Goal 11: Make Cities and Human Settlements Inclusive, Safe, Resilient, and Sustainable
Goal 11: Make Cities and Human Settlements Inclusive, Safe, Resilient, and Sustainable
Goal 11: Make Cities and Human Settlements Inclusive, Safe, Resilient, and Sustainable
For example, Glencore and Rio Tinto‡ have implemented indigenous employment
programs in Australia, Mongolia and Canada; while Anglo American has implemented youth
work-readiness and local workforce development programs, and training plans for non-
mining jobs in developing countries such as Peru and South Africa.
There are also direct and indirect contributions to equitable land development. As
access to land is critical for mining operations, companies tend to partner with local
governments in order to improve land management according to its potential, and even
make partnerships with local governments to ensure legalisation of land, a critical issue in
developing countries and those with customary land ownership.
For instance, in the updated version of their social policy, the Social Way, Anglo
American sets guiding principles for stakeholder engagement – such as dialoguebased,
strategic, proactive, clear and direct, inclusive, ongoing, shared and understood internally –
establishing clear rules for building a mutually beneficial relationship with those affected
and those that can affect an operation. The contribution to SDG 11 of such a practice is, first
and foremost, the recognition that there are affected parties and not only parties that can
affect the operation. Such stakeholder engagement practice can also encourage
communities to organise themselves, or to strengthen their existing organisations in order
to interact with the company in more equal conditions, so they are able to set the terms of
the relationship; this enables them to create win–win agreements and to obtain benefits
from the operations, besides allowing them to be informed in a transparent, well-
communicated and timely manner about the operations, impacts and benefits of a specific
Additionally, when done in line with international standards and best practices,
stakeholder engagement plans should identify vulnerable stakeholders, indigenous peoples
and other marginalised groups, in order to design specific mechanisms to ensure their voices
are heard, and their opinions and needs are included in social programs.
Due to the increasing scrutiny by civil society of mining companies, they are now
more open and are creating different accountability mechanisms, which gradually create
spaces for locals to participate in decision-making.
These practices could be a contribution to SDG 11 as they can enable communities
and their social organisations to find common interests, to empower themselves, to raise
their voices when interacting and negotiating with mining companies, and also to ensure the
companies implement culturally and environmentally adequate impact and risk prevention
and mitigation measures. While difficult to measure, this empowering dynamic can facilitate
movement of communities from very basic levels of self-preservation towards a more
inclusive approach and way of living.
Nevertheless, even stakeholder engagement may pose risks to SDG 11, as will now
be presented.
Even though, as already presented, mining projects and operations have natural
synergies with fulfilling SDG 11, and also make contributions to achieving some of the SDG
targets, these potential contributions also pose risks to and have adverse impacts on the
community´s capacity to be or become inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable.
Innovation and less environmentally impacting operations can have adverse effects
on sustainable development and resilience. For instance, automation, replacement of fleets
by electric vehicles, the operation of waterless mines and the implementation of other
technologies, can impact community access to land and resources, besides reducing the
needs of the workforce and the number of jobs available to locals. New technologies aim to
increase the productivity of mines, which means longer life for assets, and the capacity to
extract more and different types of minerals in the existing mines, which can mean the
generation of more waste, higher dewatering impacts, higher dust pollution, among other
impacts that are to be identified. Additionally, automation demands different skills that
might not be available locally, reducing the opportunity of access to jobs.
“In 2018, the 26 members of ICMM recorded a total of 50 fatalities […]. [However],
those numbers are clouded by inconsistencies in how miners report their numbers. For
instance, the ICMM recommends that its members count deaths of employees killed
transporting resources, like truck drivers hauling mine production. However, members
including Anglo American PLC, Barrick Gold Corp., and BHP say they don’t always, for
different reasons”
In some cases, community fatalities are not reported, as they are outside the mining
lease or the direct area or influence of the operation. So, while difficult to measure, as
statistics of the safety risks are not completely reliable, mining poses a risk to community
safety due to increased traffic, waste management, water and air pollution, competition for
resources and emergencies such as tailings, dam collapses and other issues related to the
Furthermore, mining companies and, in general, the private sector, does not yet
have a proper understanding of their role in peace-building, due to the business model that
will be now be discussed.
a. The Business Model
Most major mining companies are committed to investing effort and resources in
specific SDGs, and report against SDGs in their annual Sustainability Reports, SDG 8, 3 and 6
being most frequently included. Some major mining companies report that they contribute
to SDG 11 by partnering with communities and governments for community sustainable
development and resilience.
Nevertheless, some of these efforts are linked to the SDGs, and SDG 11 in particular,
only for reporting purposes, that is to say, the links are not made in the planning process,
and the CSR, SED and stakeholder engagement activities are not aimed at making a systemic
contribution to community sustainable development, safety, resilience and inclusion; these
programs are mostly individual, separate actions, that, combined, can contribute to SDG 11.
The majority of these social programs and contributions present three key issues: (a)
they are not consistent with the corporate policies and standards and are mostly isolated
and dispersed efforts; (b) the majority of them are focused on managing risks to the
business; and (c) they still obey an “enclave” business model.
This business model not only contributes to SDG 11, but can, in fact, exacerbate
vulnerability and induce other vulnerabilities in communities, which constitutes a
hindrance to moving towards a local and regional sustainable development.
There are factors that are external to the mining operations and which challenge
their contribution to SDG 11. Mining usually operates in remote, isolated locations where
local communities experience challenges to accessing basic public services (potable water,
sanitation), social services (health, education), have high levels of poverty, are usually
politically weak and are not integrated into the regional development dynamics.
Such communities have high levels of vulnerability, limiting their ability to recover
from the impacts of mining operations. In this context, community priorities are at the self-
protective level, to ensure a basic standard of living and a livelihood that secures access to
As a consequence, communities and even local and regional authorities, lack the
capacity to plan for their sustainable development in the long term, and lack the
empowerment to partner with mining companies to implement actions and plans that
contribute to their sustainable development, inclusion and resilience.
c. The Role of International Initiatives
Despite the positive reputational impact that aligning with the SDGs and committing
to their achievement creates for mining companies, the SDGs are not yet embedded into
companies’ policies, standards, processes and actions on the ground.
International organisations and mining councils have a critical role to play and can
start by including measurable contributions to SDG 11 into their guidelines and standards
for their members, and by assessing operations at the local level with clear criteria.
d. Way Forward
The mining sector’s purpose must continue to evolve beyond creation of value for
shareholders and impact management, towards a more active role in society, as catalysts of
local and regional sustainable development, community empowerment and social evolution.
This will require companies and the sector at large to structure mechanisms for
incorporating community perspectives into decision-making; to integrate into regional
dynamics through partnerships with the communities and different stakeholders; and to
help create the basis for communities to evolve and move away from self-subsistence
towards a culturally relevant vision of sustainability.
Mining companies, with their know-how, global scope and capacity to influence
governments and international organisms, should evolve towards creating regional
development that, as a consequence, creates an enabling environment for their operations.
The contribution of mining to SDG 11 is still limited to diverse activities and intervention
in the area of influence of the operations. The key drivers are mostly managing operational risks
and impacts in order to create a stable enabling environment for the business. The current
business model is predominantly based on short-term goals.
When mining companies implement good practices and high standards across the
business, and in all the sites and operations, in a holistic and systemic way, their contribution to
SDG 11 will be more significant, and will trigger and initiate social cohesion, impelling
communities to grow, empower themselves, raise their voices, participate in decision-making,
and own their path towards sustainable development.