP (in %)
• Measurement type (Frame Erasure Probability (FEP) or Co-channel Interference Probability Aver-
age Received Power (CIP_ARP))
• Distance (in km)
• Blind Spot (Yes or No)
• Number of Samples (Integer)
• If you do not want to use the previous IM files, then you must delete them manually from
the above mentioned location.
• The parent directory name of the vendor agnostic IM CSV file(s) should be the manag-
ing OSS name. If the name does not match the region name in EdenNet, then the cell
should be resolved based on the cell name, otherwise cell should be resolved with cell
name within the region corresponding to region name.
For a given interfered cell and interfering cell pair, if there are values in both measurement records and
the Open IM CSV file then the value corresponds to the maximum value of:
Otherwise, whichever value exists either in the measurement records or in the Open IM CSV file is
taken against the given interfered cell and interfering cell pair.
The GFO module supports FEP interference data only. If the CIP_ARP is provided in the Open IM
CSV file, then it will be scaled to FEP using the settings defined in the interference matrix INI file.
If a given interfered cell and interfering cell pair is marked as a blind spot in the Open IM CSV file, then
the value is not considered. Instead, the corresponding value in the measurement record is used.
2.1.2 Interactions
Dynamic Frequency Channel Assignment (DFCA) is an optional feature in the BSCs starting from
S11.5 version. DFCA allocates frequency channels dynamically to the Traffic Channel (TCH) trans-
ceivers (TRXs) based on the interference calculated in the network.
• Frequency planning must be done by ensuring network freeze. This is needed during the
measurement collection till the results are validated.
• If target BSCs contains BTSs where DFCA is activated, the frequency changes proposed
by the GFO module will be overridden by the DFCA in the respective BTSs.
For every GSM band, separate frequency groups can be defined for the Broadcast Control Channel
(BCCH) and the Traffic Channel (TCH) layers. The GFO module supports both frequency channel opti-
mization and Base Station Identity Code (BSIC) optimization.
• Frequency optimization for each band and for each layer within the band.
• BSIC allocation for each band.
• Mobile Allocation Index Offset (MAIO) and Hopping Sequence Number (HSN) optimization for the
given scope of execution.
The GFO module supports the following modes of frequency channel optimization and BSIC optimiza-
• Fast: The fast mode allocates frequency channel or BSIC changes quickly to the given target
cells. This mode provides a rough idea about the allocation based on the given set of input para-
meters, thereby, enabling modification of the input parameters (frequency group contents, Mobile
Allocation List (MAL) length and so on) to get the desired output.
• Optimize: The optimize mode is suitable for a small number of target cells, where a decent set of
frequency channel or BSIC changes are observed.
• Accurate: In accurate mode, you need to specify the duration of the execution. It provides the best
frequency channel or BSIC changes. Higher the duration, better is the output. Accurate mode is
recommended to obtain a practically feasible frequency plan.
Separation violation criteria for frequency channels can be defined for each layer (BCCH or TCH)
and band combination. As the algorithm used for optimization is cost-based, if a criteria is violated,
the corresponding violation cost is added for the given transceiver (TRX). By modifying the viola-
tion cost, the importance for given criteria can be altered. Higher the cost of violation, higher is the
importance of the corresponding criteria.
Hopping mode can be defined for each TCH layer of each band. The GFO module supports:
• Synthesized hopping (also known as RF hopping): Synthesized hopping mode are of two types:
– Cell hopping
– Site hopping
Note: When site hopping mode is selected for allocation, it is advisable that all the
cells in a given site must be in the scope. All the cells with the same site_id in the
cell plan data are assumed to be co-site cells.
When synthesized hopping mode is selected for a given TCH layer of each band, the Mobile Allocation
List (MAL) is configured against the layer. MAL contains a list of the frequencies to be used either on
a set of BTS having same segment or cell ID under a given site (cell hopping) or a set of all BTSs un-
der a given site (site hopping). When synthesized hopping is used, the same HSN is allocated to BTSs
such that it is used by all the TCH TRXs using the given MAL. The MAL length will be at least equal
to the number of TRXs in cases where the number of TRXs using the MAL is greater than maximum
MAL length in both simple and complex MAL length calculation strategies.
• HSN allocation assigns HSN values only from 1 to 63, representing random hopping.
• Existing hopping mode of the cells should be the same as the hopping mode that is de-
fined in the GFO settings for the Ericsson or Huawei cells.
Minimum and maximum MAL length can be defined for each TCH layer of each band. MAL allocation
can be turned ON or OFF for each TCH layer of each band. MAIO step and MAIO offset are allocated
as part of MAIO optimization. The traffic channels with the same HSN hop over the same frequencies
in the same order but are separated in time by a MAIO and next frequencies are chosen based on the
MAIO step.
• Simple and complex mode of MAL length calculations are supported. Simple mode con-
siders frequency load parameter along with the number of TRXs in a given BTS, cell
(synthesized cell hopping), or in a site (synthesized site hopping). Whereas, complex
mode considers the traffic load situation to evaluate the length of MAL in addition to the
frequency load parameter and number of TRXs.
• In case of both simple and complex MAL length calculation strategies, if the number of
TRXs using the MAL is greater than the maximum MAL length or proposed MAL length,
then the MAL length will be at least equal to the number of TRXs.
• Before performing the frequency optimization, Nokia recommends performing MO up-
load or similar operations supported in the respective OSS. This helps to synchronize the
configuration data of the OSS with the data configured in network elements. It is also ad-
vised to delete empty or unused MAL objects in the BSCs planned to be optimized.
The GFO module supports configuring maximum Instantaneous Bandwidth (IBW) for the target BTSs.
IBW corresponds to the maximum difference between frequencies allocated to TRXs of a given BTS.
This feature is required to support the hardware limitation of the BTS. If the target BTS list contains
BTS with different maximum IBWs, minimum of the IBW values must be used in the GUI. Else, dif-
ferent scope of target BTSs can be defined and corresponding maximum IBW can be provided in the
The GFO module supports planning frequencies for new (additional) transceivers (TRXs) and assigns
new frequencies to it. The feature is supported for Nokia, Ericsson, and Huawei vendors.
A new sheet New TRX Assignment is added to the GFO module configuration file. In the New TRX As-
signment sheet, specify the Cell CGI for the cell where additional TRXs have to be added, the num-
ber of TRXs to be created, and the band. The new TRXs is created under the BTS with the same band
within the cell. If the cell has both primary and secondary BTSs, and they belong to the same band
as the band of the planned TRXs, the new TRXs will be created under the primary BTS. DNs are as-
signed to the new TRXs by incrementing the existing TRX count. The algorithm considers the planned
TRXs along with the actual one for a cell during frequency planning. The Mobile Allocation (MA) lists
created as part of the algorithm also includes the frequencies assigned for the planned TRXs.
The plan generated by the module will only propose the frequencies for the new TRX and update the
MA list or DCHNO list as applicable for the vendors. The maio, maio offset, and maio step values
will be added to the plan based on whether there is any change existing after recalculation.
