Pollution Control

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Environmental Regulation


Pollution Control

Mrinal Kanti Dutta

[email protected]

Department of Humanities and Social Sciences

Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati
Guwahati – 781039
Environmental Regulation 2

What is Pollution?

 Those residual flows, arising from human behaviour

that enter environmental systems

 Not all of the mass of inputs is combined into useful

output; some of the input is converted into
unwanted or residual outputs.

 Pollution through materials balance model

Environmental Regulation 3

Economic activity

Emission flows into

environmental media

Absorption of some
proportion of flow into Non-absorbed emission flows
harmless forms

Accumulation of
pollutant stock

Degradation of stock Stock pollution Flow pollution

into harmless forms damage damage

Pollution damage
Environmental Regulation 4

What is Pollution? -two more things

 Pollution flows may not exist as material wastes
from economic activities (they may not be residual)
 Noise due to open-air orchestra
 Light pollution from urban lighting

 Economist is ultimately interested in the impacts of

production and consumption processes upon
 Thus, pollution may be defined as the net flows-
those exceeding the absorptive capacity of the
environment and which have damaging effects on
human welfare or upon ecological system in
Environmental Regulation 5

What is Pollution? –depletion of quantity and


 Sometimes, pollution affects the quantity of an

environmental resource
 Magnitude of plant and timber growth,
 Size of marine population,

 Quantity of cleaning capacity of the environment is

affected by quantity of waste emissions
Environmental Regulation 6

What is Pollution? –depletion of quantity and


 Pollution affects the quality of an environmental

 Extent of biological diversity, the health of
animal or plant population, air quality, etc.

 Changes in the quality of environmental resources

may have effects upon welfare even more profound
than changes in the quantity

 Health damage due to air pollution

Environmental Regulation 7
Forms of Pollution
 Flow pollution
 When damages result from the level of flow of
residuals (i.e. the rate at which they are
discharged into the environment)
 Noise

 Stock pollution
 When damages are functions of the stock of the
residuals in the relevant environment at any
point in time.
 Emissions are produced at a rate higher than
the absorptive capacity (lead, pcbs, ddt, etc.)
 Also from a mixture of flow and stock effects
Environmental Regulation 8
Forms of Pollution
 Horizontal Zone of Influence:
 Local (sound, light, etc.), regional (sulphur and
nitrogen oxides) and global pollution damage

 Degree of atmospheric mix of pollutants:

 Surface pollutant (water pollution) and global
pollutant damage (in the upper atmospheric
levels, e.g. CO2, CFC, etc.)

 Mobility of emission sources:

 Stationary (power stations, pesticide use in
agriculture) and mobile source of pollution
(vehicle traffic pollution)
Environmental Regulation 9
The efficient level of Pollution
 Efficiency in terms of Pareto efficiency
 Society’s costs or damages of pollution and the social
cost of controlling or abating pollution are to be
 Environmental damage- cost (should be as low as
 Production or consumption of goods and services are
associated with generation of residuals
 Output should be as high as possible
 An efficient output level would be one that maximises
the net output (pollution)
Net benefit of pollution (NB)= Benefit of the output with
which the pollution is associated (B) - Damages
resulting from pollution (D)
Environmental Regulation 10

Regulating Pollution

Rationale for Regulation:

 Economic Regulation: refers to government

intervention in private actions of firms and

 Two theories of regulation:

Public Interest Theory and Interest Group Theory

Public Interest Theory: main purpose of

regulation is the promotion of public interest.
Environmental Regulation 11

Rationale for Regulation:

Interest Group Theory: main purpose of regulation is
the promotion of narrow interest of particular groups in
a society such as individual industries.
Major point of distinction between these two
approaches is:

Public Interest Theory is the normative Theory (which

seeks to explain what should happen in an ideal world)
while the Interest Group Theory is the positive theory
(which seeks to explain why the world works as it
Environmental Regulation 12

Regulating Pollution
Under Public Interest Theory three general reasons
justify for government regulation:

a.Imperfect competition
b.Imperfect information

Imperfect Competition or Natural Monopoly:

Role of the government, in the presence of natural
monopoly, is to control prices in order to protect the
consumers and prevent collusion and restrict mergers
that may create excessive market power in the hands
of the monopolists.
Environmental Regulation 13

Regulating Pollution
Imperfect Information:

Here the role is to establish a set of liability rules to

encourage the provision of safety-related quality.

