Rodney Turner 2009
Rodney Turner 2009
Rodney Turner 2009
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2,2 Comparing the leadership styles
of functional
and project managers
J. Rodney Turner
Centre of Project Management, Kemmy Business School,
Received 4 September 2008
Accepted 1 November 2008 University of Limerick, Limerick, Ireland and
Lille School of Management, Lille, France
Ralf Müller
Umeå School of Business, Umeå University, Umeå, Sweden and
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Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to examine the differences between leadership competences
of project managers and those of functional managers.
Design/methodology/approach – Leadership styles of 414 project managers were assessed using
a validated research instrument, the leadership development questionnaire. The results were
compared with the leadership profiles of over 1,000 functional managers, assessed with the same
instrument. Quantitative analysis techniques were used to identify significant differences in the
leadership styles of project managers when compared to functional managers. Correlations between
leadership competences and leadership performance and follower commitment of project managers
were compared with those of functional managers.
Findings – The paper finds that project managers score higher than functional managers on
conscientiousness, sensitivity, and critical analysis, but they score lower on communication and
development competencies. The correlation between the fit of project managers to their organizational
context and their leadership performance and follower commitment was calculated.
Research limitations/implications – Comparisons show differences in leadership competences
for functional and project managers. Managers in general management roles should be trained to a
lesser extent in managerial and intellectual competences than those in project management roles.
However, solid training in emotional competences is needed for success in both managerial roles.
Originality/value – The differences in leadership competences of project managers and line
managers from industry and government are identified.
Keywords Leadership, Project management, Emotional intelligence
Paper type Research paper
functional manager’s leadership style does contribute to the success of the organization
or organizational unit he or she manages, the project manager’s leadership style is
generally ignored when identifying project success factors. However, unless there are
significant differences between the nature of projects and routine organizations, and
between project managers and functional managers, we would expect the project
manager’s leadership style to contribute to the success of their project. Thus, we
undertook a study to determine if and to what extent the leadership style of project
managers influences the success of the project they are managing. The results of that
study are reported elsewhere (Turner and Müller, 2006). As part of that study, 414
project managers completed a psychometric test, the leadership development
questionnaire – LDQ (Dulewicz and Higgs, 2005), and from that we were able to
determine their profiles of leadership competencies.
Both Higgs (2003) and Turner and Müller (2005) have reviewed the literature on
leadership from early twentieth century to the present day. Six schools can be
identified (Turner and Müller, 2005): the trait, behaviour, contingency, visionary,
emotional intelligence and competency schools. The emotional intelligence school
(Goleman, 1995; Goleman et al., 2002) argues that most mangers are reasonably
intelligent, and so it is their emotional response to situations that differentiates good
leaders from adequate managers. The competence school (Dulewicz and Higgs, 2005)
combines all the previous schools. Dulewicz and Higgs (2005) reviewed the
development in thinking on the nature of effective leadership and, in particular,
having looked at the literature from a sense-making rather than discovery perspective,
saw a pattern emerging. From this emerging literature, they proposed that effective
leaders are differentiated from other leaders through the exercise of a relatively small
range of skill or competence areas (Kouzes and Posner, 1998; Goffee and Jones, 2000,
2001; Higgs and Rowland, 2001; Hogan and Hogan, 2001). The way in which these
skills and competencies are exercised is not prescribed, but is the function of the
underlying personality of the leader (Hogan and Hogan, 2001). Indeed, this
combination is implied by Goffee and Jones (2000, 2001), in their statement that
effective leadership requires “being yourself, with skill”. This relatively simple
statement has significant implications for the way in which we view leadership,
although it does challenge the view of some (Hogan and Hogan, 2001; Collins, 2001).
IJMPB Based on their work, Higgs (2003) and Dulewicz and Higgs (2004, 2005) developed the
2,2 LDQ to assess a leader’s competence. The questionnaire contains 187 questions, to
assess his or her leadership competence against 15 competencies, grouped into three
competence areas: intellectual (IQ), managerial (MQ), and emotional (EQ). Full
definitions of all 15 LDQ competencies, and technical support for the questionnaire, are
presented in Dulewicz and Higgs (2005). The 15 LDQ competencies are listed in Table I.
