BAL Russian Anti Ship Missile
BAL Russian Anti Ship Missile
BAL Russian Anti Ship Missile
Coastal defense missile system
The Bal system uses Kh-35 anti-ship cruise missiles with a range of up to 260 km
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Bal Coastal Defense Missile System |
missile system, which was adopted in 2010. It carries more capable P-800 Oniks missiles, but only
2 missiles per launcher vehicle.
Prototypes of the Bal were based on a MAZ-543M heavy high mobility chassis with 8x8
configuration. Though production version is based on a newer Belarusian MZKT-7930 chassis. It is
powered by a YaMZ-846 turbocharged diesel engine, developing 500 hp. It is mated with a
6-speed manual transmission. Vehicle has a full-time all-wheel drive and is fitted with a central tyre
inflation system. This vehicle has good cross-country mobility and can travel off road.
The launcher vehicle is operated by a crew of 3, including commander, operator and driver.
The Bal coastal defense system launches its missiles at a fixed angle. Missiles can be launched
with short intervals of several seconds between the launches. Also missiles can be launched up to
10 km from the sea.
A typical Bal battery includes up to 4 launcher vehicles with missiles, up to 4 associated
reloading vehicles and up to 2 command posts. All of these components are based on the same
MZKT-7930 chassis and can be briefly redeployed. It takes 10 minutes to prepare the launcher
vehicles for firing from a new position. The launcher vehicles receive targeting data from the
dedicated command post vehicles, or alternatively, from external sources.
A battery of Bal can launch up to 32 anti-ship cruise missiles. It is sufficient to disrupt operation
of a large hostile battlegroup.
Reloading vehicle is fitted with a crane and carries a full set or reload missiles. The launcher
vehicle is reloaded within 30-40 minutes.
Components of this coastal defense missile system can be airlifted by military transport aircraft,
however these have to be as large as An-124 or An-22.
Bal-E is a downgraded export version. It uses Kh-35E missiles with a range of 130 km, or newer
Kh-35UE missiles with a range of 260 km.
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