Syllabus First Year BNYS Course Duration-12 Months

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First Year BNYS Course
Duration- 12 months

No. of the Subjects Marks

Theory Practical
1 Anatomy – 1 100 100
Anatomy – 2 100
2 Physiology -1 100 100
Physiology – 2 100
3 Biochemistry 100 50
4 Philosophy of Nature Cure – 1 100 100

Philosophy of nature cure – 2 100

5 Principles of Yoga 100 50

6 Sanskrit (Non exam)

 General Anatomy- Introduction of Anatomy, Anatomical Terms, different branches
of anatomy, Introduction of bones, its classification, Functions, applied anatomy; Joints-
types, actions, applied anatomy; cartilage-types, action, applied anatomy, basics of all
the tissues and systems of the human body.
 Osteology- Bones of Skull & Upper Limb- Name of the bones & their positions;
general features, skull- all normal and interior of the skull & mandible
 Muscle system- Muscles of Upper Limb, Head & Neck- Origin, Insertion, Nerve
supply, and action of the muscles with applied anatomy and clinical testing
 Arthrology- Upper Limb, Head & Neck- general features of different joints, Brief
study of following joints of the body with movements: shoulder, elbow, wrist, and other
smaller joints of head, neck and upper limb
 Head, Neck and Brain-
 Head & Neck- Introduction, scalp, face and lacrimal apparatus, sides of the neck, sub
occipital triangle, contents of vertebral canal (brief), meningeal layer, cavernous sinuses
and other sinuses (brief), hypophysis cerebri, trigeminal ganglion, middle meningeal
artery, contents of the orbit, triangles of the neck, ansa cervicalis, parotid gland, otic
ganglion, submandibular gland, sublingual gland, thyroid gland, parathyroid gland,
thymus, blood supply of deep structure, cervical ganglion, cervical plexus, styloid
apparatus, oral cavity, palate, pharynx, auditory tube, nasal septum, paranasal sinuses,
cartilage of larynx.
 Parts of Nervous system- Meninges, ventricles, motor and sensory pathways, cranial
nerve, motor and sensory cortex and their blood supply with cross sectional studies in
brief morphology of spinal cord. Section of medulla - pyramidal decussation, sensory
decussation, upper part of medulla, pons -mid level, midbrain-mid superior colliculus,
inferior colliculus, cerebellum-horizontal- mid saggital section, horizontal section at
interventricular formation, coronal section at anterior commissure, coronal section at
mammillary body, sensory organs (region wise )-gross anatomy of eyeball, ear, nose
and tongue in brief, Blood Brain Barrier.
 Upper limb- An introduction, breast, clavipectrol fascia, axilla, lumbar triangle,
triangle of auscultation, bursa of upper limb, musculotendinous cuff, intermuscular
spaces, cubital fossa, synovial sheath, retinaculum of hand, palmar aponeurosis, spaces
of hand, anatomical snuffbox


 Osteology- Bones of Back, Pelvis & Lower Limb- Name of the bones & their
positions; general features.
 Muscle system- Muscles of Back, Pelvis & Lower Limb - Origin, Insertion, Nerve
supply, and action of the muscles with applied anatomy and clinical testing
 Arthrology- Back, Pelvis & Lower Limb - general features of different joints, Brief
study of following joints of the body with movements: Hip, Knee, Ankle, and other
smaller joints of Back, Pelvis and Lower Limb
 Thorax- General Introduction Pericardium, Thorax wall, Position and parts Of The
Heart, conducting system, Blood supply and nerve supply of the heart, names of the
blood vessels and their distribution in the body, Lungs & Pleura-general features,
surface markings, Broncho Pulmonary segments, applied anatomy , Mediastinum ,
Diaphragm, Oesophagus, Thoracic Duct.
 Abdomen & Pelvis- Peritoneum- general disposition - horizontal and vertical , parts
relation, blood supply, Nerve supply of abdominal organs, Pelvic organs-Parts
position, relation, blood supply, nerve supply.
 Lower Limb- Deep fascia-modifications, Saphaneous veins, lymph nodes, adductor
canal muscles- nerve supply, blood Supply, action, joints, arches of foot, joints of
lower limb.
 Embryology in brief- Definition of embryology , brief account of male and female,
ovary; definition of gamete; sperm, ovum, gametogenesis, migration of primordial
germ cells into gonadal ridge; Structure of sperms growth of ovarian follicles,
ovarian and uterine cycles. Principle of family planning (contraception), In-vitro
fertilization (for integrated teaching). Systemic Embryology(brief): Development of
the individual organ of digestive system, genital system, urinary system, respiratory
system, cardiovascular system, nervous system, special sensory organs (in brief)
endocrine glands and mammary gland. Development abnormalities in brief.
 Histology
 General Histology- Microscope, Cell, Epithelial tissue – I, Epithelial tissue – II,
Connective tissue- bones and cartilages, Muscular tissues, Nerve tissues (TS and LS
of peripheral nerves, sensory and sympathetic ganglion, optic nerve), Epithelial
glands (serous, mucous and mixed salivary glands), Circulatory system (Large
artery, medium sized artery and larger vein), Lymphatic system (lymph nodes,
thymus, tonsils, spleen), Skin and appendages, Placenta and umbilical cord

