Chapter 9: OSHA 1994
Chapter 9: OSHA 1994
Chapter 9: OSHA 1994
i. 1jj
Learning outcomes
By the end of this topic, you should be able to:
understand the main purposes of osHA Lgg4 List 15 parts in OSHA Lgg4 Philosophy and principles of OSHA rgg4 List at least 5 main provisions of OSH Argg+ Analyse case discussions from the perspective of OSHArgg4
Occirpotinnal Accidents By Sector Frrr The CnteEory sf tdFD Llntil Jr.rne ?010 { lnvestigared }
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An Act to make further provisions for securirg the safety, health and welfare of persons at work, for protecting others against risks to saf"ty or health in connection with the activities of persons at work, to establish the National Council for Occupational Safety and Health, and for matters connected therer,vith.
February Lgg4with the OSHA was enacted on z5th Fe intent to ensure safety; health and welfare of all persohs at all plaies of Worlt
It was prornulgated based on self regulation concept with pfimary responsibility of ensuring safbty and
health at workplace
Lying with those who create the risks and work with the risks
Responsibility to ensure safety and health in workplace depends on those who create the risks and those with work with those risks. t) Sglf regUlatiOn - "o!o q"r u gra.L'co$b " - ts (r)
15 Parts;
1 )'
Pielirninary Appointmnt of officers National Counc'il'''lbr Safety and Health General Responsibiliry of Employer & Selfemployed
General responsibility on design, manufacturer &
.t {{\n
',t'. ..{.'
Cri es,and,|,ilhility;
Subsection 1(2)
Minin$,, &, quar{y;
Transpoitation, Storage & communication; Wholesalers & Retailers; Hotel & Restaurants;
Financial, Insurance, land property & business
services; Public services & statutory bodies;
Electric, gds, water & health
Under the Factories and Machinery Act t967, Factories and Machinery (Asbestos Process) Regulations 1986 and the Factories and Machinery (Mineral Dust) Regulations tg}g,medical surveillance is to be conducted every two years. Whereas under the Occupational Safety and Health (Use -stat and dirds of Exposure to Chemicals Hazardous:to Health) Regulations zooo, they are to be carried out
Permissible exposure levels under the Factories and Machinery (Asbestos Process) Reguiations 1986 and Factories and Machinery (Mineral Dust) Regulations 1989 differ from that under the Occupational Safety and Health (Use and Standards of Exposure to Chemicals Hazardous to Health) Regulations zooo. The Occupational Safety and Health (Use and Standards of Exposure to Chemicals Hazardous to Health) Regulations 2ooo shall prevail in this case.
Section 3 : lnterpretation
Employees ar workers who are directly employed by the principal employer or through an immediate employer at the place of work or whose services are let on hire under a contract of service.
Pertaining to trainees, the Health ancl Safety at Work Act ry24 (UK) through The Health and Safety (Trainirg for Employment) Regulations 1990 have provided that trainee be included as
: In Malaysia apprentices
mention has been made with regards to trainees. Hence trainee can be considered as other persons at the work place.
Employer under the Employrnent Act Lg55 means any person who,has entered into a contract of service to employ any other person as an employee.
In order to define a place of work for an employee, it is important to refer in which premise he is normally working, for example:
Postman- post office, motorcycle and offices or homes where letters are being delivered. Taxi drivers- taxi statiors, taxi buy, taxi. Ptzzad , boy- ^przzarestaurant, motorcycle, client elivery , house/offices. Meter reader- vehicle, house or office. Roads on which they travel are inclarded as place of work
r, 19:
(a) Ensure safety, health and welfare of workers Safety as the absence of risk to injury. Health as a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease. Welfare of employees would include provision of first aid, drinkitg water, canteen, washing facilities and toilets for men and women.
(b) :Protect safety and health of both workers and oth,ers
(c) To
appropriate rest-work regirne Psychological * employee should not be overwork or under work
Section 9: Membership of the council Employers represented by the Vlalaysian Employers Federation, Fedbration of Malaysian Manufactu rers and ihe-Malaysian Agricultural Producers Association (MAPA) ; Emolovees reDresented bv the Council of Union of Employee of Public .rd Cdmmertial Sectors (CUEPACS) and the Malaysiair Tiade Union Congress (MTUC); Government reDresentatives comprised of Deputy Minister from the Ministry of Human Resources (who is also the Chairman of the Councif), the Secretary-General of the Ministry of Human Resources, one representative froirr the Ministry of Healt6, one representative from the Ministry of Local Government aird one representafive from the D epartment of Agriculture ; Non-sovernmental orsanisations reDresented bv a representative each from In" Malaysian So"ciety for Occripational Safety ind Health (MSOSH), Uni'-",ersities the Maliysian MedicafAssociation
(r) It shall be the duty of every employer and every self-employed person to
ensure, so for as is practicable, the safety, health and welfure all his r^ptoys;
at work of
ensure safety, health and welfare at work of all his employees. However in carrying out this duty the terms 'so far as is practicable' has been used.