Direct intervention in the market specifying

acceptable levels of quality.
Environmental Regulation 14

Regulating Pollution
Main problem is with the provision of public goods
and bads because private provision of these goods
(with the element of publicness: non-rivalry and non-
excludability) is inefficient.

In the case of public bads, the usual approach is for

government to define a set of institutions and
regulation to govern provision of these public bads,
e.g., the government establishes a set of regulations
to restrict the production of pollution.
Environmental Regulation 15

Regulating Pollution

Interest Group Theory of regulation maintains that

rent-seeking is the primary rationale for regulation.

Rent-seeking involves private individuals or firm using

the government to guarantee extra profits (rent)
through government mandated restrictions on
economic activity.
Environmental Regulation 16

Regulating Pollution
A Political Economy Model of Regulation:
The basic problem of environmental regulation involves
the government trying to induce a polluter to take socially
desirable actions, which ostensibly are not in the best
interest of the polluter.
The main problem, therefore, is determination of exact
level of pollution which is best for the society.
In reality the government faces pressures from consumers
and polluters.
Figure 1 presents a highly stylized schematic diagram of
the interactions among government, polluting firms and
consumer citizens.
Environmental Regulation 17
Regulating Pollution A

$, £ Votes
Legislature (State
Ownerships) $, £
B Stock, Bond
$, £
$, £
Board of
Regulators Directors Wage, payments for goods

Managers Goods


Government The Firm Polity

Figure 1
Environmental Regulation 18

Regulating Pollution
The Government as shown in figure 1, consists of
three branches: the Legislature, the Judiciary and the

Legislature passes laws defining what the regulators

are to do in controlling pollution.

Regulators are charged with the responsibility of

implementing the legislature's laws

Judiciary: the actions of the regulators are tempered

by the judiciary.
Environmental Regulation 19

Regulating Pollution
The firm consists of several pieces:
the Board of Directors, Managers, Employees,
Stock and Bond Holders.

The Board issues directives to the managers; the

managers issue directives to employees who produce
the product of the firm as well as pollution.

The key point is that regulators direct the Board to take

certain actions, but the Board is removed, by several
steps, from the employees who actually generate the
Environmental Regulation 20

Regulating Pollution
There arises Principal-agent problem due to inability
of the regulator (the principal) to completely control
the polluter (the agent).

The firm may not be a passive entity but may in fact

influence legislation, through lobbying or financial
incentives (shown by the line B)

The third component of the figure, the consumers

direct votes and other influence to the legislature (line
A) while at the same time sending money to the firm in
exchange for the goods consumed.
Environmental Regulation 21

Regulating Pollution

Two important lessons can be drawn from the figure:

1. There are many imperfect links between the

legislature and the pollution generating process.

2. The legislation does not necessarily act as an

efficient benevolent maximizer of social well being.
Environmental Regulation 22

Regulating Pollution
• Inclusion of Line B: indicates regulation with
endogenous politics.

• Omission of Line B indicates regulation with

exogenous politics.

• Positive interest group theory is consistent with

endogenous politics model of regulation

• Environmental regulation is susceptible to interest

group theory
Environmental Regulation 23

Basic Regulatory Framework: Command and Control

A. Command and Control:
Under this method the regulator specifies the
steps that individual polluters must take to solve a
pollution problem.

The essence of this method is:

1. The regulator collects the information necessary to
decide the physical actions to control pollution

2. The regulator then commands the polluter to take

specific physical steps to control the pollution.
Environmental Regulation 24

Basic Regulatory Framework: Command and Control

Command and Control can take several forms.
1. The specific pollution control equipments requirement
can be specified or alternatively the regulation may
specify an emission limit for particular types of plants
and particular pollutants.

2. Command and Control may be combined with

significant fines and penalties associated with non-
compliance. This, however, differs from the economic
incentives to abate pollution on two salient points.
Environmental Regulation 25

Basic Regulatory Framework: Command and Control

2.a. Restricted choice for the polluters as to what

means will be used to achieve an appropriate
environmental target
2.b. A lack of mechanism for equalizing marginal
control costs among several different polluters.

