A Redevelopment Approach To A Historical Market in Sylhet City of Bangladesh
A Redevelopment Approach To A Historical Market in Sylhet City of Bangladesh
A Redevelopment Approach To A Historical Market in Sylhet City of Bangladesh
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Abstract Well-designed circulation and use of effective old-historical markets to be redeveloped to make more
space in urban markets are considered as key elements in effective reply to ensure better shopping environment for the
their success as they directly or indirectly influence the cost city people and the outsiders.
of operation therein. Consequently, well-designed spaces Furthermore, Sylhet is known as the remittance city of
accrue many benefits: security, higher economic returns, Bangladesh, as substantial amount of remittance is received
better legibility and reduced congestion hence better market by the city annually. This area is working as the main
functionality. "Hasan Market" (located near Bandar bazaar, commercial hub of the Sylhet region. Different types of
Sylhet) has great significance for its suitable position, markets and bazaars are key centers of economic activity in
historical background and commercial importance equally Sylhet City. Presently it has 30 markets of different sizes and
for visitors (mainly middle class and low income people) and places, importance and specialization. The construction
Sylhet City Corporation (SCC). Still, this market has industry in Sylhet is currently booming with many shopping
continued to experience space use conflict with incidences of centers being built by expatriate Bangladeshis. London
its development and circulation pattern, lighting-ventilation, Mansion, Blue Water, Al Hamra, Millennium, City Center
drainage system, shops layout and service facility especially etc. were established to cater to the visiting Sylheti expatriate
within and around the market area. This study intends to and the growing Sylheti middle classes. Although to serve
address these problems of space use to ensure effective over 3,00,000 people, Sylhet town has only 22 daily markets
functionality of the market. This study also seeks to develop and many open hawker markets which are serving on and
a form of solving conflict in space use by redevelopment average 14 thousand populations [1]. However, these
proposal along with exploring design and other planning markets are not evenly distributed over the city to serve its
interventions. inhabitants efficiently. In the central part of the proposed
study area Bandar Bazaar is the key area for both whole sale
Keywords Redevelopment, Market, Effective Space,
and daily markets and main commercial supply route of
Circulation, Open Spaces
Sylhet from ancient time. Presently this area works as a
foremost wholesale market from where Sylhet City
Corporation (SCC) receives huge government revenue every
year. Within this area "Hasan Market" has the significant
1. Introduction part and one of the important shopping center for its suitable
location and available contemptible products to the visitors.
The rapid increase of population has led to raise demands Generally this market is used as a range of garments product
and strain in existing public infrastructures within urban for middle class and low income people and handle a huge
vicinity. In order to provide convenience to citizens demands amount of financial flow every month and provide both
like shopping for their daily needs at ease, several markets direct and indirect employment for the urbanites. Now, as a
have been developed in the past within Sylhet city major shopping area in the city centre, "Hasan Market" needs
corporation authority. However, poor maintenance, dearth of to be more vibrant in responding to the different classes of
basic facilities, absence of security and lack of circulation, people of the city and its development pattern. But still now,
service, parking and improper management have led to the it has faced dense unplanned haphazard development even
downward spiral of these public shopping areas in favor of along the roadside just to meet the demand of rapid
middle class and low income people. In addition to these, the urbanization process. Therefore, it has been one of the major
mixed image that the Sylhet city has obtained in last decades concerns for the Sylhet City Corporation (SCC) to
has further altered the typology of public spaces demands. reorganize the whole "Hasan Market" area under
These increased population and demands now offer several redeveloping process to make it a better shopping area and
128 A Redevelopment Approach to a Historical Market in Sylhet City of Bangladesh
therefore it may be able to handle the commercial activities sustainable communities displaying an extensive array with
more efficiently to cope with the city’s economic need and facilities for the enhancement of economic activities
future growth. In general, this study is thus chosen based on (McDonald, et al 2009). Again the objective of
the investigation that indeed space use divergence exists in redevelopment and refurbishment of the Markets is to
"Hasan Market". Though utilization of space is a big factor provide a new and better designed market having a clean
in determining the cost of operation of various businesses environment (Deloitte, 2012). The most important goals of
and so their survival as it came out in the research phase of the processes of redevelopment and refurbishment are to:
the project. There is therefore need to invoke remedial Increase the value of the retail space
measures to restore space use divergence to ensure there is Improve the functionality of the facility and deliver
free flow of goods and people as well as salvage businesses high quality, safe public areas
operating in the market area. This will be done through Reposition the facility in the market through its
provision of a space use friendly model that maximizes development and change of tenant-mix.
