Essay: Me and My Dream As Hight As The Sky

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Me and My Dream As High As The Sky

Hi, I am Azizah Hairat Nisa Sengadji and I am fondly called by the name Nisa. I am the eldest
of 2 siblings. Born on May 17, 2003 in Kalabahi City, Alor Regency, Nusa Tenggara Timur.
Coming from a simple family whose parents hope their children can become successful and
achieve higher education. The writing of this essay is intended to fulfill one of the
requirements in applying for the UPH Scholarship for the Men and Women of Nusa
Tenggara Timur Special Medicine Faculty in 2022/2023.

The Reason I'm Interested In Medicine

Continuing to college is a dream for every student. In addition to wanting to gain

experience, choosing to continue education is the right way to get the desired future. For
some students, sometimes they are confused about taking or choosing the major they are
interested in. I myself was confused at first in choosing the major that I was interested in.
However, now I am very interested in majoring in medicine. Where the medical department
is one of the majors that is in the spotlight in the world of education.

The thing that attracted me to medicine itself was the willingness of myself to become a
doctor and I also received support and encouragement from my parents in continuing my
medical education. I want to make my parents happy and proud. Maybe by becoming a
doctor I can raise the status of both my parents in the eyes of society. Apart from that, I also
know that being a doctor is a noble job. All health matters related to health institutions
definitely need a doctor. A doctor has the authority to diagnose and cure a patient's disease
so that it gives a life hope, even though life expectancy is small for a patient. But a doctor
will give and do all the best to cure the disease suffered by his patient.

The next reason the medical profession promises job security. Considering that the world of
health will continue to be considered as long as humans live, the medical profession will
definitely be very much needed over time. In addition to being a doctor in the field, the
medical department also offers job prospects such as lecturers/educators, health
consultants, or speakers. Becoming a doctor gave me the enthusiasm to help everyone who
needed medical help and taught me to be able to learn to be grateful to God Almighty for
the knowledge I gained. Like studying Anatomy, I can find out how the power of God
created the human body which is so complex and has its own function. All diseases in this
world must have an antidote. This makes an extraordinary sense of gratitude to be able to
get knowledge that will later be useful for the community. Finally, the world of medicine
teaches a person to respect time. During my education at the Faculty of Medicine, of course
I will be taught how important every second in life is. In addition to doctors who have to
learn throughout their lives, doctors must also be able to make the best use of their time.
This is related to patient safety, if the doctor is not on time, it will be late in treating the
How I Will Use My Medical Profession to Provide Good Health Services for Indonesian
People in the Future

In Indonesia, so far, the focus is on improving secondary health services (hospitals), which
consume a lot of the state health budget and have an impact on many people seeking
treatment in hospitals. In the international world, the average referral to secondary services
is only 5%, while in Indonesia it is 80% (based on research results). In ASEAN, Indonesia's
health status is below Vietnam, on par with Laos, Myanmar, Cambodia and Timor Leste.
Therefore, as a doctor who serves in terms of community services, he must pay more
attention to providing primary services to the community properly. Primary health services
that have been carried out in several countries have been able to reduce mortality by 6%.

A doctor, not only treats but also serves. For future services, in carrying out my profession
as a doctor, I am tasked with being an advocate in the health sector for patients. I will
accompany the patient, provide education, explain in detail what a doctor will do to the
patient until he understands, provide information, support, empower patients, teach
problem solving skills, approach the patient, the patient's family, and the community. As a
doctor I will provide full service well and wholeheartedly to people who need my services.

Message from the Indonesian Minister of Health, Dr. Nafsiah Mboi, Sp.A, MPH at the
opening of the Conference of the Association of Medical Education Institutions (AIPKI), in
Manado (26/9/2013). He emphasized that to all health personnel, cultivate the soul to serve
in the heart and provide wholehearted service. Health workers should be proud to serve,
provide the best service and protect the community. Therefore, in the future, as a doctor, I
will continue to serve wholeheartedly and protect the Indonesian people.

Providing services to the community is not only done offline. However, in this increasingly
modern world, the provision of services to the community can also be done online. For
example, providing applications that can be used in future health services. In this way,
doctors can know the progress of their patients' health without having to meet the patient
directly. And if the patient experiences several health problems or diseases that he suffers,
he can immediately be referred to the hospital through the application provided. Then the
next decision will be taken directly in dealing with the patient's condition.

Having big dreams is the dream of every child. I have a dream to become a doctor. This
dream appears by itself. With the prayers and blessings of both parents, I am sure I can
achieve what I dream of. The medical profession is a profession that promises job prospects,
enables a person to learn to be grateful to God Almighty, teaches someone to respect time
and makes a person who is trustworthy towards the work carried out. As someone who
works in the field of health services in the future, I will serve the community and protect the
community with the best service. The services provided are not only secondary services but
must pay more attention to primary services to the community. As a doctor, you don't just
check and prescribe drugs. However, it can be said that doctors are parents to patients. As a
parent, I provide education, assist, and provide support to patients so that the patients
being treated are not easily discouraged and enthusiastic in the healing process.

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