Bill of Quantity (BOQ) : Current Tender Details
Bill of Quantity (BOQ) : Current Tender Details
Bill of Quantity (BOQ) : Current Tender Details
Bill Of Quantity (BOQ)
PRICE SCHEDULE – A Civil and Pipeline Works | PRICE SCHEDULE – A Civil and Pipeline Works Part 2 | PRICE SCHEDULE – B Mechanical Works | PRICE SCHEDULE – C
Electrical Works | PRICE SCHEDULE – C Electrical Works Part 2 | PRICE SCHEDULE – D Instrumentation Works | View All SubWorks
5. 1A(iii)(a) Internal and Approach road at 325.0000 Rmt. 0.0000
( zero only )
MPS-2, 5 M wide as per drawing at 1/14/2019
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Head work.
6. 1A(iii)(b) -Do-At MPS-3-Do- 377.0000 Rmt. 0.0000
( zero only )
Storm water drain at MPS-2 as per 0.0000
7. 1A(iv)(a) 200.0000 Rmt. 0.0000
drawing for Head work. ( zero only )
8. 1A(iv)(b) -Do- At MPS-3-Do- 310.0000 Rmt. 0.0000
( zero only )
Security cabin of (3.0 M X 3.0 M) - 0.0000
9. 1A(v) 2.0000 No. 0.0000
2 Nos. at MPS-2 and MPS-3. ( zero only )
Construction of staff quarters at
MPS-2 and MPS-3. twin unit as per
drawing at Head works (With
10. 1B required water supply ,sanitary 2.0000 No. 0.0000
( zero only )
arrangement, electrification etc.
complete- Two dwelling units at
head works)
Designing and Constructing 105
Lacs liters capacity RCC Under
Ground Sump at MPS-2 with inlet 0.0000
11. 2A 1.0000 No. 0.0000
and Overflow chamber and ( zero only )
overflow Channel with required
suction pit etc. Complete
-Do- 105 lacs Litres capacity at 0.0000
12. 2B 1.0000 No. 0.0000
MPS-3 - Do- ( zero only )
Designing and Constructing Pump
House partially over underground
sump at MPS-2 in R.C.C. frame
structure of minimum size 25 M x
12 M with minimum 15.0 M height
from Plinth Level with loading
unloading bay with required
column, beam, bottom, slab, top 0.0000
13. 3A(i) 1.0000 No. 0.0000
slab with reinforcement, ( zero only )
plastering, painting, floor finishing,
etc. The trash rack arrangement is
to be arranged in sump area with
2 Ton E.O.T. arrangement with
required R.C.C. column, beam,
slab, G.I. railing, structural steel
etc. complete at P.S. 1/14/2019
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(a) Design, engineering,
procurement, installation, testing
and commissioning of Gapless
type, Lightning Arresters, suitable
for 66kV system voltage (b)
Design, engineering, procurement,
installation, testing and
commissioning of 66kV, 1000
Amps, Double Break Manual
Isolator with earth switch. (c)
Design, engineering, procurement,
installation, testing and
commissioning of 66kV, 1000
Amps, Double Break Manual
Isolator without earth switch. (d)
Design, engineering, procurement,
installation, testing and
commissioning of 66kV, 630 Amp,
SF6 - Circuit breaker. (e) Design,
engineering, procurement,
installation, testing and
commissioning of 66kV Dead Tank 1/14/2019
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commissioning of Power
Transformers 66 KV/ 6.6 KV, 11.5
MVA, Dyn11, ONAN, +10% to
–10% range in step of
1.25% with OLTC, RTCC Panel,
temperature rise in oil/winding
50/55 c above ambient
temperature with neutral brought
out connected to provide separate
earthing including terminal 0.0000
2 2.0000 Nos. 0.0000
arrangement bushing on HT side ( zero only )
and cable box on LT side as per
requirement with standard fittings
confirming to IS 2026 and its
latest amendment accessories
complete with fire and safety
norms and No load - Load losses
as per CBIP manual. Earthing of
transformer shall be as per IS -
3043 and tender specification.
RESISTORS Design, engineering,
procurement, installation, testing
and commissioning of 6.6 KV , 0.0000
114. 3 2.0000 Nos. 0.0000
1006.02 Amps, 3.79 Ohms,10 ( zero only )
Secs. . Neutral Grounding
Resistors as per IS IEEE-32 and
tender specification..
engineering, procurement,
installation, testing and
commissioning of 66 KV H.T line
and transformer as per latest
applicable standard and tender
specification . (a) 630 Amp SF6
breaker, 120/1 Amp CT ratio :. 01
No. For line control (b) 630
Amp ,SF6 breaker , 120/1 Amp.