3. The best analogy for Command and Control is the

system of central planning (existed in the former
Soviet Union).

However major problem of this is the enormous

requirement of information.
Environmental Regulation 26

Basic Regulatory Framework: Command and Control


a. More flexibility in regulating complex environmental

process and much greater certainty in how
much pollution will result from regulations.

b. It simplifies monitoring of compliance with a

Environmental Regulation 27
Basic Regulatory Framework: Command and Control
a. The regulatory system may be very costly to administer
as informational costs are high.
b. It may reduce incentives to find better ways to control
c. Difficulty in satisfying the equi-marginal principle, i.e. it is
almost impossible for command and control regulations
to ensure that the marginal costs of pollution are
equalized among different polluters generating the
same pollution.
d. Finally, the greatest problem with the Command and
Control principle is that the polluter pays only for
pollution control, not residual damage form the pollution
that is still emitted even after controls are in place
Environmental Regulation 28

Basic Regulatory Framework: Economic Incentives

Economic incentives provide rewards for polluters to
do what is perceived to be in the public interest.

Three basic types of economic incentives include:

fees, marketable permits and liability.

Fees involve the payment of charge per unit of
pollution emitted. When a polluter must pay for
every unit of pollution emitted, it becomes in the
polluter’s interest to reduce emission.
Environmental Regulation 29

Basic Regulatory Framework: Economic Incentives

Marketable Permit:
A marketable permit allows polluter to buy and sell the
right to pollute.
Trading induces a price or value on a permit to
pollute, thus, causing firms to see polluting as an
expensive activity.
Less pollution means fewer permits need be bought.
Similarly, there is an opportunity cost of emitting, i.e.
by not emitting the firm can sell more permits.
A graphical illustration of the marketable permit is
shown in figure 2.
Environmental Regulation 30

Basic Regulatory Framework: Economic Incentives

Marketable Permit:
Assume a situation where two polluters exist and we
are interested in allowing 100 units of pollution in total.

Let’s start by giving each firm 50 permits.

The equilibrium price of permit is p*.

Environmental Regulation 31

Basic Regulatory Framework: Economic Incentives

Figure 2: Marginal savings from polluting functions for two firms. MS1, Marginal
savings from emitting, firm 1; MS2 Marginal savings from emitting, firm 2; e*,
equilibrium holding of permits; p*, equilibrium price of permits.

Firm 1 Firm 2




0 e* 100
100 50 0
Firm 1 holdings 50 Firm 2 holdings
Starting Point
Environmental Regulation 32

Basic Regulatory Framework: Economic Incentives

Liability: The basic idea is that if you harm someone,
you must compensate that person for damage.
Let us take an example of Hazardous waste storage
facility (‘dump’). The dump can do things to minimize
the risk of hazardous wastes leaking in to the
environment through ‘Precaution’. (i.e. if the dump
takes a great deal of precaution the risk of a leak will
be low).
But precaution is expensive and ceteris paribus, the
dump would prefer to take little precaution. Damage to
society also depends upon the level of precaution.
(this is illustrated in Figure 2).
Environmental Regulation 33

Basic Regulatory Framework: Economic Incentives

In figure 2, both costs to dump and damage to society
are shown as functions of the level of precaution. The
socially desirable level of precaution is x*, at which the
marginal costs of taking more precaution are just offset
by the reduction in marginal damage from taking more

Here, negligence liability works in the sense that the

threat of being held responsible from accident
damages is often a sufficient incentives for firms to
take the socially desirable amount of precaution.
Environmental Regulation 34

Basic Regulatory Framework: Economic Incentives

Figure 3: An Illustration of precaution and liability

Costs of precaution

accident cost
from precaution

x* Precaution (x)
MC (x*) = - MD (x*)
Environmental Regulation 35

Basic Regulatory Framework:

Economic Incentives
 Informational requirements are less significant
 Economic incentives provide an incentive for a
polluter to innovate, finding cheaper ways of
controlling pollution.
 Economic incentives involve the polluter paying for
control costs as well as pollution damage.
Therefore, there is no implicit subsidy to the
 For many economic incentives the equi-marginal
principle holds true.
Environmental Regulation 36