a) the severity of the hazard or risk in question; b) the state of knowledge about the hazard or risk and any way of removing or
mitigating the hazard or risk; c) the availability and suitabiliry of ways to remove or mitigate the hazard or risk; d) the cost of removing or mitigating the hazard or risk;
An example on u,hat is to be consiclered as':i,. far as 1,.',ir--.i,-.;i , :'would vary in different excavation work. Excavation work can be of difFerent depth. It can be deep or shallow. For 3 feet excavation, benchirrg is sufficient and no shoring required. This is because the risk to injury is very low. If the excavation is very deep, benching is not sufficient and shoring is needed to be carried out although cost for shoring is very high. This is because the risk of injury is high due to occurrences like collapse or landslide"
Section 15
\. '".'
(1) Example I
I ::1. :. .-
.'': , ,tti\ l:::'r'' \'' Case 1: Marshall v. Gotham Co. Ltd [tgf+] AC 36o
The plaintiff was the widow of a man who was l<illed while working in a gypsum mine owned by the defendants. He was killed by a fall of marl flom the ioof oiiire *orking place. The fall was due to 'slickenside] a condition which was unusual anywhere and had not occurred in the defendants' mine for at least z5 years. Theie was no reason to suspect its presence and.the probabilities were all against its occurrence there. Accordingly the roof over working places was inspected darly but no props were used.
Lord Reid held; The only way to make a roof secure against a slickenside fall appears to be to shore it up, and, as the presence of slickenside cannot be detected in advarrce, full protection against this danger would require that every roof under which men have to pass or to work should be shored up or timbered. There is evidence that this is never done in gypsum mines and thaf in this mine the cost of doing it would be so great as to -"L" ih" carrying on of the mine impossible.
Section 15
Case z: Edwardsv.
(1) Example 2
Section 15
Case 3: Associated Dairies r.. Hartley
(1) Example 3
ltrypl I.R.L.R r7r
How can the employqr d,iscover what the law requires of him? Everyone has his own ideas of reasonableness, but even judges disagree. First, he can consult test cases to .r(identifii the factors whicfthe courts will consider material. Cost benefit analysis plays an important part. ffi one case, an inspector ordered ASDA Stores to provide safery shoes free of charge for all its employees working in warehouses, as a precaution againsj having a foot crushed by a'loaded roller truck. This would have cost f,?o-+ggo- in the first year and ro,ooo in each succeeding year. The company already provided safety footwear at cost price. There had been ten accidents in thl previous year involving roller trucks in ASDAs 66 storeglTfre industrial tribunal disagreed with the inspector on the ground that the expense was disproportionate to the ris\
Section 15
Case 4:
(1) Example 4
Rimsey Uin6] IRIR 95
A notice that an employer should comptry with his obligation under the Factories Act to paint his walls was upheld, despite the absence of any danger to health and the company's financial difficulties. There is more scope for argument when the employer is obliged to do that which is reasonably practicable and there is no Approved Code of
Section 15 (2)(a)
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out prejudice to the generality of subsection (1, the ma tters to:which the
the provision and iaintenance of plant and systems of work that are, so far : as fs practicable, safe and with,ouf rfs/<s to health;
1. Provision
z, I\1[aintenance 3. Plant
aruangements for ens,iring, so far as is practicable, safety and qbsence of risks to health in coninection with the use or operation, handling, storage and transport of plant and substan ces;
the making
Example of making arrangement can be seen in usin$ a forldift. There must be procedures on how to start, handle, transport, and store the forklift after using it. Training must be provided to make the employee familiar with the task carried out and the evidence of the training such as license or certificate of competency is very important. Employer should do an inspection and audit on the arrangements. Finally employer must enforce the arrangement to ensure all employees follow the requirements
utt .i.t.t.t::.tltltt:ii:ll
.l .
Case r: Wright v.