 Systemic Histology- Respiratory system (lungs and trachea), Esophagus and

stomach, Liver, gall bladder and pancreas, Urinary system I (Kidney), Urinary
system II (Ureter, Bladder, urethra), Small and large Intestines, Reproductive
system- Female, Reproductive system – Male, Upper GIT (Tongue), Hypophysis,
cerebra, thyroid and suprarenal glands, Eye (Cornea and retina)

 Gross anatomy- Dissection and Demonstration of following parts of the body
 Upper Limb- Dissection- Pectoral, Scapular, Arm, Shoulder, Forearm. Prosected
parts- joints , palm and dorsum of hand
 Thorax – Dissection - chest wall, mediastinum, lungs and heart.
 Abdomen- Dissection- anterior abdominal wall, inguinal region, viscera and
posterior abdominal wall
 Pelvis- Dissection- pelvic viscera and blood vessels, nerve saggital section (m&f).
 Lower limb- Dissection- hip joint, thighs, knee joint, ankle joint, legs, sole and feet
 Head & Neck- Dissection- Scalp, Face. Prosected parts- orbit, eye ball,
submandibular region, temporal, infra temporal fossa, cranial cavity, Naso &
oropharyngeal regions, ear, larynx & pharynx, cross section at C4, C6 levels,
saggital section of head & Neck
 Nervous system- Section of brain & prosected specimen, major functional area,
gross structure of brain & Spinal cord, Study of gross sectios as mentioned earlier
(in brief).
 Identify the histological slides mentioned in the theory section
 Demonstration- all the bones described above in the osteology section
 Brain & spinal cord
 To localize the important pulsations and the structure against which pressure can be
applied in case of bleeding & trauma of particular artery.
 To elicit superficial and deep reflexes
 Demonstration of muscle testing and movements at joints
 To locate- lumbar puncture, sternal puncture, pericardial tapping, venous puncture,
tracheotomy and liver biopsy
 Text book of Anatomy (all 3 Volumes)- B D Chaurasia
 Text book of Anatomy- Gray
 Human Embryology- Indrabir Singh
 Text book of human histology- Inderbir Singh
 Text book of Anatomy: with color atlas- Inderbir singh
 Grant’s methods of Anatomy- Grant
 Text book of Anatomy- Hamilton

 Cell structure and function- Sub-cellular units, Cell membranes and their properties.
 Transport mechanisms across biological membrane
 Bioelectrical potentials, Body fluids and homeostasis
 Thermoregulation.


 Plasma proteins- Normal values, Origin and methods of separation, Functions and
variations in health and disease.
 Bone marrow- Formed elements, Composition and functions
 Erythrocytes- Morphology and variations in health and diseases, Development of
erythrocytes, Site and stages in development, Necessary factors, Regulation of
development of erythrocytes, Life-span and fate of erythrocytes, Erythrocytes
sedimentation rate (ESR), Packed cell volume (PCV)
 Hemoglobin- Structure, synthesis, function and metabolism, Types of hemoglobin
 Anemia – Definition and classification
 Jaundice – Definition and classification
 Spleen- structure and function
 Leucocytes- Classification, morphology, development and functions, Variation in
health and disease
 Thrombocytes- Origin, morphology and functions, Variation in health and disease.
 Hemostasis- Mechanism of hemostasis, coagulation of blood, Fate of clot and
disorders of clotting, Fibrinolysis and bleeding disorders
 Anticoagulants- Mechanism of action and clinical applications
 Blood groups- Classification, ABO & RH system, Blood transfusion and indication
and hazards
 Lymph and tissue fluid- Formation and function of lymph, Physiology of reticular
 Immune system- Cellular and humoral immunity


 Historical perspective and organization of cardiovascular system

 Heart – Structure and properties of cardiac muscle, Cardiac metabolism,
Enervation of heart, junction tissue of heart, Generation and spread of cardiac

 Electrocardiography- Enthovan's Law, Various ECG leads, normal ECG and its
interpretation, Cardiac arrhythmias and heart block, Cardiac vector
 Cardiac cycle- Pressure and volume change (mechanical events),Principle of echo-
cardiograph, Jugular venous pulse tracing, radial pulse tracing, Measurement and
regulation of cardiac output
 Heart sounds- Description, causation and relation to other events in cardiac cycle,
Clinical significance of heart sounds , Stethoscopy
 Blood pressure- Definition, regulation and factors influencing B.P., Measurement
of blood pressure, Physiology of hemorrhage and shock
 Circulation- Blood vessels, Physical principle of blood flow, regulation of blood
 Coronary, cerebral, renal and pulmonary circulation
 Splanchnic, cutaneous and capillary circulation
 Cardiovascular changes in altitude and exercise.


