Research On Welding Deformation For Box Girder of
Research On Welding Deformation For Box Girder of
Research On Welding Deformation For Box Girder of
Yifei Tong1 , Zhihao Ge1, Xingcheng Zhuo1, Guomin Shen1, Dongbo Li1
and Xiangdong Li2
Cranes are mechanical devices widely used to hoist materials in engineering. The box girder of a bridge crane is formed
by welding. During welding, residual stress and welding deformation will be inevitably generated due to the instantaneous
hot temperature, which will affect not only the camber of the crane but also the operational performance of the travel-
ing trolleys. Therefore, understanding the laws governing the welding deformation can lead to better control of camber
cutting of the crane web to avoid unnecessary corrections, reasonably control the geometry shape of the girder and
ensure the good operational performances of the trolleys. To achieve this goal, thermal elasto-plastic analysis method
together with the Abaqus software is used to analyze the welding from the upper and lower covers to the web, from
the upper and lower steel angles to the web, and from the web to the ribs. For the welding simulations, Gaussian mova-
ble heat sources, with the advantages of low computational cost, fast calculation speed, easy convergence, and a reason-
able number of segments, are selected. The simulation results are compared with the experimental results to verify the
reliability, accuracy, and efficiency of the numerical welding model. Finally, the simulation results are discussed, and design
guidance for the web is proposed.
Numerical simulation, welding deformation, thermal elasto-plastic analysis, box girder, bridge crane, Abaqus
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2 Advances in Mechanical Engineering
understanding of the welding stress concentration and welding stress and strain. The indirect method is less
deformation for better control of welding and its pro- accurate than the direct method but has advantages of
cess optimization. short calculation time, flexible application, and suit-
Methodologies of welding deformation prediction ability for large model systems.8
mainly include empirical, analytical, and numerical Following two decades of development, thermal
simulation methods. Empirical methods estimate the elasto-plastic theory has become increasingly mature
welding deformation for simple structures mainly using and can now simulate the changes of the temperature
data profiles and formulas based on previous experi- field and stress–strain field throughout the welding pro-
ments and statistics; these methods face significant lim- cess using iterative simulations.9 However, the compu-
itations in application to complex components. The tational cost of thermal elasto-plastic analysis is quite
analytical approach focuses on the welding residual high, especially for large and complex structures.
stress and deformation based on the classical elasticity However, computational costs can be greatly reduced
theory and several assumptions.2 Numerical simula- by simplifying the model, heat source, and welding pro-
tions have developed gradually with the developments cess, enabling the elasto-plastic analysis of welding
in welding practice, the finite element method, and deformation for large and complex structures.
computer power.3 Usually, numerical simulations are This research seeks to reveal the rules governing the
used to predict the temperature field, residual stress, welding deformation process and obtain an accurate
and welding deformation, which is helpful for the eluci- estimate of the welding deformation for a box girder of
dation of the essential welding processes; the use of a bridge crane. To achieve this goal, thermal elasto-
simulations reduces the test workload and yields accu- plastic analysis is utilized with the Abaqus (Dassault
rate post-welding and stress data.4 Because the simula- Systèmes, Vélizy-Villacoublay, France) software to
tions of welding large and complex components are analyze the welding from upper and lower covers to the
highly nonlinear, these simulations incur a large com- web, upper and lower steel angles to the web, and from
putational cost. the web to the ribs. Gaussian movable heat sources,
Numerical simulations of welding have been carried with the advantages of small computational cost, fast
out domestically and abroad. Many theoretical calculation speed, easy convergence, and a reasonable
approaches have been used to analyze welding, includ- number of segments, are selected for the welding simu-
ing the inherent strain method,5 thermal elasto-plastic lation. The simulation results are compared to the
analysis,6 and visco-elasto-plastic analysis, which con- obtained experimental results to verify the reliability,
siders the coupling effect of phase changes and thermal accuracy, and efficiency of the numerical welding
stress. For the thermal elasto-plastic analysis, finite ele- model. Finally, the simulation results are discussed,
ment software is used to simulate the welding process and design guidance for the web is proposed.
