Experiences and Challenges of Struggling

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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) |Volume V, Issue X, October 2021|ISSN 2454-6186

Experiences and Challenges of Struggling Readers in

the Framework of Modular Distance Learning
Simplicio J. Libre III1, Dr. Ronald S. Decano2
Graduate Student, Doctor of Philosophy in Educational Management, Davao del Norte State College, Philippines
Dean, Institute of Advanced Studies, Davao del Norte State College, Philippines

Abstract- Reading is a macro skill in English that needs to be A significant impact is stressed on the recurrence of illiteracy
mastered in order to learn other subject areas. With the from parents to children (Matshe, 2014). Early reading
paradigm shift in education from face-to-face to Modular abilities should be developed at an early age (Asri, 2021;
Distance Learning, non-readers and slow readers are left out Zhan et al., 2016). Attention to this ability is needed for
from learning necessary skills. This primarily led to conducting
optimum development. Comprehension of the reading
this study and interviewed fifteen (15) non-readers and slow
readers learning under Modular Distance Learning. Qualitative- materials has a connection to reading skills (Perfetti, 2007).
Phenomenology is used in this research using In-Depth interview Teachers play an essential role in learning reading (Bertram,
(IDI) and Focused Group Discussion (FGD) to interpret the 2006); however, the closure of schools due to the global
challenges and experiences of learners that cause academic
underachievement. The interview focus is primarily on the
pandemic calls for an emergency among non-readers and slow
struggles, experiences, and motivations of Junior high School readers (Ayu et al., 2021). Both morphological and
and Senior High School learners in learning under Modular phonological awareness are essential in developing reading
Distance Learning. Reading difficulty, Reading as essential for ability (Mahony et al., 2000).
Communication, Need for Communication, Comprehension
Difficulty, Grammar difficulty, writing and composition
Academic achievement of non-readers is a common
difficulty and mispronunciation were some of the themes that knowledge in modern classroom (Whitten et al., 2016).
emerged. It is recommended that an introduction of a sustainable Teacher-student relationship must be established to develop
reading program, assessment of individual reading level, reading ability (B & Abhijith, 2014).but, with the closure of
homogeneity of reading level in a class, and monitoring and schools today, this is impossible.
success evaluation shall be implemented to cater to the
development of these learners' reading literacy leading academic The pandemic induced school closures shifted the Philippine
achievement. Education system to look for ways for education continuity
(Arnado et al., 2021). Over 27,770,263 learners from
Key Words- Reading, Academic Achievement, Modular Distance
Kindergarten to Grade 12 were enrolled in the school year
Learning, non-readers, slow readers
2019-2020 excluding the schools overseas. This explains that
I. INTRODUCTION Philippine Education must maintain these figures and keep the
enrollment (DepEd, 2020). A response for improved literacy
T he introduction of Modular Distance Learning in the
Philippines received positivity and criticism (Kintanar et
al., 2021). Its implementation across countries widely
shall cater to many learners shall not be impeded by any
academic disturbance (Equipado & Asis-gilbas, 2021).
increased educational gaps, especially to non-readers and Understanding what the learners read and the ability to decode
struggling readers. Questions clouded its implementation with symbols were some of the problems they encounter (Bagolong
common questions and confusions relating to reading literacy et. al., 2021). Additionally, reading practice, content, and
among non-readers, slow readers, and struggling readers learning conditions were some of the indicators for successful
(Salamuddin, 2021). reading (Palma & Madrigal, 2021). Extensive reading
programs also disables learners’ reading ability (Lituanas, P.
