Nazism and The Rise of Hitler

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Q.1 Who was Hitler's propaganda minister?

Ans. Goebbels
Q. 2 What was genocidal war?
Ans. It was a war which resulted in the mass murder of selected groups of innocent civilians of Europe.
Q. 3 who were called November criminals?
Ans. Socialist, Catholics and Democrats who supported the Weimar Republic were mockingly known as the November
Q. 4 What does hyperinflation mean?
Ans. Hyper inflation is a situation when prices rise phenomenally very high making all essential goods out of the reach of
common people.
Q. 5 What was Enabling Act?
Ans This act established dictator ship in Germany. It gave Hitler all the powers to sideline Parliament and Rule By decree. All
political parties and trade unions were banned except the Nazi party and its affiliates.
Q. 6 Which famous economist was appointed by Hitler for economic recovery of Germany?
Ans. Hitler appointed Hjalmer Schacht for economic recovery of Germany. He aimed at full production and full employment
through a state funded work creation program.
Q. 7 Write a short note on Hitler's rise to power?
Ans. 1. Hitler was a powerful speaker. His passion and his words moved and inspired people.
2. In 1923 Hitler March to Berlin with his followers to capture power. He failed and was arrested for treason and later
3. During the Great Depression Nazism became a mass movement. During the economic depression the Nazi propaganda
stirred the hopes of a better future
4. By 1932 the Nazi party had become the largest party and Hitler became the chancellor of Germany in 1933.
Q. 8 What promises did Hitler make to the Germans?
Ans. He promised
1. To build Germany strong Nation and undo the injustice done by the Treaty of Versailles.
2. Restore the dignity of the German people.
3. Employment for those looking for work.
4. He promise to protect Germany from all foreign influences and secure his country's future.
Q.9 Explain the features of the new style of politics devised by Hitler.
Ans. 1. Hitler understood the significance of rituals and spectacle in mass mobilisation.
2. Nazis organised massive rallies and public meetings to demonstrate the support for Hitler and to instil a sense of Unity
among the people.
2. The red banner with the Swastik, the Nazi salute and the ritualised round of applause after the speeches were all part of
this spectacle of power.
3. Nazi propaganda skillfully projected Hitler as a messiah, a saviour who had arrived to deliver people from distress.
Q.10 Explain the main features of Hitler's foreign policy?
Ans Some of the important features of Hitler’s foreign policy whoa
1. He pulled out of the League of Nations in 1933.
2. He occupied Rhineland in 1936 and integrated Austria and Germany in 1938 under the slogan one people, one empire
and one leader.
3. He then went on to wrest German speaking Sudentenland from Czechoslovakia and took over the entire country.
4. In all this he had the unspoken support of England which had considered the Treaty of Versailles too harsh.
5. These quick successes at home and abroad seem to reverse the destiny of the German nation under Hitler.
Q.11 Explain the impact of first world war on German politics and Society.
Ans. Following were the effects of the first world war on German politics and Society
1. The Infant Weimar Republic was made to pay for the sins of the old Empire.
2. The Republic was financially crippled and was forced to pay war compensation.
3. Soldiers came to be placed above civilians. Politicians and publicist laid great stress on meant to be more aggressive from
and masculine.
5. The media glorified trench life. Aggressive war propaganda and national honour held an important place in the lives of
Q. 12 What did Hitler do to transform Germany into a racial state?
Ans. 1. Nazis wanted an exclusive racial society of pure and healthy Nordic Aryans.
2. Therefore even those Germans who were seen as impure or physically abnormal had no right to live.
3. Jews were considered undesirable. Many gypsies and blacks were also considered as inferior posing a threat to maintain
the biological purity of the Aryans.
4. Even Russians and poles were considered subhuman and therefore did not deserve any human treatment. They were
forced to work as slave labourers. Many of them died due to hard work and starvation.
Q. 13 Describe the main features of the Nazi schooling system.
Ans. 1. The schools in Nazi Germany purified and cleansed. The Jew teachers and all those who were considered politically
unreliable, removed from the schools.
2. Children were segregated. German and Jews neither could sit together nor play together.
3. Later on undesirable children was thrown out of the schools.
4. School textbooks for rewritten. Racial science was introduced to justify Nazi’s ideas of racial hierarchy.
5. Children were taught to be loyal and submissive to Hitler.
6. Boxing was introduced as Hitler believed that it could make children iron hearted and masculine.
Q. 14 How did Hitler destroy democracy in Germany.?
Ans.1. On 31 January 1933, president Hindenburg offered the chancellorship to Hitler.