space utility and at the same time bridges the customer/trader The re-development initiative is expected to address
by facilitating customer’s access to the sales point rather problems caused by underutilization of the building with
than traders luring customers from market paths. inadequate facilities and unhygienic conditions and enable
Redevelopment is chosen since it is relatively contemptible re-development in a manner that provides a hygienic and
compared to an overhaul of the market, it incorporates three clean environment for shopping (Deloitte, 2012). The broad
main components that will include design, infrastructure and objectives of the market re-development project are as
circulation and the facility management. follows (Deloitte, 2012) [7]:
Ensure that the character of a Public Market is
2. Theoretical Review of Redevelopment Reinvigorate the market areas as a retail shopping
Project and Market destination for local residents.
Ensure improved parking and traffic management
A critical factor in the success of any center is the quality Promote the survival and predominance of small shops,
of space on offer. With growing competition for tenants, marginal businesses, thrift shops, arts and crafts, and
creating the proper space in the right location is critical if other enterprises, activities, and services which are
owners wish to maintain or improve their market position essential to the functioning of the Market.
and thus their cash flow. On the other hand, maintaining high Create a new attraction for a different type of visitor
quality means adapting to changing economy, social, that is not currently drawn to the market.
technological and sometimes political conditions [2].
However, during the decades of 1980s private sector 2.1. Classification of Market
investment got attention through ‘creating confidence for
managing efficient redevelopment schemes’ (Yalcinta & Types of market can be broadly defined according to a
Kilinc, 2010) [3]. Until date, it shifted to a more strategic number of characteristics; by their physical and spatial
management focus of multi-sectors and the citizens. characteristics, operation time, etc. These classifications are
‘Realization of visions of a sustainable city depends on cities discussing in the following [8]
being able to identify the issues and approaches best suited to
their particular needs and circumstances’ (Weingaertner, 2.1.1. By Physical and Spatial Characteristics
2010) [4]. That is why the best way to future strategies for Undifferentiated open sales spaces, operated by an
sustainable redevelopment is to look back to the experiences individual hawker or peddler
and take lessons from them (Ahsan, Asad & Alam, 2012). Street or roadside markets (common in both rural and
Yet again redevelopment is a much wider process, which urban areas);
aims to reposition the centre, increasing its reach and Open-air markets (typically in a paved urban square);
improving its market position. This often includes a Covered markets (common in urban areas);
thorough overhaul of the facility and can include the building Small-scale retail shops associated with urban market
of additional space. Redevelopment is a more serious areas; and
investment that can cause disruption for tenants occupying Markets sharing a number of the above characteristics,
the centre, sometimes making it impossible for them to most commonly found in the center of small rural
conduct their business for the duration of the construction towns.
works. It is very important to carry out an in-depth analysis
and to plan the entire process [5]. Some changes may be 2.1.2. By Time of Operation and Services That Are Offered
forced by shifting legal conditions in the area of safety for Markets offering a wider range of trading functions
example, and such changes will not translate directly into an than retailing, combining retail and wholesale markets.
increase in value or lower maintenance cost [6]. Usually, they are found in small towns and cities.
The policy on the improvement of urban areas with Buildings or areas specializing as markets on one day in
neighborhood’s market should consider the building of the week or at a specific time of the day, the whole or
Civil Engineering and Architecture 4(3): 127-138, 2016 129
part of the site may be used for different purpose at 2.2.1. Building and Shop Space Standards
other times such as a car park.
