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Installation, Operation and Maintenance Instructions: Vibratory Feeders

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Installation, Operation
and Maintenance

model hs36



Vibratory Feeder: Model HS36

This manual details the proper steps for installing,
operating and maintaining the Eriez Vibratory Feeder.

Careful attention to these requirements will assure the most

efficient and dependable performance of this equipment.

If there are any questions or comments about the manual,

please call Eriez Manufacturing at 814-835-6000 for
Vibratory Feeder assistance.

Safety labels must be affixed to this product.
Should the safety label(s) be damaged, dislodged
or removed, contact Eriez for replacement.


Table of Contents

INSTALLATION...................................................................................................... 4
Mounting........................................................................................................... 4
Electrical Connections...................................................................................... 4
OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE....................................................................... 4
Tuning Guide.................................................................................................... 4
How To Measure Displacement........................................................................ 5
Tuning for Non-standard Trays......................................................................... 5
Tuning for Different Conditions of Tray Loading............................................... 6
REPAIRS................................................................................................................ 6
Coil Replacement............................................................................................. 6
Spring Change or Replacement....................................................................... 7
Armature Replacement..................................................................................... 8
The Hi-Vi Magnetic Drive Circuit....................................................................... 9
TROUBLESHOOTING......................................................................................... 10

Vibratory Feeder: Model HS36

Installation The black wires from each power cord should be
connected together and the white wires connected
MOUNTING together. The black wires should be connected
This Hi-Vi model should be mounted on a flat surface, to the line side of the input voltage and the white
fastened with bolts or screws of proper size. Use lock wires should be connected to the neutral side.
washers under the bolt heads. YOU ARE NOW READY TO START YOUR

Operation and
Do not operate the unit with associated equipment
touching any part of the unit.
To start the feeder after all connections have been
made, apply power to the line connected to the feeder.
If a controller is used, operate the switch on the
controller and adjust the output voltage to maximum
by rotating the control knob to the full clockwise
position. Ordinarily (at ordinary room temperatures)
the unit will take about two minutes to reach full
steady-state displacement.
ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS After full steady-state displacement has been attained,
NOTE: The Eriez Vibratory Feeder is designed to be use the controller to adjust the unit to the desired
operated from an AC source. It cannot be operated feed rate.
from a DC source.
No routine maintenance or lubrication is required,
All wiring should conform to all applicable except that any accumulation of foreign matter should
electrical codes. be periodically removed from between the tray-tiebar
1. Check the specifications of the power line to be assembly and the body, and from between the body
certain that they are the same as those shown on and the mounting surface, to prevent restriction of
the nameplate. movement of the vibratory elements.
2. Connect the black and white wires in the feeder
power cord to the power source or to the proper IMPORTANT NOTE:
terminals in the control box. Special Trays and Attachments
Eriez engineering service should always be consulted
3. Connect the green wire to the ground or to the
before undertaking the design or construction of
lug provided in the control box.
special trays. Neither standard nor special trays as
4. If using a control box, make all connections as furnished by Eriez should be modified or attachments
indicated on the control wiring diagram. made without first consulting us. Not doing so will void
5. Connect the ground lug in the control box to a warranty. (See Standard Tray Specifications.)
good earth ground (a cold water line is excellent).
6. On multiple drive feeders (two or more drives on TUNING GUIDE
one tray) all drives should be wired electrically in General Information
phase and in parallel. The tuning means is provided solely for the purpose
of mechanically tuning the unit, with its tray, to the
desired vibratory displacement at full voltage. When
a unit is furnished complete with tray, it is properly
tuned to the tray at the factory. Such tuning is naturally
somewhat different for trays of different size or weight.