2. On 28 February 1933 Hitler passed Fire Decree order after a mysterious fire broke out in German Parliament. This order
suspended all civil rights of the peoplelike the freedom of expression, freedom of association etc were suspended.
3. After this he turned to his arch enemies, the communist who were hurriedly packed off to the newly established
concentration camps.
4. On 3rd March 1933, he passed the Enabling Act that established dictatorship in Germany. It gave Hitler all powers to
sideline Parliament and rule by decree. All political parties and trade unions were banned except the Nazi party and its
5. The state establish complete control over the economy media army and judiciary.
6. Special surveillance and security forces were created to control and order society in ways that the Nazis wanted.
Q.15 State three features of Hitler's geopolitical concept of living space.
Ans. Following were the three features of Hitler's ideology
1. Hitler followed the geopolitical concept Lebensraum. The term Lebensraum means Living Space.
2. He believed that new territories had to be acquired for settlement. This would enhance the area of the mother
3. It would also enhance the material resources and power of the German nation.
Q. 1 6 ‘The Nazi regime used language and media with care and often to great effect.’ Justify the statement.
Ans. 1.Media was used by Nazis to propagate their ideas world over.
2. Nazi ideas for spread through visual images, films, radio, posters, catchy slogans and leaflets.
3. Socialist and liberals were stereotyped as weak and degenerated.
4. Propaganda films were made to create had to wait for the used to stop the most in famous film was ‘The Eternal Jew’.
5. Orthodox Jews were shown with flowing their wearing kaftans where as in reality they look like any other German. Jews
were referred to as vermin, rats and pests.
Q.17 How was the Holocaust practiced in Germany?
Ans. 1. Information of the Nazis atrocities on the Jews had revealed to the World after the defeat of Germany in world war
2. The Jews wanted the world to Remember the atrocities and suffering they had endured during the Nazi killing operations
called the holocaust.
3. Inhabitants had wanted to tell the world about what had happened in Nazi Germany. Many Jews had written diaries,
kept notebooks and created archives.
On the other hand when the war was lost the Nazi leaders tried to burn all the evidence available in the offices. The history
and the memory of the Holocaust lived on the memoirs, fiction, documentaries, poetry and museums in many parts of the
world today.
Q. 18 Describe the problems faced by the Weimar Republic.
Ans. The problems faced by the Weimar Republic were
Treaty of Versailles: After the defeat of Germany in the first world war, a treaty was signed between the Weimar Republic
and the allied powers. It was considered as the Treaty of Humiliation, as Germany lost all its overseas resource and areas to
the allied powers. Germany also had to pay a war compensation of 6 billion Pounds.
Economic crisis: The German state was facing a deep a financial crisis after the war. They fought the war largely by taking
loans. So they had to repay the loans. Also as per the War Guilt Clause of the Treaty of Versailles Germany had to
compensate the loss of the allied powers. During this time the gold reserves were being depleted and the value of German
currency fell sharply.
Political crisis: The Republic was criticized by citizens for the defeat of Germany in the First World War and for the harsh
conditions which prevailed after the war. The provision of proportional representation in the German Parliament made it
difficult for any political party to gain majority and liberal use of Article 48 made the Weimar Republic unpopular and
Germany vulnerable to fall under dictatorship.
Q. 19 Describe the role of women in the Nazi Germany.
Ans. 1. Nazi society was largely a male dominated society. Children in Nazi Germany were repeatedly told that women were
radically different from men.
2. While boys were told to be aggressive masculine and steel hearted, girls were told that they had to become good
mothers and rear pure blooded Aryans.
3. Girls had to maintain the purity of the race, distance themselves from Jews, look after the home and teach their children
Nazi values.
4.Hitler declared that the mothers were the most important citizen in his state. But in Nazi Germany all mothers did not
receive equal treatment. Women who wore racially undesirable children were punished.
5. Mothers who produced racially desirable children were awarded crosses. They were given favoured treatment in
hospitals and were also entitled to concessions in shops, on theatre tickets and railway fares.
6. To encourage women to produce more desirable children honour crosses awarded. A bronze cross was given for four
children, silver for six and gold for eight or more.
7. All those women who deviated from the prescribed code of conduct were publically condemned, and severely

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