Bba & Dib Syllabus
Bba & Dib Syllabus
Bba & Dib Syllabus
Group A
Paper I
Course Code:
Credit Value 6 Credits
Program Certificate Class BBA I Year Year: 20201 Session : 2021-22
1 Course Code M 1 – BBAA1T ( Group-I)
2 Course Title BBA
3 Course Type (Core Course/
Elective/Generic Elective/
(Core Course)
4 Pre-requisite (if any) Not Required ( Open for All)
5 Course Learning outcomes 1. Student will be able to assess the global context for
planning coordinating, and monitoring managerial
2. Through various planning and decision-making
techniques, students can learn about how businesses ensure
to remain in a competitive market.
3. Students will understand various forms of organizational
structures and their importance.
4. Students can learn about various strategies used by
businesses to maintain and improve employee efficiency.
5. Students will be able to understand how organizations
use different leadership styles to stay competitive.
Suggested equivalent online courses:
Part A - Introduction
Program: Class BBA I Year Year: 2021 Session : 2021-22
Subject: Communication Skills
Course Code M1-BBAA2T(Group-I)
Course Title BBA
Course Type Core Course
Pre-requisite (if Not required (open for all)
Course Learning Learners will be able:
Outcome 1. To recall the types, channels and elements of
communication and use them in managing organizational
2. To learn and practice verbal and non-verbal
3. To equip themselves with the knowledge of business
correspondence and use it in their work.
4. To engage effectively in discussions, interviews and
5. To recall and write reports effectively and other business
Credit Value (Credits) 6
Total Marks Max Marks : 25 + 75 Min Passing Marks: 33
Part - B Content of the Course
Total No. of Lectures- Tutorials- Practical (in hours per week):
L-T-P: 90
UNITS TOPICS No. of Lectures
1 Historical Background of Communication, Definition
and process of communication. Essential of effective
communication, Types & Channels of Communication,
Barriers to communication, Role of communication in
organizational Effectiveness.
Part A Introduction
Program: Certificate Class': BBA I Year Year:2021 Session:2021-2022
1 Course Code Ml-BBAB1T (Group-II)
2 Course Title BBA
3 Course Type (Core
Course/Elective/Gener (Core Course)
ic Elective/Vocational/
4 Pre requisite (if any)
- Not Required (Open for All)
5 Course Learning L Students will understand the importance of basic
outcomes (CLO)
principles of micro economics.
2.Students will be able to understand the basics of demand-
supply rules and elasticity. They will also learn how to
implement it.
3.Utility, utility analysis and market surplus, students will
be able to understand.
4.Students will be able to understand production principles,
classify costs and incomes.
5.Students will be able to understand the comparison of
different market systems.
6.Students will be able to understand how national income is
6 Credit Value (Credit) 6
7 Total Marks Max. Marks: 25+75 Min. Passing Marks:33
Part B- Content of the Course
Total No. of Lectures-Tutorials-Practical (in hours per week):3
Hours L-T-P: 90
Unit Topics No. of
Introduction to economics, Definitions of economics, Nature and
1 Scope of Economics, Significance and Evolution of Micro 10
Economics, Functions of Managerial Economics.
Concept of Law of Demand, Law of Supply, Concept of Market
2 Equilibrium, Elasticity of Demand, Demand Determinants. 15
: certificate Class: BBA I Year Year :2021 Session:2021-2022
T Topics No of Lectures
Meaning and Definition of Statistics, Statistical
Investigations, Laws of Statistics, Scope of Statistics,
1 Limitations of Statistics 15
Part A Introduction
Program : Certificate Class: BBA I Year : 2021 Session 2021-
Year 2022
1 Course Code M 1- BBAC1T (Group-III)
2 Course Title BBA
3 Course Type (Core Course/ (Core Course)
Elective/ Generic Elective/
4 Pre - requisite Not Required (Open for All)
5 Course Learning Outcomes 1. Students will be able to understand the basics of
(CLO) book- keeping and accounting.
2. Students will be able to know about accounting
3. Students will be able to do the accounting work
of the business unit.
4. They will be in a position to understand and
technically use bank reconciliation, branch
accounts and departments accounts.
5. Students will understand the concept of Royalty
accounting and Hire- Purchase accounting and
learn what accounting remedies relate to them and
where it can be used.
6 Credit Value (Credit ) 6
7 Total Marks Max. Marks: 25+75 Min. passing
Part B – Content of the Course
Total No. of Lectures – Tutorials – Practical (in hours per week) : 3 hours
L-T-P :90
Unit Topics No. of Lectures
1 Accounting and its place in business and 10
relationship with other financial areas, double
Entry System, Book Keeping – Meaning,
Advantages, Concepts and convention,
Difference between Financial Accounting, Cost
Accounting , and Management Accounting.
IFRS : Meaning , Standards and difference
between GAAP and IFRS.
Suggested Readings:
1. International Financial Management, Thummuluri Siddaiah; Pearsons
2. International Financial Management, Jeff Madura
3. International Financial Management, Cheol S Eun, Bruce G Resnick