The Managed Objects (MOs) corresponding to the TRX (TRX for Nokia and GTRXCHANHOP for
Huawei) and other necessary MOs for the new TRX must be created before provisioning the plan
proposed by the module.
The plan generated by the module does not create any new TRXs or the required supporting MOs for
the TRX and maio values.
When BCC of the primary BTS is updated for Nokia, all the TRXs under it and the TRXs under
corresponding secondary BTS must have tsc parameter (CM parameter) updated with the same
value as set for the BCC of the primary BTS.
During open loop operation, a plan is generated and can be provisioned to the network. The plan con-
tains changes in frequency channel, Base Station Identity Code (BSIC), Mobile Allocation List (MAL),
and Hopping Sequence Number (HSN). It is valid only for NetAct Advanced Configurator (NAdC)
based EdenNet deployment.
• The GFO module considers the parameters configured in the GUI, Excel configuration file, and
the INI file. The default frequency groups defined in the GFO module configuration file for a given
band and layer are considered for allocation. The hopping mode to be used for the target cells is
also defined in the GFO module configuration file. Additionally, the GFO module avoids allocation
of forbidden frequencies for a given set of cells. User defined frequency groups can be defined in
the User defined frequency groups Excel file.
• An interference matrix is created for the BSCs containing the target cells and the neighboring
BSCs which have either incoming or outgoing neighbor relations with the target cells. Additionally,
BSCs for which the interference matrix should be retrieved can be provided in the INI file.
• Based on the allocation status, frequency channels and BSIC parameters are allocated to the
target cells which are provided in the output report.
Open loop mode with deferred provisioning (only for NAdC (NetAct Advanced Configurator) in-
When the GFO module runs in open loop mode, the plan is visible under SON Modules → Status →
Provisioning Logs.
• When the module run is successful, an entry appears in the provisioning logs area. The provision-
ing status is set as waiting till the plan is provisioned or till it expires.
• When a plan is scheduled, the provision status will be changed to Scheduled. For direct OSS inte-
gration, open loop does not generate a plan.
• If the cells in the plan are a part of the SON module exclusion list, or if they are not a part of the
user’s geofence, the plan will not be provisioned. In such cases, the status remains as waiting and
even the scheduled plans are moved to waiting status.
• The validity of the plan is for a period of 24 hours. The plan validity period can be configured. The
plan expires after the validity period and the user is not allowed to provision the plan.
For more details, see the Editing plan lifetime validity for open loop section in the EdenNet User
and Administration Guide.
• The user can reschedule and cancel schedules.
In the closed loop mode, changes are applied to the network. The GFO module generates a plan file
for the proposed changes to the parameters, which must be sent to the OSS.
The plan is pushed only during the maintenance window. If it is out of maintenance window, the plan
gets scheduled to be pushed in the next maintenance window. The automatic verification and rollback
(AVR) operation is triggered only after a successful push. For more information on AVR, see Automatic
verification and rollback.
• The closed loop execution is supported only for Nokia and Ericsson vendor.
• Before executing the algorithm in the closed loop mode, execute the GFO module in the
open loop mode and verify the proposed plan.
• If the GFO module has scope cells from both connected OSS (enabled) and discon-
nected OSS (disabled) in the closed loop mode, the module run will be overridden to
open loop mode. If not overridden, the plan will be provisioned only for connected OSS,
which then creates an inconsistency in the network. This scenario is applicable only for
MORAN (Multi Operator Radio Access Network) enabled networks.
For more information on disabling OSS access, see Disabling OSS access for a
disconnected OSS section in the EdenNet User and Administration Guide document.
4 GFO algorithm
The GFO module uses a constructive stochastic greedy algorithm to organize the transceivers (TRXs)
according to the required separation constraints. The GFO module uses Simulated Annealing which is
a deep learning algorithm based on energy models.
1. In the initialization phase, the algorithm tries to find an allocation fulfilling all the separation con-
straints. If this is not possible, the algorithm retains the most important separation constraints and
violates only the less important separation constraints. Initialization phase uses the lowest avail-
able channels for the frequency allocation. Therefore, they are used more often than the highest
channels. This skewness may cause bias to the interference minimization. In an optimal allocation,
the spectrum is used evenly.
2. In the second phase, the algorithm removes the bias caused by the initialization phase so that the
spectrum is used evenly. This scrambling of frequencies is an iterative process changing each
TRX channel to a random available channel within the constraints. This process is repeated sever-
al times.
3. In the final phase, the algorithm modifies the frequency plan so that the interference is minimized
while maintaining all the constraints.
GFO algorithms calculate and decide frequency allocation based on the cost. Cost is nothing but the
penalty incurred due to a violation of the rules.
For example, if two neighboring cells use the same frequency, let the cost incurred be equal to 1000.
Suppose, if there are three such frequencies which are the same across the two neighboring cells, the
total cost is 3000. To minimize the cost, GFO algorithm tries to allocate three different frequencies to
the cells so that overall cost is minimum, which in this case the cost will be zero.
• Fast: The fast algorithm is a stochastic greedy algorithm which allocates frequencies quickly. The
fast algorithm stops execution as soon as it finds the first solution with minimum network cost.
However, it can be used to get a rough idea of the quality of the allocation. The fast algorithm is
very useful when only a few missing frequencies need to be allocated without disturbing the rest of
the allocation. In this way, possible parameters and other errors can be found and corrected in the
early phase. This algorithm also provides a good optimization reference point for the accurate al-
• Optimize: The optimize algorithm is a stochastic greedy algorithm that starts from the current allo-
cation. It can only make changes, if the allocation gets better.
• Accurate: The accurate algorithm consumes more time and should be used for the actual alloca-
tion that will be implemented in the network. The accurate algorithm provides allocations close to
the most optimal one within a reasonable amount of time.
The accurate algorithm is a simulated annealing based algorithm. You can allocate the time for
this algorithm. The accurate algorithm generates better results when more time is allocated for its
Because both the algorithms are stochastic, they can provide slightly different allocations each time,
even when the allocation problem remains the same. For fast algorithm, the standard deviation of the
results is large. However, for the accurate algorithm, the standard deviation of the results is small and
it is smaller if the available time is increased.
1. Frequency optimization: Allocates Broadcast Control Channel (BCCH), Traffic Channel (TCH), and
Mobile Allocation List (MAL) frequencies using the measured interference in the network, based
on the settings and user defined constraints. This allows reduction in interference in the network
which in turn improves the channel quality in the network.
2. Base Station Identity Code (BSIC) optimization: Allocates BSIC (Network Color Code (NCC) and
Base Station Color Code (BCC)) codes to the cells to minimize the BCCH-BSIC collision in the net-
work. The codes are allocated based on the reuse distance configured in the EdenNet GUI and the
BCCH frequency proposed by the frequency optimization. This allows unambiguous detection of
cells in the network.
