34150155-Pronunciation of - Ed Forms
34150155-Pronunciation of - Ed Forms
34150155-Pronunciation of - Ed Forms
The past simple tense and past participle of all regular verbs end in -ed. For example:
In addition, many adjectives are made from the past participle and so end in -ed. For example:
Thus, the question is, how do we pronounce the -ed? The answer is, in 3 ways:
*Note that it is the sound that is important, not the letter or spelling. For example, fax ends in the letter x
but the sound /s/; like ends in the letter e but the sound /k/.
However, the following -ed words used as adjectives are pronounced with /ɪd/:
• aged • wicked
• dogged • crooked
• ragged • naked
• blessed • wretched
• learned
So we say:
But when used as real verbs (past simple and past participle), the normal rules apply and we say: