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A =on

Asleep, ashore, adrift, aside, aright, away

Ambi= On both sides

Ambidextrous, ambivalent, ambiguous

Bene= Well…Benediction, benevolent, benefactor, benefit

Bi =Two,Twice

Bicycle, bilateral, bigamy, biweekly, biennial, bisect

Co =With

Co-operate, co-ordinate, co-existence, coalition

De = Down

Dethrone, defame, demoralize, denationalize

Dis = Apart

Disconnect, discord, disorganize, disparity, dispassionate

En, Em = In, On

Endanger, engulf, enable, enrage, enlist, embolden, embody, embark, emplane.

Ex = Out of
Expel, extract, extend, express, exhale, extinguish, ex-factory, ex-President

Hyper =Over

Hypercritical, hypersensitive, hypertension

In, Il, Im, Ir = Not

Indecent, invisible, incurable, indelicate, illegal, illegible, illiterate, illogical, immaterial,

impracticable, impious, improper, irregular, irrational, irresponsible, irresistible

Inter = Between

International, intercaste, intercollegiate

Intra = Within

Intramural, intravenous, intramuscular

Mis = Ill

Mischief, misrule, mismanage, misappropriate

Mis = Error

Mislead, mishap, misconduct, mistrust

Non =not

Non-violent, nonsense, nonentity, non-co-operate

Over = Too much

Overfed, overjoyed, overbear

Post = After

Post-war, post script, post-mortem, post-dated

Pre = Before

Pre-war, prevent, precaution, premature, prefix, prehistoric, prejudice

Re = Again

Return, refund, revive, renascent, research

Sub = Under

Subconscious, sub-human, sub-Himalayan, sub-caste, sub-plot, subordinate, sub-standard, subjugate

Super, Sur = Over

Superman, supernatural, superhuman, superfine, surprise, surpass, surcharge, surplus, survive,


Tri =Three

Tricycle, trinity, triangle, tricolour

Un = Not
Unable, unnatural, unbalanced, unthinking

Un = Back, against

Undo, unwind, unbind, unearth, unman

Vice = In place of

Vice-President, Viceroy, Vice-Admiral

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