in order to determine the occurrence of welding stress
and strain.7 The thermal elasto-plastic analysis mainly
focuses on heat transfer and thermal stress. While the Finite element analysis theory for welding
temperature field can directly affect the thermal stress
Uneven welding heat can generate a temperature field
on the object whereas the thermal stress exerts a
with a very large gradient around the weldment and
smaller effect on the temperature field, the heat transfer
give rise to the heat flow inside the weldment or
and the thermal stress are coupled and interact with
between the weldment and the ambient medium. The
each other. Therefore, the thermal elasto-plastic analy-
heat flow generally appears in the form of heat conduc-
sis can be carried out in a direct or indirect manner. In
tion, radiation, and convection. The radiation and the
the direct manner, the heat and the structure are
convection normally occur in the welding process and
coupled together for the analysis, and the thermal-
after the weldment is heated, and heat conduction is
mechanism coupling cells are adopted while consider-
the dominant process.
ing the mutual effect of heat and stress to directly
The analysis of the welding temperature field can be
obtain the stress and strain results. However, the direct
considered as a typical nonlinear transient heat transfer
method has the disadvantages of difficulties in the con-
problem. According to Fourier’s heat transfer law and
vergence and long calculation times and is therefore
energy conservation law, a governing equation can be
unsuitable for simulations of large model systems. The
established for the analysis of the heat transfer prob-
indirect method considers the heat transfer as a unidir-
lem, which means that the transient temperature field
ectional coupling process and ignores the effect of
of object T (x, y, z, t) obeys equation (1)
stress and strain on the temperature, which means only
the effect of the temperature field on the stress and
∂ ∂T ∂ ∂T ∂ ∂T ∂T
strain is considered. The indirect method divides heat kx + ky + kz + Q = rc
∂x ∂x ∂y ∂y ∂z ∂z ∂t
transfer into two processes in order to first obtain the
temperature field and then used to calculate the ð1Þ
Tong et al. 3
where r is the material density, Kg m3 ; c is the specific
e d e dT1 dT2 dTn T
heat of material, J=(Kg K); kx , ky , and kz are the coeffi- qT = qT = , ð9Þ
dt dt dt dt
ð " T T T # ð
∂N ∂N ∂N ∂N ∂N ∂N
KTe = kx + ky + kz dO + hc N T NdA ð10Þ
∂x ∂x ∂y ∂y ∂z ∂z
Oe se3
ð ð ð
cients of heat transfer in x, y, and z directions, respec- peT = T
rQN dO + T
qs N dA + qs T‘ N T dO ð11Þ
tively, W=(m K); and Q is the heat intensity inside
Oe se2 se3
object, W=kg.
There are three boundary conditions: where KT is the heat transfer matrix, N is a shape func-
tion, PT is the temperature load matrix, and CT is the
1. S1: given temperature of the boundary specific heat matrix.
The solution of the equation for the welding stress
Ts = Ts (x, y, z, t) ð2Þ
and the strain field is considered as a nonlinear transi-
2. S2: given heat flux distribution of the boundary ent problem of the material. Therefore, four fundamen-
tal relations are obeyed when thermal elasto-plastic
∂T ∂T ∂T analysis is performed:10
kx nx + ky ny + kz nz = qs (x, y, z, t) ð3Þ
∂x ∂y ∂z
1. The relation between strain and displacement
3. S3: given heat convection of the boundary
(compatibility condition);
∂T ∂T ∂T 2. The relation between stress and strain (constitu-
kx n x + ky ny + kz nz = hc (T‘ Ts ) ð4Þ tive relation);
∂x ∂y ∂z
3. Equilibrium condition;
where nx , ny , and nz are the direction cosines of outer 4. Response to boundary conditions.