3. Hopping Sequence Number (HSN) optimization: Allocates 1 to 63 Hopping Sequence Number
(HSN) (corresponds to pseudo random sequence used in random hopping) to the cells or BTS
based on the reuse distance configured in the EdenNet GUI and the output of the frequency opti-
mization. This is applicable only when the baseband or synthesized hopping mode is used. This
reduces the probability of interference of the same frequency channels at a given point in time.
4. Mobile Allocation Index Offset (MAIO) optimization: Allocates MAIO step and offset for the mo-
bile allocation list associated with the cells in the network. The MAIO step and offset are allocat-
ed based on the output of frequency optimization and HSN optimization. MAIO optimization allows
separation of frequency channels in time domain when same HSN is used between cells having
the same frequency channels.
1. Accessing GFO
Known Restrictions
GFO module execution results are known to be dependent on FC: 'Accurate' algorithm
execution time and hence execution results have to be carefully validated by looking
at the improvement in the violation and interference cost at each layer for each band. It
is recommended to execute multiple runs with different FC: 'Accurate' algorithm exe-
cution time settings of 4 hrs, 8 hrs, 12 hrs, 24 hrs and so on, so that one can compare
improvement in violation and interference cost across multiple runs before choosing the
best plan to provision.
• GFO module is imported, activated and integrated with the respective Element Management Sys-
tem (EMS) or Network Management System (NMS). For example, NetAct, in case of Nokia. For li-
cense details, see License.
• PM data and CM data for GFO module must be available.
• Select the GSM cells in scope.
• Import module configuration file (INI file). For more information, see Configuring INI parameters.
• Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox are the recommended browsers to access EdenNet.
5.1.1 License
All the prerequisites mentioned in the GFO prerequisites section must be met.
• EdenNet modules: The modules that Nokia provides are available in this category.
• Adapted modules: The modules that users develop are available in this category.
• Helper modules: These modules are mainly used for troubleshooting by Nokia support teams.
Expected outcome
• filtering specific cells on map based on Topology Filter or Center Frequency Filter and then
select target cells from the map
• filtering specific cells on map based on Topology Filter or Center Frequency Filter and then
select all filtered items by clicking
The selected cells appear in the Selections pane. For more information about selecting cells, see
the Selecting cellsSelecting cells section in the EdenNet User and Administration guide.
2. Click Next.
Expected outcome
The target cells are selected and the Configure Parameters page appears.
1. Define the configuration parameter values. For the list of parameters, see GFO GUI parameters.
• You can retain the default values or else select the values from the drop-down list.
• To revert to the default parameter value, click the Default Value icon.
2. Click Next.
Expected outcome
The parameters are configured and the Select Configuration File page appears.
1. Select the required configuration files from the GFO Preferences and the Interference Matrix
Configuration categories.
Note: You can select only one configuration file from each category.
Expected outcome
The configuration file is selected and the Execution Type page appears.
For more information about Activate Later and Schedule Execution, see Configuring execution
typeConfiguring execution type section in the EdenNet User and Administration Guide.
2. Click Next.
Expected outcome
The module is scheduled for execution and the Confirm Execution page appears.
Note: You can monitor the operation. For more information, see Monitoring GFO .
Expected outcome
GFO module is executed based on the configuration parameters and as per the defined schedule.
Default val-
Parameter name Description Range (min, max) Step
Default val-
Parameter name Description Range (min, max) Step
Mobile Allocation Indicates if the MAL length User Defined, De- N/A User Defined
List (MAL) length is adjusted based on the fault
adjustment cell's hopping mode. It is
useful when the hopping
mode of the cell is set to ei-
ther Synthesized cell hop-
ping or Synthesized site
If the parameter is set to
User Defined, then MAL
length is computed based
on user defined MAL
Length Calculation Mode
(Simple or Complex) for a
given layer in the settings
XLSX file.
If the parameter is set to
Default, then MAL length is
computed as the maximum
value of number of TRXs
and the user defined
minimum MAL length.
Default val-
Parameter name Description Range (min, max) Step
Fix Violations Ag- If the Fix Violations True, False N/A False
gressively Aggressively parameter
is set to True, the GFO al-
gorithm tries to balance in-
terference and separation
violations thereby produces
plan with least possible vi-
olations in a heavy inter-
ference network limited by
number of channels.
If the Fix Violations
Aggressively parameter
is set to False then
interference are treated
higher in priority with
respect to violations.
FC: Optimization Indicates the type of plan- Fast, Optimization, N/A Fast
algorithm ning algorithm to be used. Accurate
If set to Fast, then stochas-
tic greedy algorithm is used,
which helps to plan the fre-
quencies in a short time.
Fast algorithm provides the
first set of optimal frequen-
cies. If set to Optimization,
then stochastic greedy algo-
rithm is used, which consid-
ers the existing frequencies
to optimize the frequency
planning. If set to Accurate,
then simulated annealing al-
gorithm is used to plan the
Default val-
Parameter name Description Range (min, max) Step
FC: 'Accurate' al- Indicates the duration of Ac- 1-2200 minutes 1 minute 720 minutes
gorithm execution curate algorithm execution.
Default val-
Parameter name Description Range (min, max) Step
Default val-
Parameter name Description Range (min, max) Step
Default val-
Parameter name Description Range (min, max) Step
BSIC: Optimiza- Indicates the type of plan- Fast, Fix Collisions, N/A Fast
tion algorithm ning algorithm to be used. Accurate
If set to Fast, then stochas-
tic greedy algorithm is used,
which helps to plan the
BSIC in a short time. Fast
algorithm provides the first
set of optimal BSIC values.
If set to Fix collisions, then
stochastic greedy algorithm
is used, which considers the
existing BSIC values to de-
tect collisions and resolve
the same. If set to Accurate,
then simulated annealing al-
gorithm is used to plan the
BSIC values which provide
the best BSIC planning.
Note: Effective-
ness of the Ac-
curate algorithm
depends on the
duration of exe-
cution. When the
Accurate algo-
rithm is allowed
to run for a longer
duration, it pro-
duces a better
BSIC plan.
BSIC: 'Accurate' Indicates the duration of the 1-2200 minutes 1 minute 60 minutes
algorithm execu- Accurate algorithm execu-
tion time tion.
Default val-
Parameter name Description Range (min, max) Step
If HSN: Limit by
distance parameter is
set to No, then the reuse
distance is considered as
an integer maximum value -
Default val-
Parameter name Description Range (min, max) Step
Default val-
Parameter name Description Range (min, max) Step
Default val-
Parameter name Description Range (min, max) Step
Medium Traffic This parameter is used for 0 to 10000 N/A 500 Erlangs
Level complex MAL allocation and
indicates the threshold lev-
el of average CS traffic of
a cell, above which the cell
traffic is considered to be at
a medium traffic level, un-
less the average CS traffic
is below the high traffic lev-
High Traffic Level This parameter is used for 0 to 20000 N/A 1000 Erlangs
complex MAL allocation and
indicates the threshold lev-
el of average CS traffic of a
cell, above which cell traffic
Default val-
Parameter name Description Range (min, max) Step
is considered to be at a high
SON Operation To run the GFO module • Open Loop N/A Open Loop
Mode in open loop mode, set • Closed Loop
the SON Operation
Mode parameter to
Open Loop. In open loop
mode, the module does
not automatically push
parameter changes to the
network. The user has to
manually provision plans
to push changes to the
Default val-
Parameter name Description Range (min, max) Step
Plan Name Tag Text that is added to the Sequence which N/A N/A
names of all the plans that contains any combi-
are generated by the GFO nations of:
• Uppercase and
If the target of the module lowercase let-
is a whole cluster and the ters: [A-Za-z]
name of this cluster satis- • Numbers: [0-9]
fies the requirements spec- • Underscore: _
ified in the Range column,
Maximum length:
the cluster name will also be
20 characters
added to the plan name.
