Semester III Core and Specialization Syllabus

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Syllabus for Core

Specialization Subjects


BATCH: 2020-22
PAPER: Production and Operations Management
FACULTY: Prof. Ashish Joseph
Unit - I: Introduction to Operations Management: Functional Subsystems of Organization,
Definition, Systems Concept of Production, Types of Production Systems – Flow, Job Shop,
Batch Manufacturing and Project, Strategic Operations Management – Corporate Strategic,
Generic Competitive Strategies, Functional Strategies, Productivity, World Class

Unit - II: Product Design and Analysis: New product development -its concepts, Steps of
Product Design, Process Planning and Design- Selection of Process, Responsibilities of
Process Planning Engineer, Steps in Process Planning. Process Design - Process Research,
Pilot Plant Development, Capacity Planning, Enhanced Capacity using Optimization. Value
Analysis/Value Engineering –Value Analysis application, Value Engineering Procedure,
Advantages and Application Areas. Ergonomic considerations in Product Design.
Standardization: Standardization Procedure, Advantages of Standardization, Application of

UNIT - III: Plant Location and Plant Layout: Factors Influencing Plant Location, Break-even
Analysis. Single Facility Location Problem, Multi facility Location Problems – Model for Multi
facility Location Problem, Model to Determine X- Coordinates of New Facilities, Model to
Determine Y- Coordinate, Plant Layout - Plant layout introduction, classification of Layout,
Advantages and limitations of Product Layout, Advantages and limitations of Group
Technology Layout, Layout Design Procedures.

Unit - IV: Scheduling: Introduction, Johnson’s Algorithm, Extension of Johnson’s rule. Job
Shop Scheduling: Introduction, Types of Schedules, Schedule Generation, heuristic
Procedures, Priority Dispatching Rules. Two Jobs and m Machines Scheduling. Quality control

Unit - V: Materials Management: Integrated Materials Management, Components of

Integrated Materials Management- Materials Planning, Inventory Control, Purchase
Management, Stores Management, EOQ, Models of Inventory, Operation of Inventory
Systems, Quantity Discount, Implementation of Purchase Inventory Model– Incoming
Materials Control, Obsolete Surplus and Scrap Management, ABC Analysis, XYZ Analysis,
VED Analysis, FSN Analysis, SDE Analysis.


BATCH: 2020-22
PAPER: Management Information System
FACULTY: Prof. Ashish Joseph
Unit - I: Introduction: Information systems in Business, Types of information systems,
Managerial challenges of IT, components of information system resources and activities.
System for collaboration and social business, ethical and social issues in Information system,
Information system for strategic advantages.

Unit - II: Business Applications of Information Systems: e-business systems, functional

business systems, Customer Relationship Management, ERP Systems, Supply Chain, e-
commerce, DSS, Business analytics, Business Intelligence and Knowledge Management

Unit - III: Management of Information Systems: Information system planning, system

acquisition, systems implementation, system development models: Waterfall model, system
development life cycle, v-model, computer-assisted and software engineering tools, prototype
iterative model, evaluation & maintenance.

Unit - IV: Management of Information Systems: System Development and organizational

change, Business process redesign, Systems Analysis, System Design- System development
process, methodology for modelling and designing system, alternative methods for building
information system, new approaches for system building in the digital firm era.

Unit - V: Introduction to Cyber Crime: Cyberspace; cyber law; e-business; e - consumers;

spam; phishing. Cybercrime and information security, cybercriminals, internetwork security
defences, other security measures, system control and audit, Blockchain.


BATCH: 2020-22
PAPER: Data Analytics
FACULTY: Prof. Sriram

UNIT - I: Introduction to Data Analytics: Introduction to Data- Importance of Analytics- Data

for Business Analytics – Big Data - Business Analytics in Practice. Data Visualization – Data
Visualization tools, Data queries, Statistical methods for Summarizing data, exploring data
using pivot tables.

Unit - II: Descriptive Statistical Measures – Population and samples, Measures of location,
Measures of Dispersion, Measures of variability, measures of Association. Probability
distribution and Data Modeling – Discrete Probability distribution, Continuous Probability
distribution, Random sampling from Probability Distribution, Data Modeling and Distribution

Unit - III: Predictive Analytics: Karl Pearson Correlation Techniques - Multiple Correlation-
Spearman’s Rank correlation -Simple and Multiple regression -Regression by the method of
least squares – Building good regression models – Regression with categorical independent
variables - - Linear Discriminant Analysis - One way and Two-Way ANOVA

Unit - IV: Data Mining: Scope of Data Mining, Data Exploration and Reduction, Unsupervised
learning – cluster analysis, Association rules, Supervised learning- Partition Data,
Classification Accuracy, prediction Accuracy, k-nearest neighbours, Classification and
regression trees, Logistics Regression.

