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AU Networking project

Department of BIS
Executive Hotel Networking Project

Prepared By… ID. No

1. ABEL BELETE 02024213

2. ESRAEL ABATHUN 02024583

Submitted to: WENDAFERAW

Submission Date: JUNE/2011

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1.0 Introduction 4
1.1 Back ground of the company 4
1.3 Statement of the problem 4
1.4 Objective of the study 4
1.3.1 General objective 5
1.3.2 Specific objective 5
1.4 Significance of the study 5
1.5 Scope and Limitation 6
2.0 Methodology of the Study 6
3.0 Review of Related Studies 7
3.1 Definition of networking 7
3.2 Networking Configuration 7
3.3 Networking topology 10
3.4 Network Cabling 13
4.0 Analysis Interpretation 18
4.1 Material used or hardware and software inventory 19
4.2 Building structure 20
4.3 type of network configuration 20
4.4 number of users 20
5.0 New Networking design recommended 20
5.1Decision of bandwidth and class of network 21
5.2 Design issues that must be considered 24
6.0 Conclusion and justification 24

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First and for most we would like to say thanks the almighty God for his charity, kindness,
help and for givens. Next we would like to express our gratitude to our adviser Mr.
WENDAFERAW for his guidance for the successful accomplishment of the paper. We also like
to extend our deep heart appreciation to our family and our friends for their support in terms of
idea and money. Our special thanks to ADAMA UNIVESITY Library for letting us to take
different reference books.
Finally, we would like to appreciate all who helped as in various ways including the
manager of EXECUTIVE HOTEL Mr. KETEMA and Server Administrator of the hotel MR.
YENEBEB MEZGEBU for their cooperation in undertaking this paper.

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1. Introduction
In our country there are a lot of hotels for giving service and fulfill the customers need,
hall reservation and bed room reservation system are the most need for the people. As we
observe most hotels are interested on having smooth service, easy, time saving, working styles.

1.1 Background
We obvious Ethiopia have different culture, religion, celebrations and natural resource.
By this and different reasons many tourists, local peoples and diasporas came and visit the
country. Instead of this tourists are went to stay temporarily they need stay on clearly and safely
place which is hotels to achieve their need. So that one of the hotels which is found in the
Eastern part of Ethiopia in Oromia region Adama city the hotel name is Executive hotel.

Executive Hotel was established in May 1st 2009.During that time the hotel gives many
service to the customers. As we try to mention some of the service are bedroom service. It
includes bathrooms, breakfast, free internet, telephone and TV depending on the interests of the
customers. When customers need halls they can get service by renting for the purpose of there
need like meeting conference, arranging wedding ceremony, birthday party. Also these places
are expressive part of the hotel. The hotel includes free transport; service and restaurant. Unless
the hotel try to improve the problem or impact from time to time. In the early years of
foundations most of the services were not modernized. But after few years the hotels rebuild its
services regarding or depending on the interests of the customers. For the future owners are
designed to rebuild their service in modernized or completed to compute with other Hotel.

The accommodation is 80 bed rooms and The Hotel conference halls are well furnished
and equipped with conference facilities, sound system, LCD project, flipchart fixed and internet

1.2 statement of the problem

In the existing system the network configuration to the system is more complexes and it
is not fully implemented in the building for customers and employee. Which means every
customer will have a limited internet and communication with server in order to meet his
satisfaction. There is no wireless access in the hotel to help the customer to choose his/her needs
in faster ways. As we all know and practically as we have seen it, it is big in size. It is obvious
that it need high level of security. As we have understood from the manager, they are willing to
invest to secure there networking system. Because it is sensitive that many hackers and robbers
are would like to attack it because of many transactions are made by online in the hotel.

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1.3 Objective of the project

1.3.1General objective

The term networking deals with in the way computers are linked together to share data and
peripherals, such as hard disks and printers. The ability to share information efficiently is what
gives computer networking its power and its appeal.

