What Makes A Good Shpeherd?: Good Shepherd Sunday/ World Day of Prayer For Vocations

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Year 35 No.

61 4th Sunday of Easter (C) — White May 8, 2022

Good Shepherd Sunday/ World Day of Prayer for Vocations

What Makes
A Good Shpeherd?
by Most Rev. Jacinto
Agcaoili Jose, D.D.
Bishop of Urdaneta

W hat makes a good shep-

that of a helpless child, and with
complete dependence submits
himself to divine providence.
their actions as priests who aspire
to be good shepherds.
Everything begins with humil- The priest who has mastered
ity. Humility is the realization Humility serves as the gate- himself must be able to say, I
that without God’s permission way of other beautiful and holy am but a speck of dust. I own
and assistance one can never adjectives that will make a shep- nothing here in this world and
accomplish anything. Humility herd good. Humility compels a in the heavens above but my
is giving all the glory to God’s good shepherd to tell himself, sins. I am a worthless slave. I
name. A good shepherd is a I am an unworthy servant for I will never be worthy in God’s
humble shepherd. A shepherd have just done what I was told eyes. The praise I give God is in
who does not lord over the flock to do (Cf. Lk 17:10). A humble fact also from him, for nothing
is one who humbly accepts that shepherd does not speak of what good comes from me. This is an
it is only God who has supreme he has done but always of what attitude of a good shepherd that
power over everyone. God has done to him. A good Jesus has shown as an example.
shepherd never thinks that, be- It is difficult to imitate Jesus.
A good shepherd makes use
cause of his good service in the His is the highest standard. He
of his ordination as a gateway to
ministry, God owes him. A good is the perfect example. He has
a lower position among people
shepherd does away with entitle- done the perfect sacrifice. The
and, making himself lower than
ment and a sense of specialness. life of a priest is a life of sur-
the rest, extends his hands up-
ward to serve the faithful—the Job asked, “Can a mortal be render, a total surrender. Priests
poorest of the poor, the outcast, of use to God? Can even the must surrender everything to
the marginalized, the abused, the wisest be of service to him?” (Jb God. It must be clear to them
afflicted, and the orphans and 22:2). A good shepherd keeps who follow Jesus’ example of
widows—regarding them as his this in mind. The life of a good a good shepherd that they are
masters. Humility is not about shepherd is one of renunciation, mere instruments of God and
words but about service. A good self-denial, and total humility. not gods. In everything they do,
and humble shepherd realizes Priests are instruments of God. it is God who must be praised.
that he serves the God who, out God, in continuing Jesus’ min- Every good shepherd acts for the
of complete humility, comes to istry on earth, uses priests. God greater glory of God’s name and
earth as a child, helpless and must be manifested in their lives. never for popularity’s sake or for
dependent. He patterns his life to God’s goodness must be seen in anything else.
THE INTRODUCTORY RITES to people of good will. We almost the whole city
praise you, we bless you, gathered to hear the word of
Entrance Antiphon we adore you, we glorify the Lord. When the Jews saw
(Cf. Ps 33 [32]:5–6) you, we give you thanks the crowds, they were filled
(Recited when there is no opening song) for your great glory, Lord with jealousy and with violent
The merciful love of the Lord God, heavenly King, O God, abuse contradicted what Paul
fills the earth; by the word of almighty Father. Lord Jesus said. Both Paul and Barnabas
the Lord the heavens were Christ, Only Begotten Son,
spoke out boldly and said, “It
made, alleluia. Lord God, Lamb of God,
Son of the Father, you take was necessary that the word
Greeting away the sins of the world, of God be spoken to you
(The sign of the cross is made here) have mercy on us; you take first, but since you reject it
away the sins of the world, and condemn yourselves as
P—Grace to you and peace unworthy of eternal life, we
receive our prayer; you are
from God our Father and the seated at the right hand of now turn to the Gentiles. For
Lord Jesus Christ. the Father, have mercy on us. so the Lord has commanded
All—And with your spirit. For you alone are the Holy us, I have made you a light to
Introduction One, you alone are the Lord, the Gentiles, that you may be
(The priest may address the assembly you alone are the Most High, an instrument of salvation to
using these or similar words) Jesus Christ, with the Holy the ends of the earth.”
Spirit, in the glory of God the The Gentiles were delighted
P—The fourth Sunday of Easter Father. Amen. when they heard this and
is called Good Shepherd
Collect glorified the word of the Lord.
Sunday. In the Gospel, Jesus
All who were destined for
says that he protects the sheep P—Let us pray. (Pause) eternal life came to believe,