Tuning is accomplished by changing the stiffness of With unit operating observe where the fine gray lines
the tuning spring stack of the feeder (see Figure 2). on the displacement sticker meet. This point will be
Variations in stiffness are obtained by changing the higher or lower as the displacement changes. Opposite
number of springs in the stack and/or by changing the the point where they meet, read amount
thickness of fiberglass springs. of displacement
The following general rules, which apply only to the
Tie bar
Rear tuning
spring stack feeder operating ideally on the “normal” side of its
“tuning curve,” should be borne in mind when making
tuning adjustments to increase or decrease
the displacement:
1. To DECREASE the tray displacement,
DECREASE the stiffness of the tuning springs.
2. To INCREASE the tray displacement, INCREASE
the stiffness of the tuning springs.
If decreasing or increasing the tuning spring stiffness
has an opposite effect, it means that the spring
stiffness is not great enough, and that the unit is
operating on the “opposite” side of its tuning curve.
The spring stiffness should be increased until the
behavior is in accordance with rules 1 and 2. The
unit can then be properly tuned to the
desired displacement.
In normal operation at full voltage, the total
displacement for standard size trays, measured at the As a guide to the stiffness of individual tuning springs,
back of the tray, is .090" to .100" (2.3 mm to 2.5 mm). each spring is marked with a code number- example,
For trays substantially larger than standard this normal 5‑27. The first number (5) is the number of fiberglass
displacement range should be reduced. Refer to the plies in the spring. The following number (27) indicates
serial number plate on your feeder for the amplitude the relative stiffness of the spring; the higher this
that your unit was tuned. number the stiffer the spring.
The total stiffness of the tuning spring stack is the
How to Measure Displacement sum of the relative stiffness numbers. By various
Position an Eriez displacement sticker on the outer combinations of different ply springs having different
side of the tray, near the rear of the tray and at an relative stiffnesses, practically any desired total
angle of 25° from vertical (see Figure 3). stiffness can be obtained.

Displacement sticker
(Note: See “Special Trays and Attachments”)
If it is necessary to tune the unit to an off-size or non-
standard tray, follow this procedure:
1. Attach the tray, making sure that all lockwashers
are in place and the fasteners tight.

.090" 2. Energize the unit at the nameplate voltage

and frequency.

.045" 3. A. During tuning, if a hammering or striking noise


appears during warm-ups or if such a noise
occurs when the unit is turned off and on quickly,
, Erie, PA
the displacement is well in excess of normal.
Stroke gauge under vibration
(shown at .090" displacement)


Vibratory Feeder: Model HS36

Operation and
Maintenance (cont.) Gap spacers

Whether striking or not, if the displacement

exceeds the normal range for that particular size
of tray (see Tuning Guide-General Information),
it must be reduced by substituting a tuning spring
of greater stiffness, or by changing one or more
springs, until approximately normal displacement
is attained at full voltage. Then use the controller
for fine or variable control of displacement and
feed rate. FIGURE 4
B. During tuning, if the displacement at full
voltage is above the nominal range for that
particular size tray, increase the tuning spring
stiffness by substituting springs of greater
stiffness to obtain the proper deflection.


Units with Eriez-built trays are factory tuned for
maximum displacement (approximately .090" to .100"
[2.3 mm to 2.5 mm]) with light loading (light head
load, light materials, limited depth of flow of heavier
materials). Ordinarily this tuning will not need to be AIR GAPS - ADJUST TO .093" (2.4 MM)
changed. In no case should the unit be permitted to FIGURE 5
deflect more than .100" (2.5 mm) without load. Air gap - Adjust to .105

CAUTION 2. Remove, in order, the bolts securing the upper

A small amount of striking during tuning is end of the rear tuning spring stack to the tiebar.
permissible, but must not be allowed during Lift the tray-tiebar-lever assembly away from the
regular operation since damage to the feeder body housing (see Figure 6).
can result.
3. Remove the bolts securing the electrical assembly
to the body housing and lift the assembly out of
the body housing (see Figure 7).
Repairs 4. If the coil is defective, the entire E-frame assembly
including the coil must be replaced (order from
COIL REPLACEMENT Eriez parts list).
Refer to the Parts List Drawing and Figs. 4, 5, 6 & 7.
5. In reassembling the unit, first center the armature
The following procedure should be followed in at the bottom of the body cavity; then insert the
removing and replacing the electrical assembly, which E-frame into the body cavity, making sure that
includes the coil: the center leg enters the space between the
1. Remove both nameplates and insert the two gap armature pole pieces. Insert the bolts securing
spacers (furnished with the unit) between the the electrical assembly and fasten only
E-frame center leg and the two armature pole finger tight.
pieces (see Figure 4 & 5).