1.3.2 Specific objective

Creating network in a given organization could give the following advantages

 Cost Effective
 Convenient
 Reliable
 Efficient
 Improves Productivity
 Systematic Backup
 Centralized Information
 Improved Security

1.4 significance of the study

After the completion of this project the organization will have faster and user
friendly networking environment. This leads the organization to have many customers
due to the new networking configuration. The employee of the organization will be
encouraging cause of minimizing load and faster internet. The organization will be
profitable by the configuration of topology and it will attract more customers.
The users of this network are:-
 Customer s of Executive hotel
 Employees of Executive hotel like
 Manager
 Receptions
 finance

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1.5 scope and Limitation

The entire activity of the research work has got some sort of limitations. To mention some of
them, the fact that some concerned individuals were not available to held interviews and provide
information at the time of demand because of being busy of their routine task as well as repeated
meetings. Hesitation to give all the needed information’s Farness of the location of the company had
negative influence to make frequent visit to the company as the required level. Duet to time constraints
was also among the limitations.
Furthermore, the research work does not include all sections/departments of the organization.
The scope of research work has been limited to few sections of the firm which have direct relations with
the inventory area. The study has also been limited in investigation the internal control of inventory only
on a particular enterprise.

2 Methodologies
The research has been done under different research methodology. The methodology have enabled
meet the desired objectives of the study. Through these metrologies, the entire activity of the research
work has been carried out and good results have been obtained. The results obtained are used to provide
relevant comments and suggestions for the research findings. One of the methods applied to make this
research is, survey research method. Through this method, the stores, the production sections as well as
the entire compound of the company have been visited. This direct observation helped to get various
information’s to make the research activity complete as much as possible. Secondary systematic gathering
of data has been done by applying personal contact with concerned individuals in the firm. Interviews
have been conducted. Questionnaires have also been disseminated which focused on the objective of the
Moreover, information from some publications have been gathered, samples of various notes used by
the organization have been collected and finally, some secondary information sources has been used to
crosscheck the reliability of the already gathered information and enriching the research work.

We are, in large part, collections of our experiences and the information given to us. When
we want to expand our knowledge, we broaden our experience and gather more information.

For the completion of this project we use several methods

 For requirement collection we use interview and observation

 We have passed through many reference books.

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3.1 Definition of Networking

A computer network is a collection of computers and other devices that communicate to

share data, hardware, and software. The key word in the definition is "share." Sharing is the
purpose of computer networking. The ability to share information efficiently is what gives
computer networking its power and its appeal.

3.2 Network Configuration

When we define a network in these terms, we are taking into account the size and geographic area
of the network. How the computers in the network are configured and how they share information
determine whether the network is peer-to-peer or server based—another important network classification.

In general, all networks have certain components, functions, and features in common, these

 Servers—Computers that provide shared resources to network users.

 Clients—Computers that access shared network resources provided by a server.
 Media—the wires that make the physical connections.
 Shared data—Files provided to clients by servers across the network.
 Shared printers and other peripherals—Additional resources provided by servers.
 Resources—any service or device, such as files, printers, or other items, made available
for use by members of the network.

Networks are divided into two broad categories:-

 Peer-to-peer networks
 Server-based networks

The distinction between peer-to-peer and server-based networks is important because each type
has different capabilities. The type of network you choose to implement will depend on factors
such as the:

 Size of the organization.

 Level of security required.
 Type of business.
 Level of administrative support available.
 Amount of network traffic.
 Needs of the network users.
 Network budget.

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Peer-to-Peer Networks

In a peer-to-peer network, there are no dedicated servers, and there is no hierarchy among
the computers. All the computers are equal and therefore are known as peers. Each computer
functions as both a client and a server, and there is no administrator responsible for the entire
network. The user at each computer determines what data on that computer is shared on the

Peer-to-peer network computers act as both clients and servers


Peer-to-peer networks are also called workgroups. The term "workgroup" implies a small group
of people. There are typically 10 or fewer computers in a peer-to-peer network.


Peer-to-peer networks are relatively simple. Because each computer functions as a client and a
server, there is no need for a powerful central server or for the other components required for a
high-capacity network. Peer-to-peer networks can be less expensive than server-based networks.

Operating Systems

In a peer-to-peer network, the networking software does not require the same standard of
performance and level of security as the networking software designed for dedicated servers.