200 The LDQ also contains six additional questions through which the respondents assess
their leadership performance, six through which they assess their follower commitment,
and six through which they assess their organizational context. We will return to these
additional questions later. The parameters that result from 12 of the questions are called
“self-assessed leadership performance and follower commitment”. However, the
questions in the LDQ are in random order, so the respondent does not know the nature of
any particular question as it is being answered, thereby reducing bias.
Dulewicz and Higgs (2005, 2000) validated the LDQ through a study of over 400 line
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managers. Two further studies (Dulewicz et al., 2005; Wren and Dulewicz, 2005; Young
and Dulewicz, 2006) applied the instrument to determine the leadership profile of over
600 officers from the Royal Navy and Royal Air Force, substantially increasing the
number of data points and further validating the instrument. Indeed, Young and
Dulewicz (2006) compared the LDQ to another instrument, the occupational personality
questionnaire, and found that the LDQ was better at predicting leadership performance.
These three studies showed that the leadership performance of line managers
can be predicted from the competence profiles, that is their scores against the IQ,
Leadership style
Group Competency Goal Involving Engaging
In accordance with earlier studies (Boyatzis, 1982; Spencer and Spencer, 1993;
Crawford, 2001), we define a competence as comprising several competencies, and
therefore refer to EQ, IQ and MQ as competences and the 15 underlying dimensions as
competencies (Turner and Müller, 2006).
This paper is organized as follows. In the next section, we review the results of the
three previous studies and from these determine hypotheses for our analysis. We then
describe how we gathered our data. In the following sections, we present the results of
our analysis. We discuss the significance of these results and their limitations. We
consider implications for project managers and managers responsible for selecting
project managers.
Organizational context
The LDQ has an embedded context scale that allows analysis of the suitability of certain 203
styles, by providing a measure of change faced by the organisation. The scale reflects
five separate components (Dulewicz and Higgs, 2005). The components of the
organizational context scale capture the impact of change in the wider environment as
well as in the organisation’s culture and climate. This reflects Higgs and Rowland’s
(2001) dynamic leadership model, within which “it is feasible that a change in leadership
behaviour may lead to a different strategic approach being adopted by the organisation”.
When testing the style-context model, Young and Dulewicz (2006) found that those
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whose current style fitted the style appropriate to their organizational context
assessment received higher actual performance ratings than those whose style did not.
In the present study, it was possible to test whether those whose current style fitted the
style appropriate to their assessment of the organizational context showed higher
leadership performance and follower commitment than those whose style did not. This
leads to our fifth set of hypotheses:
H5A. Project managers whose current style fits the style appropriate to their
organizational context will have higher self-assessed leadership performance
than those whose style does not.
H5B. Project managers whose current style fits the style appropriate to their
organizational context will have higher self-assessed follower commitment
than those whose style does not.
Dulewicz and Higgs (2004, 2005) identified three different leadership styles, which they
called goal-oriented, involving and engaging:
(1) Goal-oriented leadership. A style that is focused on delivering results within a
relatively stable context. This is a leader-led style aligned to a stable
organisation delivering clearly understood results.
(2) Involving leadership. A style that is based on a transitional organisation which
faces significant but not radical changes in its business model or modus
(3) Engaging leadership. A style based on a high level of empowerment and
involvement appropriate in a highly transformational context. Such a style is
focused on producing radical change with high levels of engagement and
The details of the 15 competencies underlying the three styles are shown in Table I.
Using the organizational context score, Dulewicz and Higgs (2004, 2005) showed that
the goal-oriented style is most effective with relatively stable change, the involving style
with significant change, and the engaging style with transformational change. Having
completed the LDQ, respondents can determine their leadership style from their LDQ
report which links their own context score to the appropriate leadership styles.
IJMPB Data collection
2,2 As a part of a larger study to investigate the relationship between a project manager’s
leadership competency profile and the success of the type of project he or she manages
(Turner and Müller, 2006), we conducted a worldwide survey among project managers.