Note: You must import the interference matrix INI file under the Interference Matrix Config-
uration category.
terferers having
the same BSIC
and BCCH value
should be consid-
in the respective
named folders.
If no inputs are
provided, the de-
fault value will be
• %d-%m-%Y
(for example,
• %d/%m/%Y
(for example:
• %d:%m:%Y
(for example:
raw measurement
files. The accept-
ed format is: %H:
%M:%S (for ex-
ample: 12:12:23)
** indi-
The INI file is created using the configuration parameters. For more information, see GFO interference
matrix configuration INI file. The following is an example of the GFO module configuration file with de-
fault values:
# Path to the directory where the measurement zip files or csv files are
uploaded. Specify the path only if there are any csv files uploaded.
Path_to_measurement_files =
# Specify whether the date and time columns in the csv are 'Combined' or
'Separate'. Default Combined
Date_and_Time_columns : Combined
# Mention the date format to be used when Date_and_Time_columns value is
'Separated'. Valid date formats: %d-%m-%Y, %d/%m/%Y and %d:%m:%Y.
Date_format : %d/%m/%Y
# Mention the time format to be used when Date_and_Time_columns value
is 'Separated'. Valid time format: %d/%m/%Y.
Time_format : %H:%M:%S
# Distance in km within which interferers having the same BSIC and BCCH
value should be considered. Ranges from 0 to 1000 km. Default 70km
Search_distance : 70
# Indicates number of cells with same BCCH frequency as the source cell
to be added as interferers. Ranges from 0 to 100, default 3.
blind_spot_count : 3
# Indicates the co-channel interference probability percentage value to
be used for all the identified blind spot cells. Ranges from 0 to 100%,
default 3.
blind_spot_co_ch : 3
# Indicates the adjacent channel interference probability percentage
value to be used for all the identified blind spot cells. Ranges from 0
to 100%, default 1.
blind_spot_adj_ch : 1
# The DB offset values for co-channel and adjacent channel found from
the lookup table.
DB1_Co : 0.9656
DB2_Co : 0.9303
DB1_Adj : 0.2438
DB2_Adj : 0.1328
# The CIP to FEP conversion equations; Valid variables: 'Moderate
interference samples', 'High interference samples', 'Number of Samples
While in BAL' and 'Number of samples per Victim'.
# Allowed operators: (), +,-,*,/, %, **. NOTE: '**' indicates power.
FEP_Co : (DB1_Co * Moderate interference samples + DB2_Co * High
interference samples) / (Number of Samples While in BAL)
FEP_Adj : (DB1_Adj * Moderate interference samples + DB2_Adj * High
interference samples) / (Number of Samples While in BAL)
# The polynomial scaling equation to form FEP equation; allowed variable
is 'X'.
# Allowed operators: (),+,-,*,/, %, **. NOTE: '**' indicates power.
Scaling_factor : 0.03*X**2+0.41*X
# The tuning parameters used for resolving only one interfering cell
among the list of interfering cells for the victim cell.
C1 : 2
C2 : 0
C3 : 1
C4 : 1
# List of BSCs which should be considered while retrieving interference
matrix for given target cells. Enter BSC DNs as semi-colon (;) separated
# Replace oss1 with managing oss name accordingly. Additional sections
with different managing oss can also be added.
Buffer_BSCs :
# List of BSCs which should be considered while retrieving interference
matrix for given target cells. Enter BSC DNs as semi-colon (;) separated
# Replace oss1 with managing oss name accordingly. Additional sections
with different managing oss can also be added.
Buffer_BSCs :
• Frequency Bands
• Frequency Groups
• Layers
Frequency Bands: Provides the option to enable or disable the frequency optimization and the Base
Station Identity Code (BSIC) optimization for each band. Table 7: Frequency Bands sheet displays a
sample of the Frequency Bands sheet.
Frequency Groups: Contains the channels to be used for the allocation of both Broadcast Control
Channel (BCCH) and Traffic Channel (TCH) at each band. Also, You can mention a frequency change
penalty to restrict the number of changes and preserve the existing allocation, if there are no violations
Table 8: Frequency Groups sheet displays a sample of the Frequency Groups sheet.
Name Frequency Band Layer Channels
Change Penalty
Layers: Contains the allocation settings at BCCH/TCH level and Mobile Allocation List (MAL) related
settings for creating or updating the existing MAL object. In simple MAL length calculation mode, the
frequency load is used as a denominator in MAL length calculation to scale up the number of frequen-
cies required against the number of TRXs. In addition to the parameters used by the simple mode, the
complex mode uses traffic information to determine the number of frequencies required in the MAL.
The MAL allocation can either be turned ON or OFF for the TCH layer of each band.
• No hopping
• Synthesized Cell Hopping
• Synthesized Site Hopping
• Baseband Hopping
For vendors other than Nokia, Nokia recommends that you retain the same hopping mode
that is currently used in the network.
Fre- Min Max MAL Al-
TRX Alloca- Length Frequen- Hopping
Band quency MAL MAL location
Layer tion Calcula- cy Group Mode
Load Length Length Mode
tion Mode
GSM 850 TCH Yes 0.5 Simple 4 8 TCH 850 Synthesized Allocate
Cell Hopping
GSM 900 TCH Yes 0.5 Simple 4 8 TCH 900 Synthesized Allocate
Cell Hopping
Table 9: Layers
Separation violation penalties: Provides the ability to configure separation and its corresponding vio-
lation penalties across the BCCH and the TCH layers. The violation penalties are configured for each
band of the user defined frequency group. If the separation in frequency channel allocation could not
be achieved, penalty is added to the layer. Also, co-channel and adjacent channel interference values
can either be scaled up or scaled down. This allows the GFO module to give more importance to any
one of the two interference. The scaling factor can be set for each combination of the BCCH and the
TCH layers and across each band. Co-cell separation is about the channel separation within the cell.
Co-site separation is about the channel separation within the site (all the cells associated to a site).
Adjacent cell separation is about the channel separation among the adjacent cells. Common adjacent
cell separation is about the channel separation among adjacent cell’s adjacent cell. Similar to interfer-
ence scale, separation and its corresponding violation can be given for each combination of the BCCH
and the TCH layers and across each band.