the Father has given him. He Almighty ever-living God, and the word of the Lord
also gives the sheep—his lead us to a share in the joys continued to spread through
disciples—eternal life. of heaven, so that the humble the whole region. The Jews,
We also celebrate today flock may reach where the however, incited the women
the World Day of Prayer for brave Shepherd has gone of prominence who were
Vocations. We pray to the before. worshipers and the leading
Father to send “shepherds of Who lives and reigns with men of the city stirred up a
souls” who can lead us back you in the unity of the Holy persecution against Paul and
to him and who, like him, can Spirit, God, for ever and ever. Barnabas, and expelled them
selflessly offer themselves for All—Amen. from their territory. So they
the good of the flock.
shook the dust from their feet
Penitential Act in protest against them and
LITURGY OF THE WORD went to Iconium. The disciples
P—Brethren (brothers and
sisters), let us acknowledge were filled with joy and the
First Reading
our sins, and so prepare (Acts 13:14, 43–52)(Sit) Holy Spirit.
ourselves to celebrate the
sacred mysteries. (Pause) Rejected by the Jews, the message of —The word of the Lord.
the risen Lord is brought by Paul and All—Thanks be to God.
P—You were sent to heal the Barnabas to the Gentiles who accept
contrite of heart: Lord, have it willingly. God fills with joy those Responsorial Psalm (Ps 100)
mercy. who accept his message. R—We are his people, the
All—Lord, have mercy. sheep of his flock.
P—You came to call sinners: A reading from the Acts of
Christ, have mercy. the Apostles
All—Christ, have mercy.
P—You are seated at the right PAU L A N D BA R N A BA S
hand of the Father to intercede continued on from Perga and
for us: Lord, have mercy. reached Antioch in Pisidia.
All—Lord, have mercy. On the sabbath they entered
P—May almighty God have the synagogue and took
mercy on us, forgive us our sins, their seats. Many Jews and
and bring us to everlasting life. worshipers who were converts
All—Amen. to Judaism followed Paul and
Barnabas, who spoke to them 1. Sing joyfully to the Lord,
Gloria and urged them to remain all you lands;/ serve the Lord
All—Glory to God in the faithful to the grace of God. with gladness;/ come before
highest, and on earth peace On the following sabbath him with joyful song. (R)
2. Know that the Lord is God;/ JESUS said: “My sheep hear my C—Father, in the coming
he made us, his we are; his voice; I know them, and they elections, enlighten us that we
people, the flock he tends. (R) follow me. I give them eternal may choose candidates who,
life, and they shall never perish. like Jesus, the Good Shepherd,
3. The L ord is good:/ His No one can take them out of truly care for the common
kindness endures forever,/ my hand. My Father, who has good and give their heart and
and his faith­fulness, to all given them to me, is greater strength that there may be
generations. (R) than all, and no one can take peace, justice, and progress in
Second Reading (Rv 7:9, 14b–17) them out of the Father’s hand. our land. We pray: (R)
The Father and I are one.”
Jesus, the Good Shepherd, will C—Father, may all families
manifest himself at the end as the —The Gospel of the Lord. become fertile seedbeds for
glorious Lamb who will reward All—Praise to you, Lord Jesus vocations to priestly and
his faithful people, those who have Christ. consecrated life through the
listened to his voice. spirit of prayer, love, and
Homily (Sit) service that reign among
A reading from the Book of family members. We pray: (R)
Revelation Profession of Faith (Stand)
C—Father, may all of us who
I, JOHN, had a vision of a great All—I believe in God, the received the grace of your Son’s
multitude, which no one could Father almighty, Creator of Resurrection pursue integrity
count, from every nation, race, heaven and earth, and in Jesus and build community where
people, and tongue. They stood Christ, his only Son, our Lord, compassion and mercy abound
before the throne and before (At the words that follow, up to and for the sake of those who are
the Lamb, wearing white robes including the Virgin Mary, all bow.) sick, hungry, poor, and in dire
and holding palm branches in who was conceived by the need. We pray: (R)
their hands. Holy Spirit, born of the
Then one of the elders said Virgin Mary, suffered under C—Father, give us strength to
to me, “These are the ones who Pontius Pilate, was crucified, face the trials of this life: the
have survived the time of great died, and was buried; he pandemic, wars, those who
distress; they have washed their descended into hell; on the are sick right now, and those
robes and made them white in third day he rose again from suffering in any way. May we
the blood of the Lamb. the dead; he ascended into find healing and restoration in
“For this reason they stand heaven, and is seated at the
Jesus’ love. We pray: (R)
right hand of God the Father