 Introduction, internal and external respiration, physiological anatomy of
respiratory system.
 Mechanics of respiration- Inspiration and expiration, Role of respiratory muscles
and thoracic cage, Pressure and volume change during respiration, Work of
breathing, lung compliance and its significance in health and diseases
 Lung volume and capacities- Lung volumes and capacities and their measurements
 Ventilation- composition of atmospheric, inspire, alveolar and expired air
 Pulmonary Circulation- Pulmonary circulation, ventilation- perfusion
relationship, Diffusion of gases across pulmonary membrane, Oxygen uptake,
transport & delivery, Carbon-dioxide uptake, transport and delivery
 Organization of the respiratory centers- Nervous and chemical regulation of
respiration, Classification and characteristics of hypoxia, cyanosis, asphyxia,
hypercapnea, hypocapnea, dyspnea, apnea and orthopnea and periodic breathing,
Respiratory aspects of high altitude, Physiology of acclimatization and hyperbarism,
Respiratory / pulmonary function tests, Non-respiratory functions of lungs, Artificial
respiration, Importance of therapeutic administration of oxygen and carbon-di-
oxide, Respiratory changes during exercise


 Introduction, organization and plan of digestive system
 Salivary Gland- Composition, functions, regulation of secretion, Methods of study
of above aspects of saliva
 Stomach- Functional anatomy of stomach, Functions of stomach, Composition and
functions of gastric juice, Regulation of secretion and mechanism of HCL secretion

, Gastric emptying time and its regulation, Methods of study of gastric function and
its applied aspect.
 Pancreas- Functional anatomy of pancreas, Composition and functions of
pancreatic juice, Regulation of pancreatic secretion, Methods of study of pancreatic
 Liver and Gall bladder- Functional anatomy of liver and gall bladder, Function of
Liver and gall bladder, Formation, storage and emptying of bile, Composition,
function and regulation of release of bile, Entero-hepatic circulation, Tests for liver
 Small intestine- Functional anatomy of small intestine, function of small intestine,
Composition, function and mechanism of secretions of succus entericus
 Large intestine- Functional anatomy of large intestine, function of large intestine
 Gastro-intestinal hormone- Release and function
 Gastro-intestinal movement- Mastication, deglutination, vomiting, movement of
stomach, filling & emptying of stomach, movement of small intestine, movement of
large intestine, defecation, regulation of movement
 Digestion and absorption of carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, minerals
and water


 General introduction organs of excretion with special emphasis on evolution of

excretory mechanisms
 Renal system- Functional anatomy of renal gland and renal circulation
 Nephron- Mechanism of urine formation, glomerular filtration, tubular function,
Concentration and acidification of urine, Composition of normal urine, and
abnormal constituents of urine, Renal function tests
 Non-excretory functions of kidney- Physiology of micturition and its
 Skin-Structure and functions



 Introduction- Evolutionary back-ground and organization of endocrine control
 Hormones- Classification of hormones and mechanism of hormonal action,
Regulation of hormone secretion and feed-back system
 Hypothalamo- hypophyseal system – Hormones released
 Endocrine glands
 Pituitary gland- Functional anatomy of anterior and posterior pituitary glands,
sources, chemical nature, actions, regulation and applied aspect of anterior and
posterior pituitary hormones
 Thyroid gland- Functional anatomy, hormones applied aspects
 Adrenal gland- Functional anatomy of adrenal cortex and medulla, applied
physiology of adrenal cortex and medulla
 Islets of Langerhans- Functional anatomy, hormones and applied aspects
 Other hormone- Prostaglandins, Thromboxane, acetylcholine, serotonin,
bradykinin, leptin, prostacyclin, leukotrienes, arterial natriuretic peptide, brain natri
uretic peptide, melatonin


 Physiology of reproduction- Introduction to the physiology of reproduction, sex
determination, sex differentiation, and chromosomal study
 Male reproductive system- Development and structure of testis, function of testis,
gonadotrophins, gonadal hormones, composition of semen and structure of human
sperm, spermatogenesis
 Female reproductive system- Functional anatomy of female reproductive system,
functional anatomy & functions of ovary, gonadotrophins & ovarian hormones,
physiology of menstrual cycle, oogenesis, physiology of ovulation & pregnancy,
physiology of placenta, physiology of gestation, physiology of parturition,
physiological basis of tests for ovulation and pregnancy and physiology of lactation


