Training and Development Assignment

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The company is professionally managed. The management team is headed
by a dynamic Managing Director. He expects performance of high order at
every level. It is more so at the Supervisory and Management levels.
Normally the people of high calibre are selected through open
advertisements to meet the human resource requirements at higher levels.
However, junior-level vacancies are filled up by different types of trainees
who undergo training in the company. The company offers one-year
training scheme for fresh engineering graduates. During the first six
months of the training, the trainees are exposed to different functional
areas which are considered to be the core training for this category of
trainees. By then, the trainees are identified for placement against the
available or projected vacancies. Their further training in the next quarter
is planned according to individual placement requirements. During the last
quarter, the training will be on-the job. The trainee is required to perform
the jobs expected of him after he is placed there. The training scheme is
broadly structured mainly keeping in mind the training requirements of
mechanical engineering graduates. Mr. Rakesh Sharma joined the company
in the year 1983 after his B. Tech . degree in paint Technology from a
reputed institute. He was taken as a trainee against a projected vacancy in
the paints application department In MIL, the areas of interest for a trainee
in Paint Technology are few. Hence, Mr. Sharma’s core training was
planned for the first 3 months only. Thereafter, he was put for on-the-job
training in the paints application department. He took interest and showed
enthusiasm in his work there. The report from the shop manager was quite
satisfactory. The performance of the trainee is normally reviewed once at
the end of every quarter. The Training Manager personally talks to the
trainee about his progress, strengths and shortcomings. At the end of the
second quarter, the Training Manager called Mr. Sharma for his
performance review. He appreciated his good performance and told him to
keep it up. A month later Mr. Sharma met the Training Manager. He
requested that his training period be curtailed to 7 months only and to
absorb him as an Engineer. He argued that he had been performing like a
regular employee in the department for the last one quarter. As such, there
was no justification for him to be put on training anymore. Further, he
indicated that by doing so, he could be more effective in the department as
a regular engineer. He would also gain seniority as well as some monetary
benefits as the trainees were eligible for a stipend only. The regular
employees were eligible for many allowances like conveyance, dearness,
house rent, education, etc. which was a substantial amount as compared to
the stipend paid to a trainee. The Training Manager turned down his
request and informed him that it was not a practice of the company to do
so. He told him that any good performance or contribution made by the
trainees during the training period would be duly rewarded at the time of
placement on completion of one year of training. Further, he told him that
it would set a wrong precedence. Quite often, some trainees were put on the
job much earlier than the normal period of three quarters for several
reasons. Thereafter, Mr. Sharma’s behaviour in the department became
different. His changed attitude did not receive any attention in the initial
period. However, by the end of the third quarter, his behaviour had become
erratic and unacceptable. When he was asked by the Department Manager
to attend to a particular task, he replied that he was still on training and
such task shouldn’t be assigned to a trainee. According to him, those jobs
were meant to be attended by full-time employees and not by trainees. The
Paintshop Manager complained to the Training Manager about Mr.
Sharma’s behaviour and he was summoned by the Training Manager.
During the discussions, Mr. Sharma complained that while all the
remaining trainees were having a comfortable time as trainees, he was the
only one who was put to a lot of stress and strain; the department was
expecting too much room him. He felt that he should be duly rewarded for
much hardwork; otherwise, it was not appropriate to expect similar work
output from him. The Training Manager tried to convince him again that he
shouldn’t harp on rewards as he was a trainee; his sole concern should be to
learn as much as possible and to improve his abilities. He should have a
long-term perspective rather than such a narrow-minded approach. He also
informed him that his good performance would be taken into account when
the right occasion arose. He warned him that he was exhibiting negative
attitude for which he would be viewed seriously. His demand for earlier
placement was illogical and he should forget it as he had already completed
8 months and had to wait only for 4 months. He advised Mr. Sharma that
the career of an individual had to be seen on a long-time perspective and
that he should not resort to such childish behaviour as it would affect his
own career and image in the company. Mr. Sharma apparently seemed to
have been convinced by the assurance given by the Training Manager and
remained passive for some time. However, when the feedback was sought
after a month, the report stated that he had become more perverted. He
was called again for a counselling session and was given two weeks time to
show improvement. At the end of those two weeks, the Training Manager
met the Department Manager, to have a discussion about Mr. Sharma. It
was found that there was absolutely no reason for Mr. Sharma to nurture a
grievance on poor rewards. It was decided that he should be given a
warning letter as per the practice of the company and, accordingly, he was
issued a warning letter. This further aggravated the situation rather than
bringing about any improvement. He felt offended and retaliated by
thoroughly disobeying any instruction given to him. This deteriorated the
situation more and the relationship between the manager of the
department and the trainee was seriously affected In cases of rupture of
relationship, normally the practice was to shift the trainee from the
department where he was not getting along well so that he would be tried in
some other department where he could have another lease for striking
better rapport. But unfortunately, in the case of Mr. Sharma, there was no
other department to which he could be transferred, since that was the only
department where his specialisation could have been of proper use. By the
time he completed his training, he turned out to be one who was not at all
acceptable in the department for placement. His behaviour and
involvement were lacking. In view of this, the Department Manager
recommended that he be taken out of the department. When Mr. Sharma
was informed about it, he was thoroughly depressed. One of the primary
objectives of the Training Department is to recruit fresh graduates who
have good potential and train them to be effective persons, in different
departments. They are taken after a rigorous selection process which
includes a written test, a preliminary and a final interview. During the
training period, their aptitudes, strengths and weaknesses are identified.
Their placement in departments is decided primarily on the basis of their
overall effectiveness there. Here is a case where the person happened to be
hard-working in the beginning but turned out to be a failure in the end. The
Training Manager was conscious of this serious lapse and was not inclined
to recommend his termination. But at the same time it was difficult to
retain a person whose track record was not satisfactory. He still felt that a
fresh look be given into this case but he was unable to find a way out. He
was now faced with the dilemma whether to terminate or not to terminate
Mr. Rakesh Sharma.

