"Game Downloading Website (Elite) ": An Industrial Training Report On

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An Industrial Training Report on

“Game Downloading Website (Elite)”

Submitted in the partial fulfillment
For the award in
Submitted by:
Ansari Taaha Javed
Roll No. -71
Under the guidance of:

Prof. A. L. Tarange

Department of Computer Technology Government

Polytechnic, Solapur.

Of Industrial Training

(By respective Head of the Institute & Head of the Department)

This is to certify that Mr. Taaha Javed Ansari with Enrollment No.
1900150317 has successfully completed Industrial Training (22049) in
Web Technology from Sumago InfoTech for the partial fulfillment
towards completion of Diploma in Computer Technology from
Government Polytechnic, Solapur.

Institute Code: 0015

Seal of

Signature Signature
(HOD) (Head of Institute)

Part-A Micro-Project Proposal

Videogame Downloading Website (Elite)
Aim/Benefits of the Micro-Project- Weather Forecasting Application

1.0 Course Outcomes Addressed

 I am able to create an attractive website.
 I am able to understand how to create a website.
 I understood the concept of front-end & back-end.
 I am able to build Dynamic Sites.
 I understood how to create and connect database.

2.0 Proposed Methodology

I completed my work in good way and hardworking. Firstly, I started searching for
content for gaming website and I visited some other similar sites to get to know
about their functioning. And then I started coding and to form report on that
concept. Finally, I completed the project with good outcomes.

4.0 Action Plan (Sequence and time required for major activity)

Sr. Details of activity Planned start Planned Name of responsible

No date finish date team Members

1 Selection of topic 01-08-21 05-08-21 Taaha Ansari

2 Collecting 06-08-21 20-08-21 Taaha Ansari

regarding topic

3 Formatting 21-08-21 15-9-21 Taaha Ansari

information in
required states

4 Creating & 16-09-21 15-10-21 Taaha Ansari

designing website

5 Creating database & 16-10-21 23-10-21 Taaha Ansari

adding data

6 Connecting 24-10-21 30-10-21 Taaha Ansari
Database with Site

7 Testing the working 1-11-21 15-11-21 Taaha Ansari

of website

8 Hosting the Website 19-11-21 19-11-21 Taaha Ansari

5.0Resources Required (major resources such as raw material, some machining

facility, software etc.)

 Game images from Google.

 Game information from gaming websites.

 Game torrent files from gaming websites.

 Layout templates from Bootstrap.

Part-B Micro-Project Report

Videogame Downloading Website (Elite)

1.0 Aim of the Micro-project
To Make Videogame Downloading Website.

2.0 Course Outcomes Addressed

 I am able to create an attractive website.
 I am able understand how to create a website.
 I understood the concept of front-end & back-end.

 I am able to build Dynamic Sites.
 I understood how to create and connect database with my site.

3.0 Literature Review

3.0 Actual Methodology Followed

I completed my work in good way and hardworking. Firstly, I started searching

for content for my website and I visited some other similar sites to get to know
about their functioning. And then I started coding and to form report on that
concept. Finally, I completed the project with good outcomes.

4.0 Output of the Micro-Project

Finally created the Website (Elite).

5.0 Skill Developed/Learning outcome of this micro-project

 I learned how to apply the concepts that we learnt in the training.
 From this Training we learned about Html, CSS, JavaScript, PHP and
Python Language
 From this project I learned CSS, HTML, vanilla JavaScript
 Coding
 Manage Report
 Task management
6.0 Application of this micro-project

1. This project is about a videogame downloading website.

2. You can review and browse your favorite and popular games.
3. You can even download these games by the torrent files provided
4. My website is very user friendly and simple.
5. I made my website fully Responsive i.e., it is compatible with all
different types of devices.
6. Main feature of this website is that it’s totally free i.e., you can download
your favourite PC games free of cost.


Sr. No. Title Page No.

1 9


2 Acknowledgement 10

3 About the Industry

3.1 Collecting Information about 11-15

Industry/Organization available for training along
with capacity.

3.2 Organization Structure of Industry.

3.3 Introduction to Industry.

Short report/description of the Project

4 4.1 Introduction 16-19

4.2 Problem Statements

4.3 Requirement Analysis

4.4 Feasibility Study

4.5 Proposed Methodology and Planning

5 Design 20-22

5.1 Screen Designs

6 Coding and Modules 23-24

6.1 Project Module

6.2 Coding

7 Implementation and testing 25-28

7.1 Implementation

7.2 Test Cases

8 Challenges faced and future Scope 29

8.1 Challenges Faced During Project

8.2 Area 0f Future Development

9 Conclusion 30

10 References 31

11 Bibliography 32


This Website demonstrates a functioning of Videogame

downloading website. Where you can view and download
many of your favourite and popular PC games and have
their full details, along with their requirements.

This website allows you to download these games totally

free of cost.

Also, these torrent files are trusted and safe to download

and works properly. These files were scanned before

The games included are a repack versions of itself i.e.,

they come with extra features and contents.