KIR 255
The employer must also make arrangements for ensuring, so far as is reasonably practicable, safety and absence of risks to health in connection with the use, handling, storage and transport of articles and substances. He must provide such information, instruction,.training and supervision as is necessary to ensure, so far as rs reasonably practicable, the health and safety at worl< of his employees. He must maintain and provide a working environment for his empioyees that is, so far as is reasonably practicable, safe, without risl<s to health, and adequate as regards facilities and arrangements for their welfare at work. It is arguable that this could oblige the employer to provide medical or nursing services in a particular case. The civil courts have held that an employer who failed to institute regular examinations of his employees who had been exposed to carcinogenic substances failed in his common law duty to take reasonable care, despite the lack of any specific statutory obligation.
Section 15 (2)(c)
ision of such informatlon, instruction, training on!-supe-rvision as is necessory to ensure, so far as fs practicable, the safety and health atwark of his employees;
An example of information, instruction, training and supervision in a laboratory are as follows. Laboratory workers are exposed to numerous chemicals. Provision of information such as CSDS, safe working procedure, emergency procedure and effbct of these chemicals must be made known to employees. Instruction such as direction on dos' and clon'ts in laboratory is importani for e*ample no smol<ing in the lab. Training on handling of chemicals must be provided. Employers must keep the evidence of trainirg. Supervision by the employers ensures employees
follow the procedures in the laboratory.
so far as is practicable, as regarat iiiy place of work the control of the employer or self-employed person, the maintenance of it in a condition that is safe and without ris/<s to health and the provision and maintenance of the means of access to and egress from it that are safe and without such ris/<s;
the provision qnd maintenence of a working eiviron^rn, for his employees that is, so far as is practicable, safb, without ris/<s to health, and adequate as regards facilities for their welfure at worl<
Section 77 (t)
:.r-' ,,:r;it"
An example of duty of employers to person other than employees would include the hospital. There are many visitors to hospitals. These individuals are at risk by exposing themselves to patients with communicable diseases. The hospital authority needs to reduce exposures as low as reasonably practicable. They need to have full proof procedure to control people entering certain sections of the hospital for example the:xray department by providing signage and restricted access. Measures to reduce the risk for example from Tuberculosis (TB) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) will U" different because the risks involved are different.
Section 18
18. Duties of an occupier of a place of
Example ftre of an occupier can be clearly seen from ,n" example of an operator of a fast food restaurant with a play area in a ihopping complex. It is the responsibility of the operator of the fast food restaurant (oc."pi"i) to make available signage on the requirement of an adult to accompany children in specific age groups. The employer would also need to inform the employees about activities g&"E on in the play area. Regular maintenance of that area needs to be carried out to ensure the safery and health of visitors. If he does not do anything and an accident occurs, he will be found liable. =tr ;;;rh.r ;;;;;* an occupier of an apartmenr block with domesric premises. Domestic premises wo,uld be premises occupied as a private dwelling (including garden, yard, garage) which is not used in common by ihe occupants o? more than one such dweiling. Non domestic premises are premiies other tir"., this. A lift in a block of flats, corridor and staircases have been held to fall within the definition of non domestic premises since they are used in common by the occupants of more than one private dwelling. Hence here the occupier is responsibl" on safety of the cqlmon areas:
Section 19
r9. Penalty for an offence under section r5, 16, r7 or r8
Under this section it is useful to urrderstand the term jpersoni In the Interpretation Acts 1948 and 1967, person is defined as "person" includes a body ofpersons, corporate or unincorporated: Therefore la person includes:
natural person . body corporate e.g company . unincorporate e.g sole proprietor or partnership . Hence the natural person, body corporate and unincorporated can be found guilryand liable to fined.
Section zo
West Bromwich
An environmental health officer served an imDrovement notice allesins that a building Society was in breach of its dutv to do what "*ai pra-ticable [o protect its employees asainst robbers. It was reasonably -fit ordered tb anti-bandil screens. Th^e tiibunil in confirmins the notice disregarded evidence that there was a difference of professTonal o,pinion about the value of such screens. on appeal to the uigh Court, the improvement notice was quashed.
Note: This case also related Section r5 and Section 3z OSHA 1994. But under OSHA 1994, the Appeal Comniittee decision is final.
Section zo
second-hand goods dealers. To be able to sue in negligence, the employee need not be using the plant, equipment or substance it is enough, for ample, that the use of a dangerous substance by a fellow employee exposes the employee to disease.
health. The design for the machine is then given to the manufacturer to be used. The manufacturer than must ensure that the machine manufactured is safe and must have research done to ensure that the machine would
operate safely.