CT ratio : 02 Nos For transformer 0.0000
115. 4 1.0000 No. 0.0000
control (c) SF6 confirming as per ( zero only )
I.S. for use on 66 KV, 3 phase,
50Hz.. unearthed A.C. supply
system having short circuit current
capacity of 25KA for 3sec (d)
CandR panel comprising of
numerical relays, differential
protection relay, over current,
earth fault relays, Under voltage,
Over voltage and semaphore etc.
(e) All panel shall be suitable for
PLC -SCADA compatibility 1/14/2019
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S.No. Item No. Item Description Qty Unit Tender Rate(INR) Amount(INR)
(a) Design, engineering,
procurement, installation, testing
and commissioning of Gapless
type, Lightning Arresters, suitable
for 66kV system voltage (b)
Design, engineering, procurement,
installation, testing and
commissioning of 66kV, 1000
Amps, Double Break Manual
Isolator with earth switch. (c)
Design, engineering, procurement,
installation, testing and
commissioning of 66kV, 1000
Amps, Double Break Manual
Isolator without earth switch. (d)
Design, engineering, procurement,
installation, testing and
commissioning of 66kV, 630 Amp,
SF6 - Circuit breaker. (e) Design,
engineering, procurement,
installation, testing and
commissioning of 66kV Dead Tank
Type CT having CT ratio as per
immediate load requirement by
138. client ,CL- 0.2S , 5VA, (For Tariff
metering as per GETCO
specification) (03 Nos) on incomer
(f) Design, engineering,
procurement, installation, testing
and commissioning of 66kV Dead
Tank Type CT having CT ratio
65/1,CL- 0.2S , 5VA, no. of cores-
2, (For Tariff metering as per
GETCO specification) (03 Nos) on
incomer for full load. (g)Design,
engineering, procurement,
installation, testing and
commissioning of 66kV Dead Tank
Type CT having CT ratio 65/1,CL-
0.5S , 5VA, no. of cores-4, (03
Nos) on incomer (h)Design,
engineering, procurement,
installation, testing and
commissioning of 66kV Dead Tank
Type CT having CT ratio 65/1,CL-
0.5 ,15VA, no. of cores-4
(Transformer side),(06 Nos) (i)
Design, engineering, procurement,
installation, testing and
commissioning of 1/14/2019
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66kV/√3 /
110/√3 / 110/√3 ,
CL- 0.2 S, 10VA ,No. of cores 2, ,
Potential Transformer.(For tariff
metering as per GETCO) , Energy
meter digital type (For tariff
metering as per GETCO) (03 Nos.)
on incomer (j)Design, engineering,
procurement, installation, testing
and commissioning of
66kV/√3 /
110/√3 / 110/√3 /
110/√3 No. of cores 3,
Class,100VA, Potential
Transformer.(03 Nos) on incomer
(k)Design, engineering,
procurement, installation, testing
and commissioning of
66kV/√3 /
110/√3 / 110/√3 /
110/√3 No. of cores 3,
Class,100VA, Potential
Transformer. (For Bus PT) (l)
Galvanized Steel structure for
receiving 66 kV GEB and
installation of CT, PT, Lighting 0.0000
1 1.0000 Lot 0.0000
Arrestors, Isolators with/without ( zero only )
Earth switch, SF6 Circuit breaker
in the 66 kV switchyard including
all gentree structure, equipments
structure and fencing. (m)
Procurement and installation of
ACSR Conductors / Clamps /
Connectors, 66KV Bus post
insulator, Tension insulator for
66KV switchyard for polluted
atmosphere etc. complete as per
specifications and as directed by
the Engineer-in-Charge. (n)
Design, engineering, procurement,
installation, testing and
commissioning of Earthing
System-to be connected with
equipments like power and
auxiliary transformers, CTs-
PTs,Isolators, breaker, lightning
arrestors, galvanized structures
etc. in the 66 KV switchyard as
per switch yard tender drawing
and tender specification. (o)
Design ,engineering, procurement,
installation, testing and 1/14/2019
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commissioning of lightning
protection system for protection of
Electrical Equipment and human
safety . (p)Design, engineering,
procurement and installation of
Cable tray ladder and perforated
type and associated tees elbows
and reducers including coupler
plates etc., for systematic laying
of power and control cables in
trench. (q) All civil works
necessary for switch yard (r)
Design, engineering, procurement
and installation necessary fire and
safety arrangement for switchyard
equipments as per latest fire and
safety norm . (s) Necessary
approval from government
Inspecting authority before
charging of switchyard
engineering, procurement,
installation, testing and
commissioning of Power
Transformers 66 KV/ 6.6 KV, 6000
KVA, Dyn11, ONAN, +10% to
–10% range in step of
1.25% with OLTC, RTCC Panel,
temperature rise in oil/winding
50/55 c above ambient
temperature with neutral brought
139. 2 out connected to provide separate 2.0000 Nos. 0.0000
( zero only )
earthing including terminal
arrangement bushing on HT side
and cable box on LT side as per
requirement with standard fittings
confirming to IS 2026 and its
latest amendment accessories
complete with fire and safety
norms and No load - Load losses
as per CBIP manual. Earthing of
transformer shall be as per IS -
3043 and tender specification.
