Part 1. Interview (3') : There Must Be A Statement Here Which Introduces The Topic. For Example

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Part 1.

Interview (3’)

Now let’s talk about transport Now let’s talk about outdoor activity
1. How do people move around in 1. What is one outdoor activity that you
your hometown or city? find most interesting?
2. What are some examples of 2. What are some reasons people take part
transportation can you find in our in outdoor activities?
daily life? 3. Do you think outdoor activities are
3. Do you think the advancement of important for everyone of all ages?
technology helps improve the Why?
transit system in your country? If 4. Would you prefer going outdoors alone
yes, how? or doing it with your friends and
4. What are some issues of public family?
transportation that you find most 5. If you have a newborn baby, would you
annoying? bring him or her with you when
5. Does public transportation have participating in an outdoor activity?
some merits? Do they outweigh its

Part 2. Individual long turn (7’)

Now let’s move on to Part 2.

In this part, I am going to give each of you a topic and I’d like you to talk about it for one
to two minutes. Before you talk, you will have one minute to think about what you are
going to say.
You can make some notes if you wish. Do you understand?

Give the topic cards to two students and allow them to prepare within ONE minute.

Are you ready?

To Candidate A/B: Now I’d like you to talk about your topic for one to two minutes.
To Candidate B/A: In the meantime, please listen to your friend because I will ask you a
number of questions based on what he/she has just said.

There must be a statement here which introduces the topic.

For example:
Topic A: Social networking sites can cause several problems to their users.
Follow-up questions for B

Now let’s talk about social media.

Reduce face-
SITES to-face In your opinion, what are some uses of
IDEA] social media?

Distractions People have been exposed to a massive

amount òf information on social media.
Do you think that it’s always accurate?

There must be a statement here which Higher accuracy

introduces the topic.
Follow-up questions for A
Computer - based exams
IDEA] Cheating prevention

Now let’s talk about exams Faster marking

Do you think computer-based exams should

replace paper-based exams?
“Scores from exams should be used to
measure students’ intelligence”. What is your
opinion on this statement?

Please cite the sources where you collected the questions here.

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