Section z3
Body of person or body corporate or unincoi'porated who fails to comply
Hamzah D4g4 & Ors v Wan Hanafi bin Wan Ali [rg75l r MLI zo3
Wan Suleiman FJ: In ordinary circumstances, or where simple operations are being performed, persons are not as a rule required to guard against every conceivable result of their actions, nor are they bound to exercise scientific care or to take extravagant precautious. They must
have regard both to the probability of injury resulting, and to the probable seriousness of the injury. They rnay weigh the cost and the difficulties of the precautions. They are in general entitled to assume that others will comply with statutory regulations.
Section z5
A person is not to intentionally interfere with or misuse anythins that has been provided in the interest of health, safery and'welfSre of employ-ees and other persons at work. Misuse'can applv both to olani and substance as well as system, procedure and iule's. person'here includes natural persons, bbdy coiporate o. .tni"io.po.uGa. u;Ja;
this section the teims'intentionallyl^'recldessly' u"d to be understood.
. Intentional: Done on purpose. ' Recklessly: Regardless of consequences or danger ' Negligently: Lack of proper care or culpable carelessness ' Interfere: I\4eddle, intervene, obstruct or be an obstacle. ' Misuse: Apply to wrong purpose or improper use. ' Refer the attched
Section z6
The employer must not charge his employees for providing personal protective equipments or other requiremcnts of the law. For example the employee cannot be required to pay for
personal protective equipments (e.g. safety boots, goggles, face . mask, gloves or safety hehnet) and employees welfare facilities (e.g. first aid box).
Section z7
(r)An employee shall not be dismissed or be subject to a demotion if he makes a complaint about safety and health matters at the place of rn'ork or when he exercises his functions as a member of the safety and health committee in the workplace. (z)Trade union must not take any action on its members who carry out their functions as a member of the safety and health committee. This is to allow the employee to carry out their fiunction as a committee member independently.
Section zB
r r r
Medical surveillance - rnonitoring of persons for the purpose of identifying changes in health status due to occupational exposure to chemicals and other substances which are hazardous to health
- USECHH Regulations
Medical surveillance - conducted by an occupational health, doctor who trained in Occupational Health and are registered by the Director
Components of medical surveillance programme include: a) Pre-employment and pre-placement medical examination. b) Biological monitoring and biological effect monitoring. c) Health effects monitoring. d) Investigation of occupational disease and poisoning including workplace inspections. e) Notification of occupational disease and poisoning. f) Assist in disability assessment. g) Return to work examination after medical removal protection. h) Record keeping and monitoring.
Section z9
Section 3o - Safety and Health Committee Section 3r - Function of Safety and Health Committee
r r
r. Collapse, overturning or failure of load-bearing parts of lifts and lifting equipment; z. Explosion, collapse or bursting of any closed vessel or associated pipe work; 3. Failure of any freight container in any of its load-bearing parts; 4. Plant or equipment coming into contactwith overhead power lines; 5. Electrical short circuit or overload causing fire or explosion;
6. Any
explosion; Accidental release of a biological agent likely to cause severe human illness; 8. Failure of industrial radiography or irradiation equipment to de-energize or return
Malfunction of breathing apparatus while in use or during testing immediately before use; ro. Failure or endangering of diving equipment, the trapping of a diver, an explosion near a diver, or an uncontrolled ascent; u. Collapse or partial collapse of a scaffold over five meters high, or erected near water where there could be a risk of drowning after a fall; rz. Unintended collision of a train with any vehicle; r3. Dangerous occurrence at a well (other than a waterwell); r4. Dangerous occurrence at a pipeline; r5. Failure of any load-bearing fairground equipment, or derailment or unintended collision of cars or trains;
carrying a dangerous substance overturns, suffers serious damage, catches fire or the substance is released;
lT.Adangerous substance being conveyed by road is involved in a fire or Unintended collapse of any building or structure under construction, alteration or demolition where over five tones of material falls, a wall or floor in a place of work, any false-work; r9. Explosion or fire causing suspension of normal work for over z4 hours; zo. Sudden, uncontrolled release in a building of roo kg or more of flammable liquid, ro kg or more of flammable liquid above its boiling point, ro kg or more of flammable gas, or of 5oo kg of these substances if the release is in the open air; zr. Accidental release of any substance which may damaee health.