Table 1. Building and shop space standards
Weekly or seasonal markets, generally termed "periodic
markets" Specification Standard
Markets operating every day on a permanent site, Main thoroughfare of
A 6 meters aisle to allow for circulation
whether from a fixed building or a mobile stall market
(possibly with expanded activities at weekends or on Minimum of 3.5 meters to allow a group of
specific days). Aisle inside building or three people walking together to pass one
shops person standing by a stall or two people
2.1.3. Function of Markets walking to pass two other people
Maximum distance
Markets provide low-cost retailing facilities based on between cross aisle 12 meters
small-scale operations and are typically found in the low and inside buildings
middle-income, higher density areas of cities and small Minimum shop depth
2 meters for standing and staking of boxes
towns and in the centers of villages in rural areas (FAO ( Trader standing
plus 1 meter for the counter
2008). According to Tracy White, the main functions of Minimum shop
markets include the following [9]: depth(Trader sitting on 1.2 meters
To provide opportunities for the exchange of goods and shop)
services by producers and consumers Minimum shop
To provide, at assembly markets, opportunities for the height(Trader sitting 0.7 meters
bulking-up and export of goods and produce to outside on shop)
Minimum shop
areas height(Trader sitting in 0.7 Meters
To provide easy access to a wide range of produce for front of the shop)
consumers; Minimum shop width 1.8 Meters
To provide an important means of generating a
Between 2*2 and 3*4 meters with sales
diversity of retail outlets in towns and cities by Small lock up shop
space taking up to 30-50 percent of the area
supplying low-cost space for street vendors who use Sales or table area per 0.8 and 1.2 square meters excluding standing
stalls or carts and do not therefore require buildings; trader space
and Outdoor seating/low
400mm high, between 300 to 500mm deep
To provide an opportunity to achieve improvements in walls
Central market space
food hygiene standards and reductions in post-harvest for trading in the open
Max dimensions between 20 and 25 meters
food losses. Width of minor Not to exceed the height of the surrounding
pedestrian routes buildings
2.2. Regulatory Guidelines, Planning and Design Source: physical planning handbook 2007
2.2.2. Standards for Public Utilities Provision
This study considered space standards as provided in the
Public utilities are those facilitate the effective operation
physical planning hand book regarding market
redevelopment standards–‘The physical planning Handbook of the market facility. Effective provision of Public utilities
Market construction standards’; following table 1 and is essential for the proper functioning of the market facility.
sections are the discussion about various building and shop There should be proper space provision for the various
standards, circulation space standards and public health utilities. Handling of businesses in areas specified for these
space standards as provided in the physical planning hand utilities should be avoided as this impairs operation of such;
book [10]. it also affects the life of the utilities.
130 A Redevelopment Approach to a Historical Market in Sylhet City of Bangladesh
2.2.3. Water Supply ruling period of King Gour Govinda) this place was used as
Water lines should be laid at a depth sufficient to protect open space, named Govinda Park. At first Roy Bahadur
against frost damage. The minimum pipe depth should be Girish Chandra Das who was the first Chief Engineer of
0.5m below the ground level with the main water pipeline Sylhet municipality established a school here named "Murari
requiring a way leave of 10 meters. The reticulation systems Chand School". But within some years this school was
in form of pipeline should be designed in a hierarchical relocated from here and renamed as G.C. School and this site
manner, from the main pipeline distributor to the minor in was then left as an open space, when it was named as Girish
order to achieve equity in distribution. Chandra Park and used as an urban park. After that in the
beginning of 20th century, it was again used as a temporary
2.2.4. Garbage Collection and Disposal campus of Modon Mohan College (M.C. College). But it was
Garbage collection sites must be environmental friendly. once more transferred to its permanent campus. Finally in
They should be located on the leeward side and have a the year of 1959, the chief collector Mr. Hasan Chowdhury
100m-protection belt. announced this place as a market named "Hasan Market"
(also known as Collector’s Market) which is now used as a
market authorized by the Sylhet city corporation. However,
3. Historical background of Hasan the remaining three trees still in the site are the last remainder
Market of this historical park. Following figure 1 shows the
modification of present "Hasan Market" that has been
The present position of "Hasan Market" has some
transpired in different instant.