Disadvantages of EI
Developing an economic incentive that
efficiently and perfectly takes complexities in
environmental transformation into account can
be very difficult. (air pollution)
Given the political conditions, it is very difficult to
adjust the level of incentives (level of fee, no. of
marketable permits) when there is great deal of
uncertainty associated with the environmental
Instituting tax (on emission) may be very difficult
(it involves transfer of massive amount of wealth
from firms to the government).
Environmental Regulation 37

Complication for Environmental Regulation

A.Space and Time
Pollution regulation is complicated by the physical
environment that interposes itself between polluters
and consumers (illustrated in figure 4).
There are differences between pollution and ambient
concentration of the pollution.
Generally, it is the ambient concentration that causes
damages not the pollution.
However, ambient concentration are imperfectly
connected with the emission, which need to be
Environmental Regulation 38

Complication for Environmental Regulation

A.Space and Time
This brings space and time into concern of the
regulators. Generally, sources of pollution nearby
will generate more damage than sources located in
distant suburbs.
Time, though less important than space, also exert
significant influence in environmental
transformation. There is hour-to-hour, day-to-day
and season-to-season variation in pollution.
Capturing these time and space factors in to decision
making is a bit difficult.
Environmental Regulation 39

Complication for Environmental Regulation

Natural Environment

Environmental Regulator

Producers Consumers

Emissions Emissions

Environmental transformation
(transport, decay, combination and deposition)

Ambient levels of pollution

(to producers, consumers and ecosystems)

Figure 4
Environmental Regulation 40

Complication for Environmental Regulation

B. Efficiency versus Cost Effectiveness

Efficiency (with regulation) calls for emissions that
balance the costs of emissions control with the
damage from ambient pollution, fully taking into
account the complexities relating emissions to

Cost effectiveness with regulation refers to a set of

environmental regulation that can achieve emission
target at the least cost possible.
Environmental Regulation 41
Complication for Environmental Regulation
C. Ambient-Differentiated versus Emission-
Differentiated Regulation:
Targets of the regulator may be ambient targets or
emission targets. Choosing out this is a bit complicated.
Typically, a unit of pollution form one polluter will have a
different effect on ambient concentrations than a unit of
pollution from another polluter. An ambient-differentiated
regulation will control these two polluters differently,
based on their different contributions to ambient
An emissions-differentiated regulations will ignore the
differences between the two polluters, though the overall
level of emissions will still be controlled in such a way as
to achieve the ambient target.
Environmental Regulation 42

Basic Issues in Environmental Regulation

1. Debate over whether command and control or
economic incentives
2. Public sources of pollution and controlling them
3. Information, particularly private information polluters
may have that regulator needs
4. Risk and how to deal with the problems of risk. What
sort of regulations are appropriate?
5. Growing competition between jurisdiction vis-à-vis
environmental regulations
6. Incidence of regulations: who bears the burden (either
in cost or pollution damage)? Who reaps the benefits?
7. Innovations and technical change.
Environmental Regulation 43

Basic Regulatory Framework: Emission Fees and Marketable Permits

Several issues complicate using incentives to control
pollution: Space, Time and Imperfect competition
I. Space :
A.Sources, Receptors and Transfer Coefficients:
Let us take an example of a river.
Two factories discharge organic waste (sewage) in to the
A municipal water supply takes water from the river
Factories are in the upstream of the municipal waste
Further one goes downstream the smaller the effects from
Environmental Regulation 44

Basic Regulatory Framework: Emission Fees and Marketable Permits

A. Sources, Receptors and Transfer Coefficients:
Now to correctly regulate the two factories their individual
effects on the municipality have to be taken into account.
At this point, to take space in to account, let’s consider
two points: sources and receptors. A source is a point of
discharge of pollution (e.g. a factory). A receptor is a
point at which people care about the level of ambient

Although there are several receptors, in practice, we will

identify a small set of receptors where pollution levels
will be measured. Receptors are scattered over space
and serve as a good proxies for overall level of pollution.
Environmental Regulation 45
Basic Regulatory Framework: Emission Fees and Marketable Permits
In general, there is some relationship between emission
at various sources, e1, e2 . . . ei and concentration of
pollution at any receptor j.
pj = fj (e1, e2, . . .,ei) + Bj (1)
where, Bj background level of pollution at j (perhaps
In many environmental problems, the physical
environment is linear,
pj = ∑i aij ei + Bi (2)

