Synopsis by Vaibhav Shukla

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Submitted by- Vaibhav Shukla

BBA 6th semester
Roll no. 96

A Study on Employee Satisfaction with HR practices at HDFC life
Insurance co ltd.

HDFC Bank is one of India’s leading private banks and was
among the first to receive approval from the Reserve Bank of
India (RBI) to set up a private sector bank in 1994.
Employee satisfaction is simply how people feel about their
jobs and different aspects of their jobs. It is the extent to which
people like (satisfaction) or dislike (dissatisfaction) their jobs or
their HR practices. One of the most important assets that
differentiate two organizations is its human resources. In an
atmosphere of huge competition and change, organizations
need to be the best in order to survive in the long run. An
organization should realize theimportance of employees, more
than any other variable, as the most powerful contributor to an
organization's competitive position. The study attempts to
measure level of employee satisfaction of HDFC Standard life
insurance’s HR practices and also focuses on the relative
importance of employee satisfaction factors (Organizational
and personal) and their impact on the overall job satisfaction of
the employees. The various factors resulting employee
satisfaction and dissatisfaction among employees of Life
Insurance is also been examined .


The insurance industry is one of the fastest growingindustries in

the country. The study is very much significant because it helps
in understanding level of satisfaction and expectation of
employees working in Life Insurance Company. An employee is
a real strength of any organization and their satisfactionis most
important factor in achieving high level performance. Hence this
study seems to be highly useful for both employee and


P.S. Subhash (2010), published in AIM International Monthly

Journal November 2010 in his paper titled "An evaluation of
HRD climate in Sugar cooperative of Goa state” very well
explained that people are Organizations most important and
valuable resources and those they need to be developed in
terms of their knowledge, skill and attitude for achieving their
personal as well as organization goals.
Williams, J. (2004), published in aSloan Work and Family
Research Network in his paper titled “Job satisfaction and
organizational commitment” clearly elucidate that there is a
strong relationship between Job satisfaction & organizational
commitment as satisfied employees have greater sense of
responsibility and commitment towards the organization
irrespective of the monetary gains.
C Vasudevan (2009), published in ICFAI Monthly HRM Review
article April 2009 in his paper titled “Performance Management
for Organizational success” clearly explainedthat business
results depend largely on the performance of the workforce
getting involved in the process, it is of paramount importance
for the organizations to measure the performance of its
employees continuously for the organizational success.
SubhashC. Kundu & Divya Malhan (2009), published in
Managing global transition Journal 2009, in his paper titled,
“HRM Practices in Insurance Companies” laid emphasis on to
assess the human resource practices being implemented in
insurance companies operating inIndia


• Research methodology is a way to systematically solve the

research problem. It may be Understood as a science of studying
how research is done scientifically. In it we study the various
steps that are generally adopted by a researcher in studying his
research problem along with the logic Behind them. It is
necessary for the researcher to know not only the research
methods/techniques .But also the methodology.

Primary Data:

Primary data is a type of data that is collected by researchers directly

from main sources through interviews, surveys, experiments, etc.
Primary data are usually collected from the source—where the data
originally originates from and are regarded as the best kind of data in
. The primary data were collected from the respondents through
well designed questionnaire and in-depth interview method.

Secondary Data :
Secondary data is the data that has already been collected through
primary sources and made readily available for researchers to use for
their own research. It is a type of data that has already been collected
in the past.
Sources of secondary data include books, personal sources, journals,
newspapers, websites, etc. Secondary data are known to be readily
available compared to that of primary data. It requires very little
research and needs for manpower to use these sources.
The secondary data were collected from the books, Internet,
Insurance Journals, Magazines and companies annual reports

1.To measure satisfaction levels of employees on various job

2 To find out the relative factors and its impact on employee
satisfaction level.
3.To study the relationship between personal factors and
4. Job satisfaction.To offer suggestions to improve employee
job satisfaction level.


1. What is your age?

● 21-25
● 26-35
● 36-50
● Above 50

2. What is your gender?

● Male
● Female
● Prefer not to say

3.From how many years you are working in HDFC Standard

Life Insurance company
 .less than 1 year
 Between 1-2 yrs
 Between 2-3 yrs
 5yrs or more
4.Are you satisfied with the nature of work?
 Highly satisfied
 Satisfied
 Neutral
 Unsatisfied
 Highly unsatisfiedIs
5. there adequate career opportunity provided by the company?
 Yes
 No
6.Are you satisfied with the behavior of management?
 Highly satisfied
 Satisfied
 Neutral
7. Are you satisfied with company’s code of conduct?
 Yes
 No
8. Respondents satisfaction level with work life balance
 Yes
 No
9. Respondents satisfaction level with the salary
 Agree
 Not agree
 Neutral
10. Respondents preference towards career-growth opportunity
 Satisfied
 Not satisfied
 Moderate
11. Respondents satisfaction level with nature of work
 Like
 Dislike
 neutral

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