Experiences and Challenges of Struggling
Experiences and Challenges of Struggling
Experiences and Challenges of Struggling
Abstract- Reading is a macro skill in English that needs to be A significant impact is stressed on the recurrence of illiteracy
mastered in order to learn other subject areas. With the from parents to children (Matshe, 2014). Early reading
paradigm shift in education from face-to-face to Modular abilities should be developed at an early age (Asri, 2021;
Distance Learning, non-readers and slow readers are left out Zhan et al., 2016). Attention to this ability is needed for
from learning necessary skills. This primarily led to conducting
optimum development. Comprehension of the reading
this study and interviewed fifteen (15) non-readers and slow
readers learning under Modular Distance Learning. Qualitative- materials has a connection to reading skills (Perfetti, 2007).
Phenomenology is used in this research using In-Depth interview Teachers play an essential role in learning reading (Bertram,
(IDI) and Focused Group Discussion (FGD) to interpret the 2006); however, the closure of schools due to the global
challenges and experiences of learners that cause academic
underachievement. The interview focus is primarily on the
pandemic calls for an emergency among non-readers and slow
struggles, experiences, and motivations of Junior high School readers (Ayu et al., 2021). Both morphological and
and Senior High School learners in learning under Modular phonological awareness are essential in developing reading
Distance Learning. Reading difficulty, Reading as essential for ability (Mahony et al., 2000).
Communication, Need for Communication, Comprehension
Difficulty, Grammar difficulty, writing and composition
Academic achievement of non-readers is a common
difficulty and mispronunciation were some of the themes that knowledge in modern classroom (Whitten et al., 2016).
emerged. It is recommended that an introduction of a sustainable Teacher-student relationship must be established to develop
reading program, assessment of individual reading level, reading ability (B & Abhijith, 2014).but, with the closure of
homogeneity of reading level in a class, and monitoring and schools today, this is impossible.
success evaluation shall be implemented to cater to the
development of these learners' reading literacy leading academic The pandemic induced school closures shifted the Philippine
achievement. Education system to look for ways for education continuity
(Arnado et al., 2021). Over 27,770,263 learners from
Key Words- Reading, Academic Achievement, Modular Distance
Kindergarten to Grade 12 were enrolled in the school year
Learning, non-readers, slow readers
2019-2020 excluding the schools overseas. This explains that
I. INTRODUCTION Philippine Education must maintain these figures and keep the
enrollment (DepEd, 2020). A response for improved literacy
T he introduction of Modular Distance Learning in the
Philippines received positivity and criticism (Kintanar et
al., 2021). Its implementation across countries widely
shall cater to many learners shall not be impeded by any
academic disturbance (Equipado & Asis-gilbas, 2021).
increased educational gaps, especially to non-readers and Understanding what the learners read and the ability to decode
struggling readers. Questions clouded its implementation with symbols were some of the problems they encounter (Bagolong
common questions and confusions relating to reading literacy et. al., 2021). Additionally, reading practice, content, and
among non-readers, slow readers, and struggling readers learning conditions were some of the indicators for successful
(Salamuddin, 2021). reading (Palma & Madrigal, 2021). Extensive reading
programs also disables learners’ reading ability (Lituanas, P.
Reading as a macro an English macro skill is required for the M., Jacobs, G. M., & Renandya, 2001).
mastery of other skills that leads to literacy in the primary
ground for most processes in learning (Kennedy et al., 2012). With reading as the basic foundation for learning, closure of
Making inferences while reading appears a concern for school and distance learning disables reading practice and
learners (Pretorius, 2000). Inferring that reading is necessary producing struggling readers (Mantilla, 2020). Parents, on the
for an individual to learn and be competent in many aspects of other hand, face struggles in the abrupt shift of Philippine
academic achievement. Education framework (Bayod & June, 2021). As partners,
parents, teachers, and learners need to work together for better
UNESCO (2000) reported 1, 576, 021, 818 affected learners learning, especially reading (Guan & Benavides, 2021).
out of 91.3% total enrolled learners in 188 countries in all
levels of learning in 188 countries in all levels while reading Bantacan National High School implemented Modular
is one of the most important predictors of success in learning Distance Learning, one of the adoptions of distance learning
(Zhan et al., 2016) that DepEd introduces. There is a need to reinforce reading