Table 10: Separation Violation Penalties and Table 11: Separation Violation Penalties display a sample
of the Separation Violation Penalties sheet.
Freq To TRX CoCh Interfer- AdjCh Inter- Co-Cell Co-Cell
Band TRX
Group Layer ence Scale ference Scale Separation Violation
Freq To TRX CoCh Interfer- AdjCh Inter- Co-Cell Co-Cell
Band TRX
Group Layer ence Scale ference Scale Separation Violation
2 10000 1 10 0 1
2 1000 1 1 0 0
2 100 0 0 0 0
2 250 0 0 0 0
2 10000 1 10 0 1
2 1000 1 1 0 0
2 100 0 0 0 0
2 250 0 0 0 0
2 10000 1 10 0 1
2 1000 1 1 0 0
2 100 0 0 0 0
2 250 0 0 0 0
2 10000 1 10 0 1
2 1000 1 1 0 0
2 100 0 0 0 0
2 250 0 0 0 0
Forbidden Assignments: Indicates the forbidden channel, forbidden Base Station Color Code (BCC),
and forbidden Network Color Code (NCC) which should not be used for allocation of a given cell.
Table 12: Forbidden Assignments displays a sample of the Forbidden Assignments sheet.
New TRX Assignment: The New TRX Assignment sheet contains the settings for cell CGI, addition-
al number of TCH TRXs, and band. You can specify the additional number of TCH TRXs to be consid-
ered for frequency planning along with the actual TRXs present in the network. The frequency band
that must be used for the additional TRXs must be specified for a given cell.
Table 13: New TRX Assignment displays a sample of the New TRX Assignment sheet.
Verification and Rollback: The Verification and Rollback sheet contains the KPI names, tolerance
percentage, and before KPI reference details.
• KPI Name: Indicates the name of the KPIs. The KPIs are configurable. You can configure any KPI
that is used to evaluate the cell performance post frequency allocation.
For determining the degradation in a cell, a percentage change between the old and new aggre-
gated values of the KPI is calculated. The formula used for this operation is ((new – old)/old) * 100.
For example, if the vertically aggregated KPI value in the pre-interval is 2003.8462 and in the post-
interval is 2050.0 then the percentage change is 2.3%.
• Tolerance %: Indicates the value beyond which the cell is considered as degraded.
• Before KPI Reference: Indicates the period to be selected for KPI evaluation. You can select one
of the following values:
– SAME_DAY_PREV_WEEK: Indicates that the Before KPI value is taken from the same day as
the evaluation day, but for the previous week.
– WINDOW_BEFORE_PROVISION: Indicates that the Before KPI value is taken from the time
window before successful provisioning with size equal to KPI verification window setting.
– PREV_DAY: Indicates that the Before KPI value is taken from the time window before suc-
cessful provisioning with the size equal to 24 hours. When PREV_DAY is selected as Before
KPI reference, use a higher value of KPI verification window to reduce the uncertainty.
Table 14: Verification and Rollback shows a sample of the Verification and Rollback sheet.
• Frequency Groups
• Separation Violations Penalties
• Frequency Group Assignment
Frequency Groups: Contains the user defined frequency groups and corresponding channels to be
used for allocation of both Broadcast Control Channel (BCCH) and Traffic Channel (TCH) at each
band. Also, the frequency change penalty can be given to restrict the number of changes such that
the existing allocation is preserved, if no violation is detected. The Frequency Groups sheet must con-
tain the columns as mentioned in Table 15: Frequency Groups. These column headers are also listed
in the module configuration file. The correct Frequency Band (GSM 850, GSM 900, GSM 1800, GSM
1900) and correct Layer (BCCH, TCH) need to be entered in the respective columns. Incorrect fre-
quency groups will result in an error.
Note: The name of the user defined frequency group should not be the same as the default
frequency group name.
Name Frequency Band Layer Channels
Change Penalty
Separation Violations Penalties: Provides the ability to configure separation and its corresponding
violation penalties across the BCCH and the TCH layers. The violation penalties are configured for
each band of the user defined frequency group. The Separation Violations Penalties sheet contains
the columns as mentioned in Table 16: Separation Violations Penalties and Table 17: Separation Vi-
olations Penalties. To avoid any errors in the module, you must provide all the separation violations
for a given user defined frequency group. If the separation in frequency channel allocation cannot be
achieved, a penalty is added to the layer. Also, co-channel and adjacent channel interference values
can either be scaled up or scaled down. This allows the GFO module to give more importance to the
either co-channel and adjacent channel interference. The scaling factor can be set for each combina-
tion of BCCH and TCH layers and across each band. Co-cell separation is about channel separation
within the cell. Co-site separation is about channel separation within the site (all the cells associated
with the site). Adjacent cell separation is about channel separation among the adjacent cells. Common
adjacent cell separation is about channel separation among the adjacent cell’s adjacent cell. Like inter-
ference scale, separation and its corresponding violation can be given for each combination of BCCH
and TCH layers and across each band.
Note: As, two BCCH layers cannot exist inside the same cell, do not enter any value inside
the Co-cell Separation and Co-cell Violation columns of the BCCH-BCCH combination.
Table 16: Separation Violations Penalties and Table 17: Separation Violations Penalties describe the
separation violation penalties.
2 10000 1 10 0 1
2 1000 1 1 0 0
2 100 0 0 0 0
2 250 0 0 0 0
2 10000 1 10 0 1
2 1000 1 1 0 0
2 100 0 0 0 0
2 250 0 0 0 0
2 10000 1 10 0 1
2 1000 1 1 0 0
2 100 0 0 0 0
2 250 0 0 0 0
2 10000 1 10 0 1
2 1000 1 1 0 0
2 100 0 0 0 0
2 250 0 0 0 0
Frequency Group Assignment: Indicates the user defined frequency groups to be used for a given
cell. The Frequency Group Assignment sheet contains the columns as mentioned in Table 18: Fre-
quency Group Assignment. If multiple frequency groups are associated with a given cell, then you
can enter them as comma separated values. Cells which are not assigned to user defined frequency
groups continue to use default frequency groups defined in the module configuration file. If the user
defined frequency group is completely missing for a cell or it is missing for a layer or a band within the
cell, then the corresponding default frequency group of the layer or band of the cell will be used.
Table 18: Frequency Group Assignment describes the frequency group assignments.
• Only users with admin privileges have permission to modify the parameters.
where <EdenNet GUI_SERVERS IP> is the IP address of the GUI server provided during the
installation of EdenNet.
• EdenNet modules: The modules that Nokia provides are available in this category.
• Adapted modules: The modules that users develop are available in this category.
• Helper modules: These modules are mainly used for troubleshooting by Nokia support teams.
They are not categorized as Generally Available. General Availability implies that the release is
available to all customers.
3. Select GSM_Frequency_Optimization.
5. Select the required configuration categories. For example, in case of the GFO module, you must
import the Excel file under the GFO Preferences category and the INI file under the Interference
Matrix Configuration category.
