27,30 - The Saudi Building Code (SBC) - PDF - 112-112

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USE AND OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION Emergency power system. An emergency power system shall be provided in

Group H-5 occupancies where required in Section The emergency
power system shall be designed to supply power automatically to required
electrical systems when the normal electrical supply system is interrupted. Where required. Emergency power shall be provided for electrically operated
equipment and connected control circuits for the following systems:
1. HPM exhaust ventilation systems.
2. HPM gas cabinet ventilation systems.
3. HPM exhausted enclosure ventilation systems.
4. HPM gas room ventilation systems.
5. HPM gas detection systems.
6. Emergency alarm systems.
7. Manual fire alarm systems.
8. Automatic sprinkler system monitoring and alarm systems.
Electrically operated systems required elsewhere in this code requirements
applicable to the use, storage or handling of HPM. Exhaust ventilation systems. Exhaust ventilation systems are allowed to be
designed to operate at not less than one-half the normal fan speed on the
emergency power system where it is demonstrated that the level of exhaust will
maintain a safe atmosphere. Fire sprinkler system protection in exhaust ducts for HPM. General. Automatic fire sprinkler system protection shall be provided in exhaust
ducts conveying vapors, fumes, mists or dusts generated from HPM in accordance
with this section and the SBC 501. Metallic and noncombustible, nonmetallic exhaust ducts. Automatic fire
sprinkler system protection shall be provided in metallic and noncombustible,
nonmetallic exhaust ducts where all of the following conditions apply:
1. Where the largest cross-sectional diameter is equal to or greater than 254 mm.
2. The ducts are within the building.
3. The ducts are conveying flammable vapors or fumes. Combustible nonmetallic exhaust ducts. Automatic fire sprinkler system
protection shall be provided in combustible nonmetallic exhaust ducts where the
largest cross-sectional diameter of the duct is equal to or greater than 254 mm.
1. Ducts listed or approved for applications without automatic fire sprinkler
system protection.
2. Ducts not more than 3.7 m in length installed below ceiling level. Automatic sprinkler locations. Sprinkler systems shall be installed at 3.7 m
intervals in horizontal ducts and at changes in direction. In vertical ducts,
sprinklers shall be installed at the top and at alternate floor levels.


2.28.1 General. The provisions of this section shall apply to the construction, installation
and use of buildings and structures, or parts thereof, for the spraying of flammable
paints, varnishes and lacquers or other flammable materials or mixtures or
compounds used for painting, varnishing, staining or similar purposes. Such
construction and equipment shall comply with this code requirements.

SBC 201 2007 2/76

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