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Dedicated servers function only as servers and not as clients or workstations. They are discussed
in more detail later in this lesson.

Peer-to-peer networking is built into many operating systems. In those cases,

no additional software is required to set up a peer-to-peer network.

Server-Based Networks

In an environment with more than 10 users, a peer-to-peer network—with computers

acting as both servers and clients—will probably not be adequate. Therefore, most networks
have dedicated servers. A dedicated server is one that functions only as a server and is not used
as a client or workstation. Servers are described as "dedicated" because they are not themselves
clients, and because they are optimized to service requests from network clients quickly and to
ensure the security of files and directories.

Server-based network

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The table shows Comparison of Network Types

Consideration Peer-to-Peer Network Server-Based Network

Size Good for 10 or fewer Limited only by server and
computers network hardware
Security Security established by the Extensive and consistent
user of each computer resource and user security
Administration Individual users responsible Centrally located for network
for their own administration; control; requires at least one
no full-time administrator knowledgeable administrator

3.3 Network Topology

The term topology, or more specifically, network topology, refers to the arrangement or
physical layout of computers, cables, and other components on the network. "Topology" is the
standard term that most network professionals use when they refer to the network's basic design.
In addition to the term "topology," you will find several other terms that are used to define a
network's design:

 Physical layout
 Design
 Diagram
 Map

Standard Topologies

All network designs stem from four basic topologies:

 Bus
 Star
 Ring
 Mesh


The bus topology is often referred to as a "linear bus" because the computers are connected in a
straight line. This is the simplest and most common method of networking computers.

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Bus topology network


In the star topology, cable segments from each computer are connected to a centralized
component called a hub. The figure shows four computers and a hub connected in a star
topology. Signals are transmitted from the sending computer through the hub to all computers on
the network. This topology originated in the early days of computing when computers were
connected to a centralized mainframe computer.

Simple star network

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The ring topology connects computers on a single circle of cable. Unlike the bus topology, there
are no terminated ends. The signals travel around the loop in one direction and pass through each
computer, which can act as a repeater to boost the signal and send it on to the next computer.

Simple ring network showing logical ring


A mesh topology network offers superior redundancy and reliability. In a mesh topology, each
computer is connected to every other computer by separate cabling. This configuration provides
redundant paths throughout the network so that if one cable fails, another will take over the
traffic. While ease of troubleshooting and increased reliability is definite pluses, these networks
are expensive to install because they use a lot of cabling. Often, a mesh topology will be used
in conjunction with other topologies to form a hybrid topology.

Mesh topology, all computers are connected to each other by separate cables

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The table shows Topology Advantages and Disadvantages

Topology Advantages Disadvantages

Bus Use of cable is economical. Network can slow down in heavy

Media is inexpensive and easy to work with. Problems are difficult to isolate.

System is simple and reliable.

Cable break can affect many
Bus is easy to extend. users.
Ring System provides equal access for all Failure of one computer can
computers. impact the rest of the network.

Performance is even despite many users. Problems are hard to isolate.

Network reconfiguration disrupts

Star Modifying system and adding new If the centralized point fails, the
computers is easy. network fails.

Centralized monitoring and management are


Failure of one computer does not affect the

rest of the network.
Mesh System provides increased redundancy and System is expensive to install
reliability as well as ease of troubleshooting. because it uses a lot of cabling.

3.4 Network Cabling

Building on our understanding of the different network topologies that connect computers, we
focus next on the cables that connect them. In this lesson, we examine the construction, features,
and operation of each type of cable, and the advantages and disadvantages of each.

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Cable types can be confusing. Belden, a leading cable manufacturer, publishes a catalog
that lists more than 2200 types of cabling. Fortunately, only three major groups of cabling
connect the majority of networks:

 Coaxial cable
 Twisted-pair (unshielded and shielded) cable
 Fiber-optic cable

Coaxial Cable

Coaxial cable consists of a core of copper wire surrounded by insulation, a braided metal
shielding, and an outer cover. The term shielding refers to the woven or stranded metal mesh (or
other material) that surrounds some types of cabling. Shielding protects transmitted data by
absorbing stray electronic signals, called noise, so that they do not get onto the cable and distort
the data. Cable that contains one layer of foil insulation and one layer of braided metal shielding
is referred to as dual shielded. For environments that are subject to higher interference, quad
shielding is available. Quad shielding consists of two layers of foil insulation and two layers of
braided metal shielding.