 Neuron- Morphology, classification, function, nerve fibers, properties of nerve
fibers and measure of excitability, degeneration and regeneration of nerve fibers
 Muscles- Introduction, classifications
 Skeletal muscle- Structure, properties, functions, excitation, contraction coupling,
neuromuscular junction
 Smooth muscle- Structure, types, properties, functions
 Cardiac muscles- Structure, properties, functions

 Myasthenia gravis, starling’s law and its application


 Structural and functional organization of central nervous system

 Neuroglia
 Sensory physiology- Classification and general properties of receptors
 Synapse- Types of synapses and their structure, function and properties of synapse,
classification and actions of neuro-transmitter
 Reflexes- Reflex and general properties of reflexes (with examples), classification
of reflexes, reciprocal inhibition reciprocal enervation
 Spinal cord- functional anatomy of spinal cord
 Ascending tracts- Origin, course, termination and functions
 Pain- Physiology of pain, different pathways of pain sensation, physiology of
referred pain, gate control theory, analgesia system,
 Descending tracts- Origin, course, termination and functions
 Extrapyramidal tracts- Origin, course, termination and functions
 Upper and lower motor neurons lesions, brown sequard syndrome and
 Functional anatomy and functions of brain stem
 Thalamus- Functional anatomy, connections and functions, effects of lesions of
 Internal capsule- Situation, division, effect of lesion
 Hypothalamus- Functional anatomy, connections and functions, effects of lesions
of hypothalamus
 Cerebellum- Functional anatomy, connections and functions, effects of lesions and
tests for cerebellar function
 Basal ganglion- Functional anatomy, connections and functions, diseases of basal
ganglion and its clinical evaluation
 Cerebral cortex- Functional anatomy, functional area, its function on frontal lobe,
parietal lobe, temporal lobe, occipital lobe, methods of study of cortical connections
and functions
 Limbic system- Functional anatomy, connections and functions
 Reticular formation- Functional anatomy, connections and functions, ECG,
physiology of sleep and wakefulness
 Vestibular apparatus- Functions anatomy, connections and functions, effects of
lesions and their assessment, physiology of maintenance and regulation of muscle
tone, posture and equilibrium, decerebrated rigidity and righting reflexes
 Higher functions- learning speech, memory, behavior and emotions.

 Cerebro-spinal fluid- Formation, circulation, functions of CSF, properties and

composition of CSF, methods of collection and clinical significance of CSF, Blood-
brain barrier
 Autonomic nervous system- Sympathetic nervous system and Parasympathetic
nervous system


 Smell- Structure of olfactory receptors, physiology of olfaction and olfactory
discrimination, olfactory pathway, defects of olfaction
 Taste- Structure of taste receptors, primary taste sensation, taste pathway and
applied aspects
 Vision- Functional anatomy of eye, structure of visual receptors, visual pathway,
effects of lesion in visual pathway, pupillary reflexes, color vision, color blindness,
tests of color blindness, errors of refraction & its correction, physiology of aqueous
humor, dark & light adaptation, lacrimal glands, formation & circulation of tears,
neural, chemical, electrical basis of visual process
 Hearing- Functional anatomy and function of external, middle and internal ear,
impedance matching & tympanic reflexes, auditory pathway & auditory cortex,
mechanism of hearing, frequency analysis, sound localization, defects in hearing,
audiometry, other tests for hearing defects

 Preparation and examination of peripheral blood smear and determination of
different leukocyte count
 Determination of total red blood cells count
 Determination of total leukocyte count
 Determination of platelet count
 Determination of osmotic fragility of erythrocytes
 Determination of erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), packed cell volume(PCV)
 Determination of hemoglobin concentration in blood
 Determination of ABO and Rh blood groups
 Determination of bleeding time clotting time
 Recording of blood pressure in human being
 Determination of the effect of posture on blood pressure
 Determination of the effect of exercise on blood pressure
 Clinical examination of human cardiovascular system



 Spirometry (Demonstrational)
 Clinical examination of human respiratory system
 Stethoscopy and its physiological variation


 Examination of motor and sensory nerve
 Examination of cranial nerve


 Determination of visual acuity
 Clinical assessment of color vision
 Perimetry: mapping of visual field

 Essentials of medical physiology- K sembulingam
 Textbook of medical physiology- AC Guyton & Hall
 Review of medical physiology- WF Ganongs
 Understanding of medical physiology- RL Bijlani


 Biomolecules & Biochemical perspective of a cell
 Cell structure, subcellular organelles, cell membrane
 Transport mechanism

