Sainik School, Amaravathinagar (TN)
Sainik School, Amaravathinagar (TN)
Sainik School, Amaravathinagar (TN)
The list of candidates who are selected for Admission and placed in Waiting
List to Classes VI and IX for Academic year 2021-22 post Written Examination and
Medical Examination in various categories are given below. It is intimated that the
admission is provisional and will only be confirmed after verification of records and
SC (Home State)
7701040114 7701040070 7701020251 7702010366 7701030204 7701020094
ST (Home State)
7701040120 7705010026 7701020217
SC (Other State)
5509030036 7801080163
ST (Other State)
SC (Home State)
7704010065 7702010331
ST (Home State)
ST (Other State)
Note: The admission process in the category of OBC (Home State) for girls has
not been completed. A separate notification concerning the Merit List and
waiting List in the category of OBC (Home State) for Girls will be published on
completion of Medical Examination.
Page -3
SC (Home State)
ST (Home State)
7701017224 7701017210
SC (Other State)
SC (Home State)
7701030056 7701030008 7702010123 7701040136 7701020286 7701050003
7704010086 7701020202 7701020064 7703010092 7701050028 7701030284
ST (Home State)
7301010009 7702010415 7701030114 7703010014
SC (Other State)
5209020183 7301010052 7301010091 7701020223 7301010077
ST (Other State)
5203010048 7301010059
SC (Home State)
7701040145 7701030201
ST (Home State)
ST (Other State)
Note: The admission process in the category of OBC (Home State) for girls has
not been completed. A separate notification concerning the Merit List and
waiting List in the category of OBC (Home State) for Girls will be published on
completion of Medical Examination.
SC (Home State)
7701017145 7702017163
ST (Home State)
SC (Other State)