The Essential Guide:: To HR Compliance
The Essential Guide:: To HR Compliance
The Essential Guide:: To HR Compliance
To HR compliance.
NES & Awards, Employment Contracts, Employment Policies,
Independent Contractors and Performance Management.
• Hours of work
• Allowances
Negotiable • Overtime & penalty rates
• Annual leave loading
While employment contracts can be verbal, you’ll get into all sorts of trouble
if you don’t record an employee’s terms and conditions when you hire them.
Employment contracts written in plain English help you minimise costly
and time-consuming disputes by providing certainty about the legal rights
and obligations of both you and your staff.
Your legally compliant employment contracts need to include details
of the employee’s award (if applicable), work hours, leave entitlements,
and remuneration. An employment contract also should set out information
on termination of employment, the protection of confidential information
and intellectual property, as well as post-employment restraints.
It’s also best practice to include a list of the duties and a job description
along with your workplace policies. New employees should sign off
on workplace policies as part of their onboarding process.
The essential guide: To HR compliance 4
3. Regularly audit workplace policies to keep them up to date with relevant laws and other policies
and procedures in your company.
4. As part of your onboarding program, ensure all new hires review and acknowledge their awareness
and understanding of your workplace policies.
5. Clearly explain the conduct expected of employees, and the consequences of breaching policies.
Degree of control over how work is performed Performs work, under the direction and control Has a high level of control in how the work is done.
of their employer, on an ongoing basis.
Hours of work Generally works standard or set hours. (Note: a casual Under agreement, decides what hours to work
employee’s hours may vary from week to week). to complete the specific task.
Expectation of work Usually has an ongoing expectation of work (Note: Usually engaged for a specific task.
some employees may be engaged for a specific task
or specific period).
Risk Bears no financial risk (this is the responsibility Bears the risk for making a profit or loss on each task.
of their employer). Usually bears responsibility and liability for poor work
or injury sustained while performing the task. As such,
contractors generally have their own insurance policy.
Superannuation Entitled to have superannuation contributions Pays their own superannuation. (Note: in some
paid into a nominated superannuation fund circumstances independent contractors may
by their employer. be entitled to be paid superannuation contributions).
Tools and equipment Tools and equipment are generally provided Uses their own tools and equipment. (Note:
by the employer, or a tool allowance is provided. alternative arrangements may be made within
a contract for services).
Tax Has income tax deducted by their employer. Pays their own tax and GST to the Australian
Taxation Office.
Method of payment Paid regularly. (For example, Has obtained an ABN and submits an invoice
weekly/fortnightly/monthly). for work completed or is paid at the end of the
contract or project.
Leave Entitled to receive paid leave. (For example, annual Does not receive paid leave.
leave, personal/carers’ leave, long service leave)
or receive a loading in lieu of leave entitlements
in the case of casual employees.
Even where you have a valid reason to dismiss an employee, it’s critically
important to follow due process. In performance management, it’s typically
not the facts that matter, but the process. Procedural fairness is fundamental
to how the Fair Work Commission makes decisions regarding unfair
dismissal cases. If you fail to show you have applied procedural fairness
before dismissing an employee, or your performance management process
is flawed, it will usually result in a finding that the dismissal was unfair.
So, when you’re handling cases of unsatisfactory performance, you must
investigate the matter thoroughly and maintain records accordingly.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Asking the employee Providing appropriate Giving the employee Allowing the employee Documenting
if there is a reason and timely warnings adequate time to bring along a the process.
for their poor in writing. to respond and support person to
performance. improve their meetings.