Unit - V: Simulation: Random Number Generation, Monte Carlo Simulation, What if Analysis,
Verification and Validation, Advantages and Disadvantages of Simulation, Risk Analysis,
Decision Tree Analysis.


BATCH: 2020-22
PAPER: Vedic Management
FACULTY: Prof. Kishore Gubburi

UNIT - I: Dharma and Path: Differences and similarities; Types of Dharmas. Karma and
Deeds; Importance of them in decision making. Select management concepts from Rig Veda
and Yajur Veda. Concept of Samaveda and music. Identifying ragas and listening to them for
relaxation and rejuvenation. Music therapy Practical Orientation session. Concepts from
Atharvana Veda and their applications in the present context.

Unit - II: Upanishads and its relevance in management I. Upanishads and its relevance in
management II. Relevance of Ramayana in defining the way of life in modern times. A critical
review of Mahabharata and analysis of its characters. Concepts of Dwaitha and Advaitha and
their application in motivation and problem-solving. Importance of Ashramas of life and art of

Unit - III: Maya and its impact on decision making. Singularity and duality of thinking and
action. Importance of Ganas in personality development. Dharmasastras and their relevance
in today’s management context. Concept of penance and repentance.

Unit - IV: Chanakya’s Artha Sastra I. Chanakya’s Artha sastra II. Chanakya neeti and
Leadership. Vatsyayana's Kama Sutra and its relevance in today’s context. Work-life balance
from the Kama sutra’s point of view. Patanjali’s Yoga sastra and its importance in relaxation.
Meditation as a tool of rejuvenation.

Unit - V: Yoga Sastra and Ayurveda. Jyotish Sastra and its relevance today. Numerology
and East Asian occult Principles. Tarot reading and Mystic healing. Past life regression as a
therapy for psychological illnesses. Linking the Past to Present: How Vedic Management can
help in shaping the overall personality.



BATCH: 2020-22
PAPER: Digital Marketing
FACULTY: Prof. Ashish Joseph
Unit - I: Understanding Digital Marketing: Concept, Components of Digital Marketing, Need
and Scope of Digital Marketing, Benefits of Digital Marketing, Digital Marketing Platforms and
Strategies, Comparison of Marketing and Digital Marketing, Digital Marketing Trends.

Unit - II: Channels of Digital Marketing: Digital Marketing, Website Marketing, Search
Engine Marketing, Online Advertising, Email Marketing, Blog Marketing, Social Media
Marketing, Audio, Video and Interactive Marketing, Online Public Relations, Mobile Marketing,
Migrating from Traditional Channels to Digital Channels.

Unit - II: Marketing in the Digital Era: Segmentation – Importance of Audience

Segmentation, How different segments use Digital Media – Organisational Characteristics,
Purchasing Characteristics, Using Digital Media to Reach, Acquisition and Retention of new
customers, Digital Media for Customer Loyalty.

Unit - III: Digital Marketing Plan: Need of a Digital Marketing Plan, Elements of a Digital
Marketing Plan – Marketing Plan, Executive Summary, Mission, Situational Analysis,
Opportunities and Issues, Goals and Objectives, Marketing Strategy, Action Plan, Budget,
Writing the Marketing Plan and Implementing the Plan.
Unit - IV: Search Engine Marketing and Online Advertising: Importance of SEM,
understanding Web Search – keywords, HTML tags, Inbound Links, Online Advertising vs.
Traditional Advertising, Payment Methods of Online Advertising – CPM (Cost-per-Thousand)
and CPC (Cost-per-click), Display Ads - choosing a Display Ad Format, Landing Page and its

Unit - V: Social Media Marketing: Understanding Social Media, Social Networking with
Facebook, LinkedIn, Blogging as a social medium, Microblogging with Twitter, Social Sharing
with YouTube, Social Media for Customer Reach, Acquisition and Retention.
Measurement of Digital Media: Analyzing Digital Media Performance, Analyzing Website
Performance, Analyzing Advertising Performance


BATCH: 2020-22
PAPER: Consumer Behavior
FACULTY: Prof. Kishore Gubburi

Unit - I: Understanding Consumer Behaviour: Defining consumer behaviour, need for

Consumer Behaviour, Understanding Consumers through the research process, Consumer
behaviour in a world of economic instability, Rural Consumer Behaviour, Consumer
Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning, Segmentation & Branding, Rural Markets.