1. Where did the things go wrong?

Mr. Rakesh Sharma is the one who is actually a sort of person who is been
called as EXTERNALLY DRIVEN PERSONALITY. This is because, the
happiness, the motivation, work, working conditions, pleasure of his work,
enjoying the work nature are being driven by external people (either his
Trainer, Manager or anyone else). There arises a problem here. The trainer
here is the one who is lack of a confident schedule and is not aware of the
skill set of employees working with him (here there is a major difference in
saying the subordinates as the people working UNDER me and stating
them as people working WITH me. Please note the difference). With this
two different types of mindsets, the problem has been aroused and note
that this is the problem only with Mr. Rakesh Sharma and not with all the

The things went wrong with the two different personalities in action which
made unproductive approach to both the company and the employee. Here
the problem is due to the companies ambiguous policies and the employee
engagement is considered to be low in the company. The company failed to
manage an employee attitude not to go in a right path and failed in the
competency mapping of the particular employee. These are some of the
areas where the things actually went wrong.

(b) What options are open for the Training Manager other than termination
of Mr. Sharma?
The options open for the trainee manager is to have an awareness over the
employee and try to involve the employee in some employee engagement
programs, made him to go with some attitudinal training issues called as
Behavioral Training aspects and Attitudinal Transition Training aspects
and then create an environment surrounding him as a delightful one.

(c) How could you put Mr. Sharma back on the right track?
This is as explained earlier for question (b) as by doing some programs on
employee engagement, Behavioural Events, Attitude Transition Training
and others and can be made motivated towards a great work culture an
made him feel delighted during working.

xyz was established in 1985 as a joint venture between various foreign

companies. The company has grown from a capacity of 15,000 AC units in
1985 comprising of largely an assembly operation, into the largest and only
integrated manufacturing unit in India for Auto Air Conditioning systems.
The company has the capability to manufacture compressors, condensers,
heat exchangers and all the connecting elements that are required to
complete the AC Loop. The company has three plants in Noida, one in
Manesar and one in Pune. It also has a R&D centre and Tool room in
Noida. The manufacturing capacity has grown to a level of 7,50,000 AC
units per annum and there is a plan to go to a level of 1,000,000 per annum
by 2008. The HR department of the company has its well developed
training and development process but wants to move one step ahead with
the training effectiveness evaluation process and make it more competitive.
For the same they have implemented a policy wherein the employees are
asked to take up a project based on the training which they had undergone
and should have the practical application of learning in training. The
employees are then to be evaluated for 'On-the-job training effectiveness
evaluation' on their performance accordingly. In simple words, to show
how they are applying their learning in their job. They give employees a
duration of three months to evaluate themselves and for doing a project on
the basis of his/her learning. Then employees rate themselves as per their
learning. After that the employee is rated by his/her HOD (Head of the
department) on the basis of the project and his learning and on the basis of
application of that learning. Finally HOD rates his employees against the
rating given by the employees themselves. HOD then writes remarks and
provides recommendations to the HR department, which gives the HR
dept. information to check whether there is any requirement of re-training
or if their investment on the training of the employee is successful or not.
This is how HR dept. conducts on the job evaluation of training
effectiveness. But the problem which the HR dept. faces is that the
employee takes this project work as a burden on their daily routine work
and they escape from it. They do not understand the importance of the
filling of the Training Effectiveness Form and taking up a project. Till the
date of HR Audit the HR people keep on running after the employee to
collect the Training Effectiveness forms. And finally when those forms are
compiled it is observed that the employees just do it for formality sake.
After a lot of discussion on this topic, the AGM (HR) of the company
conveys that if the company keeps on changing policies then it will create a
wrong impression among employees. This wrong impression implies that
the HR department will change the policies as and when a problem arises.
AGM follows a school of thought that policies are not meant to be changed
frequently. On the contrary the surprising fact is, while employee interacts
with the HR Dept. the issue is never raised, from the employee side. AGM
says that today if only 10-12% employees take this exercise seriously then in
future then only he will be on motivating his employees and make this
policy successful, ignoring the fact that majority of employees escape from
this exercise. He is adamant on his stand but still strives to find a solution
for successful execution of this policy.