The coefficient aij is called the transfer coefficient. We

assume Bj = 0. In equation (2), if we change emission at
some source i by a little amount (∆ei), pollution will
change by aij∆ei
Environmental Regulation 46

Basic Regulatory Framework: Emission Fees and Marketable Permits

The transfer coefficient between the source i and the

receptor j is defined as the ratio of the change in
pollution at j to the change in emission at i .
aij = ∆ pj/ ∆ei (3)

Equation (3) gives the conversion rate for emission to

ambient concentration.
Environmental Regulation 47

Basic Regulatory Framework: Emission Fees and Marketable


B. How much Pollution do we want?

Let’s start with what is the efficient level of pollution?

Efficiency involves equating marginal damage with

marginal savings to the firm from pollution

To link these we express marginal damage of a firm

as marginal damage per unit of emissions.
Environmental Regulation 48
Basic Regulatory Framework: Emission Fees and Marketable
B. How much Pollution do we want?
Let us term marginal damage per unit of emissions
from source I as the function MDEi (ei) which is in
contrast to marginal damages per unit of ambient
pollution, MD(p)

MDEi is the ratio of the change in damage {D(p)} to the

change in emission at source i.

MDEi (ei) = {D (p + ∆p) – D (p)}/ ∆ei

= MD (p). ∆p/ ∆ei (4)
= ai MD (p)
Environmental Regulation 49

Basic Regulatory Framework: Emission Fees and Marketable

As stated above, efficient amount of pollution requires
equating marginal savings from emission with marginal
damage. If there are i = 1, 2, …I sources of pollution,
then following must hold:

-MCi (ei) = MDEi (ei) = ai MD (p), for all i = 1, …, I


Now for any two sources m and n

MCm(em)/am= MCn(en)/an = MD (p) (6)

Environmental Regulation 50
Basic Regulatory Framework: Emission Fees and Marketable Permits

MC/a is marginal cost per unit of ambient pollution.

i.e. marginal cost in terms of ambient pollution must be
equal to the negative of marginal damage.

Thus efficiency calls for all sources to have the same

marginal costs of emissions, normalized by the source’s
transfer coefficients.

If ‘a’ is high, MC of emissions should be larger.

Two conditions for efficiency:

1.Marginal cost of emission, normalized by the transfer
coefficient must be equalized for all sources
2.Normalized marginal cost must equal the negative of
marginal damage.
Environmental Regulation 51
Basic Regulatory Framework: Emission Fees and Marketable Permits
C. Emission Fees:
We seek emission fees, ti, one for each firm i that yields
These are ambient differentiated fees. Whatever fee is
used, the firms will respond by minimizing direct costs
plus fee payments. This is equivalent to setting
marginal cost equal to negative of the fee:

MCi (ei) = - ti, for all sources i (7)

Thus the condition for efficiency can be re-written as,

tn/an = tm/am for all firms n and m (8)
And, tn = an MD (p) for any firm n (9)
Environmental Regulation 52
Basic Regulatory Framework: Emission Fees and Marketable Permits
C. Emission Fees:

Equation (8) implies that emission fees levied on the

firms must be equal after normalizing by the transfer
co-efficient or control costs across firms are equal.

Equation (9), the second condition, implies that for any

firm marginal damage in emission units (MDE) must be
equal to the emission fee (t), or marginal pollution
damage and control costs are equalized.

Alternatively all firms face same emission fee per unit of

ambient pollution but to convert it to emission units, it
must be multiplied by appropriate transfer coefficient.
Environmental Regulation 53
Basic Regulatory Framework: Emission Fees and Marketable Permits
Thus, it can be concluded that, ambient differentiated
emission fees can achieve efficiency.

However, it is too complicated to let emission fee vary

from location to location.

Normally most emission fees do not depend upon location

even though damages do.

Thus, is applying uniform emission fee inefficient when

damages depend on location?