Unit - II: Environmental Influences on Consumer behaviour: Influence of Culture,

SubCulture, Social Class, Social Group, Family and Personality, Cross-Cultural Consumer

Unit - III: Consumer as an Individual: Personality and Self-concept, Consumer Motivation,

Consumer Perception, Consumer Attitudes and Changing Attitudes, Consumer Learning and
Information Processing.

Unit - IV: Consumer Decision Making Processes: Problem Recognition, Search and
Evaluation, Purchasing processes, Post-purchase behaviour, Models of Consumer decision
making, Consumers and the diffusion of Innovations.

Unit - V: Consumerism and Ethics: Roots of Consumerism, Consumer Safety, Consumer

Information, Consumer Responsibilities, Marketer responses to consumer issues, Marketing
Ethics towards Consumers.


BATCH: 2020-22
PAPER: Advertising and Sales Management
FACULTY: Prof. Kishore & Prof. Ashish
Unit – I: Advertising: Concept, Evolution, Promotion Mix, Importance and Functions of
Advertising, Role of Advertising, AIDA model, Types of Advertising, Advertising Plan,
DAGMAR Approach, Visualization of Advertising Layout – Functions, Principles, Elements of
a layout.

Unit – II: Advertising Media: Types of Media – Print, Electronic, Other Media – Merits and
Demerits of each media, Media Planning – frequency, reach and outcome, Appeals, Setting
Advertising Objectives, Advertising Message, Advertising Budget, Evaluation of Advertising
Effectiveness – Methods, and Regulation of Advertising in India – Misleading and deceptive

Unit – III: Sales Management: Importance, types of Selling, the difference between Selling
and Marketing, Sales Activities, Selling Skills, Selling Strategies, Selling Process, Sales
Planning Process, Sales Forecasting Methods, Sales Budgeting Process. Salesforce
Management - Recruitment and selection, training, sales force motivation, compensation,
sales force control and evaluation.

Unit – IV: Sales Promotion: Concepts, need, objectives, Personal Selling vs. Advertising,
Types of Sales Promotion, Sales Promotion Strategies - Sales Promotion and Product Life
Cycle, Cross Promotion, Surrogate Selling, Bait and Switch advertising, Ethical and legal
aspects of sales promotion.

Unit – V: Sales Distribution: Distribution Channels, Need for Channels, Channel

Intermediaries and Functions, Channel Structure, Channel for consumer products, business
and industrial products, alternative channel, Channels for Rural Markets, channel Strategy
Decisions. Designing, Motivating and Evaluating Channel Members, Managing Retailers,
Wholesalers, Franchisers, Managing Conflict - reasons for Channel Conflicts, Managing
International Channel of Distribution, Ethical issues in Sales and Distribution Management



BATCH: 2020-22
PAPER: Security Analysis & Portfolio Management
FACULTY: Prof. Kishore Gubburi

Unit - I: Introduction to Investment - Investment, Speculation and Gambling, Features of

Investment, Investment Avenues, Investment Process. The Investment Environment –
Securities Market of India, – Securities Trading and Settlement – Types of Orders - Margin

Unit - II: Portfolio Analysis: Risk and return Analysis - Markowitz Portfolio Theory, Mean-
variance approach, portfolio selection - efficient portfolios, Single Index model - Capital Asset
Pricing Model, Arbitrage Pricing Theory.

Unit - III: Bond Valuation: Classification of Fixed income securities, Types of Bonds, Interest
rates, Term Structure of interest rates, measuring bond yields, Yield to Maturity, Yield to Call,
Yield to Maturity, Holding Period Return, Bond pricing theorems, bond duration, Active and
Passive bond management Strategies, bond immunization, bond volatility, bond convexity.

Unit - IV: Equity Valuation: a) Equity Analysis & Valuation, Equity Valuation Models, Relative
Valuation techniques – Earnings Multiplier Approach, Valuation using P/E ratio, Price to Book
Value, Price/sales ratio, Economic value-added approach. b) Fundamental Analysis,
Technical Analysis, Efficient Market Hypothesis.

Unit - V: a) Derivatives: Overview of Indian derivatives Markets, Options Markets, Option

Strategies and Options Valuation, Forward & Future markets, Mechanics of Trading,
Strategies. b) Performance Evaluation: Mutual Funds, Types of Mutual Funds Schemes, Structure,
Trends in Indian Mutual Funds, Net Asset Value, Risk and Return, Performance Evaluation Models-
Sharpe Model, Treynor Model, Jensen Model, Fama’s Decomposition.