1. Is the stand taken by the HR manager of not changing the policy is

As per my thought, this decision is not justified. When management comes
to know about the how casual the employee are about these programs they
should then come up with something which perhaps will be interesting for
them to take part in and they will not at all consider it as a burden.
Any load in work is not good, and if the employees felt that as a burden
then definitely management should have considered replacing it with
something more simpler and also interesting at the same time.

2. What would be your course of action had you been in the place of the
HR manager?

I would have had a face to face with a couple of my employees to

understand what aspect of the current training program is considered to be
boring or not interesting, analysing that aspect would be the first thing so
as to avoid that one in the future programs which we will take up.
I would also take up some sessions explaining the importance of this
programs for their organisational growth, which indeed will create a sense
of responsibility towards these programs.
Also. Then I would design a program wherein it would not create an add-on
to their daily task, something which can be done along with their daily
tasks, being creative would help here a lot.
My main aim would be to create a program which they will willingly take up
to improve their skills and abilities or to analyse their own capabilities.

3. Is the method implemented by the HR dept. to evaluate on-the-job

training effectiveness proper? If 'NO', then what is the alternative as
per your perception?

As per me, Yes, on-the-job training program is efficient but it is reliable in

organisations where the management is well disciplined and they don’t
entertain any bias practices.
But this practice is the most efficient if considered. As the person who
evaluates you is the one who decides your KRA. The process followed by
this organisation is also right, as the employee would first evaluate their
own skills and then the HOD will do the same and then write comments
and pass it on to the management which is the right process to do, as the
HOD then understands the ability of the employee to analyse its own skills
and area of improvement which indeed is an imp skill of a leader and the
HOD can then assign the task based on where they lack for them to excel
and learn in their own ways.

Makar” a textile manufacturing unit located in the city of Jaipur with

enough infrastructure and a good workforce. The organization is
specialized in shirting and suiting particularly the supplies that are done in
Rajasthan only. The organization is run by the CEO who is commonly
known for well educated, experienced, a businessman with a humane
approach. Mr. Mukund CEO “Makar” considered the employees as a
competitive advantage of his organization and want to keep the workforce
always updated to face the challenges from their competitors.

Mr.Mukund, who heads the production himself, developed an efficient top

management group which includes Mr.Prem Heading marketing,
Mrs.Mrunal leading HR and T&D, Mr.Vaidya leading finance. All these
department heads are always been supportive heads for the ideas of
Mr.Mukund in handling the workforce. Mr. Mukund always quotes that “I
believe that satisfied, educated, the dedicated workforce will be a key to
success at any condition to any organization. Money spent on employees
will always be an investment for my organization.”

Training and development become a day to activity in the organization.

Employees are been trained by well-versed trainers in that area. The
organization also encourages the employees to do further studies as part of
the career development program and they get a helping hand from the

The employees of Makar are very much satisfied with this kind of support
from the organization and they realized that being with Makar their
personal growth will be assured. Because of the above-said things Makar
had many advantages like highly trained and qualified workforce, highest
quality of supplies assured, less rate of attrition, dedicated workforce,
meeting the targets on time, satisfied workforce, etc…
One day the employees of Makar were in deep Grief when the news hit the
office that Mr. Mukund CEO made an announcement, ” Dear employees.
You all are my colleagues rather than my employees. I always feel that I am
one of you with more responsibility.  Now my age is not allowing me to
shoulder that responsibility, I wish to give way to my younger generation.
So I have decided to handover the charge to Mr. Mithun, My only son, who
had completed his studies and returned to India. I know you all will be with
him as a pillar and extend your support, in the same manner, you
supported me. Without you people, this organization would not have
reached these heights. I am Sure you all will support him.