6. Place the tray-tiebar-lever assembly into its
Tie bar original position and replace, in order, the bolts
securing (A) the lower end of the tiebar to the
armature adapter, (B) the lower ends of the
spring lever arms to the body housing, and (C)
the upper end of the rear tuning spring stack to
the tiebar. Make sure that all tuning spring
spacers are in place and that all bolts are tight.
7. Loosen the electrical assembly bolts slightly and
roughly center the E-frame center leg between
the pole pieces. Insert the two spacers between
the E-frame center leg and the pole pieces and
adjust the electrical assembly forward or
backward until both spacers move freely in the
gaps. Tighten the electrical assembly plate and
replace the nameplates.


Refer to the Parts List Drawing and Figure 8.
Although the non-metallic springs used in the Feeder
FIGURE 6 have outstanding life characteristics, failure may
eventually occur, especially if the displacement is
greater than normal. The symptoms of such failure
will be:
1. Erratic behavior of the unit.
2. Greatly reduced displacement.
Electrical assembly If spring failure is suspected, the rear tuning spring
stack should be removed after first inserting the two
gap spacers between the center leg of the E-frame
and the two pole pieces (Figure 8). The purpose of
this is to hold the tiebar or tray-tiebar assembly in
position while the tuning springs are removed.
Armature Gap spacers


Body housing



Vibratory Feeder: Model HS36

Repairs (cont.) silicone product) and press them partly into place
with the thumbs. Then tap the springs back into
If after inspection of the rear tuning spring stack, place, again using the small supporting block
the front stack is suspected, use the ARMATURE between tiebar and work surface. Make sure that
REPLACEMENT procedure as a guide for the springs go in straight and protrude equally at
re-assembly with special attention to the washer both ends of both spring holes.
shaped spacers between the spring bar and armature. 4. Replace the lever arms, tightening the two
fastening bolts securely, and remove the two
Carefully examine each tuning spring for signs of gap spacers. If a new elastomer spring has
delamination or breakage, especially in the area next been installed, it may be necessary to retune the
to the spring shims. A failed spring can be recognized feeder. See Tuning Guide.
by the appearance of the spring surface. If this surface
is discolored or has a patchy whitish appearance,
perhaps accompanied by surface burying or other CAUTION
irregularity, the spring is defective and should be Make sure that all of the fasteners in the assembly
replaced with a new spring ordered from the parts list. are tight or torqued to spec at all times. Periodic
checks for tightness should be made to insure
If the feeder still exhibits signs of spring malfunction against possible malfunction or damage due to
after the tuning spring has been checked and replaced, loose parts.
check the two cylindrical elastomer springs after first
inserting the two gap spacers, then removing the
spring lever arms, and finally removing the elastomer Torque
springs in the following manner: Part Bolt Size
m-kgs ft-lbs
1. Lay the unit on its side, making sure that the gap Rear Spring Bolts M8-1.25 2.8 20.2
spacers stay in place, and use a small hammer
Front Tie Bar Bolts M8-1.25 2.8 20.2
and flattened round bar or dowel to tap the
elastomer spring out of the body housing. Next, Elastomer Nut M12-1.75 7.4 53.5
support the tiebar with a small block between the Front Spring Bolts M8-1.25 2.8 20.2
tiebar and work surface, and tap the elastomer Electrical Assembly Bolts M8-1.25 2.8 20.2
spring out of the tiebar. Diaphragm Bolts M8-1.25 2.8 20.2
2. Carefully examine both springs for signs of failure Tray Bolt M8-1.25 3.0 22
and replace if such signs are found. A failed
spring will exhibit one or more of the Table 1
following characteristics: Torque Chart HS36
A. Looseness of the spring combined with signs
of rubbing or abrasion at the outer surface of ARMATURE REPLACEMENT
the cylinder. Looseness of the metal sleeve. Refer to the Parts List Drawing and Figs. 4, 5, 6 & 7.
B. Small crack in the elastomer around the end Prolonged striking may damage the armature to an
of the metal sleeve, possibly with small extent that it will have to be replaced. If this should
abraded particles of the elastomer present. become necessary, order a new armature from the
C. Tackiness of the elastomer around the metal parts list and begin by following the same instructions
sleeve and at the outer surface of the cylinder, as for coil replacement.
possibly with some outward bulging of
the elastomer. 1. Continue by removing, in order, the bolts securing
(A) the upper end of the front tuning spring
3. In replacing the elastomer springs, lay the unit stacks to the spring bar and (B) the spring bar to
on its side so that the chamfered ends of the the armature. Retain the washer shaped spacers
spring holes are up. After making sure that the located between the spring bar and armature.
holes and their chamfered ends are clean and
free from obstructions, lubricate the elastomer 2. Remove the bolts securing the elastomer
spring with a solution of water and 10% of liquid diaphragm to the body housing and lift the
dishwasher soap (NEVER use a petroleum or armature out of the body cavity.

