Yr. & Section: Topic
Yr. & Section: Topic
Yr. & Section: Topic
and answer.
Name: Period:
1. I am an indigenous game of Spanish influence played with a tin can as center of attention.
Who am I? Tumbang Preso
2. I am the focus of a game here in the goal is to hit and topple me down. Who am I? Tin Can
3. I am used by the players to hit the object of the game. Who am I? Pamato
4. I am the safe area where players can’t be tagged. Who am I? Strikers
5. I am the guard of the tin can position beside the circle. Who am I? Taya
6. I am the place/area where the tin can is positioned, standing as target. Who am I? Tin Can
Activity 2: “Eureka!”
Write at least 3-5 sentences of ideas/concept you have successfully learned from the lesson.
I’ve learn the objective is for the players to hit and knock down the milk can with the
pamato, and for the “It” to put back the can inside a small circle a few meters away from
the toe-line. When a player is tagged while recovering. When a player is tagged while
recovering their pamato, they become the it.
Complete the statement by filling in the blanks with the needed information.
“Patintero” is played by two teams composed of __five players each. The object of the game is
to _tagged_ the runners whose goal is to _cross_ all __lines .
The playing area consist of _four to six _ lines all of which should be crossed by the runners.
The side lines measure _5 to 6 meters while the front and end lines are both _4 meters wide.
The playing area is divided into _4 to 6_ equal parts. Each part measures meters wide and _5 to
6 m (16 to 20 ft) meters long.