normal on boundary S1; Ts is the given temperature on
boundary S1; qs given heat flux on boundary S2, For thermal elasto-plastic analysis, the following
W=m2 ; hc is the coefficient of heat convection between assumptions are given: the yield strength of material
the object and ambient medium, W=(m2 K); and T‘ is obeys the (von Mises) yield criterion; behavior in the
the ambient temperature. plastic zone obeys the plastic flow rule and the harden-
When using finite elements to calculate the tempera- ing rule; the elastic strain and the plastic strain cannot
ture field of welding, the object O is dispersed into ele- be separated; and temperature-related mechanical prop-
ments Oe to create the temperature field of the elements erties, stress, and strain vary linearly within a small time
and then the variational method is used to solve the increment.
generic function for the minimum. Since the analysis of Thermal stress is caused by thermal expansion due
the welding temperature field can be considered as a to the temperature difference in the object, so that the
transient heat transfer problem, the temperature field relevant physical equations are the following
of the elements changes with time as expressed by
> 1
T e (x, y, z, t) = N (x, y, z, t) qeT (t) ð5Þ >
> exx = ½sxx m(syy + szz ) + aT DT
> E
> 1
where T e (x, y, z, t) denotes the temperature field of the >
< eyy = ½syy m(sxx + szz ) + aT DT
elements; qeT (t) denotes the junction temperature which E ð12Þ
changes with time >
> 1
> ezz = ½szz m(sxx + syy ) + aT DT
> E
> 1 1 1
qeT (t) = ½T1 (t), T2 (t), Tn (t)T ð6Þ : g xy = t xy , g yz = t yz , g zx = tzx
The following equation is obtained after solving
qeT (t) for the variational extremum After converting to the index form, we obtain
following functional relationship between the mechani- Heat source model for welding
cal parameters and joint displacement The heat source model simulating the distribution of
heat flow during welding is a fundamental condition
u = Nqe ð14Þ
for carrying out a simulation of the welding process. As
e = Bqe ð15Þ a local concentrated heat input, the heat source results
in an uneven temperature field with a very large gradi-
s = D(e e0 ) = DBqe De0 = Sqe ent on the structural members, leading to high welding
D aT DT ½1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0T stress and deformation. Different welding methods can
generate different heat flow distributions, so that the
Where N, B, D, and S represent the shape function, the heat source input model shall be selected on the case-
geometric matrix, the elastic coefficient matrix, and the by-case basis. During the development of the welding
stress matrix of element, respectively, and qe is the joint analysis methodology, many new models have emerged,
displacement matrix. such as the Gaussian, hemisphere, ellipsoid, and double
Virtual displacement and virtual strain can be ellipsoid heat source models.11 The Gaussian model is
obtained by solving the variation applicable to the normal welding method, and even if
the material performance is nonlinear, the accuracy of
du = N dqe analysis can be improved. However, for welding with
de = B dqe high arc impact, the hemisphere, ellipsoid, or double
ellipsoid model shall be used in order to improve the
The following equations can be obtained using the accuracy.
principle of virtual work The welding process can be considered as the heat
source movement on the structural member. For the
K e qe = Pe + Pe0 ð18Þ simulation, the zone around the weld joint shall be
meshed very well. To increase the computational effi-
where ciency and reduce the dependence on the computer
ð hardware, segmented Gaussian, Gaussian string and
Ke = BT DBdO segmented ellipsoid heat source models have been
Oe developed. When the heat source is segmented for the
ð ð analysis, the computational cost can be reduced by 10
Pe = N T bdO + N T pdA ð19Þ times or more without compromising the accuracy. A
Oe sep segmented heat source refers to a long weld joint that is
ð meshed into many sections. Each section is heated in
Pe0 = BT De0 dO the welding sequence to convert the movement of the
Oe point heat source into that of a segmented heat source
and to reduce the computational cost. In this case, the
and Pe represents the normal load and Pe0 represents the computational accuracy can be increased by increasing
equivalent load of the temperature. the number of the segments. The string heat source is
based on the segmented heat source and loads the point
heat source onto the node of a discrete unit in each sec-
Welding deformation tion to improve the flexibility of this method.