For that, a link to a web-based questionnaire was distributed by e-mail to members of
professional project management organizations via the representatives of the country
204 organizations, and to post experience masters students in project management via their
course directors.
Leadership performance and follower commitment subscale scores are derived from
self-assessment, not from a 3608 assessment by followers, and so the problems of
intra-method ratings apply. However, Mabe and West (1982), in a major review paper,
concluded that “under certain measurement conditions, self evaluation of ability may
closely correspond to performance on criterion measures”. Enhancing the validity of
self-rating often requires little more than “simple modifications in the self evaluation
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The sample is dominated by responses from the western world. The analysis results
below should therefore be carefully interpreted for other parts of the world.
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Step 1. EQ, IQ and MQ correlation with leadership performance and follower commitment
Multiple regression analyses were conducted on each of the LDQ competencies by
entering the EQ, IQ and MQ groups of items separately, whereby all variables per
competence were entered in a single step. The results of the regression analysis with
self-assessed leadership performance as the dependent variable are presented in
Table II. Of the independent variables, EQ items account for 21 per cent of the
leadership variance (R 2 expressed as a percentage), with sensitivity and motivation
being significant contributors. IQ items account for 22 per cent of the total leadership
variance, with critical analysis, vision and strategic perspective all being significant.
Finally, MQ items account for 30 per cent of the total variance. Engaging
communication, empowering and developing all make significant contributions. Thus,
H1A, H1B, and H1C are fully supported; scores against the EQ, IQ and MQ competencies
of the LDQ explain the leadership performance of project managers.
2,2 statistics Sig.
Model R R2 Adj. R 2 Competencies t-sig. R 2 F-change df1 df2 F-change
Regression (enter)
EQ 0.46 0.21 0.20Sensitivity 0.001
206 Motivation 0.001
IQ 0.47 0.22 0.21 Critical analysis 0.01
Vision 0.001
Strategic perspective 0.02
MQ 0.55 0.30 0.29 Communication 0.01
Empowering 0.02
Table II. Developing 0.01
Regression analysis of Hierarchical IQ þ EQ þ MQ model summary
LDQ IQ, MQ and EQ 1. EQ 0.46 0.21 0.20 0.21 15.55 7 406 0.00
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Separate hierarchical regression analyses were conducted using the EQ, IQ, and MQ
competences to investigate their combined correlation with leadership performance.
This tests Goleman’s (1995) proposition that EQ þ IQ contribute to success. The
hierarchical regression results, also reported in Table II, show that the EQ scales model
accounts for 21 per cent of the variance on self-assessed leadership performance and is
significant initially. However, introducing the IQ scales adds a further 5 per cent to the
variance explained, which is a significant contribution. The five MQ variables add a
further 6 per cent, also a significant addition, so that the 15 LDQ in total account for
almost one-third (31 per cent) of the total variance on the leadership scale.
The regression analysis results with follower commitment as the dependent
variable are presented in Table III. This time, all three groups accounted independently
for around 7 per cent of the total variance on follower commitment. The EQ items
account for 6 per cent, with sensitivity making the only significant contribution. IQ
items account for 7 per cent, with strategic perspective making a significant
contribution and MQ items account for 9 per cent, with communication making a
significant contribution. The results of the hierarchical regression analysis on follower
commitment are also presented in Table III which shows less of the total variance
statistics Sig.
Model R R2 Adj. R 2 Dimensions t-sig. R 2 F-change df1 df2 F-change
Regression (enter)
EQ 0.28 0.08 0.06 Sensitivity 0.02
IQ 0.27 0.07 0.07 Strategic perspective 0.001
Table III. MQ 0.30 0.09 0.08 Communication 0.01
Regression analysis of Hierarchical IQ þ EQ þ MQ model summary
LDQ IQ, MQ and EQ 1. EQ 0.28 0.08 0.06 0.08 4.81 7 406 0.00
dimensions and follower 2. IQ 0.32 0.10 0.08 0.03 4.03 3 403 0.01
commitment 3 MQ 0.35 0.12 0.09 0.02 1.69 5 398 0.14
(12 per cent) is explained than on the leadership scale. The seven EQ scales account for Leadership
8 per cent of the variance and the three IQ scales add 3 per cent, a statistically styles
significant increment; but the five MQ scales only add a further 2 per cent, an
increment which is not significant.