/;r .v-
Abdul Rahim b. I\/iohanlad v Kejuruteraall Besi Dan Penrbinaarl Zaman Kili tf99gl I\{LJ 323
This is a claint 1'ol'clanragei arising out of an accidenr u,hich occurred \\'hile tle plailriff u,as czrr1;ing out repair tvorli to the ceiling of the schclol hall of Sel<olah lr4enengah saLins. Clreras. Kuala Lurnpur. Tlie facis malr be brieflt'stated as I'ollorvs. Accoi'ding ro rhe plainriif. ip the morning of 21 April 1992, he u'as asked b)' th. defendant to go to the. Sekolah Menengah Sains, Cheras to do some repair u'ork to the ceiling of the sclrool hall. He u,ent thel'e u,ith t\\/o co-\\,orkers. nanrel5'Fauzi bin Ariffin ('SP3') ancl Abdullah bin Hassan ('SB2'). On arrival, tire three of theni put up the necessar), scaffolding to carr),out tite u,orli. Soon after that. SP3 left the place leaving the piaintiff and SB2 to dci tire u,ork. On the clal in question, file pieces of the scaffolds \\'ere used, eirch one n,ith a height of -1 feet, so the total height of the scaffoldirrg u,as around 20 feet. At the top of the scaffolding. ther-e u,as a ntetal platforrrt for the u'orker to sit on u,hile attending to the lvork. Tlrere \\/as no railins arouttd the plarforrn. There \4'as a gap of about I foot bettveen rhe ceiling arid the head of the u,orltman seated on the platform.
While the piaintiff tt,as on top of the scaffoiding, ire requested SP3 to push the scaffolding to another part of tlre hall, As SP3 lvas pu.siring the scaffoiding. rlre plaintiff said, it srartecl Lo shake so he held on to the platforrn. He then told SP3 to slou'dou,n and SP3 replied bt'telling hirrr to be caleful. When he tirought tirat the scaffolding \\'a-s about to tun'tble,5e .junrped tou'ards ilte u'all u'here there \l'as a u,ooden box and tried tcl hclld on to the box, but the box gii\/e \\'a\'. rd he fell to rhe floor. At about the same time, rire scaffolding tumblecl to the floor. Going back to the scene of the accident. SP3 told the court that rvhen he \\1as about to push the scaffolding, he asked the ptalntiff to come dou'n but the plainriff refused ro dct so. He sa\\r the plaintiff sitting at the edge of the platfornr on the side close to the u'all of the school hall. SP3 further told iire court that u,hen he pushed the. scaffolding. ir srarled turning and after that it fell to tire floor. At about the sarne time, he also sau, the plaintiff fell to the floor close to the u'all, The otlier e),e\,\'iLness, SB2, ga\/e a slightil, different version of the accidenr, Fie rold the court that after the plaintiff had finished u,or.kin,e in one part of the ceiling, the piaintiff asked SP3 to pusir the scaffolding to another area. FIe and SP3 then rold the plainriff to come dou'n first before SP3 push the scaffolding but the plaintiff toid SP3 thar he u,ould hang on to Lhe u'ooden bor on tlre u'all u'hile SP3 push the scaffolding. When [he plainriff attempted to do so. he said. the u,ooden box ga\/e u'ay and that had prompted the plaintiff to jurlp back onlo the plaforrn and as a result the scaffolding tumbled. He said ihe plaintiff onll,manage to hang on to the box for less than tu,o minutes u'hen the box ga\/e \^,a)'.
The plaintiff clajms that the personal injurl'suffered b),hinr arose out of the negligence of the defendanl. The particulars of the defendant's negligeltce lr'ere stated as follo'vvs:
(a) Gagal untuk menl'ediakan ternpat kerja )/ang selamat Iiepada plaintif; (b) h4endedahkan plaintif kepada risiko kecederaan )/ang mana defendan telah tahu
/ti\ \:t
plaintif u,alaupun defe,ndan telah rairu bahau,a alat tersebut tidak selanrat untuii digunakan dan tidak berfungsi
dengan senrpurna;
(d) Def endan gagal untnlc menvedialiar: alat-alatan keria )/ang sempurna dan sesuai plaintif untuk menialaniian kerja-kerja yarlg diarrahkan oleh de{'endarr.
It is
for the plaintiff that bl,reasons of the above, the defendant had committed
breaches of- both his c,ommon lenv and statutorl'duties, u,hich the defendarlt as an employer ou,ed to the piaintiff.
subrnitted on behalf of the defendant that according to the testimonies of SP3 and SB2. the norrnal procedure is for the n,orker to come dou'n from the scaffolding before it is pushed to anotlier part of the hali. \\rhat had happened here u'as that the plaintiff, after finishing u'ork in one part of tire ceiling, refused to come dou'n from the scaffolding de.spite being asked to do so b1,SP3. it is conLended that the plaintiff's refusal to come don,n from the scaffolding \^,hile the sarne u,as being pushed bi,SP3 constitutes a negligent conduct orr his part. The defendant also drau's my attentiort to s 24(1) of the Occupational Safetir 2p6 Health Act 1994 u'hich provides:
it is
at u'orkpersons
(a) to take reasonable care for the safetl'and iiealth of himself and of other n,ho may be affected bY his acts ot' omissions at \\1ork;
(d) lo compl)' u,ith any instruction c)r measure on occupational safet)' and health instituted b)'his empio,r/or or anl'other person b1,or this Act or anli regulation
made thereunder.