Reading as a macro an English macro skill is required for the M., Jacobs, G. M., & Renandya, 2001).
mastery of other skills that leads to literacy in the primary
ground for most processes in learning (Kennedy et al., 2012). With reading as the basic foundation for learning, closure of
Making inferences while reading appears a concern for school and distance learning disables reading practice and
learners (Pretorius, 2000). Inferring that reading is necessary producing struggling readers (Mantilla, 2020). Parents, on the
for an individual to learn and be competent in many aspects of other hand, face struggles in the abrupt shift of Philippine
academic achievement. Education framework (Bayod & June, 2021). As partners,
parents, teachers, and learners need to work together for better
UNESCO (2000) reported 1, 576, 021, 818 affected learners learning, especially reading (Guan & Benavides, 2021).
out of 91.3% total enrolled learners in 188 countries in all
levels of learning in 188 countries in all levels while reading Bantacan National High School implemented Modular
is one of the most important predictors of success in learning Distance Learning, one of the adoptions of distance learning
(Zhan et al., 2016) that DepEd introduces. There is a need to reinforce reading

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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) |Volume V, Issue X, October 2021|ISSN 2454-6186
instruction (Mirasol & Topacio, 2021) in the framework of Data Analysis and Collection Procedure
Modular Distance Learning. Modality threatens the reading
As it holds with the Qualitative-Phenomenological research
ability of non-readers and slow readers in successfula
method, the data collected through interviews will be
academic achievement (Woodward & Talbert-Johnson, 2009).
analyzed and interpreted. Before the interview, each research
Disregarding non-readers and slow readers threaten "quality participant is given Informed Consent Form allowing the
instruction" (Pretorius, 2000). Mainstreaming them would researcher to record and use their responses in the study. After
allow illiteracy and dissatisfaction (Forlin, 2010). Modified the fifteen (15) participants have agreed, the researcher will
instruction should be introduced to allow sustained continue with the data gathering.
monitoring and evaluation for non-readers and slow readers
Responses were transcribed in a verbatim manner and
(Hurry & Sylva, 2007). A considerable strategic intervention
interpreted to establish rigor and trustworthiness (Halcomb &
for non-readers and slow readers who struggle in the Modular
Davidson, 2006; Poland Blake, 1995). The researcher's
Distance Learning Modality framework must be
intention is only to present a standpoint of each research
operationalized to make learning meaningful and elevate the
participant about their struggles, difficulties, and experiences
quality of instruction amid distance learning.
in reading in the landscape of Modular Distance Learning
Research Design Verbatim transcription of recorded information and thematic
presentation of data is presented. Online Focus-Group
In this study, the Qualitative-Phenomenology method is
Discussion (FGD) and In-Depth Interview (IDI) are used in
utilized. Qualitative-Phenomenology is used to provide a
the data gathering using a structured interview guide.
standpoint of non-readers, slow readers, and readers in the
frustration reading level. Phenomenology, in the most To assist the research participants, the researcher will translate
considerable sense, aims to create a bigger picture out of what the questions about their experiences, challenges, and
was really happening. Phenomenology contributes to a deeper motivations in learning under modular distance learning amid
understanding of lived experiences, making meaning and their being a non-reader or slow readers.
essence of human experience (Moerer-Urdahl & Creswell,
What are your experiences in reading in Modular Distance
Research Local and Sampling
Fifteen (15) non-readers and slow readers of Bantacan
Reading is Difficult. Learner's challenges in reading are its
National High School will be the subjects of this study as
difficulty to understand. The difficulty of English is common
reported from the actual number of non-readers and slow
among school-age since language is a complex area that needs
readers in the School Reading Inventory Report for the school
concentration and a thorough understanding of the subject's
year 2020-2021. These learners fall in the struggling readers’
totality. Teachers' capacity to teach, comprehension, and
category as reported by the Reading Coordinator.
constant practice appears to be a problem in achieving
Research Environment competence in reading. As reflected in the responses, the
difficulty of the language is evident.