I wish to express my profound and sincere gratitude to our

guide Prof. A. L. Tarange who guided us in the structure of
industrial training project as well as some main points in
the project also they cleared our all doubts about project. I
am Indebted to his constant encouragement, co-operation
and help. It was his enthusiastic support that helped me in
overcoming various obstacles in the project.

I would also like to express my gratitude towards our

principal and Mr. A. L. Tarange for giving me this great
opportunity to do a project on weather forecasting app
Without their support and suggestions, this project would
not have been completed.
Finally, I completed my project regarding to
my syllabus as well as department.


3.1. Collecting Information about Industry
1. Name of the industry/organization: SUMAGO INFOTECH

2. Address/communication details with email:

 Address:
Third Floor, Sadashiv Motkari Sankul, Sadguru
Nagar Near Sadashiv Nagar, Govind Nagar In front of
Sagar Sweets, Nashik-422009

 Email ID:
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]

3. Contact person details:

 Name: Sonali Gorade
 Designation: CEO
 Email: [email protected]
 Contact number/s:
 Sumago Infotech: +91 7263084881
 Sonali Gorade: +91 840 808 4888

4. Type of Product: IT Company.

 Service Industry / Manufacturing Industry:
 Web Applications
 Digital Marketing
 Training/Internship

5. Type of Control: Unlisted Private Company, Non- govt
6. Type of Company: Small scale.
7. Total No. of employees in the Industry / Organization: 40+

Name & Signature of Industry

3.2. Organizational Structure 0f Industry

A brief Overview of the company Sumago InfoTech

Organizational Structure of Sumago InfoTech and General Layout.

3.3. Introduction Of Industry

Introduction of Sumago InfoTech, Types of Product and Services, History,
Number of Employees.

Sumago InfoTech is a company established in Oct 2013. It has industry-

specific software expertise in technology, healthcare, financial, media,
manufacturing and many other sectors. This company specializes in
offering Web Designing, Web Application Development, Mobile App
Development, Software Development, Digital Marketing, Software Testing,
Quality Assurance Services and many more.

Sumago InfoTech aspire to be the global sourcing choice of the world

market and revolutionizes the way service processes function. To reach out
to the common people across the globe and making Information
Technology a tool for the “MASS” along with the tool for the “CLASS”.
Creating innovative IT solutions and provide IT-enabled services to delight
customers worldwide and build Relationships based on Trust, Values and

Sumago InfoTech has industry-specific software expertise in Technology,

Financial, Healthcare, Media, Manufacturing, and many other sectors. The
company specializes in offering Web Designing, Web Application
Development, Mobile Application Development, Software Development,
Digital Marketing, Software Testing, Quality Assurance services, and many
We are a team of committed innovative, client-sensitive and experienced
software professionals who always strive to deliver customized, cost-
effective and long-term software solutions that complement our client's
objective and result in a satisfied customer.
At Sumago InfoTech, we “Strive with Technology” to provide the most
effective and affordable service that fulfills our customer’s needs and
budget. We provide customized websites and software solutions that suit
customer’s company objectives. We always keep involving our customers
in an entire process starting from design through deployment, so that your
ideas can be incorporate into our work.
After deploying website or software we keep working with you to provide
continuous support. We also help to promote your businesses by our digital
marketing services. Our focus is always on giving a quality product to a
customer for which we design attractive websites, by combining creative
strategies with innovative technology.


4.1. Introduction
The thesis aimed to develop an online game
downloading website using open-source technologies
(PHP, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, MySQL and Apache
Web Server) for downloading torrent of popular pc
games. The design includes a user view, the user can
have features to view, browse and download the
games. It also includes a search option where user can
search for the favorite games in database.
This website provides a user-friendly experience
with its modern and easy to use design. It has a popular
collection of games that you can browse and download
without having to worry about logging in or creating an

4.2. Problem Statement

1. Quality assurance for the product.

2. Secure and save torrent files.
3. Improper content provided.
4. Wrong product/game file delivered.
5. Weak product quality.

4.3. Requirement Analysis

Requirements Analysis is the process of defining the
expectations of the user for an application that is to be built or
modified. Requirement analysis involves all the tasks that are
conducted to identify the needs of different stakeholders.
Therefore, requirements analysis means to analyze,
document, validate and manage software or system
requirements. High-quality requirements are documented,
actionable, measurable, testable, traceable, helps to identify
business opportunities and are defined to a facilitate system

1. Neat and clean/Modern UI design.

2. User-friendly Website.
3. Responsiveness.
4. Animated Interface.
5. About the given games.
6. Requirements of particular games.
7. Images of games.
8. Search function.

4.4 Feasibility Study

 Technical Feasibility Study

To build a fully dynamic website it requires to visible

in all possible platform. It should be responsive with
respect to device. Also have a support for having guide to
use the Site.

 Environmental Feasibility Study

As to build a videogame downloading website it

should be able to handle big data and work with it. To
produce an online website requires a high-speed
connection to the Internet, a web server, and software.