BATCH: 2020-22
PAPER: Financial Institutions, Markets and Services
FACULTY: Prof. Sriram
Unit – I: Introduction: The structure of Indian financial system; Equilibrium in financial
markets; Indicators of Financial Development, Structure of Financial Institutions, Financial
system and economic development; Financial Sector reforms after 1991 –Recent
Developments of Indian Financial System. Regulatory and Promotional Institutions:
Function and Role of RBI, Monetary Policy and techniques of monetary control of RBI, Major
Changes in Monetary Policy. The role and functions of SEBI. An update on the performance
of non-statutory financial organizations like IFCI, IRBI, IDFC, NABARD, SIDBI, and SFCs.

Unit - II: Banking and Non-Banking Institutions: Commercial banks – Growth and structure
of commercial Banks- competition, interest rates, spreads, and NPAs. Bank capital –
adequacy norms and capital market support. Banking Innovations- e-banking- Risk
Management in Banking. Co-operative banks- Features, Structure and Growth, Government
initiatives to strengthen the co-operative banks. Non-banking financial Institutions:
Structure and functioning of Unit Trust of India and Mutual Funds. Growth of Indian Mutual
funds and its Regulation. The Role of AMFI. Insurance Companies – Structure and Investment
Pattern of Public and Private Sector insurance companies, Competition, innovation, Role of
IRDA, Challenges of Insurance Sector in India.

Unit - III: Financial and Securities Markets: Structure and functions of Call Money Market,
Government Securities Market – T-bill’s market, Commercial Bills market, Commercial paper
and certificate of deposits- Securities markets – Organization and structure, Listing trading
and settlement. SEBI and Regulation of Primary and Secondary Markets. Role and functions
of Clearing Corporation of India Ltd.

Unit - IV: Asset /Fund Based Financial Services: Lease Finance- Conceptual and
Regulatory Framework, Classification and Financial leasing, Hire Purchase and Consumer
Credit, Factoring and Forfeiting, Housing finance, Venture capital financing.

Unit - V: Fee-based / Advisory services: Investment Banking - Functions and activities of

Merchant bankers, Lead Managers, underwriting, bankers to an issue, debenture trustees,
portfolio managers. Challenges faced by investment bankers. Stockbroking, Custodial
Services, Depository system, Credit rating – Role of agencies, Process, regulations. CIBIL


BATCH: 2020-22
PAPER: Strategic Management Accounting
FACULTY: Prof. Sriram

Unit - I: Introduction to Management Accounting, Cost analysis and Control:

Management accounting Vs. Cost accounting vs. financial accounting, Role of accounting
information in planning and control, Cost concepts and Managerial use of the classification of
costs. Cost analysis and control: Direct and Indirect expenses, allocation and apportionment
of overheads, calculation of machine hour rate. Activity-based costing.

UNIT- II: Costing for Specific Industries: Unit costing, Job Costing, Cost Sheet and tender
and process costing and their variants, treatment of normal losses and abnormal losses, inter-
process profits, costing for by-products and equivalent production.

UNIT - III: Marginal Costing I: Introduction, Application of Marginal costing in terms of cost
control, profit planning, closing down a plant, dropping a product line, charging general and
specific fixed costs, fixation of the selling price. Make or buy decisions, key or limiting factor.
Marginal Costing - II: Selection of suitable product mix, desired level of profits, diversification
of products, closing down or suspending activities, level of activity planning. Break-even
analysis: application of BEP for various business problems. Inter-firm comparison: the need
for inter-firm comparison, types of comparisons, advantages.

UNIT - IV: Budgetary Control: Budget, budgetary control, steps in budgetary control, Flexible
budget, different types of budgets: sales budget, Cash budget, Production budget,
Performance budgets, Zero-Based Budgeting; An introduction to cost audit and management

UNIT - V: Standard Costing: Standard Cost and Standard Costing, Standard costing Vs
Budgetary control, Standard costing Vs estimated cost, Standard costing and Marginal
costing, analysis of variance, Material variance, Labor variance and Sales variance.



BATCH: 2020-22
PAPER: Performance Management Systems
FACULTY: Prof. Rakesh
Unit - I: Performance Management: Scope and Significance - Advantages of Performance
Management - Organizational Structure - Impact of Organizational structure and Operational
Problems Performance management process - Performance Planning - Performance
Appraisal - Performance Mentoring - Performance Management Strategic Planning.