Note: Users with Administrator or SON Module Manager permissions can delete
the configuration files. The configuration files can be deleted only if it is not used by
other modules.
Note: A file can be deactivated only when it is not used by other modules listed
under Active SON Modules or Module History.
Note: For more details, see the Configuring a moduleConfiguring a module section in
EdenNet User and Administration Guide.
For the Excel file parameters, see GFO module configuration file.
For the INI file parameters, see GFO interference matrix configuration INI file.
where <EdenNet GUI_SERVERS IP> is the IP address of the GUI server provided during the
installation of EdenNet.
Active SON Modules and Module History appears in the left pane, and Execution Status
appears in the right pane.
3. In the left pane, click a module either from Active SON Modules or Module History.
Directory Listing For dialog box with list of file with module name appears.
Set of related Excel files are listed in the Directory Listing For dialog box.
Expected outcome
The GFO report is generated. The reports are generated in XLSX (Excel) format.
Tabs Description
Parameter Settings Contains all the input parameters used by the module from GUI, Excel, and
INI files.
Network Statistics Contains information about the target and buffer cells considered by the
module. It contains the number of BTS, TRX, sites, cells, number of neigh-
bors, interfering cells at scope (network) level, band level, and layer level
within the band.
• Cells which are the first and second level defined neighbors of the
scope cells
• Cells having incoming and outgoing interferences to and from the
scope cells
Validation Summary Contains the summary of the validation rules executed on the target and
buffer cells. Report also displays the target and buffer elements that have
failed in the validation rule. Algorithm behavior is also provided for better
Validation Details Contains the details of the conflicts detected in the target and buffer cells.
BSIC Collisions Contains the BSIC collisions detected before executing the BSIC algorithm.
GFO module reports a BSIC collision when the target and buffer cells have
same BCCH frequency and use the same BSIC value.
BSIC Algorithm Results Contains the proposed BSIC for the target cells along with the collisions re-
maining after executing the BSIC algorithm.
Interference Report Lists all possible interference combinations that a BTS can have with its
primary/BCCH BTS or with a neighbor BTS. The presence of interference
can be inferred from the percentage interference values displayed and also
from the cost due to the interference.
Violation Report Contains the details of the violations remaining after running the module.
Network Cost Compari- Provides an overview of the quality of the proposed plan. It includes inter-
son ference cost and provides pre-allocation/post allocation and delta cost val-
Proposed Plan Report Contains the list of all selected BTS and its TRXs along with their existing
and proposed parameter values.
Proposed MAL Report Contains the list of MALs proposed after running the module when synthe-
sized hopping mode is selected.
Tabs Description
Interference Matrix Contains the interference matrix used in the current execution.
Table 20: Validation Summary tab described the data displayed in the Validation Summary report.
Algorithm behav-
Problem Impact Target Buffer
TRXs are miss- Not taken into account X Y Skip element from
ing for the BTS the scope
Algorithm behav-
Problem Impact Target Buffer
Note: X
and Y
can vary.
where, X and Y are the value which can change for each run.
Table 21: Validation Details describes the details of the conflicts detected in the target and buffer cells.
Log status Indicates whether the conflict reported is an error or warning. If it is an error,
then execution terminates otherwise execution skips the elements and pro-
BSC DN Indicates the BSC distinguished name associated with the corresponding
conflicting BTS.
Site name Indicates the name of the site to which BTS is connected.
TRX Layer Indicates the TRX Layer (BCCH or TCH) for the problem related to TRX. If
the validation error is related to the BTS, then the TRX layer value is set to
Not applicable.
Target BTS Indicates whether the conflicting BTS is in scope or not. If no, it indicates
that the BTS is in the buffer area.
Primary BTS Indicates whether BCCH TRX is configured in the conflicting BTS. Primary
BTS contains BCCH TRX.
Table 22: BSIC Collisions tab describes the data displayed in the BSIC Collisions tab.
Target cell name Indicates target cell name having collision before BSIC optimization
Target cell DN Indicates target cell distinguished name having collision before BSIC opti-
Target site name Indicates site associated with target cell having collision before BSIC opti-
Target BCCH channel Indicates BCCH frequency of the target cell having collision before BSIC
Target BCC Indicates BCC of the target cell having collision before BSIC optimization
Target NCC Indicates NCC of the target cell having collision before BSIC optimization
Neighbor cell name Indicates name of the neighbor cell having collision before BSIC optimiza-
tion. Neighbor cell can be adjacent cell, second adjacent cell, or distance
based neighbor.
Neighbor cell DN Indicates distinguished name of neighbor cell having collision before BSIC
optimization. Neighbor cell can be adjacent cell, second adjacent cell, or
distance based neighbor.
Neighbor site name Indicates the site associated with neighbor cell having collision before BSIC
optimization. Neighbor cell can be adjacent cell, second adjacent cell, or
distance based neighbor.
Neighbor BCCH chan- Indicates BCCH frequency of the neighbor cell having collision before BSIC
nel optimization. Neighbor cell can be adjacent cell, second adjacent cell, or
distance based neighbor.
Neighbor BCC Indicates BCC of the neighbor cell having collision before BSIC optimiza-
tion. Neighbor cell can be adjacent cell, second adjacent cell, or distance
based neighbor.
Neighbor NCC Indicates NCC of the neighbor cell having collision before BSIC optimiza-
tion. Neighbor cell can be adjacent cell, second adjacent cell, or distance
based neighbor.
Distance (Km) Indicates the distance between target and neighboring cell having collision
before BSIC optimization
Collision type Indicates the type of collision before BSIC optimization. Collision types can
be collisions due to usage of the same BCCH-BSIC or BCCH-BCC among
neighbors, second level neighbors, or cells within the given maximum dis-
tance. Additionally, usage of forbidden BSIC and NCC is identified as colli-
Table 23: BSIC Algorithm Results tab describes the data displayed in the BSIC Algorithm Results tab.
Target cell name Indicates target cell name having collision after BSIC optimization
Target cell DN Indicates target cell distinguished name having collision after BSIC opti-
Target site name Indicates the site associated with target cell having collision after BSIC op-
Target BCCH channel Indicates BCCH frequency of the target cell having collision after BSIC op-
Target BCC Indicates BCC of the target cell having collision after BSIC optimization
Target NCC Indicates NCC the target cell having collision after BSIC optimization
BCCH-BSIC reused by Indicates the number of times BCCH-BSIC of the target cell is reused with-
target in the target cells after BSIC optimization
BCCH-BSIC reused by Indicates the number of times BCCH-BSIC of the target cell is reused with-
buffer in the buffer cells after BSIC optimization
BCCH-BCC reused by Indicates the number of times BCCH-BCC of the target cell is reused within
target the target cells after BSIC optimization
BCCH-BCC reused by Indicates the number of times BCCH-BCC of the target cell is reused within
buffer the buffer cells after BSIC optimization
BTS count with miss- Indicates the number of BTSs without site information after BSIC optimiza-
ing sites (BCCH-BSIC tion, which uses the same BCCH-BSIC combination newly assigned to the
reuse) corresponding target cell.