It is alleged
that the. conduct of the plaintiff here u,as also in breach of s 24(1)(a) and (d) of the Occupational Safett, and Health Act 1994 and such breach of statutor5' dut1, b1' the plaintiff as much as anl/ carelessness, amounts to c:ontributorl'negligence on his part.
Zakarta J held:
"A[ col]lnon lau', a rnaster is under a dut1,, arising out of the relations]rip of masler and servant. to take reasonalrle care for the safety of his u,orkpeople in all the circumslances of the case so as not to expose them to unnecessar)/ risk llaving perused rhe evidence, I agree
u,ith the submission of learned counsel for the piaintifi'that the defendant failed Lo corriply u,tth both his cornrnon lau'and st.atutor)/ obligatiolls [o ensure the safet)/and lvelfare of his empiol,ees u'hile carrying out the u'ork on the fateful da1''
I find that there \4/as a breach of regulation 14(1') of the Factories and Macltinery (Safety and He,alth and Welfare) Re.eulations 1970, since no designated person \^'as appointed to supervise the erection of the scaffolding. The scaffolding r.vas also t'tot adeqr'ratell'secured to prevent mo\/ement as required b1,reg 77(3)(c). There is also no evidence to shotv that the scaffolding had been inspected b)'u designated person ra,ithin the preceding se\/en da1,5 ut r lequired b1,reg 85(1). The scaffolding'n'as also not pro\/ided u'ith guard rail and toe-board as .-, required by reg 88(1). Furtlier, I find there is no proller supervision b1' a competent person of
JD1 i Bo24
tite u,orli to ensure tirat all the safet\: nteasul'es \\,ere beilg conrpliecl'q:ith [),the epiplo\/ees. Had there beett proper supen'ision. I arn sure the plaintiff \\,oulcl not be allgri,ed to renrain olt top of the platform u'hile his co-u,olker \\,as pushing the scaffolding.'lIo,n,e\/er, in nt), _ opinion, reg 12 of the Factories and Machitrerl,(Safet),, Health and Welfare) Regulations 1970 is not applicable to this case.
--Having regard to the c.ottduct of the plaintiff in this case, I arn inclined to agree u'ith tSe defendant that the plaintiff is partl),to blanre for the accjdenL. The piajntiff ought to hai,e Itnou,n that. [r1'remaining on the scaffolding u,liile the same \\/as being pushed, he \\ras erpclsing liimself Lo the unltecessarv rislr of injurl'to himself shoulcl the scaffoldino \\,ere to collapse or fall for some reasons or other. The conduct of the plaintiff also. as subnritrecl b)' the defendant. constitutes a breach of s 2a(l)(a) and (d) of the Occupational Safery and Flealth Act 1994. For the abot'e reasons. I am driven [o tire conclusion that there rvas contributorl, negligence on rlte part of the plaintiff
IntentiorruIly. Govinda Mudaliar Sons GovindasamJ' lL967l 2 MLJ 5 Gill J: An intention to my ntind connotes a state of affair u,hich the part)"'intending".... does more tltatt merell'contemplate: it connotes a slale of affairs u,]rich. on the contrarl,, he decides, so far as in hinr lies. to bri'rs about. and s,hich. in point of possibiiitr'. he has a reasonable prospect of being able to ring about, b)'his os'n act of volition.
Yap Liov' See v Public Prosecutor [1937] MLJ 225. Tire u'ord 'recliless'connoLes a posrtive, active, menLal conditiorr, a cerLain u,ilfulness, conscious disregald of c.onsequences in doing an act.
