Internal Assisment Class 10

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Internal Assessment /Project Work /

Practical List

Session 2020-21
pg. 1
Select any two assignments of reasonable length (not exceeding 1500 words) from the list given below.
1. "Shakespeare has no heroes, but only heroines". In this context, bring out the leading traits of the character of portia.
2. Bring out the importance of the character and role of Bassanio in 'The Merchant of Venice'.
3. In the story 'Old man at the bridge 'without a single shot being fired or a drop of blood being spilled in the story,
the author has portrayed the true destruction of war. How the story does highlights the destruction caused by war?
4. Why did none of the characters in the poem 'The cold wishing share their wood? What role did prejudice,
discrimination, racism and envy play in this poem?
5. Is there a balance that one can strike between watching television and reading books? Give arguments to support
your point of view.

Assignments should be based on the prescribed textbooks on the following lines:

(i) Character/thematic analysis;
(ii) Socio-economic, cultural, historical relevance / background;
(iii) Summary / paraphrase.
(iv) Appreciation of literary qualities.
(v) Identifying with a character. Putting oneself in the place of a character in given circumstances and explaining one’s
(vi) Imagine alternative outcomes or endings in a literary piece and the effect on all concerned.

Economic Applications
1. Make a list of products for which you think demand is price inelastic & price eastic specify the reasons you may think
relevant for your analysis.
Note. Define meaning of price elasticity of demand, diagram of price inelastic & elastic with examples
Price inelatic-- necessary items
Price elastic-- normal goods

2. Take a fast moving consumer good (FMCG) like washing machine detergent analyze the factors that determine the
demand of this product. Present your findings in form of a class presentation.
Note. Meaning of demand, factors related to this product, explain its category with diagram

3. Visit a Nationalized local bank & analyze functions of this bank, Make a presentation to this effect.
Note. Visit your nearby bank & collect information what types of work do they do? or study commercial & central bank
in your syllabus.

4. Develop a hypothetical table of information for coffee that shows quantity demanded at various prices & supply of
coffee at these prices. Draw a demand curve & supply curve & show an equilibrium price at which market is cleared
of its supplies.
Note. Define meaning of equilibrium price, nature of demand & supply with the help of product coffee, situation of
excess demand & supply after that explain equilibrium price.
विषय –विन्दी
 Two assignments of reasonable length/duration (400 words) should be written –
 One from the language and one from the literature component of the syllabus.
 Assignments should be on the following lines:
(i) Character/thematic analysis.
(ii) Socio-economic, cultural, historical relevance / background.
(iii) Summary / paraphrase.

pg. 2
1- जयशं कर प्रसाद- जीवन पररचय और उपलब्धियां ।

2- सू ययकां त त्रिपाठी 'त्रनराला'- जीवन पररचय और उपलब्धियां ।

3- सं ज्ञा के त्रवकारी तत्व- त्रलंग,वचन,कारक।
उदाहरण- त्रलंगभेद- पुत्रलंग,स्त्रीत्रलंग, त्रलंग, त्रलंग व्यवस्था और त्रलंग त्रनणय य, पुत्रलंग की पहचान, स्त्रीत्रलंग की पहचान, पुत्रलंग
शब्दं कद स्त्रीत्रलंग में बदलने के त्रनयम।
वचन- उदाहरण, पररभाषा, भेद, पहचान, वचन सं बंधी महत्वपूणय बातें ।
कारक- अथय , उदाहरण, पररभाषा, भेद, कमय कारक और संप्रदान कारक में अंतर, करण कारक और अपादान कारक में अंतर।

4. त्रहंदी त्रनबंध सात्रहत्य का त्रवकास एवं प्रकार- भारतें दु युग, त्रिवेदी युग, शु क्ल युग, शु क्लदत्तर युग।
Project file should contain minimum 20 pages (10 for each) on the topics given below:
1. Survey of various types of Bank accounts, rates of interests offered
2. Planning of home Budget

Candidates will be required to prepare a project report on any one topic.
The topics for assignments may be selected from the list of suggested assignments given below.
Suggested list of assignments:
1. Current Geographical Issues: Development of tourism in India.
2. Transport in India: Development of Road, Rail, Water and Air routes.
3. Need for industrialization in India, the latest trends and its impact on economy of India.