 Chemistry of carbohydrates- Definition, classification and biological importance
of carbohydrates, Monosaccharides, Disaccharides and polysaccharides
 Monosaccharides- Classification, isomerism, properties of mon saccharides,
modified monosaccharides
 Chemistry of Lipids- Definition, classification and biological importance of lipids,
 Simple lipids- Composition of triacyl glycerol & waxes
 Compound lipid- composition & function of phospholipids, glycolipids, lipoproteins
 Derived lipids- fatty acids- classifications, properties of fatty acids, steroids and
 Micelle and liposomes
 Chemistry of Proteins- Definition, classification and properties of proteins,
structural organization of proteins, Biological significance of proteins, Plasma
proteins their functions & clinical significance
 Chemistry of Amino acids- Definition, classification and properties of amino acids,
Biological significance of amino acids.
 Enzymes- - Definition, classification, kinetics, mechanism of enzymatic catalysis,
factors influencing enzymatic catalysis, enzyme activator & inhibitor, Regulation of
enzyme activity, Iso-enzymes & clinical enzymology.
 Vitamins- - Definition, classification of vitamins, brief account of chemistry,
source, RDA, biological functions, deficiency diseases, vitamin antagonists and
Hypervitaminosis of each vitamin.
 Minerals- Classification of vitamins, brief account of chemistry, source, RDA,
biological functions, deficiency diseases of each mineral.

 Digestion and absorption- digestion and absorption of carbohydrates, lipids and
 Carbohydrate metabolism-
 Major metabolic pathway like glycolysis, pyruvate oxidation, citric acid cycle,
gluconeogenesis, HMP shunt pathway, glycogen metabolism
 Minor metabolic pathway- metabolism of fructose and galactose

 Regulation of blood sugar, glucose tolerance test, diabetes mellitus &other disorders
of carbohydrate metabolism
 Biological metabolism- redox potential, high energy compounds, oxidative
phosphorylation, electron transport chain
 Lipid metabolism- Biosynthesis and degradation of fatty acids, metabolism of
 Ketone bodies- Synthesis, utilizations, and condition leading to ketoacidosis
 Chemistry and metabolism of lipoproteins, hyper lipoproteinemias, prostaglandins
 Fatty liver, obesity & other lipid storage disease
 Protein metabolism- overview of protein metabolism, nitrogen balance, formation
and disposal of ammonia, general metabolism of amino acids, inborn errors of amino
acid metabolism
 Molecular biology
 Chemistry of nucleic acids- Definition, classification, composition of nucleic acids,
structure and function of DNA- types, structure and function of RNA
 Metabolism of nucleic acids- Synthesis and breakdown of purines, synthesis and
break down of pyrimidines
 DNA- Replication of DNA, Inhibitors of DNA replication, DNA transcription, Post
transcriptional processing, genetic code,
 Protein synthesis, inhibitors of protein synthesis, post translational processing
 Integration of metabolism- metabolic effect of insulin & glucagon, the feed/fast
cysle, biochemistry of starvation,
 Biochemistry of blood- Porphyrins, synthesis, and degradation of heme, structure
& function of hemoglobin, abnormal hemoglobin & hemoglobinopathies, plasma
proteins, immunoglobulins, blood pH & its regulation, role of kidney and lung in
maintaining pH of blood, acidosis & alkalosis
 Energy metabolism and nutrition- Calorific value of food, basal metabolic rate
and its importance, specific dynamic action, energy requirements for physical
activity, balanced diet (role of carbohydrates, lipids and proteins), nutritive value of
proteins, protein energy mal nutrition (PEM)
 Clinical biochemistry- Tools of biochemistry, liver function tests, renal function
 Environmental biochemistry- Environmental pollutants, xenobiotics, interaction
with biomolecules, effects and metabolism, Biochemical characteristics of cancer &


UNIT I Qualitative experiments

 General reactions carbohydrates-
 Reactions of monosaccharides - Glucose and fructose
 Reactions of disaccharides - Lactose, Maltose and Sucrose
 Reactions of polysaccharides - Starch and dextrin.
 Reactions of Proteins - Albumin, casein, gelatin. Color reaction of proteins,
precipitation & coagulation reaction of proteins.
 Reactions of Non Protein Nitrogen (NPN) - Urea, Uric acid and creatinine.
 Analysis of Urine- Analysis of normal urine, Analysis of abnormal urine.

UNIT:II Quantitative experiments

 Blood sugar estimation by glucose oxidase method

UNIT:III Demonstrative experiments

 Colorimetry and colorimeter- Estimation and concentration of serum cholesterol,
Estimation and concentration of serum urea, Estimation and concentration of serum
uric acid, Estimation and concentration of serum triglycerides, Estimation and
concentration of serum calcium
 Paper chromatography, electrophoresis, glucose tolerance test (GTT)


 Text book of Biochemistry- U Satyanarayana, U Chakrapani

 Text book of Biochemistry- DM Vasudevan, Sreekumari S
 Essentials of Biochemistry- Pankaj Naik
 Text book of Biochemistry- West & Todd
 Harper’s illustrated Biochemistry- Robert K Murray
 Principles of Biochemistry- Ed. Lehinger, Nelson, Cox
 Laboratory manual of Biochemistry- Pattabhirama & Acharya