h'cgligently Anthou'sam5' r' Public Prosecutor [1956] I\LLJ 247 The test for derertnining uegiigence is u'iretirer a reasonable man in the circumstances u'ould have realised the prospect of harm and u'ould have stopped or changed his course so as to avoid it: the t.est is the sarle in tort and'criminal intention'or 'rviclted mind' are immaterial. Section
\\/right v Dunlop Rubber Co. L1972) 13 KIR 255 Enrplot,e. ,'an be held civillr, liable at common lan'for failing to introduce health surveillance e.r,en in ti.'e absence of specific slatuLor),regulation. Tlie ernploi,ers used an anti-oridant called Nonox S in their process. ICI, the manufacturers, then discovered that it c:ontained
fr:ee belanaphthl'lanrine. a
it, In 1960 a circular from the R.ubber Manufacturers Entplo)/ers'Association \\'arned that all enrplo\lees r.r'ho had been exposed slrould be screened and tes[ed for b]adder, cancer, a
disease u'ith a long latencJ, period u,hich can be successfullS, ,r"ut"O if caught stage. Dunlop stopped using Nonox in 1949 but did not introduce urine tests
1:09:13 PlVi
ft* v
until 1965. Onlt'then u'as it discove,red that the plaintiff had cancer of the bladder (hundreds of other cases subsequentll,carne. to light). It \\,as held rhat in addition to the liabilitl, s1 the nranuf'actnrer the ernplo)/er \\ras liable in negligence for lailing
tr,lto ltad been exltosed
to institute tests quiclcll,enough. This should have been done in 1960. At that time there \\'as no statutory obligation (it \\,as later introduced b1' the COSHH Regulations,lgSS).
Note: Section 28 of OSHA 1991 is equivalent to Regulation 5 of the Managenrent of Healrh at Work Regulation t-c)92(UK). This case also related to S. 21 of OSHA 1994.
r,r,as called upon to interpret the expression "inrmediate risk" in section 44 of the OHSA (Vic), an expression u,hic.h is alscl found in some of the other statutes. The Comrnission stated that:
"In our t,ieu' [here is no 'standard'level of risli against u,hich the acceptabilitl'of a prohibition notice can be deterrnined, What is an'acceptable'risk u,ill depend upon tlie nature of the threat. An inspector and this Comrnission on appeal u,ill need to make a judgment r,r,hich involt,es a consideration of the. risk and the nature of the potentiai detriment. Llndoubredly this nrav be a difficult task on occasions, but similar difficulties are not unknolvn to the lau,. One rnal'envisage circunrstances x'hen an activit),u'onld be prohibited even though the risli is extremell small....
Under s 44(1) the risk is to be immediate. In our vieu,' 'immediate' does not relate to the degree of risk associated the u,orli in question. Rather, it is concerned u'ith 'n,hether the risk associated l',,'ith the u,ork i.s present. or very nearll' so. It is the exposure to the risk u,hich is to be immediate. Note: S.48 of OSHA 1994 is equivaient to S. 44 OHSA Victoria. Australia).
r:09:1S el,lr
rfiilil'1i:L*W "
:r3-{'J $.
(Note lll)
. .
(Section 32)
. . . .
Approved by Minister;
Can be amended;
Contain codes, standard, regulations or safety and health specifications and requirements; Can be used in proceedings; (Section 38)
(Section 39)
. . . . .
Director General;
Approval Certificate;
Power to enteL inspect, investigate and take samples, etc;
. . .
General Penalties
Corporate bodies and Company Director, Manage4 Secretary or others; (Section 52) Union; (Section 53) Agent; (Section 54)
. . . .
. .
. .
Penalty maximum RM20,000 or 2 years imprisonment or both;
Health supervision
Warning signs
Record keeping
i ,', , .,,.1i,.Nr..,,,r*-,
p pli
la ln,
decidecl b;, the Cr.rL1-t or lribunal irr Enqland will be relrrred to in orcler trr evaluate the attitrrdr: of tlre Court in
deciding wlretlrer ()r nol sometlrinq was practicable. Though the decisiorr of the
Coirrt orTriburral in Irrgl.rncl cloes not bincl
ityiTh us, tlr e plr ra-se 'so far as is practicable' is the important
tlre Courts in
lr4al;rr,-sia, it wnuld be of particular reference rn tlre interpretatiorr of tlre statute in Mal ,\,sia,
Under the CSI'-lA 1994, the word 'practicable' means practicable havinq
reqard to:
To do what is pracli able involves more than takinq reasonar ,ie care,'Practicaltle' means that which ir; feasiLrle, that which carr be done. As Lorcl rloddard said in the case of Lee t, /Vurser t, Furnishinqs Ltd,', "'Practicable'i-s defirred in the Oxforcl Dictionary as'capable lf beinq carriec1 out i n acti or-r' or'fea si ble"j
* the state of knowledge about the i-razard or risk and any way of
removing or mitigating the hazard or
ris k;
Practically,an employer wlro starts his dav at worli slror:lcj asi,l irirnself the followinq
q u e st i o n
for example, tlrere is a large unfenced hole,it wilI usually be'practicable'to fence ot'cover it rlnless it is beinq used at the time, and even if it is in use a fence does
at a re
h a z a rd -s/ ri s
ks t lr at
c *
encoLrntered at rnir workplace? Do have aF;r f1n6*ledqe abor-rt tlre hazards/ risks, and do I l<rroltr tlre ways of regnoving or rnitigating the hazarcis/risl<s? /tre tlre ways available ancl srritable? What are tlre costs that I lrave to bear in rernoving or mitiqatirr g surch lrazard/risl<?