the Royal Air Force found that six LDQ dimensions scores significantly correlated with
subordinates’ ratings of project success. These were critical analysis, motivation,
managing resources, communicating, empowering and developing (Wren and
Dulewicz, 2005). The value of the findings from this analysis is that further support
is given to the importance of the IQ and MQ competencies but they also show that
some EQ competencies are also important for success.
follower commitment, the samples were divided into high, medium and low
performers, each accounting for approximately one third of the sample’s performance
scores. Taking the performance scores into account allowed us to split the sample at
the top 26 per cent and bottom 35 per cent for high performers, as well as top 35 per
cent and bottom 33 per cent for low performers. We applied t-tests to compare scores.
Results were very similar to the correlational analysis just reported. “Top” leadership
performers had significantly higher scores (at the 1 per cent level) on all dimensions
than “low” performers, except on Intuitiveness (t ¼ 2 2.17; df ¼ 259; sig. ¼ 0.03),
which did not show a highly significant difference. Those with high-follower
commitment showed highly significant differences on 13 dimensions with the other
two being not significant: intuitiveness (t ¼ 0.12; df ¼ 278; sig. ¼ 0.90) and
influencing (t ¼ 2 1.95; df ¼ 278; sig. ¼ 0.06).
Only, 6.3 per cent showed a really “poor fit” (2 per cent) where the leadership style was
totally inappropriate to the change context.
To test H5A and H5B relating to the style-context model, the sample was split into
two groups: Those whose style fitted the context (difference of 0 in Table VI; n ¼ 179)
and those whose did not (difference of ^ 1 and 2; n ¼ 235). A series of t-tests were
conducted on self-ratings of leadership performance and follower commitment, but the
differences on both variables were not significant, as shown in Table VII. Therefore,
H5A and H5B were not supported; project managers seem to be able to cope with
situations where there is quite a poor-context fit. This supports the results of Dolfi and
Andrews (2007) and is consistent with the results in Keegan and Den Hartog (2004) and
Den Hartog and Keegan (2007).
The literature mentions leadership style as a factor in increasing our understanding
of how leadership is conducted. Dulewicz and Higgs (2005) assert that different
leadership profiles are appropriate in different circumstances. The literature also
suggests that effective managers adopt styles appropriate to the team and task in
fit” for the change context; 44 per cent identified a leadership style, which was of a
“not-so-good fit” for the change context; and only 2 per cent showed “poor fit”, where the
leadership style was totally inappropriate to the change context. The similarity of
results from these two independent studies of PMs using the same instrument provides
further support for the validity of these results which, taken together, indicate project
managers face “significant” but not “fundamental” change, their predominant style is
“involving” and for the large minority (43.2 per cent), this is the appropriate style.
Our tests of the LDQ style-context model did not support H5A and H5B. Those
whose styles fitted their perceived context did not have higher scores on either
leadership performance or follower commitment. While Young and Dulewicz (2006) did
provide support, their research involved actual ratings of performance, as opposed to
self-ratings here. This might have accounted for the difference. Nevertheless, further
replication studies seem required, using both self and actual ratings, to provide further
tests in different contexts.
The picture for follower commitment is less clear-cut. Again, intuitiveness was not
significant in any of the studies and the only one not to be so in this study. Support
from at least one other study was forthcoming for the significance of three EQ
dimensions, sensitivity, motivation and conscientious, and for two MQ dimensions –
managing resources and communicating. sensitivity and communicating also featured
prominently in the simple regression analysis (Table VIII) while sensitivity and
conscientious were two dimensions on which project managers had significantly
higher scores than the norm group of senior managers and officers. Thus, it would
appear that managerial and intellectual competencies are of primary importance for
leaders of projects while emotional competencies become more important when
gaining the commitment of followers in the team. It supports the assertion of Goleman
et al. (2002) that increasing EQ capability is required at higher levels of general
management. These findings are likely to be relevant to anyone involved in selecting or
developing project managers. Finally, another key finding relates to the fit between
perceived context and current leadership style (Table VI). The predominant context
reflected “significant”, but not “fundamental” change was being faced, while the
predominant style was involving. Fortunately, the majority currently adopt this style.