historical consequences. From the beginning (during the
Figure 2. Existing location and condition of Hasan Market and its surrounding
Photographs 1. Narrow & poor lighting within circulation & open drain besides outside pedestrian area
under-utilized and produce no revenue for SCC. These shops which make the circulation path narrow. Besides these,
potential markets need to be explored and strategies need to other circulation paths have various types of width and very
be devised to ensure their optimal utilization by implicating narrow to walk for two or more people. Thus, this study
this proposed redevelopment approach. proposed these paths should be free from all displayed goods
and widen as per standard. Drainage line within the main
5.1. Redevelopment of Circulation Paths circulation paths is open and not proper designed. Therefore,
The internal circulation area needs to be redeveloped in a drainage line within circulation paths should be covered and
planned way to minimize the dense development and easy properly designed which will assist to walk comfortably.
access for the customers. The market area is now expanding Over again, the main circulation path was not design with
illegally and in most cases occupies the main circulation natural lighting coordination. Even in day time most of areas
paths, which creates problem to allow a group of three need to provide artificial light, which is not proficient for
people walking together to pass one person standing by a both customer and shop’s owner. Consequently, these areas
shop or two people walking to pass two other people. Thus, should be redeveloped with display free paths and widen
to meet the growing economic demands and to provide better circulation paths as it requires, covered and well-designed
shopping facilities, circulation paths need to follow the drainage facility and natural lighting provision over the
standard. Present internal circulation paths have different circulation pathway (figure 3). One more outer area of this
categories of width and create problem to allow walking market has same kind of problems: uncovered drainage line
together to pass one person standing by a shop or two people and display product outside shop. Thus, this study again
walking to pass two other people. Even though main and anticipated to design drainage line under the pedestrian and
minor circulation paths have 12 and 8 feet respectively in redevelop the outer pedestrian in two levels with green bed
width but most shops display their products outside their (figure 3).
5.2. Redevelopment of Open Space for many years, "Hasan Market" has faced dense unplanned
haphazard development even along the roadside. Therefore,
Every urban market needs some spaces where customers the outer facade of the market and pedestrian area remain
can find rest or break. As history describes, this place was an
always full of activities and difficult to buy products from
open park area for the surrounding neighborhood. Now only
this site. This area needs to be redeveloped in a planned way
three large trees exist here in between three major circulation
to lessen the dense development and easy access for both the
nodes and sustain as an ineffective open space. No special
customers and side walk people. In equally side, outer shops
treatment for theses open spaces moreover it can be
effectively used as a rest or sitting area for the customers. of the market are smaller in size and narrower in width (8’x6’)
Therefore, surrounding shops within the open space should compare to inside shop. Thus, most of the shops displayed
be rearranged again with considering these open space and their products outside their shops which create difficulties
these three historical trees. This study proposed to redevelop for the people who are walking towards pedestrian area. In
these areas surrounding by shops which can be used as addition, drain line besides pedestrian is open which creates
fast-food or self-service restaurant with outdoor or problem for customers and also creates unhygienic
semi-outdoor sitting facilities under these trees (figure 4) environment. This study hence proposed only outer facade of
where customer can take rest and relax. the "Hasan Market" redeveloped with additional story
(figure 5) to make the pedestrian free and spacious and to
5.3. Redevelopment of Shops Layout make the shops larger for display and storage facilities.
Accordingly, this redevelopment endeavor also formulates
This study area is a very busy and one of the main
this area more vibrant as a hawker market with surrounding
commercial centers of Sylhet. City Corporation earns huge
commercial neighborhood.
government revenue every month from this area. However,
134 A Redevelopment Approach to a Historical Market in Sylhet City of Bangladesh
Figure 7. Proposed plan and perspective views as to circulation, open space and extension while redevelopment outline for Hasan Market
Civil Engineering and Architecture 4(3): 127-138, 2016 137
Figure 8. Existing and Proposed final perspective and sectional view of Hasan Market
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