4 Philosophy of Nature Cure I

 The medical profession and the medical evolution- an introduction
 Concept of health and diseases through the ages
 The human body- The evolution of the human body, Philosophy of the body , mind
, soul , life , spirit and spiritual body with the references to various cultures,
philosophies, vedas and modern views
 Composition of the human body, according to Ayurveda, Naturopathy, Yoga,
Modern Medicine & Homeopathy
 An introduction to Nature Cure or Naturopathy- definition, concepts &theories of
various pioneers in the field
 History of naturopathy and philosophy of Naturopaths- chronological highlights
of naturopathy
 Philosophy of Indian Naturopaths- Vegiaraju Krishnamaraju, Vinoba Bhave,
Mahatma Gandhi, Dr. S. J. Singh, Dr. J. M. Jussawala, Dr. B Venkata rao, Dr. Vittal
Das Modi, Dr. Kularanjan mukharjee, Dr. Bhojraj Chhabaria,Sant Hiridram shibji,
Dr. Laxmi Narayan cahudhary, Dr. Hira Lal, Dr. K Laxman Sharma, dr. Janaki
Sharan Verma, Dr. Ganga Prasad Goud ‘Nahar’, Dr. Sharan Prasad, Dr. Khushiram
Dilkash, Seth Dharamchand Saravagi , Sukhbir Singh ‘Ravat’, Krishna Swaroop
‘Shrotriya’, Sohanlal Nishkam Karmyogi, Dr.Keki R.Sidhwa, Dr.M.M. Bhamgara,
Jai Narayan Jaiswal, Dr. Moolraj Anand
 Philosophy of Foreign Naturopaths- Aesculapius, Hippocrates, The School Of
Salerno, Paracelsus, Vincent Priessnitz, Sebastian Kneipp, Arnold Rickli, Louis
Kuhne, Adolf Just, John H. Tilden, Sigmund Freud, Henry Lindlahr, Bernarr
Macfadden, Bernard Jenson, Arnold Ehret, Edwin Babbit, Herbert M Shelton, J H
Kello MD, Benedict Lust, John Wesley,
 Fundamentals, principles, concept and theories of naturopathy- Law of nature
according to Henry Lindlahr, Catechism of nature cure according to Henry Lindlahr,
concept of health according to naturopathy, Concept of disease according to
naturopathy, the ten basic principles of naturopathy
 Principles of Natural medicine in west- The healing power of nature (Vis Medicatrix
Naturae), Identify & gtreat the cause (Tolle Causam), First do not harm (Primum
non Nocere), Doctors as teacher (Docere), Treat the whole person, Prevention,
Herring’s law of nature

 Concepts of Pachamahabhootas & Naturopathy

 Foreign matter and toxins accumulation in the body and its importance in
elimination through the different ways or channels
 Unity of diseases and unity of cue and way of treatment
 How Nature Cures- The natural healing mechanism
 Arogya Rakshaka Panchatantra and their importance in maintenance of good health,
prevention of diseases and treatment of diseases through life style modifications
 Shareera Dharmas - Ahara, Nidra, Bhaya, Maithuna
 Natural immunity & how to acquire natural immunity indisease
 Inflammation and its different stages – Naturopathy perspective
 Naturopathy- A blend of drugless therapy
 Holistic approach of naturopathy
 Modern perspective of naturopathy- Understanding homeostasis, metabolism of
Xenobiotics, aging, free radicals & antioxidants
 Difference between functional and organic diseases.

 Materia Hygienica- Importance of Physical & Mental Hygiene, Revolution &
Evolution of Hygiene, Hygiene not a cure, hygienic care of the sick, applications of
the hygiene, medicine & the hygiene contrasted, women & hygiene, hygienists,
future of hygiene
 The philosophy of life- The primordial requisites of life (Basic needs of living), the
laws of life, mastery in life, life’s engineering, safeguards of life, how long can we
live (increase the average length of life), are you shortening your life, why live long?
 The philosophy of health- Health standards, health & its conditions, ancient man
was healthier than we are, positive habits, vital economy, divine science of life, nine
doctors at your command, health destroyer (tea, coffee, salt, sugar, tobacco,
smoking, alcohol, non-vegetable, excess fat & oil, negative thinking and attitude),
the secret of health,- storing energy & enzymes, internal symbiosis, your body- do-
it yourself repair shop
 Body’s protective mechanism- Digestion: First Line of Defense against Disease, The
Liver: Second Line of Defense Against Disease, The Endocrine Glands: Third Line
of Defense Against Disease
 Super nutrition from sprouts, food is the magic healer, let food be your medicine-
body as a self-healer, wheat grass juice, the Hippocrate diet, Salt eating, Stimulant
 Preventive medicine- prevention of disease, prevention of epidemics
 Natural ways of care- keeping your body clean (colon, liver, lungs, kidney & skin),
care of the colon, teeth, eyes, ears, hairs, feet & skin, care of glands & emotional
control, care of orifices of the body