Types of Coaxial Cable

There are two types of coaxial cable:

 Thin (thin net) cable: - Thin net cable is a flexible coaxial cable about 0.64 centimeters (0.25
inches) thick. Because this type of coaxial cable is flexible and easy to work with, it can be used
in almost any type of network installation.

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 Thick (thick net) cable: - Thick net cable is a relatively rigid coaxial cable about 1.27
centimeters (0.5 inches) in diameter. Figure 2.5 shows the difference between thin net and thick
net cable. Thick net cable is sometimes referred to as Standard Ethernet because it was the first
type of cable used with the popular network architecture Ethernet. Thick net cable's copper core
is thicker than a thin net cable core.

Twisted-Pair Cable

In its simplest form, twisted-pair cable consists of two insulated strands of copper wire twisted
around each other. Figure 2.12 shows the two types of twisted-pair cable: unshielded twisted-
pair (UTP) and shielded twisted-pair (STP) cable.

Unshielded twisted-pair and shielded twisted-pair cables

Unshielded Twisted-Pair (UTP) Cable

UTP, using the 10BaseT specification, is the most popular type of twisted-pair cable and is fast
becoming the most popular LAN cabling. The maximum cable length segment is 100 meters,
about 328 feet.

Fiber-Optic Cable

In fiber-optic cable, optical fibers carry digital data signals in the form of modulated
pulses of light. This is a relatively safe way to send data because, unlike copper-based cables that
carry data in the form of electronic signals, no electrical impulses are carried over the fiber-optic
cable. This means that fiber optic cable cannot be tapped, and its data cannot be stolen.

Fiber-optic cable is good for very high-speed, high-capacity data transmission because of
the purity of the signal and lack of signal attenuation.

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Baseband Transmission

Baseband systems use digital signaling over a single channel. Signals flow in the form of
discrete pulses of electricity or light. Figure 2.19 shows a baseband transmission with a
bidirectional digital wave. With baseband transmission, the entire communication channel
capacity is used to transmit a single data signal. The digital signal uses the complete bandwidth
of the cable, which constitutes a single channel. The term bandwidth refers to the data transfer
capacity, or speed of transmission, of a digital communications system as measured in bits per
second (bps).

Broadband Transmission

Broadband systems, use analog signaling and a range of frequencies. With analog
transmission, the signals are continuous and no discrete. Signals flow across the physical
medium in the form of electromagnetic or optical waves. With broadband transmission, signal
flow is unidirectional.

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This Table shows Cable types

Characteristics Thinnet coaxial Thicknet coaxial Twisted-pair Fiber-optic

(10Base2) Cable (10Base5) Cable (10BaseT) Cable Cable
Cable cost More than UTP More than thinnet UTP: Least More than thinnet,
expensive but less than
STP: More than thicknet
Usable cable 185 meters (about 500 meters (about UTP and STP: 2 kilometers
length 607 feet) 1640 feet) 100 meters (about (6562 feet)
328 feet)
Transmission 4-100 Mbps 4-100 Mbps UTP: 4-100 100 Mbps or more
rates Mbps ( > 1Gbps)
STP: 16-500
Flexibility Fairly flexible Less flexible than UTP: Most Less flexible than
thinnet flexible thicknet
STP: Less
flexible than UTP
Ease of Easy to install Moderately easy UTP: Very easy; Difficult to install
installation to install often preinstalled
STP: Moderately
Susceptibility to Good resistance to Good resistance to UTP: Very Not susceptible to
interference interference interference susceptible interference
STP: Good
Special features Electronic support Electronic support UTP: Same as Supports voice,
components are components are telephone wire; data, and video
less expensive less expensive often preinstalled
than twisted-pair than twisted-pair in buildings
cable cable STP: Supports
transmission rates
than UTP
Preferred uses Medium to large Linking thinnet UTP: smaller Any size
sites with high networks sites on budget. installation
security needs STP: Token Ring requiring speed
in any size and high data
security and