before God’s throne and
almighty; from there he will C—Father, may all our beloved
worship him day and night in dead be consoled and find
come to judge the living and
his temple. The one who sits the dead. mercy in the One who laid
on the throne will shelter them. I believe in the Holy Spirit, down his life for all peoples.
They will not hunger or thirst the holy catholic Church, We pray: (R)
anymore, nor will the sun or the communion of saints,
any heat strike them. For the C—Let us pray for the urgent
the forgiveness of sins, the concerns of our community
Lamb who is in the center of resurrection of the body, and and our personal intentions
the throne will shepherd them life everlasting. Amen. (pause). We pray: (R)
and lead them to springs of
life-giving water, and God will Prayer of the Faithful P—Almighty God, you
wipe away every tear from their P—Loving Father, help us have given Christ, the Good
eyes.” listen to the voice of your Shepherd, the power over life
Son, the Good Shepherd, who and death. Through his most
—The word of the Lord. sweet name, graciously hear
protects us and leads us to
All—Thanks be to God. us and preserve in us the great
greener pastures, towards life’s
Alleluia [Jn 10:14] (Stand) fulfillment. With confidence, joy of the Easter Feast now and
we pray: forever.
All—Alleluia, Alleluia. I am All—Amen.
the good shepherd, says the R—Father, keep us close to
Lord; I know my sheep, and your heart. LITURGY OF
mine know me. Alleluia,
C—Father, may Christ’s legacy
Alleluia. of love and his preaching Presentation of the Gifts
of the Gospel values be the (Stand)
Gospel (Jn 10:27–30)
inspiration of our Church P—Pray, brethren…
P—A reading from the holy leaders and missionaries in All—May the Lord accept the
Gospel according to John their preaching and way of sacrifice at your hands for the
All—Glory to you, O Lord. life. We pray: (R) praise and glory of his name,
for our good and the good of
all his holy Church.
Prayer over the Offerings
P—Grant, we pray, O Lord,
that we may always find
delight in these paschal
mysteries, so that the renewal
constantly at work within
us may be the cause of our
unending joy.
Through Christ our Lord.
Preface II of Easter
P—The Lord be with you.
All—And with your spirit.
P—Lift up your hearts.
All—We lift them up to the
P—Let us give thanks to the
Lord our God.
All—It is right and just.
P—It is truly right and just, our All—Our Father… P—The Lord be with you.
duty and our salvation, at all P—Deliver us, Lord… All—And with your spirit.
times to acclaim you, O Lord, All—For the kingdom, the
but in this time above all to Solemn Blessing
power, and the glory are
laud you yet more gloriously, yours now and for ever. P—Bow down for the blessing.
when Christ our Passover has Invitation to Peace (Pause)
been sacrificed. May God, who by the Resur-
Through him the children Invitation to Communion rection of his Only Begotten
(Kneel) Son was pleased to confer on
of light rise to eternal life
and the halls of the heavenly P—Behold the Lamb of God, you the gift of redemption and
Kingdom are thrown open to behold him who takes away of adoption, give you gladness
the faithful; for his Death is the sins of the world. Blessed by his blessing.
our ransom from death, and are those called to the supper All—Amen.
in his rising the life of all has of the Lamb.
All—Lord, I am not worthy P—May he, by whose redeem-
risen. that you should enter under ing work you have received
Therefore, overcome with my roof, but only say the word the gift of everlasting freedom,
paschal joy, every land, every and my soul shall be healed. make you heirs to an eternal
people exults in your praise inheritance.
and even the heavenly Powers, Communion Antiphon All—Amen.
with the angelic hosts, sing The Good Shepherd has risen, P—And may you, who have
together the unending hymn who laid down his life for his already risen with Christ in
of your glory, as they acclaim: sheep and willingly died for Baptism through faith, by living
All—Holy, Holy, Holy Lord his flock, alleluia. in a right manner on this earth,
God of hosts. Heaven and be united with him in the
earth are full of your glory. Prayer after Communion
Hosanna in the highest. (Stand) homeland of heaven.
Blessed is he who comes All—Amen.
in the name of the Lord. P—Let us pray. (Pause)
P—And may the blessing of
Hosanna in the highest. (Kneel) Look upon your flock, kind
almighty God, the Father,
Acclamation (Stand) Shepherd, and be pleased to
and the Son, (†) and the Holy
settle in eternal pastures the
All—When we eat this Spirit, come down on you and
Bread and drink this Cup, sheep you have redeemed by
remain with you for ever.
we proclaim your Death, O the Precious Blood of your Son. All—Amen.
Lord, until you come again. Who lives and reigns for
ever and ever. Dismissal
THE COMMUNION RITE All—Amen. P—Go in the peace of the
Risen Lord.
The Lord’s Prayer THE CONCLUDING RITES All—Thanks be to God.

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