 The Philosophy of Disease in Nature Cure- The Essential Nature of Disease, The
Occasions for Disease, The Suppression of Disease, Is Disease Friend or Foe?, The
Rationale of Fever, Disease has Many Faces, You under the Doctor’s Eye, Fallacy
of Diagnosis, Iatrogenic Diseases, Physiological Compensation.
 The Cure Core In Nature Cure- Living Matter Cures Itself, Reform Vs. Cure, The
Delusion of Cure, To Cure The Incurable, Rest Cure
 The Hidden Truth about Drugs- Biodynamics Vs. Pharmacodynamics, Evils of Drug
Medication, Drug Indulgences, Fallacy of Pharmacology, Fallacy of Cure, Drug
cannot Heal You, Suppression Vs. Elimination, Druglessness.
 The Science of Recovery- Convalescence- Gradual Recovery of Vigor, Conditions
of Recovery & Time factor in Recovery, The Tragedy of Irreversibility
 The new Human redumption
 Toxic Acid Crystals Cement your Body.
 Philosophy of Death- Life & Death, Why Death, The Biological Way, How to
Prolong Life & Postpone death, The Causes of Death, The Signs Of Old Age,
Phenomena of Death, The Fear of Death

Philosophy of Nature Cure II

 Properties of Water, Mud, Air and Sunlight.
 Health is positive and disease is Negative.
 Basic concepts in Nutrition and balanced diet.
 Role of diet in nature cure and yoga(Satvic, Tamsic, Rajsic)
 Outlines on a) Regular Habits for health b) Rest and Relaxation c) Live Food-
Natural Raw diet d) Fasting e) Exercises

 Introduction and fundamentals to various system of medicine- Modern medicine,
Ayurveda, Homeopathy, Unani, Siddha
 Ayurveda- Introduction, Definition, Swastha Vrittam, Dinacharya, Ratricharya,
Ritucharya, Vegadharanam
 Comparative study of naturopathy with other system of naturopathy
 Introduction of Diagnostic procedures in naturopathy- Spinal analysis, facial
Diagnosis, Iris diagnosis, Chromo diagnosis

 Treatment modalities in nature cure (in brief)-
1) Hydrotherapy- Hip bath, Arm bath, Foot bath, Spinal Bath, Spinal spray, Full
immersion bath, Underwater massage, Deluxe hydro massage, Douches,
Circular jet, Whirl pool bath, enema & colon hydrotherapy
2) Steam bath, Sauna bath, Sunbath, Athapasana (Banana leaf bath)
3) Mud bath, Mud packs, Mud poultice
4) Air therapy, Breathing exercises
5) Fasting therapy
6) Nutrition & dietetics
7) Manipulative therapies, chiropractice, osteopathy, reflexology, aroma therapy
8) Physiotherapy
9) Packs- Abdominal pack, throat pack, chest pack, leg pack, arm pack, kidney
pack, gastro-hepatic pack
10) Chromo and magneto therapy
11) Acupuncture, acupressure

 Natural rejuvenations

 Personal life & prevention of diseases

 Geriatrics & naturopathy
 Theory of toxemia- Toxins and Anti-Toxins, their generation, migration in natural
 Vaccination and incubation- the naturopathic view
 Family planning by natural therapeutics
 Basic essentials of a naturopathy practioners- An introduction to the qualities of a
naturopathy & yogic practioners, Approach to the patients with a naturopathy view,
ethical consideration, understanding the scope and limitations
 Recent advances in naturopathy and yoga- introduction of psychosomatic diseases
& psychoneuroimmunology, introduction to mind body medicine, life style and
psychosocial behavior, introduction to integrative medicine, an introduction to research
and its importance in naturopathy
 Students should be introduced to various treatment procedures used in naturopath.
 Students should have the knowledge of giving various treatments.
 Demonstration of natural diet, satvik diet, way of serving & various special diets
 Practical with records
 Visiting to various naturopathy clinics/ hospitals
 Philososphy of Nature Cure- Henry Lindlahr
 Practice of Nature Cure- Henry Lindlahr
 Practical nature cure- K. Laxman Sharma
 History and Philosophy of Nature Cure- S. J. Singh
 My Nature Cure- M. K. Gandhi
 Natural Health Care A To Z- Belinda Gran
 Introduction of natural Hygiene- Herbert M Shelton
 Complete hand book of Nature cure- H. K. Bhakhru
 Toxemia- J.H. Tilden
 Return to Nature- Adolf Just
 My Nature cure & Practical Naturopathy- S. J. Singh
 Fundamentals of Ayurveda- K. N. Udupa
 Siddha Medicine- Rama Murthy
 Homeopathy Philosophy- Kent
 Panchtantra- Venkata Rao
 Nature cure- J.N. Jussawala

