Unit 4 Credit Overview 1
Unit 4 Credit Overview 1
Unit 4 Credit Overview 1
By Roman Novy-Marx
Lesson Overview
❖ What is credit?
❖ How does credit work?
❖ Credit score
❖ Different types of credit
What is credit?
A. Credit = a general term for the ability to borrow money, goods, or services with the
understanding that you’ll pay back later
1. By using credit, you take on debt
a. Debt = the amount of money you owe someone else
2. Common examples of credit: credit cards, utility bills, loans, and mortgages
Important Terms
1. Borrower (Debtor) = anyone who uses credit or takes on debt
2. To determine if they will be repaid, real creditors will take a measure of your
a. based on your financial reliability in the past
i. e.g.) credit score
2. 3 traits you want to see in someone before you lend them something
Credit Score
= a score ranging from 300-850 that tells how likely you are to pay back debt on time; primary judge of
1. How is it calculated?
a. Payment history
- Do you pay your bills on time?
b. Amounts owed
- How much debt do you already have?
c. Length of credit history
- How long is your record?
d. Credit mix
- Do you have experience with multiple types of credit?
Credit Score—Continued
❖ Credit score is important because it determines your ability to get a loan or credit card and the
interest rate you pay
ii. Interest is charged on any unpaid balance after each statement’s due date
1. Never pay interest if you pay your balance in full each month
iii. The account will remain open indefinitely until you choose to close it
Revolving Credit—Continued
iv. Examples of revolving credit:
1. Credit cards—by far the most common
a. When choosing a credit card it is important to consider the interest rate
you will be charged on unpaid balances
b. Must be 18+ to qualify for credit cards
i. The amount owed depends on how much you used that month
ii. You’re expected to pay the entire bill within a certain time frame after receiving it