Chapter One - Rafika Nedya - 2018010036 - A

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Name : Rafika Nedya Swastika

Class : A

NIM : 20180810036

The effect of Role-play towards student’s English-speaking ability in non- ELED Students



The first chapter of this research provides the introduction of the study. In this chapter, some

important points are listed. First, the background of the study explains why the researcher is interested

in exploring the effect of Roleplay towards student’s English-speaking ability in non-ELED students. The

research question that shows as the guidance for the analysis will also be presented in this chapter. In

addition, the aim of the research will identify the particular purposes to be examined. The importance of

the analysis would also demonstrate the advantages of this research for particular people. Finally, the

chapter organization, showing the description of each chapter is shown.

Background of the Research

English is one of language tool to communicate each other. English is really important in

daily life, because it can connect people in around the world. One of the global languages is

English. English has become an international language and considered by the world. A lot of

people in the world has been started to learn English.

In learning language there is four skills that should be master which are speaking,

writing, reading and listening. Those skills are very important because it can help to receive and

produce language. For receive skills are reading and listening and for productive skills are

speaking and writing. In this case the research will be focused on speaking skill. One of the

abilities that usually measures the success or failure of someone in speaking English is speaking
ability or skill. Speaking skills: Speaking skills are the skills that give us the ability to

communicate effectively. These skills allow the speaker, to convey his message in a passionate,

thoughtful, and convincing manner. 

Speaking skills also help to assure that one won't be misunderstood by those who are

listening. Speaking skill is very important to measure by the student because in speaking,

someone is able to say what he/she wants to express. Also, it is a symbol of words that usually

convey by someone through communication. There are some reasons why the student should

measure speaking skill. Firstly, the succes of learning English is measured by speaking. It can be

said as a success English learner if success in pronounce the word start from, the grammar, the

pronunciation and etc. Secondly, people use speaking skill to connect with other people.

Shumin (2002) stated that speaking is one of central element of communication. It means

that speaking is important instrument that is used by people to communicate with others.

However, some people have difficulties in learning English especially in speaking skill.

According to Krebt (2017) stated that speaking skill has some problem such as, students lack of

motivation to practice int the class, students are anxious to take part in the conversation, student

do not know what to say and students do not like the prescribed text book.

Other than that, some people do not want to speak English because they are lack in

linguistic, pronunciation, grammar and confident. Because learning speaking is perceived to be

more challenging than learning other skills, teachers need to find effective or interested teaching

strategies to help students in learning speaking. There are many kinds of learning strategies to

measure speaking skills such as debate, video dubbing, storytelling, role-play and etc.

In nowadays, the commonly used in measuring speaking skill is role-play. Role play is

the act of imitating the character and behaviour of someone who is different from yourself, for
example as a training exercise. Harmer (2007) says that role play can stimulate the students in

real world and it gives learners an opportunity to practice communicating in different social

contexts and different social roles. Role play is very important because it provides student with

an opportunity to practice communicating with other people in different social contexts and in

different situations, it also can help student to be more creative and put themselves.

Role-play is commonly used in classroom to teach the student in speaking skill. There is

a lot of advantages of using role play to measure the speaking skill. Bharaty (2013) stated that

Role-play enhances clarity in understanding, interest to participate and confidence to perform in

students. It helps learners to empathize with the role he/she enacts and thus motivates the learner

to have a better understanding of real-time problems and the solutions. Role play is often used

by researcher to improve student’s speaking ability. In this case, the research wants to find out

the effectiveness of using Roleplay towards student’s speaking ability.

In learnig speaking, role play is very important because it provides student with an

opportunity to practice communicating with other people in different social contexts and in

different situations, it also can help student to be more creative and put themselves. The study

done by Rahman & Maarof (2018) found that the student was enthusiast about roleplay and

simulation activities because they can learn speaking skills in a fun way and make them to

practice speaking in many times. It means that with using Roleplay the student can easy to

improve their speaking skills because they learn speak same as they play a game.

Despite number of studies related to the investigation of the effect using roleplay towards

student’s speaking ability already exist, the research in the same area in non ELED student

remains limited. There are many previous studies about the effect using roleplay towards

student’s speaking ability in English student, but same study is limited in non-English student.
Another limitation is the previous study almost using experimental design for collect the data. In

this research the researcher use interview as the instrument of the research for a richer and

generable amount of data. Investigating how the effect of roleplay towards student’s speaking

ability in non-English student is an issue that should be explored further in order to find out the

effective role play for non-English student in Indonesia.

Based on research observation, there is many non-English students of private university

in Yogyakarta learning English which not their main courses. In non-English student there have

been no courses which focus on speaking skills. However, the non-English students learn

English use many techniques and strategies. The teaching techniques and strategies that

commonly used for non-English student are group discussion, Presentation, Song, and Roleplay.