Let us consider the following illustration (with the help of

figure – 5).
Environmental Regulation 54
Basic Regulatory Framework: Emission Fees and Marketable Permits
In figure 5, marginal savings curve is assumed same for
every firm. As well as marginal damages, normalized by the
transfer coefficient.

t*1, t*2 are efficient taxes

e*1, e*2 are emissions from the two firms (which are
uniform emission fee
emissions from firm 1 or firm 2
the shaded area are deadweight loss.
The optimal uniform tax is one that minimizes the total area
of the two triangles.

The loss from a uniform fee depends on the nature of the

marginal cost and damage functions.
Environmental Regulation 55
Basic Regulatory Framework: Emission Fees and Marketable Permits
t Fig. 5.a

MDE1 (e1)

t*1 MDE2 (e2)


MS (e)

0 e*1 e*2 e
Environmental Regulation 56
Basic Regulatory Framework: Emission Fees and Marketable Permits
t Fig. 5.b

MDE1 (e1)

MDE2 (e2)



MS (e)

0 e*1 e*2
Environmental Regulation 57
Basic Regulatory Framework: Emission Fees and Marketable Permits
D. Marketable Ambient Permit:
An ambient pollution permit for a receptor “j” gives the
holder the right to emit at any location, provided the
incremental pollution at receptor ‘j’ does not exceed the
permitted amount.

Thus an ambient pollution permit system is a set of

permits, distributed to sources in a well-defined way of
computing the effects of emissions on ambient pollution at
receptors along with a right to buy and sell these permits.

Two Firms: Let’s consider the case of two firms and one
receptor. Suppose EPA issues L1 amount of permits to firm
1 and L2 ambient permits to firm 2 for a total of L = L1 + L2
Environmental Regulation 58
Basic Regulatory Framework: Emission Fees and Marketable Permits
D. Marketable Ambient Permit:

Now after trading of permits, let l1 and l2 be the

number of permits eventually held by the firms.
i.e. L1 +L2 = l1 + l2 (1)

Equation (1) raises many questions:

a. What will the price of permits be?

b. How much will each firm emit?

Answering the second question first - a firm can emit

whatever is allowed by its permit holdings.
Environmental Regulation 59
Basic Regulatory Framework: Emission Fees and Marketable Permits
Emission and ambient pollution levels are connected by
transfer coefficient.

i.e. a1e1 = l1 (2)

and a2e2 = l2 (3), provided all permits are used.

Suppose, the price of permits is π (an unknown). Then

how much pollution will be emitted?

However many permits a firm may hold, if the price of

permits is greater than the marginal savings from emitting
the firm will want to sell some permits and emit less.
Environmental Regulation 60
Basic Regulatory Framework: Emission Fees and Marketable Permits
If the price of permit is less than the firms’ marginal
savings form polluting, buying permits is easier than
controlling emissions.

We try to find the price for which the desired emission

levels for each of the two firms corresponds to the number
of permits issued.

Total costs for each firm are:

TC1 (e1) = C1(e1) + π (l1 – L1), where Ci (ei) is the
direct cost to firm i,
= C1 (e1) + π (a1e1 – L1) (4)
TC2 (e2) = C2 (e2) + π (l2 – L2)
= C2(e2) + π (a2e2 –L2) (5)
Environmental Regulation 61
Basic Regulatory Framework: Emission Fees and Marketable Permits
In order to Minimize total costs each firm sets the marginal
total costs (MTC) to Zero, i.e.

MTC1(e1) = MC1 (e1) + a1π = 0 (6)

MTC2(e2) = MC2(e2) + a2π = 0 (7)

Which implies: MC1(e1)/a1 = MC2 (e2)/a2 = - π

Or, MS1(e1)/a1 = MS2(e2)/a2 = π (8)

Equation (8) says that marginal savings normalized by the

transfer coefficient should equal to the permit price. This is
analogous to the working of ambient emission fee which
states that marginal savings normalized by the transfer
coefficient equals the same number for all firms.
Environmental Regulation 62

Basic Regulatory Framework: Emission Fees and Marketable Permits

There is one additional equation that gives us


Combining equations (1), (2) and (3) we get,

a1e1+a2e2=L (9)

Equations (8) and (9) constitute three separate

equations in three unknowns (e1, e2 and π) and thus
can be solved.

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