Lerners from Bantacan National High School shall be the
research environment for this study. Bantacan National High Need of translation. As part of the scaffolding, reading
School is located at Barangay Bantacan, a boundary barangay English uses translation so that topics taught are extensively
in the municipality of Ne Bataan and Compostela, both in the understood. This has made every learner get a deeper
province of Davao de Oro. appreciation of English language and its importance. But
when the content is in Philippine or Filipino language, these
Research Instrument
learners can grasp some of the ideas and it is easier that
A structured research interview guide will be used in English.
gathering data for the research. The interview guide is
Also, the Apprehension of Unfamiliar words becomes a
validated by a panel of internal and external examiners to
problem. Understanding unfamiliar and high-sounding words
ensure its reliability and validity. For the purpose of collecting
are a common dilemma in reading. It becomes more
essential research data, Convenience Purposive sampling will
challenging to read when there is no dictionary or any
be used. Etikan (2016) discussed that Convenience-Purposive
reference to aid in understanding. Pronunciation of unfamiliar
Sampling is an economical nonprobability sampling used in
words is even more complicated since it requires excellent
research that depends on the researcher's judgments whereas
knowledge of the phonological property of a word.
to include research participants based on time availability,
geographic location, access, and essential contribution to the Comprehension difficulty. Respondents stressed out that it is
study. most difficult when they cannot comprehend what they are
reading. The reading process is useless, and that the time
spent in reading is wasted. Reading difficulty is naturally

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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) |Volume V, Issue X, October 2021|ISSN 2454-6186
difficult to understand when learners cannot read. Distance Learning is for self-proficiency. It was founded
Respondents confided that they have difficulty in that nothing can help these learners except themselves alone
comprehension because they have difficulty reading and and they need to learn to read for self-improvement and
identifying words. proficiency.
What are the challenges you encounter in reading learning To understand. To understand other subjects that required
under Modular Distance Learning? reading, participants primarily discussed that it motivates
them to learn to read to be able to understand other subjects.
Development of Language Competence. Participants have
They pointed out that they need to be able to read to
confided that they have the difficulty in the development of
understand other subjects.
the competence of the English language since they do not
know how to assimilate what they have read from the For own self. As motivation, respondents stated that learning
meanings they have. to read is for themselves. They have stated that they need to
learn to read to help themselves and enhance their scholastic
Difficult to understand. Common to all non-readers and slow
capacity. They should learn how to read so that learners can
readers, the reading text cannot be understood especially
help themselves.
English with these learners’ inability to decode the meaning
of the text. The amount of the text also matters as well as the To finish studies and self-improvement. The learners’ primary
writing style of the author and language of text origin. goal is to finish their studies and for self-improvement. In
doing this, they need to learn how to read first. Reading can
Speaking Difficulty. The absence of mimicry and practice in
help them in finishing their education and improve themselves
Modular Distance Learning is a factor for limited learning. as
for a wider opportunity. Reading also helps them in improving
exposed with the participants, they have the difficulty in
themselves so that they can be successful someday. Academic
speaking the language because they do not have the model in
achievement means that they can read, comprehend, and
their homes. They also suggest that learning especially
reading is better in a traditional classroom.
Reading Comprehension difficulty. Comprehension with the
reading text in Modular Distance Learning is also difficult for The themes that emerged from the interview includes essential
learners. It is founded in the study that learners get bored and helpful, essential for communication, enrichment for
practicing reading when they do not understand what they learning, difficult, Code-switching, Vocabulary Development,
have read. As a result, they will not continue answering their Pronunciation difficulty, Oral Reading Fluency, Grammar
school activities. Understanding their school work is limited Difficulty, and Writing and Composition Difficulty.
in Modular Distance Learning especially for non-readers and
Experiences in Reading
slow readers.