4.5. Proposed Methodology and Planning
Week Title Date

Week 1 Obtained knowledge of the 5/8/21 - 11/8/21

Week 2 Planning and Requirement 12/8/21 -18/8/21
Analysis of the Project.
Week 3 Browsing the Template 19/8/21 - 25/8/21
reference for website and
Week 4 Coding the Functionalities for 26/8/21 - 1/9/21
website and major
Week 5 Testing the functionalities and 2/9/21 - 8/9/21
working of the website.
Week 6 Resolving the issues and 9/9/21 - 15/9/21
retesting (if required).
Deploying the website (Hosting
Website on 000webhost.com).
Finally Done with Industrial
Training Project.

 Home Page

 Product/Game Content Page

 About Page

 Searched Game
6.1. Coding
For developing a Videogame Downloading Website, I accomplished
various Web Technologies: -
 HTML, CSS (Frontend)
For having a structure for Web Page and applying styles to
the elements.
 JavaScript (Frontend)
To add the functionalities to the web page elements on user
 PHP (Backend)
As it is a server-side scripting language, which is used to
design the dynamic web application with MySQL

6.2. Project Modules

Customer View

As a user you can download games. This website

is an open and free website. As a user/customer view,
browse and download the games for free. User can view
and learn about the game from features like about the
game and pc requirements which are provided in the

Payment Method

The website was basically made for project
purpose and to help the other people who are not able to
enjoy and experience these games due to financial
problems. This project is solely made for educational and
entertainment purpose. Hence, there isn’t any type of
payment method required for this website.


7.1. Test cases for home page module

Test Test Test Steps Test Expected Actual Status
Case ID Scenario Data Data Data

TC 1 Home 1. Open Browser - Browser and Homepage Pass

page the website displayed
2. Open URL
should open
3. Check and homepage
Homepage should be

TC 2 Home Page 1. Open Website - Website should Games Pass

open and all displayed
Data 2. Games display
games stored
in database
should be

TC 3 Home Page Verify that home - Layout should Layout Pass

page layout is be displayed displayed
properly properly properly
displayed or not

TC 5 Home Page Verify home page - Should be Home Pass

on different displayed same page is
browser and on different same on
devices browser and different
devices browser

TC 6 Home Page Click to verify if - Buttons should Buttons Pass

the buttons are be working and are
working properly functioning working
or not properly properly

TC 7 Home Page Click on the - Products Product is Pass

product to verify should be clickable

if its clickable and clickable
giving a response

TC 8 Home Page Click on - User should be As Pass

download redirected to expected,
product to verify the product
that the user is page when
redirected to clicked the
product page product

7.2. Test Case for Product Page module

Test Test Test Steps Test Expected Actual Status
Case ID Scenario Data Data Data

TC 1 Product Click on - User should be As Pass

page download redirected to expected,
product to verify the product
that the user is page when
redirected to clicked the
product page product

TC 2 Product 1. Open Website - Check if the Correct Pass

Page Data correct data is game data
2. Click on
displayed displayed
download button.

TC 3 Product Verify that - Layout should Layout Pass

Page product page be displayed displayed
layout is properly properly properly
displayed or not

TC 5 Product Verify product - Should be Product Pass

Page page on different displayed same page is
browser and on different shown
devices browser and properly
devices on

TC 6 Product Click to verify if - Buttons should Buttons Pass

Page the buttons are be working and are
working properly functioning working
or not properly properly

TC 7 Product Click on the - Products Product is Pass

Page product to verify should be clickable
if its clickable and

giving a response clickable

TC 8 Product Click on - Torrent file As Pass

Page download file to should be expected,
verify if file is download after
downloading or clicking the
not download


8.1. Challenges faced during project
▪ Making the site Dynamic.
▪ Inserting bulk of data into database.
▪ Data and information collection.
▪ Search-box feature.

8.2. Area of Future Development

▪ Enhance interface design
▪ Adding features like comment section so that users
can inform about broken files or errors and interact
and help with each other’s queries.
▪ Will add game video trailers in future
▪ New games will be added
▪ Games will be categorized for easy browsing.
▪ Will try to make the website more responsive.


In addition to the features aforementioned, the proposed
sublime text project on game downloading website called
Elite is very flexible and can incorporate many new
features and modules. Based on the user requirements,
modifications to various parts of the system can be done
for all the modules in the system. Hence from this
Industrial Training Project we learnt about how to
implement theoretical concept in practical. We came to
know how to build a website.

1. Sumago InfoTech Portal
 https://www.sumagoinfotech.com/#

2. W3schools.com
 PHP Tutorial: https://www.w3schools.com/php/
 Database: https://www.w3schools.com/sql/sql_ref_database.as p
 JavaScript: https://www.w3schools.com/js/

3. YouTube
 Some PHP Tutorial Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?
list=PLu0W_9lII9 aikXkRE0WxDt1vozo3hnmtR

 Some JavaScript Tutorial Playlist:


 Taylor, Sam. Museum Masters: Hunting for Historical
Treasures (italicized). 4th ed. Game Makers, 2012. Web. 1
2012. http://gamesite.com/museummasters/hunthistoricalt

 Taylor, S. (2012). Museum masters: Hunting for historical

treasures (italicized) (Version 4.0) [Online video game].
Washington, DC: Game Makers. Game portal located at



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