I lrave
xdmple,the case of Street and Another v British Electrrcitlr Authorit)' and inras said on behalf of the first defendants that it was not practica[rle to have a guard or a fence to all oper"rinqs in floors under s.25 of the [.actories Acl,'1937.
inconrrenience, money, etc.) of those additional procedures, lf so, in theory, those precautions need not be tal<en.
Application of the'Test'
of 'Fra ctica
to tal<e into
5ince tlrere are nc) reporte.-l local caselaws ir-r the referred larn, journal that can
aA ('t
be met by sayinq:"Well, it was not very conrrenient'llhose are not tlre worris of tlre section.
although tlre nature of the process rnade it practicable so to do.The Court heid that
since at the tirne when the plaintiffbrecame
serioLrsly affected witlr silicosis, tlre dust emitted in the process of knocking out was
notice, it offered its employees a credit facility to buy safety footwear for {1 per weel< each (the irnprovement notice had stipulated free footwear). The cornpany had decided after a cost/benefit analysis that it was not reasonably practicable to
provide tlre footwear free of cha
rg e. Later,
not knowrr to be injurious, that s. 47('l) whiclr imposes an obligation to take tr)easures to prorect en]ployees agalnst
dust which is likely to be injurious did not impose a statutory dr-rty on the def-endarrts to protect tlre plairrtiff against this dust. As
& eld th at
regard must be had to the state of knowledge at the material time, and,
particularly, of those scientific experts. On the facts of the case, the defendants had taken alltreasures which were practicable before and irr 1942 and, therefore, they were not in breach of their statutory duty.
with them,
Eventually,the question what precautions (if any) ought to be taken in a given case is always a question of fact, lt will be for the court to decide as a question of fact,
prosecution case,the prosecutor will allege, in relevant breaches of legislation,that the defendant (employer) lras not done allthat is practicable or reasonably practicable to reduce the risk to health and safety, and it is then for the defence to show on balance
practicable or reasonably practicable, Notwithstanding the difference of the term, the interpretation of reasonably practicable and practicable is still
realize that, until the defendants discovered the system of inslalling an extractor under the grid, there was no
sr.rch systern
or rnitigating the hazards against the likely severity of the hazard or risk in
Fnd Note:
in existence,,..that would
1'vs1g made
find it impossible to
statutory duty"
[1945] 1 All Eng Report, p,387. 952] 1 All Eng Report, p.679 at 684.. '? [1 3 [1953] 2 All Eng Report, p,320. ' lbid, at p.322. s [1955] 3 All Fng Report, p.205. u llglg)'l Rhodesian Law Report, p,171.
safety and health (particularly the Health a nd Safety at Work, etc. Act !974),the term 'reasonably practicable'is nrostly used to introd uce a qualification. ln this case, the company had 66 depots around the UK and had calculated that if it provided safety boots to all of its
, 1, Barrett, B,,& Howells, R. 1997, , , Fr.amewarks on;.,Occupational , Health and Safety L'ovv, 3td Ed,
,, i
enrployees who rnight need them, the cost would be f 20,000 in the first year and f '10,000 thereafter. 5o the company introduced a scheme whereby as a result of a Factory lnspector's improvement
ste rii.:iu
How can the employer discover what the law reqrires of him@veryone has his own ideas of reasonableness, but even judges disagrgg| First, he can consult test cases to identify the facprs which the courts will consider material. Cost benefit analysis plays an important one case, an inspector ordered ASDA Stores to provide safety shoes free of charge for all its employees working in warehouses, as a precaution against having a foot crushed by a loaded roller truck. This would have cost f,20,000 in the first year and f,l0,000 in each succeeding year. The company already provided safety footwear at cost price. There had been ten accidents in the previous year involving roller trucks in ASDA's 66 stores.The industrial tribunal disagleed with the inspector on the ground that the expense was disproportionate to the ris!\
iloc, ,o
fav nolwi.