Now it has been three months since Mr. Mithun take over the charge and
from day one he started auditing in almost all the departments with a motto
to reduce cost. And he got a strong statistics that the compensation is the
highest cost bared by the company compared to any other cost incurred in
the organization.

Mitun called Mrs. Mrunal the head HR and told her “Mrs. Mrinal, I need an
immediate action plan to reduce the labor force by 30% by way of Lay-off”
he continued, “Mrunal I hope you are getting my point and I want it to
happen soon”. Mrs. Mrunal got shocked by listening to this decision and
said to Mr.Mithun that “ Sir it is my responsibility to tell you that the
workforce which we have is an excellent, well trained, loyal and self-
motivated workforce. In case of lay off such the competitors will take
advantage of that. We can think of other options rather than Layoff.”

Mr.Mithun was not in a position to listen to her words he said that “sorry
Mrs.Mrunal I am not ready to review my decision and neither wants any
alternatives for this I want this work to be done within a week”. Finally,
with all her regrets Mr. Mrunal reduced the workforce by 30%. On the other
hand, the employees who were waived from Makar joined the competitors
with a better package.

One day in his office Mr.Mithun was discussing with Mrs.Mrunal that the
cost of labor in the organization has been reduced to a great level which
increases the net profit also. After listening to this Mrs.Mrunal said that “it
is well-said sir, we have reduced the labor cost and increased the profit but
it is more true that we have missed the great opportunity to grow more by
losing our wealth to the competitors”
Questions :-

1. “Employees are the competitive advantage of Makar” comment on

this statement relating to the approach of Mr. Mukund CEO

Competitive Advantage means the point where you specialized when

compared to that of your competitors. That is an edge over your
competitors. In the said case Mr. Mukund and his team enabled employees
to get well trained and also encouraged to precede their further studies.
Hence they become skilled, educated, well trained, and qualified

When the employees are been considered as the competitive advantage of

any organization then it becomes a greater strength of that organization.
Because when the employees are the competitive advantage that means that
they are well trained and they are much satisfied with the organization the
same way a well trained and satisfied employee will produce products
which are rich in quality.
To comment on the statement said by Mr.Mukund it is true that employees
are the competitive advantage of Makar. The reasons why employees are
considered so is
a) they are well trained up to date
b) they are educated
c) skilled
d) Habituated to cope up with the change in technology
e) producing high-quality
f) time-bound etc.

2. How did you judge the actions taken by Mr. Mithun to reduce the
cost of labor was it really a successful one?

As soon as Mithun took over the charge he wants to reduce the cost of
production or you can say the overall expenses of the company in all means.
When he noticed that the cost of labor is very high he didn’t analyze in the
way why it is high and what the company is getting because of spending on
it. According to me decision taken by Mr. Mithun is not a wise or successful
Idea because:-

a) Mr. Mukund has spent years together and invested lots of money to mold
the employees in such a way. Mr.Mithun’s decision will not allow him to
encashthe investment done by his father

b) Mr.Mithun fire the employees from the organization on whom they have
invested because of which the competitors will get a chance to utilize the
benefit of money that Makar had to spend on the employees.

c) this decision may also reduce the level of motivation and morale of the
remaining employees as the job security becomes a question mark in

3. “We have gained the profit by losing our wealth” discuss the
statement of Mrs. Mrunal and support her statement.

Mrs. Mrunal HR head of Makar was opposing the decision of Mr.Mithun

from starting itself. Because being an HRbMrunal was clear that the
amount spent on employees for training is not an expense but it is an
investment. But Mithun didn’t listen to her words. And being an
employee she has been forced to separate some of the employees from
MAKAR. And Mrunal did it. But she is not happy about what she had
done. So she said this statement. This statement is very well suitable for
Makar. Let us separate this statement in two parts and discuss “We have
gained the profit + by + losing our wealth”

In this statement “We have gained the profit” means by reducing the
workforce Makar has reduced the expenses which resulted in an increase
in the profit “losing our wealth” means Makar has invested a lot of
money on employees by way of training and made them a strong
workforce which is also a competitive advantage to Makar. By separating
them from Makar it is can be said that Makar lost its wealth and wealth
here denotes the highly skilled employees.

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