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Real Depth in PHYSICS Measurement: Solution

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Real Depth in PHYSICS Measurement RajibSir : 9874834570

Exercise 1(A)
QUESTION 1 : What is meant by measurement?
Solution. Measurement is the process of comparing a given physical quantity with a known
standard quantity of the same nature.

QUESTION 2: What do you understand by the term unit?

Solution. Unit is a quantity of constant magnitude which is used to measure the magnitudes
of other quantities of the same manner.

QUESTION 3: What are the three requirements for selecting a unit of a Physical quantity?
Solution .The three requirements for selecting a unit of a physical quantity are
1. It should be possible to define the unit without ambiguity.
2. The unit should be reproducible.
3. The value of units should not change with space and time.

QUESTION 4: Name the three fundamental quantities.

Solution. Length , mass, time

QUESTION 5: Name the 3 system of unit and state the various fundamental units in them.
Solution .Three systems of unit and their fundamental units:
1. C.G.S. system (or French system): In this system, the unit of length is centimeter
(cm), unit of mass is gramme (g) and unit of time is second (s).
2. F.P.S. system (or British system): In this system, the unit of length is foot (ft), unit of
mass is pound (lb) and unit of time is second (s).
3. M.K.S. system (or metric system): In this system, the unit of length is metre (m), unit
of mass is kilogramme (kg) and unit of time is second (s).

QUESTION 6: Define a fundamental unit.

Solution .A fundamental (or basic) unit is that which is independent of any other unit or
which can neither be changed nor can be related to any other fundamental unit.

QUESTION 7: What are the fundamental units in S.I. System? Name with their symbols.
Solution .Fundamental quantities, units and symbols in S.I. system are
Quantity Unit Symbol
Length metre m
Mass kilogramme kg
Time second s
Temperature kelvin K
Luminous intensity candela cd
Electric current ampere A
Amount of substance mole mol
Angle radian rd
Solid angle steradian st-rd
Real Depth in PHYSICS Measurement RajibSir : 9874834570
Real Depth in PHYSICS Measurement RajibSir : 9874834570
QUESTION 8: Explain the meaning of derived unit with the help of one example.
Solution 8. The units of quantities other than those measured in fundamental units can be
obtained in terms of the fundamental units, and thus the units so obtained are called derived
Example: Speed = Distance/time
Hence, the unit of speed = fundamental unit of distance/fundamental unit of time
Or, the unit of speed = metre/second or ms-1.
As unit of speed is derived from the fundamental units of distance and time, it is derived unit.

QUESTION 9: Define standard meter.

Solution .A metre was originally defined in 1889 as the distance between two marks drawn
on a platinum-iridium (an alloy with 90% platinum and 10% iridium) rod kept at 0 o C in the
International Bureau of Weights and Measures at serves near Paris.

QUESTION 10: Name two units of length which are bigger than a metre.
How are they related to the metre?
Solution .Astronomical unit (A.U.) and kilometer (km) are units of length which are bigger
than a metre.
1 km = ……………… m 1 A.U. = ………………………………. m

QUESTION 11: Write the names of two units of length smaller than a metre. Express their
relationship with metre.
Solution . Centimeter (cm) and millimeter (mm) are units of length smaller than a metre.

1 cm = ……………. m1 mm = ………………. m

QUESTION 12: How is nanometre related to angstrom?

Solution .1 nm = ……………… Å

QUESTION 13: Name the three convenient units used to measure length ranging from very
short to very long value. How are they related to the S.I. Unit?
Solution .Three convenient units of length and their relation with the S.I. unit of length:

1 Angstrom (Å) = ……… m 1 kilometre (km) = ………… m

1 light year (ly) = ……………………….. m

QUESTION 14: Name the S.I. Unit of mass and define it.
Solution .S.I. unit of mass is ‘kilogramme’.
In 1889, one kilogramme was defined as the mass of a cylindrical piece of a platinum-iridium
alloy kept at the International Bureau of Weights and Measures at serves near Paris.

