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The History of Chocolate

We normally think of chocolate as a sweet treat, but it began as a bitter beverage! Chocolate as a food
got its start in ancient times, when it wasn’t a dessert — it played an important part in ritual and culture.

In ancient Latin America, chocolate was worshipped — literally! Both the Mayan and Aztec people had
gods that they believed were responsible for bringing chocolate to earth. The two cultures consumed
chocolate as a drink, which was popular among nobility. It was believed that the cocoa beans had
magical powers, and it was used during major life events like births, marriages, and deaths. Chocolate
wasn’t mixed with sugar until the Europeans came in contact with the Americas in the 1500s. They
brought it home to Europe, where it became an expensive import and a symbol of wealth. Instead of
chili and corn, Europeans added cinnamon and sugar to chocolate. But because chocolate was imported
from another country, chocolate was available only to the upper class and became a symbol of wealth
and status. In the mid-1600s, “chocolate houses,” which were like the coffee houses we have today,
were a trendy meeting place for English citizens.
By the 1700s, chocolate was a part of life for upper-class citizens in Europe, where it was believed to be
a nutritious drink with many health benefits. Back in the American colonies, chocolate was so popular
that it was included in the rations for soldiers on the battlefield in the Revolutionary War. In the early
1800s, the Industrial Revolution was in full swing, and people quickly found ways of speeding up the
chocolate-making process. In 1828, a Dutch chemist found a way to remove some of the natural fat from
chocolate, which led to the creation of chocolate in food form. The first chocolate bar was made in
1847, and by 1868, a company called Cadbury began selling chocolate candies. The same year, Nestlé
invented milk chocolate

A. Write down the meaning of the following words in bahasa Indonesia:
1. Beverage :

2. Dessert : Makanan penutup

3. Nobility :

4. Cocoa beans :
5. Mixed : Dicampur

6. Wealth : Kekayaan
7. nutritious drink : Minuman bernutrisi

8. health benefits : Manfaat kesehatan

9. chocolate-making process : Proses pembuatan coklat
10. chemist :
11. natural fat : Lemak alami

12. chocolate bar :

13. chocolate candies : Permen coklat
14. milk chocolate : Susu coklat

B. Read the sentences below. Cross T (True) if the sentence is correct or F (False) if the sentence is
1. T : Chocolate is part of human culture
2. T : Human worship chocolate in their daily life
3. F : European is the one who start mixing chocolate with sugar
4. F : After 1700, chocolate is popular not only in upper class citizen but also in middle
5. F : Industrial revolution prevent the speeding up of chocolate making process

C. Read the article below and write main idea of each paragraph:

You may know that around the world more people drink coffee than tea. And that, after
oil, it is the second biggest traded commodity. You may also know that the drink comes
from beans which are first roasted and then ground. But what else do you know about
this popular stimulant?

1 ____Around the world more people drink coffe than

It is said that the story of coffee started with an Ethiopian goatherd named Kaldi. One day
Kaldi was surprised to see that his goats were behaving very strangely: instead of grazing
quietly as normal they were jumping around, almost dancing. He also noticed the red
cherries from a plant that the goats were eating. He tried some himself and was surprised
by the feeling of extreme happiness and excitement - he felt like dancing too!

2 ____the story of coffe started with an ethiopian goatherd named

But it wasn't used as a drink at first, but as a food. The coffee berries, mixed with animal
fat, were used by monks to stay awake during long hours of prayer. From Ethiopia coffee
was later cultivated in Yemen and the first hot drink was developed there around AD
1000. Three centuries later Muslims were keen coffee drinkers and as Islam spread, so did
coffee. Coffee houses appeared in Cairo and Mecca.

3 _____coffe wasn't used as drink at first, but as a

For hundreds of years the plants were guarded safely. But some beans were smuggled out
of Arabia and taken to India. In the 17th century coffee was soon growing in a new
continent. From India to Indonesia and then a century later beans were smuggled once
again to Brazil-which is now the largest coffee producer in the world.

4 how coffee spread to around the world ____(smuggled out of arabia and taken to india
to indonesia to
It is the caffeine, an addictive stimulant drug, which made the goats dance and kept the
monks awake. Although it is found in other soft drinks, including tea, coffee has the most
caffeine. 150 milligrams is the minimum dose needed to stimulate the nervous system
and this can be found in a single strong cup of coffee. In the short-term a couple of cups
can prevent fatigue and delay sleep. But several cups a day, every day, can cause anxiety
and restlessness.

5 ____coffe containe caffeine, an addictive stimulant drug, which made the goats dance
and kept the monk
This is the band around the middle of the world between the tropics of Capricorn and
Cancer. A coffee plant likes lots of rain and shaded sun with rich soil, and the climate in
the bean belt is ideal. 70 - 75% of the world production is the milder, higher quality
Arabica that originated in Ethiopia. It grows best in higher altitudes where it is not so hot.
The remaining 25% is the stronger Robusta which can survive in higher temperatures and
lower altitudes.

6 ____there are 2 type of coffee "arabica( originated in ethiopia, can survives in lots of
rains, shaded sun wuth rich soil) and robusta( can survive in higher temperatures and
Before becoming beans the fruit of the coffee trees, known as a cherry, is harvested. The
most common method is for the cherries to be picked by hand and then dried in the sun
on tables or on the ground. Once they are dried all the outer layers are removed. The red
cherries have become green beans. Known now as green coffee the beans are put in 60kg
bags and shipped abroad.

7. __the fruit of coffee trees known as a cherry before becoming

Although the coffee is grown and harvested in the tropics 70% of the total coffee
production is imported by countries in the North who control the market. How long the
coffee is roasted for depends on the market: only 7 minutes for the North Americans who
prefer a light roast, but double that time for espresso coffee favoured by the Italians.
Nestle and Kraft account for almost 80% of all the instant-coffee sales worldwide.
8. The coffee is grown and harvested in the tropics 70% of the total coffe production is
importef by countries in the north who control the market

D. Write down the meaning of the words below:

a. Roasted :
b. Ground :
c. Excitement :
d. Cultivated :
e. Developed : Berkembang
f. Addictive stimulant drug:
g. Dose : dosis
h. Nervous system : Sistem saraf
i. Fatigue :
j. Altitude : Kelembaban
k. Originated : Asli dari
l. Harvested

E. Write down the names of the pictures below:





b a 5a.

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