Essential and Helpful. As a result of the study, it was revealed
Oral Language fluency. Mimicry is a factor in oral language
that perceptions of learners in reading are; essential and
in a traditional classroom. Hence, it was found out that
helpful, reading is difficult, and reading is difficult to
speaking in English is very difficult to non-readers and slow
comprehend. The experiences of learners in reading in a
readers as these skills are closely associated. Modelling
framework of Modular Distance Learning have been very
approach is essential to struggling readers in developing oral
difficult for them. However, they keep on learning to read
language fluency.
because they saw its importance as essential tool in
Difficulty in grammar, Writing, and Composition. With communication.
reading capacity in mind, difficulty in grammar, writing, and
Essential for Communication. Participants revealed that
composition is normal. Learners’ inability to write their own
reading fluency is essential for communication. It was found
composition and their ability in grammar is limited in the
out in the study that these struggling readers view reading as
framework of Modular Distance Learning. This discussion has
essential for communication.
emerged during the interview with the participants stated that
guided practice would allow them higher achievement level in Enrichment for learning. It was found out that reading
school than in their homes. enhances the mind to think critically. According to one of the
participants, reading helps you advance to higher platform of
Mispronunciation. Part of reading comprehension is
learning. reading also is an enabler in understanding other
pronunciation. Some words have similar pronunciations but
different meanings. Homophones are factors that affect the
capacity to understand the reading material. It also emerged that learning reading independently is
difficult. One of the reasons that emerged is the availability of
What are your motivations in learning to read in Modular
resources. They have limited access to technologies as they
Distance Learning?
were at their homes and without help from parents and family
Self-proficiency. Emerged in the interview that learners’ members. Reading is even made difficult because also of the
motivation in learning to read in the framework in Modular limited use of the language in the community.

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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) |Volume V, Issue X, October 2021|ISSN 2454-6186
Oral Language. Oral language is complex for learners who expected. These factors for adequate reading comprehension
are learning under Modular Distance Learning. For schools for non-readers and slow readers are absent in Modular
that implements Modular Distance Learning is learning Distance Learning. A support is expected for learners to learn
delivery amidst pandemic, most of the eight (8) subject areas to read and enhance reading comprehension.
use English as the instructional channel. Learners need to
Pronunciation. Pronunciation among non-readers and slow
answer and explain their academic work but cannot
readers is more than theories. It must be viewed as integral
accomplish this due to limited oral language fluency.
and crucial part of learning reading. Teachers should help and
This is caused by the difficulty and exposure of every learner assist learners needs and should repeatedly monitor their
to the use of language. Speaking learners' ideas have become progress. In doing this, learners' self-confidence is elevated
a burden, especially since they have difficulty constructing and can harness their potential, making reading
sentences in explanation, discussing, and speaking. comprehension contribute to learners' overall communicative
Participants are challenged by speaking the oral language power.
Oral Reading Fluency. With reading comprehension as the
Language is incorporated in the daily discussion in the weak ability to decode printed symbols, oral reading fluency is also
points that they do not know the essential and even understand affected by the type of text, reading ability, and purpose in
the teacher teaching language. On the other hand, a strong reading. Participants exposed those common problems they
point is emphasized on the exposure to reading since they encounter in oral reading fluency are mispronunciation,
create an 'incidental' noticing forming a standard feature of the reading difficulty, inability to identify question marks, lack of
language (Mohammadzadeh MohammadAbadi et al., 2012) confidence, and speaking ability.
Challenges in Reading Learners' speaking ability is influenced by language rules,
intonation, grammar, and stress compared to their native
Code-switching. Since the difficulty of oral language is
language. The availability of pronunciation practice and
ineviable. As part of scaffolding, translation and code-
modeling is absent in Modular Distance Learning. Learners
switching are used to achieve the common understanding of
cannot achieve oral fluency with the absence of modeling and
practice with frustration, instructional, and independent
Vocabulary Development. Participants disclosed that their readers are among reading levels as cited in the work of
understanding toward new words is shallow. It is evident that (Jenkins et al., 2005). Producing sounds needs the guidance of
their opportunity in using new words is limited, thus exposure the teachers of a physical classroom.
to learning new words, however limited.
With decoding and comprehension as significant component
Henriksen (1999) proposed that lexical development requires of reading. Participants proved this by citing that they do not
lexical competence, depth of knowledge, and the productive know how to put stress and often mispronounce words due to
use ability. To develop vocabulary competence, it is necessary absence of guidance of a teacher.
to practice the use of the newly acquired vocabulary.