Candidates will be required to prepare a project report on any one topic.
The topics for assignments will selected from the list of suggested assignments given below.
1. Compare the Parliamentary and Presidential forms of Government with reference to India and the U.S.A.
2. Present a life sketch and contributions of any one of the following Presidents of India –
 Dr. Rajendra Prasad
 Dr. S. Radhakrishnan
 Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam
3. Highlight the work and achievements of any one Nobel Laureate - Malala Yousafzai or Kailash Satyarthi.
4. Make a presentation on the influence of Gandhian principles on Martin Luther King / Nelson Mandela.

Socially Useful Productive Work & Community Service

The Internal Assessments will consist of assessment in
(a) Socially Useful Productive Work
(b) Community Service.
The work undertaken by the candidates during the two-year preparation period in each will be assessed and
marked out of 50.

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Practical work will be continue throughout the year and the list of practical is for your reference only.
No need to prepare practical files in holidays.
The files will completed during the lab session in the school only.

Physics practical work

1. Trace the course of different rays of light refracting through a rectangular glass slab at different angles of incidence,
measure the angles of incidence, refraction and emergence also measure the lateral displacement.
2. Determine the focal length of a convex lens by (a) the distant object method and (b) using a needle and a plane
3. Determine the focal length of a convex lens by using two pins and formula f = uv/(u+v).
4. For a triangular prism, trace the course of rays passing through it, measure angles i1, i2, A and δ.Repeat for four
different angles of incidence (say i1=400, 500, 600 and 700). Verify i1+ i2=A+δ and A = r1 + r2.
5. Using as simple electric circuit, verify Ohm’s law. Draw a graph, and obtain the slope.
6. Determination of specific latent heat of ice.
7. Determine the VR and MA of a given pulley system.

Chemistry practical work

1. Gases: Hydrogen, Oxygen, Carbon dioxide, Chlorine, Hydrogen chloride, Sulphur dioxide, Hydrogen sulphide,
Ammonia, Water vapour, Nitrogen dioxide.
2. Ions: Calcium, Copper, Iron, Lead, Zinc and Ammonium, Carbonate, Chloride, Nitrate, Sulphide, Sulphite and
3. Action of heat on the following substances:
(a) Copper carbonate, zinc carbonate.
(b) Zinc nitrate, copper nitrate, lead nitrate.

Biology practical work

1- Experiment demonstrating osmosis
2- Experiment on photosynthesis to show the necessity of light CO2 and chlorophyll for photosynthesis.
3- The identification of different type of blood cells under microscope.
4- Observation of permanent slide of stages of mitosis cell division.
5- Experiment on photosynthesis to show the release of oxygen during photosynthesis using hydrilla
6- Identification of internal structure of human ear and eye.
Computer Applications practical work
The students should complete a minimum of 20 laboratory assignments during the whole year to support
the concepts studied in class.
Some sample problems are given below as examples.
The problems are of varying levels of difficulty:
(i) User defined methods
a) Programs depicting the concept of pure, impure, static, non- static methods.
b) Programs based on overloaded methods.
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c) Programs involving data members, member methods invoking the methods with respect to the
object created.
(ii) Constructors
a) Programs based on different types of constructors mentioned in the scope of the syllabus.
b) Programs / outputs based on constructor overloading
(iii) Library classes
a) Outputs based on all the methods mentioned in the scope of the syllabus.
b) Programs to check whether a given character is an uppercase/ lowercase / digit etc.
(iv) Encapsulation
a) Questions based on identifying the different variables like local, instance, arguments, private,
public, class variable etc.
(v) Arrays
(a) Programs based on accessing the elements of an array.
(b) Programs based on sort techniques mentioned in the scope of the syllabus.
(c) Programs based on search techniques mentioned in the scope of the syllabus.
(d) Programs on Double dimensional arrays as given in the scope of the syllabus.
(vi) String handling
(a) Outputs based on all the string methods mentioned in the scope of the syllabus.
(b) Programs based on extracting the characters from a given string and manipulating the same.
(c) Palindrome string, piglatin, alphabetical order of characters, etc.

Contact Numbers of HoDs of Various Departments

English: Mr. Harish Pachauri: 8840583055, Geography: Mr Anuj: 6392324727

Physics: Mr. Sachin Dixit: 8439184900 Hindi: Mr. Sanjat Gupta: 9695184570

Chemistry: Mr Ramji Awasthi: 7355690603 Maths: Mr. Pankaj Shukla: 8765264003

Biology: Mr Sudhir Sachan: 8887587668 Economic App.: Mr. Shravan:7376137171

Computer App. : Mr S K Bajpai: 9838997300 History: Mr Prem Gangwar: 8840051129

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