Cucumber Kimchi Recipe From "The Korean Vegan."

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SE R VE S 6 TO 8 Cucumber kimchi was the first kimchi I ever learned to make
because it’s so easy. It’s a great way to dip your toe into the pool
of pickled Korean vegetables, if you’re a little intimidated to try
cabbage or radish kimchi. Not only that, it’s an excellent garnish for
1 pound Korean your salads, sandwiches, and, of course, on rice. The lovely thing
cucumbers, Kirby
about this recipe—like all kimchis!—is that you can make a bunch
pickling cucumbers,
or Persian (mini) in advance (double or triple the recipe!) and serve it for weeks!
cucumbers My grandmother had a huge jar of cucumber kimchi in her fridge
3 tablespoons coarse
at all times that she used throughout the year. As a result, her
sea salt
2 to 4 tablespoons bapsang (dining table) always delivered multiple different kimchis at
gochugaru every meal!
(see page 28)
¼ cup julienned red onion
2 tablespoons sugar 1. Cut the cucumbers into ¼-inch-thick discs and place
2 tablespoons rice vinegar them in a very large bowl. Add the salt and stir the cucumbers
2 tablespoons mirin so that they are evenly coated. Set them aside for 15 minutes.

2. Check on your cucumbers. By this time, there should be some

liquid collecting at the bottom of the bowl. Stir the cucumbers
around a little so that the cucumbers on the bottom are now on
the top and vice versa. Set them aside for another 15 minutes.

3. Drain off the liquid and rinse the cucumbers thoroughly to

eliminate excess salt. Pat them dry with a kitchen towel. Place
them back in the large bowl.

4. Add the gochugaru (2 to 4 tablespoons depending on your

spice threshold), red onion, sugar, vinegar, and mirin. Stir the
cucumbers until they are evenly coated.

5. Store the cucumber kimchi at room temperature for 2 to 3

days for a quicker “pickling” and then place it in the
refrigerator to enjoy for several weeks.

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