QUESTION 15: Complete the following: (a) 1 light year=.................................m

(b) 1 m = ……………..Å (c) 1 m = ……………..µ

(d) 1 micron = ……………Å (e) 1 fermi = ……………m

Real Depth in PHYSICS Measurement RajibSir : 9874834570
Real Depth in PHYSICS Measurement RajibSir : 9874834570
QUESTION 16:State two units of mass smaller than a kilogram. How are they related to the
Solution .The units ‘gramme’ (g) and ‘milligramme’ (mg) are two units of mass smaller than
1 g = ……………. kg1 mg = ………………. kg
QUESTION 17: State two units of mass bigger than a kilogram. Give their relationship
with the kilogram.
Solution .The units ‘quintal’ and ‘metric tonne’ are two units of mass bigger than


1 quintal = …………… kg1 metric tonne = …………… kg

QUESTION 18: Complete the following: (a) 1 g=..............kg(b) 1 mg=..............kg

(c) 1 quintal=..............kg(d) 1 amu or u =..............kg

QUESTION 19: Name the S.I. Unit of time and define it.
Solution.The S.I. unit of time is second (s).
A second is defined as 1/86400th part of a mean solar day, i.e.

QUESTION 20:Name2 units of time bigger than a second. How are they related to the
Solution.The units ‘minute’ (min) and ‘year’ (yr) are two units of time bigger than second(s).

1 min = …………….. s1 yr = ……………………………. s

QUESTION 21: What is a leap year?

Solution .A leap year is the year in which the month of February has 29 days.
QUESTION 22: "The year 2016 will have February of 29 days". Is the statement true?
Solution.Yes, the given statement is true.
QUESTION 23: What is a lunar month?
Solution .One lunar month is the time in which the moon completes one revolution around
the earth. A lunar month is made of nearly 4 weeks.
QUESTION 24:Complete the following: (a) 1 nano second=..............s

(b) 1 micro second=..............s(c) 1 mean solar day=..............s(d) 1 year=..............s

QUESTION 25:Name the physical quantities which are measured in the following units:
(a) u. (b) ly. (c) ns (d) nm

Solution.(a) (b) (c) (d)

Real Depth in PHYSICS Measurement RajibSir : 9874834570

Real Depth in PHYSICS Measurement RajibSir : 9874834570
QUESTION 26: Write the derived units of the following: (a) speed (b) force (c) work (d)

Solution.(a) (b) (c) (d)

QUESTION 27: How are the following derived units related with the fundamental units?
(a) newton (b) watt (c) Joule (d) Pascal
Solution.(a) (b) (c) (d)
QUESTION 28: Name the physical quantities related to the following units:
(a) km (b) newton (c) Joule (d) Pascal (e) watt

Solution.(a) (b) (c) (d) (f)

Multiple choice Questions.
1. The fundamental unit is (a) newton (b) Pascal (c) Hertz (d) second
2. Which of the following is not a fundamental unit: (a) meter (b) litres (c) second (d) kilogram
3. The the unit of time is (a) light year (b) parsec (c) leap year (d) angstrom
4. 1 Angstrom is equal to (a) 0.1 nm (b) 10 -10 cm (c) 10 -8 m (d) 10 4 µ
5. ly is the unit of (a) time (b) length (c) mass (d) none of these
6. Which of the following is not a fundamental unit?
(a) Second (b) Ampere (c) Candela (d) Newton.
7. Which of the following is a fundamental unit?(a) m/s2 (b) Joule (c) Newton (d) metre
8. Which is not a unit of distance?(a) metre (b) millimetre (c) Leap year (d) kilometre
II Fill in the blanks
1. The unit is which we measure the quantity is called ……………………. quantity.
2. One light year is equal to ……………………….. m.
3. One mean solar day = …………………. sec
4. One year = ………………………………. sec
5. One micrometre = …………………. m.
Question .A body measures 25 m. State the unit and the magnitude of unit in the statement.
Answer:S.I. unit of length i.e. metre (m). Magnitude of the given quantity = 25
Question .State four characteristics of a standard unit.
Answer:Characteristics of standard unit :
1. It should be of convenient size.
2. It should not change with respect to place and time.
3. It should be well defined.
4. It should be easily reproduced.
Question .Give two examples of derived unit.
Answer: 1. Area = length × breadth
Now metre is unit of length and breadth, so S.I. unit of area is obtained by multiplying the
fundamental unit ‘m’ with itself. So, m2 is the derived unit of area.