3. To reassemble the unit reverse the above This results in four forces accumulating to drive the
procedure. Be sure to reinstall the washer armature in the same direction. It also results in
shaped spacers. closing the magnetic circuit through the electromagnet
4. Final assembly as follows: providing a magnetizing effect on the permanent
magnet on each side of the sine wave. The
• Check that the electrical E-frame and armature
demagnetizing force is very minor for the attracting
assemblies are positioned with gap bars
force, and the magnetic lines of flux would much
provided. (Hand tight).
prefer to be attracted than repelled. This always tends
• Attach the tie bar to the rear of the body to place the permanent magnet in a magnetizing
housing using the existing rear tuning spring circuit regardless of where the AC current is on
stack, and bolts. (Tighten). the sine wave. As the polarity of the electromagnet
• Attach lever arm assembly. (Hand tight). changes, all of the forces are reversed and the
• Connect the tie bar to the front of the armature permanent magnet armature is driven in the
adapter. (Torque - see Table 1). opposite direction.
• Check clearances. (Gap bars). POTENTIOMETER
• Tighten front spring stack. (Torque - see Table 1). ELECTRO-MAGNET POWER
• Tighten rear spring stack. (Torque - see Table 1).
• Tighten electrical E-frame assembly.
(Torque - see Table 1).
• Check all fasteners.
(Check torque - see Table 1).


Old-style electromagnetic equipment has an MOVING MASS

inefficient attract-release type operation, where a Figure 9

mass mounted on springs is attracted by a DC
electromagnet and returned to its original position
solely by the springs. The new Hi-Vi method
incorporates a lifetime permanent ceramic magnet CAUTION
and is operated directly from an alternating Operation from portable engine driven
current line. power plants.
In the Hi-Vi method, the spring‑mounted mass is
alternately both attracted and repelled by an AC Varying and unstable line frequency has a diverse
electromagnet assisted by the springs. effect on vibratory feeders because they are tuned
mechanical devices, designed around either 50 or
Intermeshing a fixed polarity permanent magnet with 60 cycle operating frequency. Shifts in the operating
an alternating polarity AC electromagnet eliminates point due to changes in frequency (+ or -1 cycle) can
the rectifier since you would have an alternating cause higher than normal spring stress, striking and
attracting and repelling force as the polarity of the high line currents which can cause drive and tray
electromagnet alternated. failure. When operating from portable engine-driven
It will be noted that the pole pieces of the permanent power plants, be certain that the engine is up to
magnet are intermeshed in the air gaps of an speed and all other loads are started and at running
electromagnet. The polarity of the permanent magnet speed before starting the electromagnet feeder.
is fixed; the polarity of the electromagnet alternates The feeder should always be stopped first when the
at the line frequency. We have shown the polarity of engine-driven power plant is shut down.
the electromagnet as it would exist on one side of the
sine wave. Note that both poles of the permanent
magnet are being attracted toward the unlike
electromagnet poles. They are also being repelled in
the same direction by the like electromagnet poles.