Further implications are the following.
Managerial implications
Career selection for individuals (general management versus project management)
should be done in accordance with the Table IV. Candidates with a strong
conscientiousness, sensitivity and critical thinking profile should be selected for a
project management career path, while those strong in communication and developing
may better be selected for a general management role.
Projects and their management are often used as a training ground for development Leadership
of general managers. The study has shown that successful management of projects styles
does not automatically qualify for successful general management. Different
leadership dimensions play a role at different levels of management. Accordingly,
training programs for managers should prepare candidates in line with the
requirements of their tasks. Those pursuing a general management career should be
trained to a lesser extent in MQ and IQ dimensions than those pursuing a project 213
management career. However, with involving being by far the most often used
leadership style, a solid training in EQ capabilities is needed for success in both
managerial roles. A frequent switch between project and line management roles is
therefore only recommended to gain short-term insight in different organizational
processes or to satisfy a person’s job-enrichment desires, but not as a long-term
personal strategy. The personality structures required in different roles vary too much.
The involving leadership style appears to be sufficiently flexible to cope with
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Theoretical implications
The study has confirmed much of the already published theory on EQ and its
contribution to understanding of leadership (Goleman et al., 2002). However, it also
showed the need for clear distinction between leadership performance and follower
commitment, and their different expressions in different managerial roles and
industries. The results support Goleman’s (1995) theory that EQ þ IQ ¼ success, and
extents it into MQ competences.
To that end, project management clearly distinguishes itself from general
management, which warrants appreciation in academia and business of project
management being a standalone management technique.
While EQ capabilities are important for both project and general management
leadership roles (Goleman et al., 2002; Müller and Turner, 2007) projects require a
strong managerial role (MQ and IQ) as well. That may be explained by the clearer
goals that projects have compared to organizations, with the latter being associated
with a wider and more complex set of objectives to be achieved (Turner and Müller,
2003). Increasing goal complexity and conflicts requires managers to move gradually
from being a manager (that is guiding people towards a common goal) to becoming a
leader (that is having people follow him or her).
A relatively balanced predictability of leadership performance across samples and
industries contrasts with sample dependent predictability of follower commitment.
Together, with the differences in EQ, MQ, and IQ profiles for project management and
general management performance the following model is indicated:
EQ, MQ and IQ capabilities as independent variables influence leadership
success as dependent variable. However, the relationship between the
IJMPB independent and dependent variables is moderated by management type, that is,
2,2 project management or general management.
Similarly, explain EQ, MQ and IQ capabilities as independent variables followers
commitment as dependent variable. This relationship appears to be moderated
by context factors, such as industry and geography.
214 This model implies a dominant role of leadership in goal achievement for both general
management and project management. The extent people involve themselves in
achieving these goals is, however, context dependent.
latter group showed higher scores on 11 of the dimensions and on the leadership
performance scale. The sample also contained a high proportion of males (65.7 per
cent), who scored lower on eight dimensions, and of those from the technical/IT
function (42.5 per cent), who had higher scores on follower commitment. We do not
know how representative are these findings and so further research is proposed to
answer this question. Performance on the job was not assessed independently, it was
assessed by self-rating. Although respondents were promised a feedback report, and
this may well have encouraged them to be realistic. Further research using 3608 tools
(as used by Wren and Dulewicz, 2005), would be desirable.
The value of the study lies in the identification of leadership impact on performance
and the differences between project managers and line managers. It thereby
contributes to a better understanding of the particular leadership competences needed
to be successful in each of the two roles. Suggestions for training programs were given.
Careful application of the findings may provide for better results in both project
management and functional management.
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Corresponding author
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