Experiment-2 Name of Student: Waghule Shubham Kalyan Batch: B3 Branch: CS-D Roll No.: 94 Problem Statement
Experiment-2 Name of Student: Waghule Shubham Kalyan Batch: B3 Branch: CS-D Roll No.: 94 Problem Statement
Experiment-2 Name of Student: Waghule Shubham Kalyan Batch: B3 Branch: CS-D Roll No.: 94 Problem Statement
Problem Statement
There is a class Adder which has two data members of type 1D int array and int variable. It
has two functions: getdata and numsum. Function getdata accepts non-empty array of distinct
integers from user in 1D int array data member and a targetsum in another data member. The
function numsum adds any two elements from an input array which is equal to targetsum and
return an array of resulting two elements, in any order. If no two numbers sum up to the
target sum, the function should return an empty array. Note that the target sum is to be
obtained by summing two different integers in the array; you can’t add a single integer to
itself in order to obtain the target sum. You can assume that there will be at most one pair of
numbers summing up to the target sum. Use constructor. Use extra variables if needed.
Input Expected
Parameters Output
1D Array [3,5,-4,8,11,1,-1,7]
targetsum 15
Test Case 2
Input Expected
Parameters Output
1D Array [3,5,-4,8,11,1,-1,6]
targetsum 15
import java.util.*;
Actual Output
Test Case 1 Test Case 2