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4. Analysis
In the hotel it has internet café, conference hell, bedroom other work station for example
administration, finance, reception and other department. This hotel are connected all the entire
topology by hybrid topology it is star and bus topology this give the hotel to connect all the
workstation this rooms are connected by many hub/switch to connect with the server, they are
configured through client/server configurations that the clients network recourses and server as
to provide network recourse that controlled and ensuring security across the network for the
internet access all of the above work stations uses gateway router from ETC the speed is 2GB.

The existing system used by hotel is sever base system when we say server based we
mean the majority of networks use at least one server. A server is a specially designated
computer, sometimes of a higher specification, that acts as the controlling machine for the
network. Also the hotel uses broadband transmission this transmission allows the hotel faster
communications among all the uses. The hotel uses cross over cabling system. The cable used by
the hotel is UTP Unshielded Twisted-Pair cable by RJ45 connector.

Advantages of a Server-Based Network:

 More scalable than peer-to-peer networks

 There is a central management point for sharing resources
 More easily administered due to the central management point

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 More secure than peer-to-peer networks Data can be backed up from one central
 High Performance
 Reduces the costs associated with the day-to-day operation of the network

A server connect to
 Cisco catalyst 10/100/1000Base-T 26 port switch
 A router of Cisco uBR 900 series
 48 port pitch panel

4.1 materials used or hardware and software inventory

Computer Vender(brand Processor OS load NIC RAM Hard Quantity

name) version speed capacity disk
Computer Desktop 2.2 Windows 128mb/s 512Mb 40Gb 15
DELL xp2006
2.4 Windows 128mb/s 1Gb 80Gb 40
Laptop Core i3 Windows 128mb/s 3Gb 320Gb 5
Toshiba 7
Server DELL Pentium III Windows 128mb/s 4Gb 500Gb 1
Xeon server
Switch/ 128mb/s 8
Router Cisco uBR Cisco IOS® 128mb/s 1
900 series Software
Printer hp 128mb/s 128Mb 10

fax hp 128mb/s 4
Patch panel 128mb/s 2

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4.2 Building structure

Adama executive hotel is eight story building which are divided into main sectaries they
are reception, lounge bar, restaurant, business center, conference hell, bad rooms, gems and
parking area. The bed room stretcher is like this

4.3 Type of network configuration

In Adama executive hotel the network configuration is configured through client/server

configurations that the clients network recourses and server as to provide network recourse that
controlled and ensuring security across the network. Because of the Size of the organization,
Level of security required Type of business and Amount of network traffic it is more favorable
(approval) for the hotel. Needs of the network users

4.4 Number of users

In this hotel we have 96 network available nodes from these nodes 16 nodes for
administrator office, 20 nodes for internet café, 10 nodes for conference hell and 50 nodes for
bed rooms. In general all users communicate by using the server by LAN.

5. New Networking Design recommended

This research work points out that the networking(configurations, topology, cable type)
mechanism which are used by the company are very satisfactory .However there are certain

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networking mechanism which are not given consideration .therefore , the following
recommendations are suggested to make the entire networking activities safer and reliable.

 It would be better if special security measures are taken to keep safe customers
and employees.
 is be batter fully implemented in the building
 It would be better additional server, faster cable for networking. It is good if
additional machinery is bought for implementing better techniques of networking.
 it would be better to have wireless internet access in the hotel

In this organization the configuration in this time is good but there are some problems
depend on the building stretcher there should be a consideration on the availability of network in
the hotel the network is not available where ever u are in the building there is a lack of services
in the internet services but they should consider wireless media in the building it is more
available than cabling all the building.
The performance of the network is good but if the hotel bay new additional server it is good
for security because there are many customer and employee in the hotel. for that matter if we
separate the lode of one server and installed additional server to our network it is more faster
more secure our network in the hotel.
5.1 Decision on bandwidth and classes of the network

Bandwidth is the transmission capacity of a communications channel. The bandwidth of

analog signal is measured in Hertz. The bandwidth of digital signals is usually measured in bits
per second (BPS).