Grammar. The ability of learners to learn grammar is
Vocabulary practice is also rooted in learners' ability to read
challenged by their ability to remember the grammatical rules
and remember words. Participants say that their ability to
that governs the use of grammar. Learners' ability to identify
develop linguistic competence requires the ability to
punctuation marks, properties and different parts of speech
remember and practice.
and its uses, and appropriate usage of each word form makes
Exposure to words facilitates vocabulary competence and it easy for non-readers and slow readers to read and
development among non-readers and slow readers. Fluency of comprehend. Providing essential and relevant reading
newly acquired vocabulary is increased through exposure, materials to learners and providing an engaging learning
use, and repeated practice (Brent & Siskind, 2001). To make experience would allow learners to learn grammar (Wang &
vocabulary functional is to enhance through repeated practice Smith, 2013).
and exposure.
Additionally, the degree of teacher monitoring and learner
The ability to decode reading text is rooted in the reading engagement also causes learners to learn grammar. As
difficulty. Learners have difficulty in organizing the ideas espoused by the respondents, because of their inability to
presented in the text and interpreting them to orally master grammar rules, they tend not to speak aloud and read
explainable language. The type of the material, length of the to avoid mockery. This now hampers emotional and
reading material read, and writing styles of the author are psychological dealings among these group of learners.
some of the problems involved in reading comprehension.
As influenced by reading, learning grammar is correlated with
Duke & Pearson (2004) reiterated that an effective reading its use, rules, and properties. Non-readers and slow readers are
comprehension activity involves lots of time spent in reading, confused with what rule to follow in a situational problem
types of reading materials, frequent exercise and vocabulary solving. Traditional teaching grammar technique like PPP
rich materials, a range of reading genres in practice, and an (Present-Practice-Produce) sometimes doesn't work because
environment where high quality talk about the text is learners cannot find the importance in learning grammar.

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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) |Volume V, Issue X, October 2021|ISSN 2454-6186
Word group analysis and its different combinations also psychology with function in a social context while
hinder in studying grammar (Noroozi, 2018) motivation, as defined by motivational psychologists, suggests
movement. This connotes that there should be movement and
Today's modular learning delivery impedes learners' ability to
development in motivation to read.
learn grammar effectively since teachers cannot properly
guide them. Allowing this to happen produces a wide Finally, finishing the studies, perfecting the test, and using
disparity of learning gap that challenges both learners and the language for employment are also great motivations in
educational system. learning English. Naturally, the very aim in learning a
language is to perfect the examinations in school. When they
The ability of the teachers to remotely teach learners with
get good grades, they will eventually finish their studies,
grammar and its complexities would require the school and
resulting in a profitable job. All these are connected in
learners' family with their time, devotion, and effort coupled
learning English.
with technological infrastructure, innovative teaching and
learning technique, and reading ability. As linked to reading, Suggestion for further work
grammar should also focus on teaching the language that
Grouping learners according to Reading Level. Upon
needs a great time and effort to teach.
enrollment, learners should be assessed according to their
Writing and Composition. Writing competency is significantly reading ability to be grouped and given appropriate learning
related to language proficiency and grammatical errors. activities. Non-readers should be given developmentally
Writing competence has a higher correlation to English sub- appropriate enrichment activities that would cater to their
skills. The ideas learners presented in their writing topics are needs and develop their confidence. Immersing them in the
not original compositions and are only copied in books and mainstream education would mean that they are left out and
other printed materials. create a confidence gap. School administration, teachers, and
parents should investigate ways to solve this and ensure that
This scenario is significantly linked to learners' inability to
these groups of learners are given attention and proper
read. As reading ability increases, the imagination also
increases that allows the learners to write original
composition. Their ability to write influenced by their As a program, assessment and identification of their reading
language which is acquired by their constant reading practice. level capacity enable the school leadership and parents to look
Decoding ideas also influences learner's ability to write and for ways to remediate this. Grouping them will easily teach
create their own composition. teachers and schools how to teach them and improve their
reading ability.