Roleplay is general used in many universities to learn because that is one of teaching or learning


Non-English students faced in knowledge gap about what being taught for non-English

student and ELED student. Both of the student used roleplay in learning English in the

classroom. Roleplay is very useful for both student because it helps student to face the real world

context in speaking. Many of non-English student is lack in their speaking skills. This situation

may be caused by there is no deep courses which discussed about the speaking skills like the

ELED students. The pronounce word is more important than grammars. Non-English student

only learning from the book and presentation for some subject, so many students were having a

lack in speaking skills, such as not influence in English or anxiety. This research aims to explore

the obstacle and strategies that non-English student do to use roleplay in the classroom.
Identification of Problem

In learning English, the speaking skills is one of the important skills that should be measure by

the student both form ELED student or non-English student. There are many kinds of strategies or

teaching technique that can be used for measuring the speaking skills. The researcher observed the use of

teaching technique for non-English student. Based on the observation, the teaching techniques are found

that there are often used book to learn English and not focus on speaking skills that make student can not

measuring the speaking skills. Sometimes, there are used roleplay to learn English.

Speaking skills should be taught for the non-English student in order to have a good speaking

skill. Based on the researchers’ observation there are number of problems. First, the researcher found that

students difficulties in speaking skills when the student do the presentation or speak English. Second, not

all teaching techniques are suitable used for learn English in non-English student because the students are

different from ELED students. This research will explore more about this problem to find out the effect of

using roleplay towards students English ability in non-English students.

Delimitation of the Research

In this study, the researcher focuses examining the obstacle faced by the student and students

strategies by the non-English student using roleplay for English speaking. The non-English students does

not have or learn any courses that focuses on one skills. However, in learning and teaching process

sometimes not used English for communication, it makes the student lack in speaking skills. To

streamline this research, the researcher explored to some extent. In order to make this research more

effective, the researcher limit the exploration of the study. First, the researcher only examined the

obstacle that non-English student find in measuring speaking skills using roleplay. Second, the researcher

explored about the students strategies to use roleplay for measuring the speaking skills. Third, the

participant of this research are the non-English student in a private university at Yogyakarta.
The aims of this study are to find out the student’s perception on obstacle and strategies faced of

using roleplay to measure speaking skills. The participant of this study are non-English student of a

private university in Yogyakarta.

Research Questions

The researcher has proposed the research question for this research. There will be two research question

as a research guideline. The question are:

1. What obstacle do students find in using role-play techniques in classroom?

2. What strategies can student use in applying role-play technique in the speaking class?

The Objective of the Research

Based on the research question, the objectives of the researcher are:

1. To explore the obstacle in using role-play techniques in classroom based on the non-English

student’s perception

2. To explore the strategies that used by the non-English student in applying role-play techniques in

speaking class.

The Significant of the Research

The research is expected to serve the benefits and good impact for many aspect for students,

teachers, and future researchers.

Students, this research could be used to find the obstacle faced by non-English student in using roleplay

and the strategies to apply the roleplay in speaking class. The student can use this research as a reference

if it finds the same obstacles in using roleplay for measuring speaking skills that explain in this research

and the strategies that student does to apply the roleplay.

Teachers, taught speaking for non-English student is rarely quite difficult since it is not main courses.

Teacher could use this research as reference to understand the obstacles faced by the student in measuring

the speaking skills in order to find the best teaching technique for taught speaking skills.

Future Researcher, the findings of this research analysis can be used by other researcher who want and

interested to explore the same area of the study. The result of the study is also expected to be a further

reference for those who want to research the same area with different perception and purposes.

Organization of the Research

This research contains five chapters. Chapter one consists of the background of the research,

identification the research, delimitation of the problem, research question, objective of the research and

the significance of the research.

Chapter two is the literature review. It provides the definition of roleplay, obstacle and strategies in

measuring speaking skill using roleplay. This chapter also consist and explain the theory related to the

overview of the effect of roleplay towards student’s English Speaking for non-English student.

Chapter three is the methodology. This chapter explains how the research will be conduct by the

researcher. This chapter discusses the methods that will be use, instruments, the participants, settings, and

data gathering techniques. Also, this chapter consist how to analysis the data.

Chapter four contains finding and discussion. This chapter presents the result of the data that have been

success to gather and analyze.

Chapter five consist of the conclusion and recommendation. This chapter explain the general answer to

the research question and the recommendation from the researcher who purposes for the teacher, student,

and future researcher.



Important of English

Rao (2019) stated that in these modern days, the whole world has become a global village and

people communicate with each other in a common language, i.e., English. English language should be

taught in every country and should be master by everyone because English is universal language. The

English language is spoken all over the world and it has attained the status of the global language.


In this session, the researcher would like to give the information about speaking. The

definition of speaking is the first point. The second point applies to the activities in speaking.

The third point is about teaching speaking. The last point is the method of teaching speaking.

The data is contribution to this analysis.

In learning language, there are four skills that should be master which productive and

receptive skills. Those are very important for develop the language. Speaking is one of the

central element of communication. Speaking we can produce some word and sentence to

communicate with other people.

Speaking is very important to measure by the student because in speaking someone is

able to say what he/she wants to express. According to Boonkid (2009) While reading and

listening are considered to be the two receptive skills in language learning and use, writing and

speaking are the other two productive skills necessary to be integrated in the

development of effective communication.

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