1. It divides the available bandwidth into multiple channels.

2. Since there are many channels available for transmission, more than one device
can transmit at a time; therefore, simultaneous transmissions can occur without
3. Broadband transmission can transfer large quantities of information at a time.
4. It is not limited to handling only digital transmission but also can support analog
traffic, making it capable of handling traditional voice and video signals
simultaneously with data.
The hotel use this broadband transmission by the speed of 2GB it is faster than it never
be for so this gives for the hotel more attractions to customers and employees.

Class of the network 

 IP addressing supports five different address classes: A, B, C, D, and E.
 Only classes A, B, and C are available for commercial use.
 Class D & E IP addresses are used for experimental purposes and are not assigned to
 Each of the address Classes has a different subnet mask.

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The hotel use class c IP address in this hotel there is many computers but all of them are not
connected to server but the connected one’s are used by this class of network standard the nodes
which are available to service is 96 node when we divide by their building structure
For eg:-
1. administration building support 16 hosts
2. the internet café support 20 hosts
3. the conference hell support 10 hosts
4. the Bed room support 50 hosts
1. The hotel class c network of
 Total number of subnet
0 0000000 because 4 network we take 2 bite from the host

1 1000000:- 22 =4subnet
26 =64host
 subnet mask :-
 IP address of subnet
o administrator 63
o internet café 127
o conference hell 190
o bed room 255
Because of many wastage of IP address we use VARIABLE LENGTH SUBNET MASKS
Subnet has the same number of available host addresses. We may need this in some
Cases, but, in most cases, having the same subnet mask for all subnets ends up wasting address
space. Variable Length Subnet Masks (VLSM) allows you to use different masks for each
subnet, thereby using address space efficiently. As follows:-

Subnet mask
 administrator 11111000 25 = 32hosts
 internet café 11111000 25 = 32hosts
 conference hell 11110000 24 = 16hosts
 bed room 11111100 26 =64hosts

IP address
o administrator 31
o internet café 63
o conference hell 79
o bed room 143

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Available IP address
Building of hotel Available IP address available Require Wastage

Administration 31 30 16 14

internet café 62 30 20 10

conference hull 78 14 10 4

bed room 142 62 50 12

NOTE: - The wastage in the above table is not a large wastage of IP address in the hotel
because this IP use for further expansion and for reserved in the hotel to give satisfaction for
customer and employee of hotel that is why it is not a wastage.

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5.2 Design issues that must be considered

In this organizing they should consider many things they should see for example the
availability of the network should be configured that by wireless network and by using different
topology in the hotel the topology should have a hybrid network it should be bus and stare
topology and there should to have more server for eg 2 server is good for the hotel, because of
many users in the building and they all need more faster, secure environment in their network.
Security in this term is more important in this day because when we have a wireless network in
this building we need more expert, software and hardware.

In now days in our country Ethiopian telecommunication (ETC) they are giving a good
internet access in the country they are giving faster speed internet service by this consideration
the hotel should have fast internet access it need 2Gb internet speed because if they have money
customer and also if they have video conference in the hotel it is more use to hotel.

In this hotel all the cable type should be more like this on the bus topology they should
use more like fiber optics because the size of installation requiring speed and high data security and
integrity in this topology and by connecting to switch/hub this give stare topology this topology should
use Thin net coaxial (10Base2) Cable because the cable length is 185 meter, Easy to install for the user
and employee of the hotel.

6. Conclusion and Justification

The following conclusions are drowning from the analysis and interpretation part of paper.
The entire activities which are undergoing by the Executive Hotel to the networking environment
are shown in the above. Classifying the network under different sections will make the
controlling activities easily manageable. Keeping records and documents follow up and physical
check up has given the good quality.
The company uses to have successful networking topology. If frequently takes analysis of in
network. The network section well situated in the way that the topology is integrated could be
easier. The fact that each devise in the network section responsible for the various activates
which they carried out has given the company to have good networking system. On the other
hand, despite the good topology systems, there is little weakness on the network control.

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