5 Principles of Yoga

 What is Yoga and various definitions of Yoga
 History of Yoga (Relative chronology, Yoga before the time of Patanjali, Indaus
valley civilization)
 Outlines on the branches of Yoga- Raja, Hatha, Jnana, Karma, Bhakti, Mantra,
Kundalini & Laya
 Introduction to Yogasana
Definition of Yogasana, Yogasana & Pranayama, Yogasana & Kundalini, Yogasana
& mind- body connection, Yogasana & Exercises
 Classifications of Yogasana
Beginners group, Intermediate group, advanced group, Dynamic & Static yogasana
 Introduction to Pranayama
Definition, Prana & Life cycle, Breathing & Lifespan, Pranayama & spiritual
Breathe, health & pranayama

 Introduction to Astanga Yoga
Yama, Niyama, Asana, Pranayama, Pratyahara, Dharana, Dhyana, Samadhi
(Concept only- as orientation/introduction)
 Meditative Asana- Padmasana, Siddhasana, Vajrasana, Sukhasana
 Cultural Asana- Halasana, Dhanurasana, Sarvangasana, Paschimotanasana,
 Relaxation Asana- Shavasana, Makrasana, Sitali Dandasana, Sitali Tadasana
 Suryanamaskara
Practical- Asana

A. Standing Postures-
a. Tadasana
b. ArdhakatiChakrasana
c. Padahastasana Ardha
d. Chakrasana
e. KatiChakrasana
f. Trikonsana
g. Vrikshasana
h. Veerbhadrasana
i. Parighasana

B. Supine postures-
a. Shavasana
b. Matsyasana
c. Sarvangasana
d. Halasana
e. Chakrasana
f. Pawanmuktasana
g. Setubandhasana
h. Karnapeedasana
i. Suptakonasana
j. Purvottanasana
k. Vipareetkarani
C. Prone postures-
a. Makrasana
b. Bhujangasana- 1 & 2
c. Ardha shalbhasana
d. Shalbhasana
e. Dhanurasana
D. Sitting Postures
a. Vakrasana
b. Ardhamatsyendrasana
c. Paschimotanasana
d. Ushtrasana
e. Vajrasana & Supta Vajrasana
f. Padmasana & Badha Padmasana
g. Gomukhasana
h. Veerasana
i. Badhakonasana
j. Janushirsana
k. Upavistakonasana
l. Shashankasana
m. Navasana
E. Pranayama-
Bhastrika, Sheetali, Sheetkari, Anuloma Viloma, Ujjayi, Bhramari
F. Kriya
Jala Neti, Sutra neti, Vamana Dhauti

1. Basis and definition of Yoga- Vivekananda Kendra
2. Asana- Swamy Kuvalyananda
3. Asana, pranayama, Bandha, Mudras – Swami Satyananda Saraswati

4. Hatha Yoga Pradeepika- Swami Mooktibodhananda

5. Raja, hatha, jnana, bhakti Yoga- Swami Vivekananda

6 Sanskrit

 Basic knowledge- Knowledge of Devanagari scripts, alphabets, vowels, consonants,

consonant vowel combination, two consonant combination, special conjunct
consonants and their pronunciation associated with their articulation.
 Verb roots, nine forms of three persons and three number, practice all verb roots and
their forms for correct pronunciation, usage of prefixes and how they change the
meaning of the verb root and how to find them in dictionary.
 Noun- masculine, and neuter gender; 8 cases and their possible meanings; 24 forms
of a noun and its declensions; practice of other similar declensions and usage of the
24 forms of a noun. Introduction to write a sentence; syntax, preposition and their
definite requirements of cases; rule how ‘ra/sha’ changes dental ‘n’ to cerebral ‘N’
and its exceptions for this rule; repeat declensions for pronunciation.
 Noun-feminine gender; both ‘a’ ending and ‘I’ ending and practice of similar
declensions. Practice of writing sentences with word mainly in feminine gender;
exercises mainly for the feminine gender illustration; special declensions where
dental ‘n’ changes to cerebral ‘N’; repeat all feminine noun declensions
 Sandhi explanation- three major kind of sandhi, vowel sandhi, visarga sandhi &
consonant sandhi and fifteen exercises
 Parasmaipadi and Atmanepadi forms of verb; verb & ten ganas.
 Verb and ten Lakaras; mastering five Lakara of both Parasmaipadi and Atmanepadi
and doing the pertaining exercises for that
 Pronouns- introduction, deletions, corresponding translation of pronoun into
hindi/English; forming sentences with pronoun.
 Adjectives in Sanskrit
 Sanskrit sahchar- Acharya Radha Mohan Upadhaya & Ghanshyam Pandey
 Adhunik Sanskrit Vyakarana and Rachana- Shyamnand Shastri

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