Vibratory Feeder: Model HS36

Table 2
Service Chart

Foreign Material Between

Tampering or Changing

Loose Spring Clamp or

Sympathetic Vibration
Tray & Reaction Mass
Tray Mounting Bolts

in Other Equipment

Line Voltage or Hz

Abrasive Material

Product Variation
Incorrect Factory

Other Equipment
Incorrect Voltage

Incorrect Tuning

Other Electrical
Poor or Broken

In Contact with

Circuit Breaker
of Base or Tray

Control Failure
PROBLEM Misapplication

Blown Fuse or
Spring Failure

Weld on Tray


Corrosive or
Coil Failure

Reduced or Low
Output 1 2 5 6 7 8 9 11 13 14 16 19


Noisy but Output

Okay 2 3 8 9 10 11 12 13

Noisy Certain
11 13 14
Periods Only
2 4 5 7 13 15 16
Develop After Satisfactory

Operating But
2 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 17 19
Reduced Output
Initial Operation

Output Okay
2 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Too Much Noise
Gradual 5 7 8 9 10 13 19
Tray Wear 18
Flow 10 11 14 17
2 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 19



1. Misapplication Replace coil or coil and E-frame assembly.
Feeder too small. Product difficult or impossible Order from Eriez parts lists. Follow maintenance
to handle. Impossible temperatures or instructions carefully.
atmospheres. Impossible dimensional 5. Control Failure
requirements. Feeding requirements too precise Check for burned out powerstat or rheostat,
or excessive. Consult Eriez. defective capacitor, defective switch, loose
2. Tampering or Changing of Base or Tray wiring, defective transformer (if used). Order
Improper disassembly, extensions, covers, new parts from Eriez. Possibility special control
weights, screens or other modifications or needed. Consult Engineering.
attachments may have affected performance. 6. Incorrect voltage
Reassemble in accordance with printed Check nameplate specifications and line voltage.
instructions or consult Eriez.
7. Spring Failure
3. Loose Spring Clamp or Tray Mounting Bolts See maintenance instructions. Disassemble for
Tighten all bolts. examination. Tuning spring failure will show up
as white areas. Order new parts from factory
and replace per instructions.

8. Foreign Material
Examine and remove foreign material.
9. Incorrect Tuning
See maintenance instructions. To decrease
displacement and output and eliminate striking,
use fewer or thinner tuning springs. To increase
displacement, use more or thicker tuning springs.
10. Poor or Broken Weld on Tray
Check and correct.
11. Incorrect Factory Adjustment
See maintenance instructions
(Gap adjustments.)
12. Sympathetic Vibration in Other Equipment
Check and correct.
13. Contact with Other Equipment
Check and correct.
14. Line Voltage or Hz Variation
Check and install voltage regulator if necessary.
Check and install Hz regulator.
15. Blown Fuse or Circuit Breaker
Check for short circuits and correct.
16. Other Electrical Connections
Check all connections and correct.
17. Shockmount Deterioration
Check and correct.
18. Corrosive or Abrasive Material
May require special tray. Consult Eriez.
19. Product Variation
If product density, moisture content or other
characteristics vary, customer should take own
corrective measures.

Vibratory Feeder: Model HS36

Eriez and Eriez Magnetics are registered trademarks of Eriez Manufacturing Co, Erie, PA ©2019 Eriez Magnetics All Rights Reserved

World Authority in Separation Technologies 

Headquarters: 2200 Asbury Road, Erie, PA 16506-1402 U.S.A.
Telephone: 814-835-6000 • Fax: 814-838-4960
www.eriez.com e-mail: [email protected]



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