Unit - II: Communication of Performance Expectations: Job Description - Defining

Performance and Choosing a measurement approach measuring results and Behaviors.
Gathering performance Information – Presentation, Information and Taking Corrective action
– Metrics- Types of Metrics - Critical Success Factors Indicators– managing Metrics-
Ownership and Responsibility.

Unit - III: Performance Management and Employee Development: Performance

Management Skills, performance Management Framework, Employee Assessment system,
Role of HR Professionals in Performance management.

Unit - IV: Reward Systems and Legal Issues: Reasons for introducing contingent Pay Plan,
Problems associated with contingent pay plans- Selecting a contingent pay plan- Pay
Structures- Job Evaluation- Broad Banding- Legal Principles affecting Performance

Unit - V: Relevant Performance-related concepts: Benchmarking, Six Sigma, Competency

Mapping, Balance Scorecard, Coaching and Mentoring Pygmalion effect, Job Analysis, High-
Performance Work Teams, Steps for Building High-Performance Work Teams, Reward
Practices in World-Class Organizations.


BATCH: 2020-22
PAPER: Learning and Development
FACULTY: Prof. Rakesh

Unit - I: Introduction to Learning: Concepts of Learning, Phases in Learning, learning

theories - Reinforcement theory, Social learning Theory, Goal theories, need theories,
expectancy theory, Adult Learning theory Information Processing Theory, The Learning
Process, The Learning Cycle, Instructional emphasis for learning outcomes.

Unit – II: Training Strategy and Designing Training: The evolution of Training’s Role,
Strategic Training and development Process, Training needs in different strategies, Models
of Training Department. Training needs Assessment, Reasons for planned training.
Designing the training program, developing the group and the climate, Trainers and training
styles, Evaluating training and Follow-on support.

Unit - III: Training methods - Traditional methods- Presentation methods, Hands-on

methods, Group Building Methods, e-learning and use of technology in training- Technology
influence on training and learning, Technology and multimedia, computer-based training,
developing effective online learning, blended learning, mobile technology and training
methods, technologies for training Administration.

Unit – IV: Development: Employee development, Essential ingredients of Management

Development, Strategy and Development, Approaches to Employee Development – Formal
education, Assessment, Job experiences, Interpersonal Relationships, the Development
Planning Process, company’s strategies for providing development, e-learning and
employee development. Electronic MDPs.

Unit - V: Contemporary issues in Training and Development: Orientation training,

diversity training, sexual harassment training, team-training, cross-functional teams, cross-
cultural training, training for talent management and competency mapping. Career
Management, career management systems, Career paths, Career Plateauing, Coping with
career breaks, Training for virtual work arrangements.


BATCH: 2020-22
PAPER: Management of Industrial Relations
FACULTY: Prof. Rakesh
Unit - I: Industrial Relations: Economy and the Labour Force in India – Approaches to
Industrial Relations – Industrial Relations in Comparative Framework- Management and
Employer organizations – Introduction – origin and growth. Trade Unions- introduction-
Definition and objectives- growth and structure of Trade Unions in India-Trade Unions Act,
1926 and Legal framework-Union recognition-Union Problems- Non-Union firms –
Management of Trade Unions in India.

Unit – II: Collective Bargaining: Nature and legal framework of collective bargaining –
Levels of Bargaining and Agreements- Change in the Labour - management relations in the
post-liberalised India- Changes in the legal framework of collective bargaining, negotiated
flexibility, productivity bargaining, improved work relations, public sector bargaining and
social security – Negotiating techniques and skills –drafting of an agreement.

Unit - III: Tripartism and Social Dialogue: Types and levels of Tripartism – social dialogue
and the Reform Process – Strengthening tripartite social dialogue – Role of government in
industrial relations.

Unit - IV: Labour Legislation-I –Factories Act, 1948, Workmen’s Compensation Act, 1923,
ESI Act, 1948- The Payment of Wages Act, 1936, Minimum Wages Act, 1948, The Payment
of Bonus Act, 1965, National wage policy – Contemporary issues in Wage systems.

Unit - V: Labour Legislation - II: Industrial Disputes Act, 1948 - Grievance Handling
Employee Grievances – Causes of Grievances –Conciliation, Arbitration and Adjudication
procedural aspects for Settlement of Grievances –Standing Orders- Code Discipline.
Industrial Disputes: Meaning, nature and scope of industrial disputes - Cases and
Consequences of Industrial Disputes –Prevention and Settlement of industrial disputes in
India- Employee Participation - Quality of Work-Life- Managing good industrial relations.

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