Welding is a local heating process. Due to uneven heat- Generally, point and segmented heat source models of
ing and plastic deformation after the cooling of the heat movement must be realized using subroutines,
weldment, welding stress and deformation occur. The whereas the string heat source can be realized by select-
welding deformation includes the transient deformation ing nodes and increasing the analysis steps.
during welding and the residual deformation at room Literature11,12 reported numerical simulations using a
temperature (the residual deformation is also known as Gaussian heat source, a Gaussian segmented heat
the post-welding distortion). Every structural member source, and a Gaussian segmented string heat source in
can deform due to the uneven heating in each direction the heat movement and compared the obtained results.
and generate longitudinal shrinkage, lateral deforma- Due to the highest computational efficiency, the seg-
tion, bending, angular deformation, buckling distor- mented heat source is preferred for modeling, but the
tion, and so on. These distortions always co-exist and zone around weld joint must be meshed well in order
affect each other. Moreover, the assembly sequence of for this method to converge. The string heat source has
the welding parts, their rigidity and dimensions, the dis- high application flexibility, so it can be used to simulate
tribution of weld joint, and the welding process can the irregular weld joint and does not require fine
affect the welding deformation. meshes. The Gaussian heat source in the movement has
Tong et al. 5
the highest accuracy, but it requires the use of fine convergence and efficiency of the computation. The
meshes and incurs a high computational cost. density, thermal conductivity, and specific heat of the
material must be defined with boundary conditions of
thermal radiation and thermal convection.
Numerical simulation and analysis for In Abaqus, the heat source can be loaded either by
welding based on Abaqus in-element heat generation or using a subroutine. The
Welding simulation and analysis process in-element heat generation loads the heat source onto
the node of the weld joint, and heat is input for the dif-
The indirect method of thermal elasto-plastic analysis ferent nodes in each analysis step to enable those nodes
is used in this article for welding simulation of a crane to transfer heat to other nodes and obtain a variational
girder. First, heat conduction is analyzed to obtain the temperature field. In the subroutine approach, a user
temperature field of the welding process. Then, the subroutine dflux is created that determines the center
obtained temperature field is used to analyze the ther- of the heat source by analyzing the time parameter
mal stress and obtain the welding stress and strain. The
TIME(2). The heat flux of the heat source is calculated
analysis algorithm is shown in Figure 1.
according to the flux function FLUX(1), and the sub-
When heat conduction is used to analyze the tem-
routine is written in Fortran and can be called by sav-
perature field, heat elements must be adopted. For a
ing for. The string heat source is used in this article, so
three-dimensional (3D) model, the 3D solid element
that in-element heat generation is adopted.
DC3D8 or plate elements DS3 and DS4 can be used.
For analysis of thermal stress, 3D solid elements and
When a discrete model is used, since the temperature
plate elements S3 or S4 shall be used for a 3D model.
around weld joint varies greatly, the zone must be
The density, elasticity modulus, Poisson’s ratio, plastic
meshed well (small mesh size). Due to the small tem-
stress and strain, and coefficient of thermal expansion
perature variation, it is not necessary to finely mesh the
are defined as material properties. The temperature
zone far from the weld joint in order to ensure the
equation, we obtain t = 1:7 s and Qt = 1:5e6 N mm. convection. It is difficult to obtain the convection coef-
Because the heat input of the string heat source is dif- ficient and the radiation coefficient that vary with the
ferent from the heat source in the movement, a certain temperature. However, the overall heat transfer coeffi-
computational accuracy must be ensured. cient is known, and therefore, the overall heat transfer
Each of the joints between the upper cover and the coefficient is set as the convection coefficient. The ini-
web of the girder is divided into five segments; each of tial temperature is set as 20°C, and the latent heat of
the joints between the web and the lower cover is phase change is not considered.