BTS count with miss- Indicates the number of BTSs without site information after BSIC optimiza-
ing sites (BCCH-BCC tion, which uses the same BCCH-BCC combination newly assigned to the
reuse) corresponding target cell.
Closest BCCH-BSIC Indicates the closest reuse distance of BCCH-BSIC of the target cell after
reuse distance(km) BSIC optimization
Closest BCCH-BCC Indicates the closest reuse distance of BCCH-BCC of the target cell after
reuse distance(km) BSIC optimization
Average BCCH-BSIC Indicates the average reuse distance of BCCH-BSIC of the target cell after
reuse distance(km) BSIC optimization among the target and buffer cells.
Average BCCH-BCC Indicates the average reuse distance of BCCH-BCC of the target cell after
reuse distance(km) BSIC optimization among the target and buffer cells.
Adjacent BCCH-BSIC Indicates the number of times BCCH-BSIC of the target cell is reused with-
collisions in the adjacent cells after BSIC optimization
Second adjacent Indicates the number of times BCCH-BSIC of the target cell is reused with-
BCCH-BSIC collisions in the second adjacent (adjacent's adjacent) cells after BSIC optimization
Adjacent BCCH-BCC Indicates the number of times BCCH-BCC of the target cell is reused within
collisions the adjacent cells after BSIC optimization
Second adjacent Indicates the number of times BCCH-BCC of the target cell is reused within
BCCH-BCC collisions the second adjacent (adjacent's adjacent) cells after BSIC optimization
Table 24: Interference Report tab describes the data displayed in the Interference Report tab.
Interfered BSC DN Indicates the distinguished name of BSC associated with the interfered
Interfering BSC DN Indicates the distinguished name of BSC associated with the interfering
Interfered site name Indicates the name of the site associated with the interfered BTS
Interfering site name Indicates the name of the site associated with the interfering BTS
Interfered TRX layer Indicates the TRX layer of the interfered BTS. Values can be either BCCH
or TCH.
Interfering TRX layer Indicates the TRX layer of the interfering BTS. Values can be either BCCH
or TCH.
Existing interfered hop- Indicates the original hopping mode of the interfered BTS
ping mode
Note: For Huawei, although the cell is set as RF hopping, some
TCH TRXs can be Non-hopping. So for those TCH TRXs, the
existing hopping mode is visible as Non-hopping.
User defined interfered Indicates the new hopping mode of the interfered BTS as defined by the
hopping mode user
Existing interfering hop- Indicates the original hopping mode of the interfering BTS
ping mode
Note: For Huawei, although the cell is set as RF hopping, some
TCH TRXs can be Non-hopping. So for those TCH TRXs, the
existing hopping mode is visible as Non-hopping.
User defined interfering Indicates the new hopping mode of the interfering BTS as defined by the
hopping mode user
Existing interfered Indicates the original frequency channels of the interfered BTS
Proposed interfered Indicates the new frequency channels of the interfered BTS
Existing interfering Indicates the original frequency channels of the interfering BTS
Proposed interfering Indicates the new frequency channels of the interfering BTS
Existing average inter- Indicates the original average interference value before frequency opti-
ference (%) mization. Using original frequency channels average interference is cal-
culated as [coInterference + adjInterference - coInterference * adjInterfer-
Proposed average inter- Indicates the new average interference value after frequency optimization.
ference (%) Using newly proposed frequency channels [coInterference + adjInterfer-
ence - coInterference * adjInterference]
Delta average interfer- Indicates the difference between original and new average interference.
ence (%) Negative value indicates improvement in interference.
Existing co-channel in- Indicates the original co-channel interference before frequency optimiza-
terference (%) tion. Using original frequency channels, co-channel interference is calcu-
lated as [ (Number of duplicate co-channels in the frequency channel list *
number of TRXs / (number of frequency channels) )* Co-channel interfer-
ence probability measured against interfering cell]
Proposed co-channel Indicates the new co-channel interference after frequency optimization. Us-
interference (%) ing newly proposed frequency channels, co-channel interference is calcu-
lated as [ (Number of duplicate co-channels in the frequency channel list *
number of TRXs / (number of frequency channels) )* Co-channel interfer-
ence probability measured against interfering cell]
Delta co-channel inter- Indicates the difference between original and new co-channel interference.
ference (%) Negative value indicates improvement in the interference.
Existing adjacent chan- Indicates the original adjacent-channel interference before frequency opti-
nel interference (%) mization. Using original frequency channels, adjacent-channel interference
is calculated as [ (adjChCollisionProb * ((number of frequency channels)/
(number of TRXs)) * Adjacent channel interference probability measured
against interfering cell] where adjChCollisionProb is the number of adja-
cent channels used in the frequency channels
Proposed adjacent Indicates the new adjacent-channel interference after frequency optimiza-
channel interference tion. Using newly proposed frequency channels, adjacent-channel interfer-
(%) ence is calculated as [ (adjChCollisionProb * ((number of frequency chan-
nels)/ (number of TRXs )) * Adjacent channel interference probability mea-
sured against interfering cell] where adjChCollisionProb is the number of
adjacent channels used in the frequency channels
Delta adjacent channel Indicates the difference between adjacent channel interference before and
interference (%) after execution of frequency optimization.
Existing cost Indicates the cost value of the BTS object before the execution of frequen-
cy optimization algorithm. If the same BTS experiences multiple interfer-
ence then subsequent entries in the Interference report against the given
BTS will have cumulative cost value.
Proposed cost Indicates the cost value of the BTS object after the execution of frequency
optimization algorithm.
Delta cost Indicates the difference between the proposed cost and the existing cost
values. Negative cost indicates interference is resolved.
Number of TRXs in in- Indicates number of TRX objects under the given interfered BTS.
terfered BTS layer
Table 25: Violation Report tab describes the data displayed in the Violation Report tab.
Note: If there is a co-cell, co-site, co-channel, or adjacent channel violation, the second,
third, or fourth adjacent channel violation for the same cells are not shown. Co-channel and
adjacent channel violation is more critical than second, third, or fourth adjacent channel vio-
lation. Hence, once the critical violation is detected, less critical violation between the same
cells are not shown.
Violation type Indicates the type of violation based on the separation violations defined in
the settings. These violations are the ones which remain in the network af-
ter frequency optimization. Possible violation types correspond to the viola-
tion of the following criteria:
Penalty Indicates the cost associated with the interfered BTS and the interfering
BTS for a given violation type. The cost calculation is based on the cost val-
ues defined in the GFO Excel configuration file.
Interfered BSC DN Indicates the distinguished name of the BSC associated with the interfered
Interfering BSC DN Indicates the distinguished name of the BSC associated with the interfering
Interfered site name Indicates the name of the site associated with the interfered BTS
Interfering site name Indicates the name of the site associated with the interfering BTS
Interfered TRX layer Indicates the TRX layer of the interfered BTS. Values can be either BCCH
or TCH.