The ability of learners to normalize writing should create an
impact among readers. Hence, rooted in practical reading Second, Strengthening Reading Instruction in Secondary
skills, non-readers and slow readers should first learn how to Schools will also help to solve this problem. A strengthened
read for them to write. Also linked to the idea of constant reading program in secondary schools will improve the
practice, non-readers and slow readers should also practice reading ability from Junior High School to Senior High
writing. School. The introduction of remedial reading instruction
specifically designed for secondary school students will
Writing is a form of unique learning. Writing is unique and
developmentally increase their ability to read and increase
involves process-and-product attributes representing a
their reading capacity.
particular form of learning (Emig & Emig, 2007). Reading
and writing is considered second-order processes that involve Focusing on word identification and sound production is the
special skills in learning. As a particular way of learning, first skill for learners to develop their ability to comprehend
learners in a tribal school find it difficult to write that their the text, produce the sounds orally, identify grammatical
foundation in combining words into sentences is not yet rules, and increase vocabulary. These skills are shared among
established. They find writing arduous because of their learners when they know how to read and improve their
incapacity to formulate their ideas using English as the target reading potential.
Allowing more teachers to focus on the reading ability of
Motivations in Reading every non-reader and slow readers does decrease illiteracy.
Teachers and schools should focus on strengthening the
Reading is one of the learner's skills that would mean quality
reading programs in every secondary school even in distance
education. Masgoret and Gardner (2003) have expounded that
academic and language achievement depends on motivation
which is present to all individuals who want to learn. Hence, Thirdly, a Reading Intervention and Remedial Plan designed
understanding and relating some printed and advertising for non-readers and slow readers shall also be introduced. To
media through reading is also a great motivation among continue the instruction among these learners, especially in
learners. reading instruction, an intervention plan specifically designed
to monitor and assess the progress of non-readers and slow
Dörnyei (2009) wrote that motivation must not relate to
attitude. It must be separated since attitude is used in social

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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) |Volume V, Issue X, October 2021|ISSN 2454-6186
readers in the context of modular distance learning shall also Finally, emerging researchers may also focus on many
be introduced. reasons connected to reading fluency such as comprehension,
grammar, vocabulary, oral language fluency, and ability to
Rooting from the continuity of learning, reading instruction
write composition and writing. These competencies also
shall also be included in the learning continuity plan in
affected by the lack and inability to read. Researchers may
distance learning. A strategic intervention plan shall intervene
also focus on this group of learners' academic achievement in
the reading instruction aside from learners answering
other subject areas as subject to the ability to read and decode
modules. School administrators and teachers shall also discuss
printed symbols.
that reading is a critical factor for learners in answering their
learning modules and parallel assessment, hence reading ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
fundamental in every aspect of learning. This intervention
In a world that views education as a neutralizing agent for
plan should also focus on producing literate learners able to
change, this is for you. I believe that we would create an
read and identify words and letters.
environment where everyone is included, cherished, and
Fourth, a Diversified Reading and Learning Materials shall celebrated. This academic work will not be completed without
also be expected to schools and teachers. Diversified reading the help of the following: Dr. Ronald S. Decano, Dean of the
and learning materials that focus on every learner's ability and Institute of Advanced Studies of Davao del Norte State
reading experience shall be introduced to cater to their need in College, for the encouragement to pursue this travail. To the
reading. Developmentally appropriate reading materials shall panel of examiners for intricate examination of the parts of
be given to learners as well as constant monitoring and this study. To my family and friends for the untiring support
checking will increase their reading ability. and encouragement. To the learners of course, without you
this will not come into being. And lastly, to our heavenly
Fifth, Constant Communication among Learners and Parents
creator, for the guidance and immeasurable kindness
is a key to improved reading instruction. Communicating the
whenever I feel weak.
needs of every learner is necessary for them to learn reading.
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