RESISTORS Design, engineering,
procurement, installation, testing
and commissioning of 6.6 KV , 0.0000
140. 3 2.0000 Nos. 0.0000
524.88 Amps, 7.26 Ohms,10 Secs. ( zero only )
. Neutral Grounding Resistors as
per IS IEEE-32 and tender
specification.. 1/14/2019
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Frequency - 50 Hz (+/- 5 %)
Starter Protection - S/C,u/Phase
unbalance, Phase failure Built in
communication as per RS 485
Under Voltage release type Earth
Fault Release EF1 (10%,20% Ir)
Door Inter Lock PLC-SCADA
compatibility. 7 (b) 6.6 KV HT
engineering, procurement,
installation, testing and
commissioning of Capacitor Panel
for 6.6 kV HV Motor Capacitor
panel consist of 6.6 kV off load
isolator, HV fuse, series detuned
reactor and capacitor unit with
comprehensive protection i.e. 0.0000
144. 7 4.0000 Nos 0.0000
Under voltage, over voltage, ( zero only )
neutral voltage displacement /
Neutral current transformer,
internal discharge resistor etc. 450
KVAr capacitor bank for
continuous duty to improve power
factor up to 0.98 with bus-bar
chamber having 2 mm thick sheet
steel enclosure with earth
terminals and all necessary
protective equipments and
accessories with IP 42 protection
etc. complete as per specifications
and as directed by the Engineer-
in- Charge. Soft starrer shall be
suitable for PLC-SCADA
compatibility. 1/14/2019
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enclosures of 2 mm thick, IP 55
protection, louvers complete as
per applicable standard and tender
Supply , Installation, Testing and
commissioning approved make
LDB and PBD with TPN phase
161. 17 segregated DB comprising of CRCA 3.0000 Nos 0.0000
( zero only )
sheet steel, double door, powder
coated with provision of FP
MCB/Isolator/RCCB as modular
incomer and SP MCB as outgoing ,
IP-54 protection 8 way -Metal door
Providing printed instruction chart
both in english and gujarati and
duly frame with front glasses of
treatment of person suffering from
electric shock. (ii) Providing pair of
rubber hand gloves (iii) Supplying
6 mm thick rubber mat of required
length. (iv) Supplying 12 mm thick
rubber mat of required length. (v)
Supplying standard first aid box
with all the standard
content/medical items (vi) Supply
fire bucket round bottom of 9 Ltr.
Capacity made out of 24 gauge GI
sheet with extra handle at bottom
duly painted white inside and Red
162. 18 out side with FIRE mark. filled with 1.0000 Lot 0.0000
( zero only )
drysand and kept on existing
stand provided or hug on wall
hook. (vii) Supplying and erecting
floor mounting stand for keeping
four nos. of FIRE buckets
comprising 1500 mm in length
900 mm height frame made out of
30mm x 30mm x4 mm angle iron
with cross supports for legs,
welded with 4 hooks and duly
painted with one coat of red lead
and two coats of approved
enamelled silver paint. (viii)
Supplying and erecting carbon
dioxide (CO2) fire extinguisher
user of following capacity with
necessary clamps made from 50 x
6 mm M.S. Flat with nut and bolts 1/14/2019
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PRICE SCHEDULE – A Civil and Pipeline Works
PRICE SCHEDULE – A Civil and Pipeline Works Part 2
PRICE SCHEDULE – B Mechanical Works
PRICE SCHEDULE – C Electrical Works
PRICE SCHEDULE – C Electrical Works Part 2
PRICE SCHEDULE – D Instrumentation Works
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