Interfering TRX layer Indicates the TRX layer of the interfering BTS. Values can be either BCCH
or TCH.
Number of TRXs in in- Total number of TRXs in the interfered BTS layer
terfered BTS layer
Table 26: Network Cost Comparison tab describes the data displayed in the Network Cost Comparison
Pre-allocation cost Overall cost against the given band or layer before running the GSM fre-
quency optimization operation. Includes cost due to separation violation and
Post-allocation cost Overall cost against the given band or layer after running the GSM frequen-
cy optimization operation. Includes cost due to separation violation, fre-
quency change penalty and interference.
Delta cost Difference between the overall cost against the band or the layer before and
after running GSM frequency optimization. Negative value indicates better
allocation for the given band or layer.
Table 27: Proposed Plan Report tab describes the data displayed in the Proposed Plan Report tab.
TRX Layer Layer of the cell of the given TRX containing the change in value
Existing Hopping Mode Hopping mode of the TRX before frequency optimization.
User defined Hopping Hopping mode of the TRX after frequency optimization.
Represents the hopping mode of the associated BTS.
Forbidden Channel Indicates all the channels which are forbidden for a given cell containing the
given TRX.
Note: The Forbidden Channels are shown at the cell level and
are not segregated at band or layer level.
Existing HSN1 Represents the hopping sequence number used in the BTS in case of syn-
thesized hopping mode, before HSN optimization.
In special cases, for Nokia BTS, when the baseband hopping mode is used,
HSN1 represents the hopping sequence number used by TCH TRXs in time
slot zero.
For other vendor cells, HSN1 represents a single HSN value used in the
Existing HSN2 Represents the hopping sequence number used in the BTS in case of
baseband hopping mode, before HSN optimization.
In special cases, for Nokia BTS, when baseband hopping mode is used,
HSN2 represents the hopping sequence number used by the TCH TRXs in
non-zero time slots.
For other vendor cells, HSN2 contains the same values as HSN1.
Proposed HSN1 Represents the hopping sequence number proposed to the BTS in case of
synthesized hopping mode, after HSN optimization.
In special cases, for Nokia BTS, when baseband hopping mode is used,
HSN1 represents the hopping sequence number used by TCH TRXs in time
slot zero.
For other vendor cells, HSN1 represent a single HSN value used in the cell.
Proposed HSN2 Represents the hopping sequence number proposed to the BTS in case of
baseband hopping mode, after HSN optimization.
In special cases, for Nokia BTS, when baseband hopping mode is used,
HSN2 represents the hopping sequence number used by TCH TRXs in
non-zero time slots.
For other vendor cells, HSN2 contains the same values as HSN1.
Existing MAIO Offset Mobile Allocation Index Offset of the TRX before frequency optimization.
Proposed MAIO Offset Mobile Allocation Index Offset of the TRX after frequency optimization.
Existing MAIO Step Mobile Allocation Index Step of the TRX before frequency optimization.
Proposed MAIO Step Mobile Allocation Index Step of the TRX after frequency optimization.
Existing BCC Base station Color Code of the TRX before frequency optimization.
Proposed BCC Base station Color Code of the TRX after frequency optimization.
Forbidden BSICs Indicates the Base Station Identity Codes (BSICs) defined as forbidden for
the given cell.
Existing NCC Network Color Code (NCC) of the TRX before frequency optimization.
Proposed NCC Network Color Code of the TRX after frequency optimization.
Forbidden NCCs Indicates the Network Color Codes (NCCs) defined as forbidden for the giv-
en cell.
MAL Allocation Mode Allocation mode selected for MAL assignment. In this release, it is only allo-
cate mode.
Existing MAL DN Distinguished name of the MAL object associated with the BTS of the TRX
before frequency optimization.
Proposed MAL DN Distinguished name of the MAL object associated with the BTS of the TRX
after frequency optimization. The MAL object is visible in the proposed MAL
report sheet.
Existing MAL ID ID of the MAL object associated with the BTS of the TRX before frequency
Proposed MAL ID ID of MAL object associated with the BTS of the TRX after frequency opti-
mization. The corresponding MAL object is listed in the Proposed MAL Re-
Average CS traffic (Er- Indicates the value of the average CS traffic KPI of the cell. This value is
langs) same for all the TRXs under a given cell including primary and secondary
TCH Blocking (%) Indicates the value of the TCH blocking KPI of the cell. This value is same
for all the TRXs under a given cell including primary and secondary BTS.
Status Indicates the status of the TRXs. The additional TRXs are displayed as
Planned in the status column. The actual TRXs are displayed as Actual
in the status column.
Table 28: Proposed MAL Report tab describes the data displayed in the Proposed MAL Report tab.
Original Channels List of frequency channels in the MAL object before frequency optimization.
New Channels List of frequency channels in the MAL object after frequency optimization.
Status Indicates whether the MAL is created, updated or actual (the same as in the
actual configuration of the network).
MAL creation or deletion is not supported for the Huawei and Ericsson el-
ements. Therefore, MAL status of the Huawei and Ericsson nodes will al-
ways be set to Updated.
Table 29: Interference matrix tab describes the data displayed in the Interference matrix tab.
Co-channel CIP Co-channel Carrier over Interference Probability value between the inter-
fered and interfering cell. The value is in percentage.
Adjacent Channel CIP Adjacent channel Carrier over Interference Probability (CIP) value between
the interfered and interfering cell. The value is in percentage.
Type Indicates the type of the Interference MAtrix. It is always set to FEP.
Blind Spot Indicates whether the interfering cell is a blind spot or not (Supported val-
ues are either Yes or No).
Number of Samples Indicates the number of samples received by the interfered cell for all the in-
where <EdenNet GUI_SERVERS IP> is the IP address of the GUI server provided during the
installation of EdenNet.
3. From the Module/Service filter, select the required GFO instance to view the event logs.
The event logs can also be viewed using the following filters:
Note: The common event levels are information and warning. By default, the warning
and error level filters are selected. To view all levels of events, remove the warning and
error level filter.
5. Optional: In the Saved Filters, enter a name for the event filter, and save it using the Save As
New Filter option.
Information INI file missing Configuration file INI file should be associated with the
of type, INI is not module which is described in GFO
associated with the interference matrix configuration INI
module. file.
Information Input XLS missing Indicates that input Excel file should be associated with
in the form of XLS the module which is described in
is not associated GFO module configuration file.
with the module.
9 Monitoring GFO
You can monitor the activity, status, and events of the GFO module.
For more information, see the Configure and monitor SON modulesConfigure and monitor SON mod-
ules section in the EdenNet User and Administration Guide.
After a successful push, the GFO module waits for the KPI verification window to elapse, and then
evaluates the performance of the scope cells based on the KPI rules configured in the Verification and
Rollback sheet. For more information on Verification and Rollback sheet, see GFO module configura-
tion file.
If any cell is found to be degraded, all the changes pushed by the GFO module previously are rolled
back. The rollback changes are immediately pushed to the network , without waiting for maintenance