divided into four segments; and each miter joint is con-
sidered as one segment. A total of 16 load steps are cre-
Calculation result of temperature field. An automatic
ated. Each of the first 15 steps is used for analyzing a
time step was used for calculation, which means a small
joint segment in order to complete the welding from
step corresponds to a large temperature variation dur-
the upper and lower covers to the web. Cooling is per-
ing the welding and a large step corresponds to a small
formed in the final step. Each load step is allocated
temperature variation during cooling. This setting can
with a node in a joint segment with the heat source
save calculation time and ensure convergence.
applied, and the time for the load is defined as 1.7 s.
In this work, only the fillet joints from the upper
The selection of the nodes and the execution sequence
and lower covers to the ribs of the girder are analyzed
of the load steps can enable the segmented heat source
to obtain the flexural deflection of the girder after the
to move.
welding. The calculation for the temperature field of
the 3D plate elements of the girder is shown in
Setting of boundary conditions. The boundary condi- Figures 5–7.
tions for the welding process are radiation and
It can be seen that the welding temperature of the The obtained strain diagram plots in y direction after
girder reaches 799°C with the heat flux of 8.4 3 103, analysis are shown in Figures 9 and 10.
while the temperature changes with the movement of As shown in the figures, the maximum deformation
the heat source. occurs at the extension part of the girder because this
part is not constrained by the web (free deformation
occurs after welding due to the absence of boundary
Calculation of strain field. Once the stress field is obtained, conditions). The extension part of the upper cover tilts
the indirect method is used to analyze the stress and upward while the extension part of the lower cover tilts
strain fields of the girder. The elements are changed to downward. For flexural deflection of the girder weld-
structural elements S3 and S4, and nonlinear analysis ing, only the deformation on the joint between the
steps are created with the automatic step size. The ini- upper cover and the web in the y direction is consid-
tial temperature in the field is set as 20°C, the tempera- ered. It can be seen that the girder deflects downward,
ture field result file is read and the initial and final and the maximum downward deflection of the upper
analysis steps are set for reading. During the calcula- edge of the web is 1.686 mm, occurring in the middle of
tion, the temperature field result of each analysis step is the span.
obtained to calculate the stress and the strain. To obtain the deflection curve of the girder after
The mechanical properties of the material are welding, we select some discrete points along the joint
defined based on the temperature as well as on the sym- between the upper cover and the web and take the
metry plane constraint in the middle of the span and rightmost point as the origin, the distance from this
the width of the girder. A fully constrained node is also point as the x-axis, and the deformation in the y direc-
defined to avoid the rigid movement of the girder tion as the y-axis. The maximum deflection is
(Figure 8). 1.686 mm, as shown in Figure 11. Because two main
joints are arranged in the upper and lower parts of the
girder, respectively, (the upper joints are double-sided
type and the lower joints are single-sided type) and they
cancel each other out, the welding deformation is
Table 2. Comparison of numerical simulation results with experimentally obtained welding deformations.
Welding Web and steel angles Covers and web Web and ribs
deformation plots for the welding of the web and ribs roughly the same as the experimental result obtained in
are shown in Figures 18 and 19, and only the flexural our previous research.16 Therefore, the thermal elasto-
deflection of the web is considered here. It can be seen plastic finite element analysis is feasible and reliable for
that the web deflects downward after the welding and use in modeling with 3D plate elements. Although sim-
the deflection at midspan is 3.33 mm. For the welding plifications such as the simplifications of model, heat
of the ribs, small ribs are arranged close to the upper source, material properties, and welding process are
part of the web so that the upper part of the web dis- adopted for analysis, this kind of analysis has advan-
plays a larger shrinkage deformation, resulting in tages of fast calculation (short calculation time) and
downward deflection of the web. high accuracy.
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