Real Depth in PHYSICS Measurement RajibSir : 9874834570

Real Depth in PHYSICS Measurement RajibSir : 9874834570
2. Density = Mass/volume
S.I. unit of density i.e. kg/m3 is the derived unit of density because it can be obtained by
combining two fundamental units kilogram and metre.

Question .Name the convenient unit you will use to measure :

(a) length of a hall (b) width of a book (c) diameter of hair (d) distance between two cities.
Answer:(a) (b) (c) (d)
Question . Name the most convenient unit of mass you will use to measure :
1. Mass of small amount of a medicine.
2. The grain output of a state
3. The bag of sugar
4. Mass of a cricket ball.

Question .State or define the following terms :

1. Solar day
2. Mean solar day
3. An hour
4. Minute
5. Second
6. Year.
(i) Solar day : The time taken by the earth to complete one rotation about its own axis is
called solar day.
(ii) Mean solar day : The average of the varying solar days, when the earth completes one
revolution around the sun, is called mean solar day.
(iii) An hour : It is defined as the 1/24 th part of the mean solar day.
(iv) Minute : It is defined as the 1/1440 part of the mean solar day.
(v) Second : “A second is defined as 1/86400 th part of a mean solar day.”
Second may also be defined “as to be equal to the duration of9,192,631,770 vibrations
corresponding to the transition between two hyperfme levels of caesium – 133 atom in the
ground state.”
(vi) Year : One year is defined as the time in which earth completes one complete revolution
around the sun.

Real Depth in PHYSICS Measurement RajibSir : 9874834570

Real Depth in PHYSICS Measurement RajibSir : 9874834570
1.Wavelength of light of a particular colour is 5800 Å. Express it in (a) nanometre, (b) metre.
Solution .Wavelength of light of particular colour = 5800 Å

(a) (i) 1 Å = …………. nm5800 Å = .5800 × ……………. nm=…………….. nm

(ii) 1 Å = …………… m5800 Å = 5800 × …………… m= ………………………… m

2. The size of a bacteria is 1 µ. Find the number of bacteria in 1 m length.

Solution .Size of a bacteria = 1 µSince 1 µ = ………………… m

Number of the particle = Total length/size ofone bacteria= 1 m/………………. M= ………

3. The distance of a galaxy from the earth is. 5.6 x 10 25m . Assuming the speed of light to be
3 x 108 m /s, Find the time taken by light to travel this distance.
Solution .Distance of galaxy = 5.6 × 1025 m , Speed of light = 3 × 108 m/s
(a) Time taken by light = Distance travelled/speed of light
= (5.6 × 1025 / 3 × 108) s= …………………………. s
4. The wavelength of light is 589 nm. What is its wavelength in Å?

Solution .Wavelength of light = 589 nm= 589 × ……………… m= …………………….. m

5. The mass of an oxygen atom is 16 u. Find its mass in kg.

Solution .Mass of an oxygen atom = 16.00 uNow, 1 u = …………………………… kg

Hence, mass of oxygen in kg = 16 × ………………………. kg= …..……………………… kg

6. It takes 8 minutes for light to reach from the sun to the Earth surface. If speed of light is
taken to be 3 x 10 8 m/ s, find the distance from the sun to the earth in km.
Solution 6N.Time taken by light to reach from the Sun to the Earth = 8 min = ………….s.
Speed of light = 3 × 108 m/s
Distance from the Sun to the Earth = Speed × time= 3 × 108 × ……………. m

= ……………..× 108 m= ……………………..km

7. "The distance of a star from the Earth is 8.33 light minutes", what do you mean by the
statement? Express the distance in metre.
Solution 7N.The statement ‘the distance of a star from the Earth is 8.33 light minutes’ means
that the light from the star takes 8.33 minutes to reach Earth.

Real Depth in PHYSICS Measurement RajibSir : 9874834570

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